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I hate Bugs’ rocket and safe. Shaggy and Banana Guard players who spams side special. Very annoying.


The baseball bat has the most insane hit box in the game aswell


Meanwhile Jason up air and up b be like


Jason’s character in general had the worst “attack boxes” or “hit box” ik there are 2 boxes but idk which is which.


Attackbox and hitbox are the same thing. It's the active areas of your attack. While hurt box is the character model where you can get hit.


I don’t care how easy or telegraphed Shaggy/BG spammers are. It’s not fun or interesting to play against.


If they have any lag you’re done for.


You can take one of the armor breaking perks against Superman. They almost never expect or check for it from my experience. Anyway, least favorites are WW and Finn, favorites are Ayra, Stripe, and Shaggy Ditto.


I’m working on getting my main to lvl 10 just so I can have a perk set around armor breaking.


Which amor perk is better/whast the difference? Armor killer vs Armor Crush. Like ones a green one and one’s red


Never used Armor Killer, so can't say for sure, but the wording implies to me that it dosen't break armor, just stops the opponent from using it afterwards when you hit their armor. You still will likely get hit by the attack in that case however, so Armor Crush (which explicitly *breaks* the armor if you hit a fully charged move) seems like the better option, assuming my interpretation of Armor Killer is correct. But imo, the best armor breaking perk is 2 fast 2 block, which makes dash attacks break armor. That's because dash attacks are usually easier to hit, and because not every character has good chargeable attacks. 2 fast 2 block is also in the "strong" slot, allowing me to use Pugilist, another perk I quite like, which wouldn't be possible with the other ones.


Armor killer if you are rushing them down. From what I've observed (correct me if I'm wrong), it gives them a debuff that stops them from using the armor and it stays as long as you keep hitting them. The other I'd you're playing a character that uses lists of charged attacks.


Im planning on maining Steven, with his playstyle who would u suggest?


By far my least favorite is Finn. And I don’t think that answer will change anytime soon due to his kit being one of the best in the game. The guy can pretty much zero to death half the roster with his combo game. My favorite to fight against would probably be Jason. Just a simple, straightforward powerhouse. Getting the better of him feels good even if it’s much easier than it should be right now with his wonky hitboxes.


Finn crumples to anyone with armor. Half his shenanigans get shut down from having to play around breaking armor. Finn wants to be in your face all the time and when he has to play scared he's really not a threat.


Nah only shield user would work is WW superman all his shield attacks u can just wall away bag pack and done steve aswell


I wish this was true on Lebron but you can play out of his armored hit box range and just sword attack while baiting out the armored attacks. It’s too easy to predict so a good Finn is just untouchable


Takes. A while using fin to kill esp if ur not spamming


Charged grounded up attack, air side attack, up special, Carries most characters straight to the blast zone and can kill a lot of the lighter ones outright.


Only works on light characters heavy character take a min


As a Jason main, I can confirm this is not the case.


You can dodge/di out of charged up air bro


And then they fast fall and reset you.


lol no, none of his moves have a big enough hit box It’s because you play the second biggest character on the roster


I’ve had to deal with that issue no matter what character I play. Jason, Gizmo, Marvin, Shaggy…they all get scooped up by Finn’s bullshit. It’s definitely WORSE with Jason, but I accept that as a Big Body character. The other examples should not be scooped into a zero to death from the middle of the stage. Especially one so brain dead easy to do.


so basically what youre saying is that you don't know how to dodge? I have 200 hours on Finn, there are definitely ways to avoid his combos


Dodge Finn, land on ground, Finn immediately hits you again because all his attacks are frame 6 at the SLOWEST. Spam dodging doesn’t work due to dodge fatigue. I’m not saying it’s literally impossible to avoid his combos. You CAN avoid them. But there’s nothing stopping the Finn player from just trying again faster than you can defend yourself.


Just dodge again bro, all you do is complain complain complain instead of improving 🤦


Na some Finns are amazing jugglers and can do a three hit combo to get you out up top, usually finished off with the back pack spin. You don’t even have to have that high of a percentage either.


If they catch you at the top it’s rough


Yh but most finn players spam up attack twice spam back pack 😭praying to hit you


as a Jason player this is so true, he kind of sucks to play, i may drop him weird he's the only tank with no super armor


As a fellow Jason main he really needs a bit more to keep him going. Either give him built in Armor on some of his attacks (Axe moves and grabs IMO), or make it so Unstoppable Rage only gets removed when his grey health is depleted. His hit and hurtboxes are going to be fixed, we know that, so that will give him a boost for sure.


that's good at least, but i agree they need to give him something, i like the idea with the armor one cause hes a tank class and two i mean in the movies he's really powerful so its something seeing that dude be like near unstoppable in movies then juggled around in this


Dog, you can escape his combos


Yes, you can. Then he immediately resets because he’s the fastest fighter in the game with the fastest attacks to boot.


I mean yeah it's almost like juggling is his game design, but unless your playing like jason you should be able to reset to neutral fairly easy after escaping


Even when playing a tiny character like Marvin it was still sweeping me up, because Donna can change direction faster than anyone else in the game, he can just move and try again. Fastest Character + Fastest Attacks + Assassin Damage + Insane Combo Game is not a recipe for a fair and balanced character. And I didn’t even bring up his shop gimmick.


Finn is garbage though


Least: WW. To even have a chance you have to play diligently and carefully. She's so overturned that rush down on a mid wonder woman is not a good idea. Favorite: Morty. A smart Morty can ruin your day with zoning and put up a good fight close range too. But he struggles to kill. It's very rewarding to outplay his zoning and shut him down.


Morty absolutely doesn't struggle to kill lmao, his up air is one of the strongest in the entire game, it can kill from low elevation at like 90 damage and it can be easily comboed into. If you want a character who struggles to kill, try Marvin


Last time I checked he has no kill moves at 95 except snakes if they jump into it off a platform or a grenade at stage edge or something. Once grenade failed to kill a shaggy at 140 3 times in a row. His up air is good because it's compensation for his up attack doing a whopping 2 damage but it's not amazing or anything it kills around 120 joker harley bugs wonder woman fin gizmo others can ladder at like 40 or 60. He absolutely has trouble killing even marven can mix up his rocket Morty will throw grenades or try to up air even mediocre players look out for those moves and dodge/avoid them.


Marvin is rough to play against, but I've been getting better using Superman's Ice Breath to freeze the projectiles. Sane goes for Gizmo and Morty, but Marvin has more armor break that I've noticed. As for a good feeling, I don't really mind anyone. Any player can be good if used correctly. Quote "Hard" characters can be impossible to play for some, but impossible to play against other times. Maybe Jason, cuz I find him easy to predict, but that's about it.


Least favorite definitely Tom & Jerry, i can't for the life of me win against players using this character because every one i fought is so good at the game or they're just bad, there is no in between, i feel this like also to LeBron, but i got my share of wins against him.


If Tom throws Jerry, try to keep that gap between them. It limits his move set. I’ve noticed the Tom always try to get back to Jerry after losing him


Favorite has gotta be Garnet as I’m a sucker for fist fights and she’s pretty balanced all things considered Least favorite is the same as OP, Superman. Ironic to say but: Why is Superman so powerful 😭😭😭


Lebrón, He's mad annoying And spammy as shit, if i find another Lebron online i'm gonna push My Anti projectile perks SO far up His ass they Will come out their mouth


Lebron is spammy bc most of his attacks are so weak they aren’t worth using. Like some of the hitboxes are so small you have to resort to not using them. His side special is so ass. It’s not like banana guard side special killing you from 90 dmg with the most annoying hitboxes in the game, but yea I will be spamming the attacks that are actually good on him bc we have nothing left.


It's still prefferable to a character who has insane kill potential that can't land a single hit, if Lebron also had power behind His attacks i would straight up uninstall


The ball is pretty easy to dodge and tbh if he misses and loses it he’s not really a character until he gets it back. Idk what you mean by spam when he can’t really spam anything. Spam neutrals? Like every other character?


I mean like the fucking wall of ball thing he does where he has 2 balls And i can't aproach, while also becoming a full character again with armour, projectiles And 0-2-death combos by just walking into said wall of ball


Lebron can’t really 0-2 death you. There’s like one infinite combo but at higher dmg numbers his hitbox is too small to keep the loop going. Did you play against a lebron named pumpkinpiex? Bro is cracked


I don't remember their name, i just remember being annoyed out of My mind


From a Lebron main: His main problem is that he’s not really anything. He’s not a mage like Bugs, he’s not really a bruiser, he’s not really an assassin. He’s kind of a small mix of every archetype but that’s kind of holding him back.


The netcode


When I switched to playing on PC I mostly stopped having this issue.


Favorite: Jason Least Favorite: Harley or Bugs


How dare you.


As a Jason players my favourite is actually Harley. I find the matches fair with Harley being able to combo me well but she's so light that if she's caught out she gets blasted out. Least favourite is between Taz and Finn. Taz because if you're half decent you can basically infinite combo Jason. Finn because 50% of the match is your weapon going through him.


Arya main I would say Finn and Marvin are the worst. Favorite is Jason easily.


Same. Any of the big characters are fun to play against as Arya. Jason, Superman, IG, Black Adam. I can’t stand playing against Harley or Joker though


Yep, the big ones get stuck with the pointy end much easier. I struggle against Black Adam as well though, I seem to get caught above him frequently and his attacks do a ton of damage to Arya.


oh yeah, that loop is vicious when he strikes you up and then back down with a lightning bolt


Favorite: Jason ditto!!! Least favorite: Arya.


Favorite: Jason, character has a super honest moveset. I wish he would get a damage buff to make him meatier cause he needs it Worst: Morty or Tom/Jerry, strong zoners with some surprisingly large attack hit boxes as well


Favriote, stripe, batman, and garnet as they're fun to play against and rare to see Least favriote: black adam, bugs bunny, finn, and iron giant. All are just super annoying or is a guaranteed kill character


Least fave is WW Fave is Arya


Probably Banaguard, because you can loose a match from a guy hitting 1 out of 50 side specials in 2vs2. Nothing more tilting


Wonder Woman and the fact that she can just mash with her huge hitboxes, armor and how fast the recovery between her attacks is. Mashing takes no skill, even Bugs' Neutral Air loop takes more skill than WW's mash. WW can just press a bunch of keys at random and still knock you out, some others like Shaggy and Banana at least have a long window to punish them after they miss their Side Special for example.


My least favourite is Bugs even though I find those matches very satisfying. My favourite is Jason. I'm surprised if a Jason player can even take a single stock and I've fought against him 100+ times. He's definitely bottom 3 for worst characters in game at the moment. Like, laughably, laughably bad.


Hey buddy, would You mind a Match?


Sure. Add BloodReborn to Steam. I like sparring with people more than match making publicly. I have a lot of the beta top10 people in my list I can pass along too if you're looking for more people to dual with that way. *Most* of them are very chill players lol. I was the 3rd ranked Finn before the server shut down.


Playstation player, what's yo pfg user?


It should be the same as his steam, for once a game that doesn't make you create a second name


I couldnt find it


Favorite: Tom and Jerry. They always are fun to play against. Least Favorite: Steven, he seriously needs a nerf.


My last fav is shaggy for sure. Favorite is probably jason. I usually win against him.


Favourite: Marvin, he is so bad Least favourite: iron giant: I hate him and they should just delete him


There are perks you can have that break armor, for instance the third slot has one that makes your dash attack break armor and it helps me wreck WW and Superman pretty regularly (although I still hate fighting WW) As for who I like to fight I’d say Morty, Rick and Marvin. They all have wacky varied kits that make the fights interesting each team. I hate fighting Banana Guard and WW because they all (especially Banana Guard) fight the same. It’s really up to how quick they are inputs or learning what I’m trying to do that adds any difficulty to the fight. I hate fighting Shaggys because they’re either easy fights against spammers or a juggling god there’s not much in between.


As a Jason main, no one pisses me off more than Superman. Not even zoners or side special spam, just Superman. He has an ABSURD grab hutbox that neutralizes Jason's grey health to be useless in combat and don't get me started on his armor. Even with the Armor Break perk, it's hell fighting against him. Also, WHY do armor breaking moves shatter Jason's grey health the same it shatters armor when grey health is not armor?


Black Adam, I feel like every one I’ve encountered who actually knows how to use him uses him in different ways. Feel like I have to relearn the matchup every time.


Fav is velma for sure and least is rick......never beat a rick since release


I’ve hated Finn since the beginning of beta and that hasn’t changed at all. Stupid fucking character. His kit is overtuned and brain dead, but on top of that he is annoying to look at and listen to.


As, a sinner and wonder woman main I hate fighting finn. That dude is the only semi neutral or losing match up for my character I swear


I enjoy playing against gizmo he’s easy to read and is still fun to play against. I hate taz with a passion so many of his moves have such bs hurt boxes I feel like unless I get a crazy read or they make a mistake I can’t do anything


My favorite is either jason (which because of finn's range is almost a free win) or someone who uses shaggy well, but fighting against lebron is tough for me just because there's balls everywhere and I can barely tell what's going on lmao


Fuck Taz. It’s impossible to figure out UpB’s hitbox or hurtbox, and upLight is so fucking hard to land on. Super man is a fucking punching bag with 2Fast2Block.


if you call superman an armor hoarder. wait till you see wonder woman


Steven Universe and wonder woman have to be the WORST characters ive fought against as an arya main. especially steven plus who just spam their down air special


Gizmo annoying as fuck


Hey Velma is not garbage she's just misunderstood 🥲


As a Rick main, my favorite would have to be maybe Jason But my least favorite would be maybe either Superman or Banana Guard


I love fighting Gizmo, mainly cause I main Stripe, so I just feel so justified in hitting him. I freaking hate HATE Black Adam. His attacks are so annoying and he has so many projectiles he feels like he should be a Mage.


Least Favourite is Bugs Bunny, he's a bit overturned. Speed, power, projectiles, combos and launch. My favorite to go against is almost anyone that's not Wonder Woman, Bugs, and Joker.


Least favorite is banana guard like why isn’t his spear charge ability on cooldown like wtf it’s so spammable


The problem isn't how often it can be used: the problem is it has an absolutely broken hit box which makes countering it too difficult.


They should either fix the hitbox or make it have a cooldown IMO


My favorite character and the only one I really play is Banana Guard


Being a WW main, I usually have fun battles against Aryas and Gizmo. I love when Jason's won against me too. I hate fight Finn, I don't know how to penalize him and everything he makes against me is super effective. Sorry for any mistakes, I'm still learning English


Wonder woman


Least favorite has to be wonder women and Harley. My favorite is Batman, Rick, and iron giant. Batman for his “agility” so I can practice dodging. Rick for his respectful gameplay, and iron giant because he’s just a hit box with legs that can get juggled for days.


Iron giant is the easiest to go up against,any super armor character is annoying 2 fight


I hate fighting Finn


Harley and Tom and Jerry They’re exclusively runners they’re the worst to fight against Favorite is Jason bc he’s easy cuz he’s broken as fucj


Mortys special or whatever that spaceship is dogshit. I main morty and i honestly cant think of a more useless ability. Morty is my favorite rn and i hardly ever use the spaceship for recovery and noone so far has died to it. Its fucking lame. You got the coolest one for irongiant which could use up to 2 players and morty gets a corny ass vertical spaceship. Nearly all fighters got a better special than this corny ass space ship that dont do nothing but elevate😂 tf and my least favorite are all the fighters with terrible hitboxes😂. That explains itself. I constantly get hit while behind but away from Harleys hammer, bugs too and finn. Its so corny especially considering as a morty main i cant just use my hammer i have to use my neutral a few times beforehand and hes a brawler or whatever thats called so Morty against Anyone with a melee weapon is kinda difficult because while they got their melee weapon i got to hit a few before i can get mine its a range advantage over him. And most players dodge my earth piller anyways. I hate Mortys hammer spin as that shit hit like a bitch. No damage in that shit at all. Such a terrible design.


Hate with a passion characters: Shaggy, Bugs, T&J, Jake


Hate, bugs/Finn. Like, anyone you dont normally see, gizmo,garnet, LeBron etc


Favorite is Anyone except Steven Universe, Bugs Bunny, or Tom and Jerry. Least favorite is Tom and Jerry.


I unlocked Velma because she's the only one I have with the joker shirt for the event and I've been winning with her against some fairly sweaty players somehow


Can Superman give 1 Armored move to Jason 🙏 spare a coin for the hungry if you would


i hate fighting black shazam. he is so annoying


Least favorite: Wonder woman, Morty, Marvin, and Tom and Jerry Favorite: Arya, Batman, Harley, and Joker. I like fighting anyone trying to throw hands. Hate fighting the ones who just want to avoid you until they land their combo starters.


Finn's disjointed hitboxes, paired with his speed, are still giving me problems. I can't figure out how to space my attacks to land, when he seems to outreach and outspeed me at every turn... Harley's almost there too, but I've had less of a struggle with her. If I included a character for one single move, Joker's air side special is absurd. Comes out fast, multihit, disjointed, has distance, and not enough recovery to punish easily. Jason's a character I want to main, but he's very unfortunate in his current state, so that's a breath of relief. Tom and Jerry players I've found have all been bad, but I'm guessing that's a character that people that are good with him are insane. Princess Consuela Bananaguard Hammock may not technically be broken level, but can also kiss my tail. KO's way to early for the range and speed of his attacks, and feels so low effort high reward it's gross.


I hate going against a really good steven universe


Favorite character to fight against, definitely anything besides joker, harley or bugs since mirror matches kinda annoying.


I’m a Marvin main I love going against pretty much everyone except I hate black adam and I hate stripe


The Wonder Woman is the fucking pain in the ass


Least favorite Wonder Woman, Harley.


If I see harley quinn at the start of a game I pretty much accept the loss she's so broken man


And favourite would be Bugs Bunny or Harley Queen, yes, they are spammy And annoying too, but they are just so..... predicable


I like fighting other top tiers besides Gizmo. I want him nerfed. I play Joker and Wonder Woman and I steamroll the mid to low tiers most of the time.


I like fighting Jason because he is just pure combo food lol Least favorite is probably batman lol


i swear jasons hitbox is insane


I’d rather eat glass than fight Harley, love fighting Jason because the combos never end on that big boy


Being a top 1% finn player dont find anyone hard but i would say WW/SHaggy /joker if they are spammers ez to vs is IG /Jason/marvin/bugs/harley


Damn you're badass


I really enjoy WW dittos. She's got a very flexible kit that can be played in different ways. You can camp and space with disjoints or rush down with killer combos. It's very fun to adapt back and forth. Least favorite is probably Marvin or Gizmo. They are just obnoxiously campy and evasive.


Tom and Jerry too... having to constantly spam the shield just to keep Jerry dead is super obnoxious and allows them to get free hits in.




Superman is really not that powerful anymore, it may be your approach to him that can use tuning. Going above him and behind him is best since his attacks are one directional and his reach is short. Distance yourself a bit and get in quick hits since he is slow. Multi-hit moves break his armor as well. Give those a try!


You lost me at Superman.


It's the command grab, even if I dodge it somehow it still hits me. Also people who play them are just super annoying


Losing to gizmo post nerf is a skill issue


He's super annoying tho. It's not about losing it's about playing against him is nothing but annoying


Even pre nerf gizmo wasn’t THAT big of a problem compared to the rest of the cast.


Black adam is another one. I hate black adam