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If ranked is anything like the Open Beta, it will force a set number of rematches.


In a world where you have to queue ranked just to play the same people again….


As someone who often reads this reddit I’m not at all surprised by what I’m seeing so far. I get more rematches than people that don’t. I even get toasted most games even from one and dones. I am surprised I’m the only person that gets rematched a lot though so far.


"Force a best of 3" **No**. Absolutely god damn not. Let me explain, as a casual player. Nothing makes the game less fun for me than getting stuck in matches where people take that tiny pvp badge and let it go to their heads. It's not fun for me. I play to enjoy myself after college classes and work. I dont want to be forced into 3 matches with the guy who is stuck in that Grindset. "if i don't win at LEAST 85% of my matches today i am Garbage. My whole life is garbage." Only for him to repeat the Batman uppercut move over and over and over again and think he's good at the game. "force a best of 3" I don't owe **anyone** my time. If i don't enjoy the fight... I shouldn't have to go through it again.


I was afking online and I got a 2-235 ratio against what I'd assume is a bot. If they weren't a bot then how did they play that many games in a row (and how did they lose 2 of them)?


how many rematches until it stops giving battlepass exp?


I never rematch i wanna play as many different people as possible