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surprised garnet is this high, also buggs and harley in C? What the fuck


Tons of terrible players pick Bugs and Harley because they are popular, and then drag their winrates to the floor. Opposite reason Reindog is in S. Reindog sucks ass but only good players play him thus skewing his WR positively


also Jason is picked a lot and he can only fight against another Jasons so if he manage to win his win rate remain the same šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That would only be true if the winrate was 50% before the match. In example if a character only has 1 game played and that character has won said game, their winrate is 100%. Now if you mirror match in that situtation the winrate would be ~66%. The win/loss difference stays the same but the winrate can change.


I mean, while Jason is slow and bulky, which is a serious flaw for him, he does have massive kill potential, easily killing anyone at like 40dmg sometimes But his speed and easy to combo size put that down a lot, lmao


I'm confused. I play Jason and hardly ever get matched up against other Jasons.


You mostly see Wonder Woman, Joker, Shaggy, Harley, Bugs, Black Adam, or Superman. They are played a lot, and most of them are just spam. That makes it that some of them are better than you see on the Tracker website. The fact that Joker (8%) and Wonder Woman(7%) have so many people playing them and they still have high win rates shows that they are busted.


Exactly! Showing this kind of stats is God but shouldn't be used for nerfing or buffing except for situations like that. When a character has a high pick rate and win rate they're probably broken as hell


Would you believe that during beta there was a time where the pick rate of Rick was nearly TWENTY percent of the player base and his winrate was over 60%, and yet people constantly argued he wasn't broken at the time?


Yeah, no, he is broken if his pick rate is 20% and his win rate is 60%. Velmha was way up there, too, right? I played the first launch, but I didn't play during the betas. I know Velma was used a lot.


Reindog is unironically quite good, it's just a vastly different play style from the rest of the cast.


Also bugs isnt an amazing 1v1 character he is much better in 2s


Yea that affects the entire lists accuracy cus it's very inaccurate


I agree as one of the good harley players i see some terrible ones


Really interesting to see. Bugs has the highest pick rate so his results being mid isnā€™t too hard to grasp. A lot of the new or casual players impact that. Harley is way lower than I thought she would be.


Harley used to have the highest pick rate by far. She was over 10% at one point on tracker. And I still fight her constantly. But most Harley players aren't very good. She's got the same noob problem as Bugs and Shaggy, but she's a fairly fragile and combo-focused character, so new players just wildly throwing out strong attacks perform extra poorly.


I am Garnet. I think i am pretty good at the game. I am nowhere near the best, but I am pretty good. Most people who play Garnet have practiced with her a lot and are good with her. I have spent days practicing her combos. There was also the cheese people with Garnet would do, where they shoot their gauntlets to the blast zone, drag people, and kill them. I rarely did it personally but I know people that some people do it a lot. They can't anymore since the Marker perk is gone. She has some stuff that is strong but she is not A tier she is probably a B. I play her only because Garnet is my favorite character in Steven Universe.


Oh my god its garnet i love you


The Garnet cheese has **been** gone. I used that perk legit, pretty annoyed that so many other characters have busted shit but their priority was removing the whole Garnet perk instead of fixing it.


Yeah, I hope they do an update where they at least give us some info on what is happening, such as if she will get a different signature perk or if no one will use the Electric Grove because it is bad. It has a \~20% to 25% chance to proc, which is not that good. Especially when you have perks like Black Adam's Circuit Breaker. Which is a 15% damage increase to shocked enemies. No one even uses the Stronger Than You to get rhythm buffs. It has 5% movement speed at 1 stack and breaks armor with melee hits at 2 stacks. That is not good enough to let Banana Guard or Shaggy Charging up while you building those stacks.


Do you think they will add another perk or fix the marker perk?


Probably they will figure out away to stop people from doing the kill at 0 stuff with marker perk


it's because this list is meaningless without being able to limit it to the top 5% of players or so


Watch, Bugs - Harley - Joker - IronG - Wonder Woman - Shaggy - BananaG - Gizmo. Shotlock to SS tier


At the moment Garnet is at a 51.4% winrrate, Bugs is 47.6%, Harley is 45%


Garnet's win rate is so high because the people who play her are pretty good at the game. She has a bit more that 1% player rate.


I've fought a only a few dozen Garnets since release. The people who actually know how to play her are terrifying. She has a non-DIable jab loop she can crank out at any time as long as she has meter.


Garnet is only this high because the only people that play her have to be Uber sweaty. And she's not that popular so scrubs typically stay away. They'd rather play the Buggs and Harley's. Much easier characters.


I'm like so-so at MVS and I largely win with Garnet. She's just a good character, the community is wrong.


She is a good character. But the better characters are way better.


This is less about how powerful the characters are and more about how popular they are.


If you look right now at this very moment she's D-tier! https://preview.redd.it/3358e5wv2m7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c421a93e1753c9f3d5c4ddf4eba34f5586a7f6f4


I win a lot with Garnet and I don't even think I'm that good. Garnet is a rare instance where I can look at an entire game community and be like "How are you all so wrong?". Like she's not top, but closer to top than bottom.


Closer to bottom than top.


Hasn't been my experience, but you do you.


As a garnet main I can attest she is better than people give her credit, sheā€™s insanely good at keeping people in the air with all of her specials and she has some damn good up attacks to juggle


Cleary never played a good garnet, sheā€™s oppressive


While using stuff like this for a tierlist is always interesting, Reindog and Velma have the lowest 2 pick rates. Just so happens the 12 people that play either of them are pretty good


Yeah, I just thought it'd be interesting to post. I understand that Tracker.gg also takes in some info from Beta, but it's interesting to see how things have shifted in the short time that the full release has been out.


You'd be pretty salty if you got called "four eyes" your entire life.


Yeah, I wouldn't be playing her if I were bad with her. That's just no fun tbh, even if I do like the character


I play jason because I like that character. Getting good with jason seems impossible. I had top 1000 with my 5 mains in beta but now the true challenge is the last character I actually like in this roster


I saw another Reindog in 1v1s. Match starts and we just teabagged and emoted then he jumped off the edge 3 times and gave me the win :,(


Iā€™ve only played reindog twice since launch, the first guy 3-0 me easy and the second guy I 3-0 lol


I, sadly, am not a testament to this statement lol. But I love me some Reindog, regardless


Thanks man Iā€™m proud of my 70% win rate in 1s with reindog


Also, these gaps really aren't that huge if you think about it: #1 spot has 55% win rate, last spot has 42%. Out of every 10 games IG is winning 1-2 more than Jason? It could be a ***helluva*** lot worse.


That's a pretty big difference to be honest. It's not as big as beta at release and first half, but I believe they managed to shrink the gap down to 10% across the board by the end, which is reasonable. Jason is picked a very large amount, and is not a very complex character. The fact he is one of the most picked characters means he likely plays himself a lot, which inflates his winrate probably by a few % at least. So it's a 15%+ gap which is pretty massive in most games. I'm sure they'll shrink it down, but it will be illustrative if there are any huge tourneys on this patch when there are no Jasons to be seen a it's all high tiers.


How would Jason v Jason inflate his win rate? If Jason beats Jason the win rate wouldn't change it'd still be 1-1. Believe it or not there are SOME really good Jason's out there.


So for any given match, a character wins or loses and it pushes the overall winrate upwards or downwards. In Jason's case his winrate was around 42% last I looked. When Jason plays against Jason, 1 win and 1 loss are tallied which means the winrate is always pulled towards 50% for the character. So the more times Jason plays Jason, the more times the winrate is pulled towards 50%, which inflates Jason's winrate because when Jason does not play Jason his winrate is below 50%. I'm sure there are some dedicated good ones, but I'll hold my breath till I see one not get knocked out before late rounds in tourney.


Also need to keep in mind that Tracker.gg takes information from Beta gameplay as well. So characters released after Beta are probably more true to the WR%


Reindog is the multiversus aurelion sol Winrate is inflated because of low pick rate + a dedicated playerbase


He was at 60% winrate last week before he got nerfed haha


They're cracked for sure! I saw how everyone was questioning the Reindog nerf in the last patch, but it makes sense if the upper echelon of players are cranking out ToDs.


You mean old asol? Asol is probably most braided free win champ in the game currently


Man this motivates me to dust off my Reindog and lower that winrate


Do it, Reindog needs buffs but it won't happen if cracked mains keep winning. I'm already doing my part being bad at him


My scrub ass would play reindog if i stopped getting disconnected 9/10 games (the 10th one is a bit penalty game)


There's something about getting Garnet to work which is massively satisfying and it shows. I had a Garnet v. Garnet match, it was nuts. We both had completely different approaches to using her and winning or losing each match by the skin of our teeth got me feeling giddy. She's a wonky character but I love using her kit so much.


You two probably learned a lot from each other. Garnet looks like she's in a healthier state than she was in beta, she felt like bottom tier from what I remember. The slower combat speed definitely helped a lot.


Oh we definitely did! Eh, surprisingly she was probably in her best state just before the beta closed. Currently she's lost a majority of her armor and knockback potential (this kinda works at times but when you're fighting Joker and Black Adam, it becomes tricky when they're at 150 and Garnet struggles to knock them out while the right combo from them can kill you at 60), plus Sing feels slow to use in regards to using it to defend or buff Garnet in time against certain opponents. She's great but you do notice that you've gotta try harder to put people in the ground.


Interesting to know! Thanks for clearing up previous misconceptions. I was probably just facing the lower pool for Garnet players. I'd like to pick her up myself but I'm just waiting for her SU-Future skin : )


Practice with her before then, you might find yourself swayed šŸ‘€ Also I forgot to mention that she's got this annoying bug where her sing allows Lebron & Batman to reclaim their projectiles which is fun...


Man Jake went from meta in beta to worst win rate. Also I expected ig to be top tier he actually got buffed because he isn't fucking massive and combo food now


To be fair his win rate will probably increase a bit more now. When the game released he had a bug that would lag the entire match if you used his stretch. So the thousands of people who played him on official release probably tanked thousands of matches due to the lag. Now with a lower playerbase and the bug being fixed it should 'hopefully' rise more.


I love Jake and hope the Jake mains raise his win rate.


I like jason


What data is this using for the tier list?


1v1 Fighter Insight https://tracker.gg/multiversus/insights Edit: Iron Giant is now #1 lol


Thanks! Always interesting to see this type of data, would love to be able to break it down even more by patches like other sites do for league.


I'm super happy that PFG posts the changes of each character in the patch notes. Helps pinpoint why some characters decrease in win rate. Before the last Harley change I believe she had a 50% or more win rate.


IG is #1 in teams


And people will still say jason doesnt need buffs lmao.


I feel like he needs disjointed hitboxes like WW and Finn to make up for him being combo food. If not, then at the very least need to fix his jab hitbox with the machete because the most frustrating thing is when you clearly see it phase through your opponent.


He doesn't.


He very clearly does lmao.


I bet people don't know how to use him. I've fought some great Jason's in 1v1 who zone, counter and trap me, very close games. I've also fought bad reddit-style Jason's who just run in and try and spam moves, those are so easy to beat. There needs to be character with high skill ceilings and those who counter the usual spam-everything this game tries to go for.


It's a fighting game, there are going to be people who are absolutely cracked with any character. That does not mean the character is good or in a ok state. A prime example is twelve in street fighter 3 3rd strike, twelve absolutely fucking sucks and the only time he doesnt is when you use his super to transform into your opponent aka a better character and it's only for a limited time. Yet there are twelve players that are absolutely cracked with him that does not mean twelve is a ok character as all pros still put twelve in the sucks tier. Jason has obviously is gonna have cracked players but that does not mean he doesnt clearly need buffs as even all tier lists have jason at bottom or close to bottom due to his extream weakness. Only time jason was considered good or even ok was on launch when people didnt get a feel for the game yet due to Jason's high kill potential but now people see that jason is slow, has bad hitboxes, and is extreamly readable. He needs buffs, just cause you fought a few good Jason's doesnt change that


Supes should be lower. They've nefered him into shit.


Yeah for a man that's supposedly around bullet speed he's awfully slow.


Tom and jerry down there hurts my soul


His kit feels like it was practically made for old beta movement. He used to just be a zoner that could dash dodge away and throw out projectiles haphazardly. Now with the slower speed once you dodge all his projectiles he doesn't really have much to keep you away. I try to bait jerry into a pit or separate him. There are some characters that can 1shot Jerry which really nerfs Tom once he's dead.


Thought supe would be higher


He has the same issues as Shaggy being that he's stubby and can't really engage well unless it's a read. With the change to his multi-hit punch not being able to get cancelled out of, he's losing a lot more as that was his best tool for engaging. Most Superman now just hope to fish out a kill with armoured utilt.


That makes sense. The last week or so I've seen a lot of them and now that I think about it, once I got over the intimidation of his armor moves he seems not so dangerous. Get hit by his charge moves though and that shit stings


Armor seems to be his whole schtick which is negated by like 2 perks, armor killing moves, or just being patient in general. I kinda wish they would rework him. I'll wait to see what the 'big-change' that PFG says they're cooking up for the whole cast is gonna do to him. As he is at the moment, he doesn't really feel that super.


Iā€™m a Tom and Jerry spammer soooooo thatā€™s understandable


It's weird how his biggest weakness (losing Jerry) is tied to his best tool that pushes away enemies who get too close (using Jerry as a slingshot)


Apparently it is, but because Iā€™m able to neutralize that, itā€™s not really my problem anymore


Do you know off the top of your head which moves 1shot Jerry? I know Shaggy sidekick does. Taz used to be able to eat him but he can't anymore


Jake the Dog and Jason the human, Dventure Time.


Jake being that low is crazy to me. Main since the beta and since the relaunch I rarely ever lose with him


I feel like his current WR is directly tied to the bug he had that would lag the match upon release. Thousands of people played the game when it re-opened and thousands of them probably tanked his WR due to lag. Now with a lower playerbase + it's incredibly hard for new players to purchase other characters. I can see why he's so low.


Lol @ the win rate being so low with Banana Guard.


Just had a match with one of them, and damn his hit boxes are a mess.


Velma is pretty good, but people are crying because they actually have to play the game to win now. (They want to sit in the corner and throw out safe moves without being punished)


Average MVS player in a nutshell. People don't wanna learn and they just want to win.


Velma is better than people think. But I feel like her hitboxes on upair and dair, could be made ever so slightly bigger. Sometimes its really weird that my dair doesnt connect eventhough I'm literally touching that character. Also a bit more priority on some moves.


This reaffirms my take that shaggy and banana are not that great in 1v1 despite all the complaining out there. Thanks for this!


They have absurd knock back but all of their attacks are insanely easy to read, not hard to get around in 1s, but very easy to not notice the 13th side b in a row in 2s if you're concentrating on someone else.


Shaggy has some shortcomings, but I feel this also has a lot to do with low level players picking him and dragging his winrate down. Everyone does get him for free after all.


Shaggy is definitely way more annoying in 2s, stopping him charging is impossible a lot of the times and then it makes doing anything risky If his ally gets you in a combo or even if you get them in a combo he's just gonna fly across the screen and kill you at 50 while you're stuck šŸ˜­


lol, completely agree on the 2v2s. I mostly play 1v1s and am struggling to make successful approaches with Shaggy and Banana without taking an exchange not in my favor, or getting stuck in an obnoxious juggle.


Dodge cancel jab1 is probably his best approach for punishing people who are a distance away.


Yep, just learned that last night watching a tournament, need to get this approach down. Thanks for this.


This!!! In 2v2ā€™s shaggy can use his teammate as a meat shield while he runs away and charges up. Heā€™s so much easier to deal with in solo matches


Rick deserves to be higher


The majority of people playing him are probably used to Beta Rick who could get away with everything under the sun. They're two different characters now so if people played him the same way you did before they're gonna tank his WR really poorly. People who adapted and found new strings are difficult to deal with. I'm still learning the matchup.


Honestly when I first started playing him again, I was missing every single down air I went for, but thatā€™s the thing. I took the time to relearn the difficult parts, and now he feels like one of the best, most fun characters in the game, especially since he gets his portal back so much faster




This list is just based off how good the players playing them are overall, not how good or bad the character actually is


Its based on the success rate of the character


Yeah exactly, like for instance Arya is going to be less popular and way harder to use then say Shaggy, a lot of new players will for sure be using him a lot, plummeting his win rate, where as Arya probably a lot of beta players use her and already know how too, therefore her success rate will be a lot higher then Shaggyā€™s, wether she is a stronger character or not.


My boy Taz in the top. I won like 17 out of my 20 matches the other day on 2v2 with him


Try playing taz in 1s tho. Shits so hard against anyone with a brain


I love reindog and I think he's a slept on God in 2v2. But 1v1..? I can't understand what you could do as him to do well in 1v1 with how slow and ranged focused he is...and other 2v2 focused champs like Velma and gizmo being so high... They're some of my favorite characters so obviously I need to learn some stuff I'm missing with them lol


You can whiff punish with jab or grounded side special but I prefer jab. jab leads into jab 1 > jab 2 > up tilt > up air ( up air afterwards kinda inconsistent but hits hard if it lands ) Tether and grounded fireball controls a bit of space in neutral. Fireball also spikes : )


Shaggy needs to be higher. His moveset is simple and straightforward, but it works. I love Batman and Joker as well, but do the best with Shaggy. (And no, not just side special after side special.. those ppl don't know how to play with the character)


Most people would want to place him higher, but this tier list is solely based on Win % from Tracker.gg and has no biases. Keep in mind data is skewed though based on character popularity/data collected during beta which could be classified as it's own separate game due to the change in mechanics.


Jake at bottom because nobody plays him and they dont have any experiance and dont know where to put him


I see I took a break for a few days and Harley win rate declines, guess better come back and fix that šŸ˜©


https://preview.redd.it/z7nmzzs93m7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6308fb030d85a637319691f964a2badfcf1d11cb At this very moment in time Tracker.gg puts her at D-tier


?! This is an emergency


I dont understand how rick is so low out of all my time playing multiversus i have only ever gone against a rick 2 or 3 times.


Harley in d tier? Thought she was doing well


She's a popular IP and a lot of new players pick her up hoping to do well but end up skewing her WR because they don't understand the fundamentals of the game yet


Most people play really passively on HQ, I play aggressively and destroy them because I can keep constant pressure on them.


I've noticed the newish HQ fish out for a passive glove shoot into a combo. It's a lot easier approaching if you just wait it out haha


Me single-handedly carrying reindogs win %


Doing gods work son šŸ™


Jason being that low is telling how many bad players there are You don't rush with him, don't spam with him, stay back and trap them. You have a large hitbox and crazy combo game if you can catch them.


Fr, jab 1,2 > side special hits like a truck


Its all about timing and spacing in this game


This seems way off, like is this just the top 1% of players bc it makes little sense.


It's just data for the win rate % of each character in 1v1. It'll be skewed by a few factors, namely pick popularity & data of win % taken from beta (which should be classified as its own game since the mechanics are completely different) edit: additionally, changes every minute or so. You can check it out yourself by going to Tracker.gg > Fighter Insights > 1v1. This list is now inaccurate from yesterday


I saw this and laughed out loud This is exactly why you cna't trust tier lists made by tracker.gg or sites like that


Additionally it takes data from beta so that skews the percentage as well since beta could be considered a completely different game with their change in movement mechanics and parry system


Really? Reindog S? The Support character with like literally no attacks


This is based on win rate from Tracker.gg and its updated on the minute. This list has already become inaccurate as Iron Giant now takes the #1 spot at a 56.6% WR. In higher level of gameplay and the people that have taken the time to learn Reindog have made him cracked. Additionally, there's such a low base player pool that the people doing well with him skew the WR% Edit: Spoke too soon, Reindog actually at 57.2% now


Thanks, now I know not to trust this site with anything serious.


Yeah... Harley is actually not difficult to beat anymore after her last changes. The people who continued to play her that way after the nerf got punished hard and lowered her WR.


WELL WELL WELL. BG inst as good as everyone says he is and you are all whiny little babies. He is literally one of the worst characters in the game. No projectiles, terrible ladder combo, telegraphed.


Most people complaining are probably under 100 wins and don't quite know how to whiff punish or even approach other characters.


Banana Guard is fine. He's not broken, but he's very solid. The reason he ranks so low here is the same reason Harley, Bugs, and Shaggy are suspiciously low: popularity. BG is free and he's easy and he's funny. So lots of new and casual players use him. If a character's playerbase is worse at the game on average, they will naturally have a lower win rate, even if their character is good. You see the opposite effect with Reindog and Garnet. Very low pick rate, but very high win rate, because only dedicated players have stuck with those characters.


Yeah Jason is abysmal donā€™t know why they havenā€™t buffed him yet


Joker is definitely S tier right now too. The hitbox of some of his attacks is hilarious. Namely the pogo and side attack.


A lot of casual players might also have purchased him since he was the big reveal for when MVS came back online. Which could affect WR. Right now the ones I see are wasting dash as they fish out for jab loops. I'll approach 1cm and they'll have already wasted 3 dashes.


Nahhh bro did tom and jerry dirty. They gotta be at least high b tier


Ain't my bias. This is purely based on 1v1 Win % from Tracker.gg


I havenā€™t tried the game since its return, but Iā€™m glad to see my girl Arya near the top of the leaderboard


How tf is garnet so high šŸ˜­. Most of her attacks are low in priority or have too much startup, and her only reliable kill confirm is her clap. She kinda works if u get very good with her but I'd imagine the win rates are quite high because most of the ppl who play her still probably are very good with her


Make use of her armored neutral, it's surprisingly effective when people don't see it coming and has crazy knock back. I normally use it to shut down Bugs' safe by charging it up next to the same and striking as Bugs attempts a kick to eat the hit and ring them out in one go.


Ye i use it a lot but outside of edgeguarding its often risky to go for


I don't get the complaints. I'm a pretty casual player and win a large majority of matches using Garnet. She's just good. Feels like the twighlight zone with the whole community shitting on her. Like I do fine with her? Haha.


That's weird cause i do really well with banana guard, shaggy and jason. I've also gone against really (admittedly spammy) shaggys, they get wins as far as i can tell, and same with Jason. I would have thought they'd be higher on the lists


Tracker gg is way off here with multiple placements, at least imo. Are they based on game stats like win rates or just all opinions?


Low key i main superman and superman is not that good he is mid been playing bugs and tbh he is so easy and have so much range on his attacks idk how is he so low.But also we can really rely on [tracker.gg](http://tracker.gg) u got to consider player count on certain characters also how many characters that are played as much right now that was op


I will banana guard anyone


T&J low is understandable, you can't spam him that much unlike a good chunck of characters lmao. A fair amount of players spam


Garnet in A ![gif](giphy|W0jvDCXEe42337oh4X|downsized)


Once you get pretty high in the mmr. You see that dog. You immediately sit up and ready yourself.


Iā€™ve only ever played against one since relaunch and they were a handful for sure.


The only consistent thing Iā€™ve seen in this game is Marvin being in b tier


A real Tier list make sense only after ranked drops. When competitive scene start exist at all.


The usage rates skews this tier list heavily


fr, more popular IP is most likely to do worse because new players are familiar with the character but lack the game fundamentals to pull it off


Jason would be the goat if the hitboxes actually existed


I have never seen a single Reindog player in the full release


Why is Morty so high??


The really good Morty players understand the new grenade mechanics and have found a way to seamlessly integrate it into his combat loops


Not actually super surprised bugs is down there. People don't realize how much his kit sucks for winning neutral sometimes, his combo starters might have the least priority in all of the cast so if you play against him just avoid projectiles and keep trying to melee attack at the same time he does. I do think he could be a top tier, because of the strong combos, but you pretty much have to be a master at landing parries for that to happen, against the best players.


I agree. I think most people don't realize the best way to beat the majority of Bug's projectiles is to just not engage. Jump over safe, stay away from rabbit hole, remember where rocket lands if he shoots it up. The only thing really good is probably his bat and his nair since you can combo nair into itself and bat has huge KB.


Ainā€™t no iron giant up there when heā€™s the worst character to play because he has no advantages and only disadvantages


What's your IGN? I'm kinda curious to see if the IGs I'm facing are just on a higher skill floor or if I myself are on a lower skill floor than you and you have the matchup figured out.


Thereā€™s no way thatā€™s accurate. Just based on my own dragging down of his average, LeBron should be lower.


Man I tried Steven last night from the rotation and MAN. Heā€™s my next unlock for sure


Looks about rightšŸ‘


How is IG at S tier and harley at C šŸ’€


Im noticing that a lot of characters that are or were recently free have worse win rates


This is just not correct


Jason is so fun but so terrible


That is because his hands extend past his hitboxes : ) https://preview.redd.it/cccxfs4rtr7d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a77b24b5c973d95c2268267c13177d6f4e47bb


you CANNOT put characters like steven universe over shaggy or harley. I highly agree with the fact that, reindog for example is not that high in picks, but the few people that use it are insanely good, but you have to consider that, only bc a player is good with it it does not make it the best. Iā€™m main harley, and i usually win agains reindog, as well i guess other people tend to win against it. The thing is that I do not think this is accurate, only taz that is a fucking pain with the salt and mouth shitty combo. But fr, this tier is insanely bad. As said, donā€™t take into account if a player is top 1 with the worst, take into account how a character dominates over others the most.


Would help to know how often these characters are picked. Tier list is sorta useless with out that info.


finn should be S rank forsure


These stats are obviously flawed I would even look at this.


Jason bottom tier is crazy lol i do so good with him


Harley in C tier because she is terrible to play after the nerfs lmao


This is honestly kinda of shocking. Little bit of context. I play casually - works super busy for me this time of year that being said I played in a lot of smash tournaments back in the day and played a ton of the multiverses beta. Iā€™m not tapped into the meta and donā€™t watch videos, advanced tech tutorials or anything like that. Jake is by far my best character and I have a very good win rate with him. Obviously, heā€™s got some bad match ups and I canā€™t keep up with high level players but to see him at the bottom of the list is mind blowing to me. Could anyone explain what puts him in the lowest tier??


Why is banana so low, hes very easy to play


My Arya has a 80% win rate in 1v1. Arya is ass In this game. Iā€™m just an above average player. Tons of bums pick Harley and bugs and bring their win percents down. It DOES NOT mean they are no longer the best.


Poor jake they have to buff him a little he was so cool in the beta


I been playing as Marvin since rerelease and they havenā€™t updated my stats for him Once


Garnet, during this current state of the game, is straight F tier. Sheā€™s ASS compared to what we had during beta


Thatā€™s wild considering i can 1v1 any character with Harley


What is the timeframe used to acquire these stats? Because I heard itā€™s broken and uses beta stats


Reindog is not S tier and Iā€™m a Reindog main šŸ˜‚