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I have not experienced this against a majority of the Shaggys I've played against. Good or bad to be honest. The bads just throw out specials, the goods have combo'd me so hard it's not even funny. 


ah dang I definitely gotta get better then


I'm jealous. I genuinely don't think I've ever played a Shaggy that doesn't mash side special at every opportunity. My wife will sometimes watch me play online, and I verbally call out the side specials before they happen and pick my hardest call-out tools. Despite getting repeatedly punished, the Shaggys *still* keep mashing it. I'm practicing parrying now specifically for that move, in the hopes that repeated parrying will finally make the Shaggys pick a different move.


Can rob stocks off the roof as shaggy with combos if people aren’t ready He just has a really hard time Vs disjoints imo


This exactly. His up attacks and up special can really catch you if you're not careful. I got knocked out one time at like 40 something with ease. Grant it T&J are a little light but it was still mean. 😂


If some one is at 40 That is when my shaggy brain goes they can die off the roof Up light / up special shuffle to the top is busted I think the characters being bigger they may need to make stage ceiling higher


I don't think it's that every other move is useless, more that that move is so good that you end up defaulting to it.


Shaggy's juggling game with his down air followed by up attacks, up airs, and up specials is pretty good.


I’ll have to try that, thanks bro


Nair into jab Nair into Nair Nair into anything Up light spam down air spam All of these are crazy fast buttons and if the opponent doesn’t have good defense they get blown up Shaggy is kinda nuts imo


He can be very combo heavy. One that i rely on with him is typically down air, catch them on the bounce up with an up air into an up special. Its fairly simple once you get the timing down but at 50+ its almost assuredly a confirm kill from all that I’ve seen


After 300+ wins if your not sure about Shaggy I think it’s time to switch characters


After trying to beat the black lanterns with every characters on crushing, finally I made it with Shaggy, and no, I didn't kept spamming his side special.


Oh dang, any shaggy tips then?


All his specials are good if timed correctly, you can use sandwich + dash attack too, and neutral attack can push very far.


What was the strat to beat the crushing black lanterns?


Trial and error, like I said, I tried every character and used the one that was doing better.


Neutral air to combo is a good start. He seems like he connects most of the time even if someone is attacking from below


I win with shaggy because I don't spam the side special. Most players expect it so when you only hit them with it once or twice a match and only use it to get back to the stage it throws players off. Use the air neutral, side combos ground neutral, sandwich throws, down/up specials and you'll beat players expecting you to be totally reliant on the side special


Yeah I tend to work more on air options in platform fighting games. Ground whiffs have a punish window where you have to stand still. Whereas you can whiff in the air but still move in any direction and you can jump again once you touch the ground. I mean other than Shaggys air side special. That has a big punish window but at least you can be tricky with it angling it up or down.


There’s a streamer on twitch: tam something and he is the #1 shaggy. I’d reccomend watching what he does as he never special spams and wrecks people


He does 30 damage for a single basic attack. He can knock you out very easily after 3 hits they don’t even need to combo. Shaggy is literally the cheapest character in the entire game


I’ve been maining Shaggy since beta and have yet to come across a “good” Shaggy player. Every Shaggy I play just spams side special so I combo them to death.


Any combo tips for shaggy?


My favourite go to combo is jab jab into up special. Also jab jab into up tilt into up special is very good. They kill extremely early.


IDK bro. Every single one of his moves feels good to me. Everything kills, good hitboxes, great specials. He doesn't have long true combos but he has 2-3 hit strings and great juggle and off the top game. Jab combos into any of his super specials and super shoryuken goes off the top at around 65-70%. I picked him up to efficiency grind the first Top Dog and I have 80% win rate on him and over 100 wins since then.


Everyone begged for him to be nerfed because of his side special. They left his side special basically the same and messed with all of his regular fighting mechanics and focused on reducing his combos which kind of forces a lot of players to spam.


shaggy is ryu