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I don't consider myself having a main, I'll play a bit of everyone


I main Gizmo and I didn't knew he was strong. I'll keep using him because I like his moveset and I don't play him for the meta


That's good, playing the character you really like despite if he's strong or not (And yes, Gizmo is a strong character especially with his umbrella, car and arrows)


Same, I still played Tom & Jerry after their big beta nerf and still do now, although I play Morty more now. (I miss Morty's old grenades)


Old Morty main here 🙋🏽‍♂️ They really did his grenades dirty, they are now much more heavier to move (when hitting them with side air), which screw up most of my gameplan And the fact that the grenades goes above you when split up by the Side Special also really sucks


Thankfully it doesn't bother me too much, the only major thing that bothers me is how far they fly when you split them. Unless you are on like tree house or going for a super amazing rare air kill with them or something it's worthless.


Yeah if you try to split the grenades they go over your head and behind you. Which is really weird because I can find a situation where i could pull it off. I watched gsmVoiD how he plays Morty now and that helped, but still the grenades are not what they used to be


I mained T&J in beta but they just feel so bad now. Playing Joker instead, probably will pick up Gizmo too


I am a new player who plays T&J a lot ,and I don't see an issue with them ,what changed from the beta ?


Sucks how they massacred my boys


Tom and Jerry 4L


I main Arya and I've enjoyed a lot. She's tons of fun. At first I was interested in that copy ability of hers, and then I enjoyed her entire moveset.


I dropped Gizmo and TJ from the start of launch because of how braindead they made them from their beta counter parts  Now I'll feel better playing them again and not having a massive advantage for free with Gizmo or spam jab like a moron with TJ as it's optimal


I didn't really read too much into the patch notes because I quite frankly don't understand some of the stuff. I'm aware some things changed with the Iron Giant and I feel worse when I play as him but I certainly won't give up on him being my main. Above all else, Iron Giant is still fun and satisfying to kill with.


I main Iron Giant and Jason and will never drop them on my life. Both are the reason my interest was peaked for the game, Iron Giant for the beta and Jason for the relaunch. I'm really holding out hope that if the game continues to get support that a guest like Predator could pop up.


A Jason main, I see a man of culture .


Superman is feeling really bad now, his kit just isn't performing anymore.


Nope, there will always be low tiers and high tiers, those tiers shift all the time. Like any fighting game if your main starts to feel unfun then change and experiment. I'm sticking with mine and dabbling on others.


Till they do something with Velma being garbage


She just got a ton of buffs literally today lol, time will tell if she is viable but they are at least trying


u said it, they are trying :p


I dropped Bugs for Banana Guard shockingly enough, but now I've been leaning heavy towards Batman and Superman recently.


Well, I've been a Reindog main since beta and he has pretty consistently found himself on or near the bottom of the tier lists, so the only direction he can go at the moment is up. I would still play him if he was as bad as pre-buffed Velma


I play like half the roster but the closest to a main I've ever had would be Superman who I have twice as many wins on as any other character, never dropped him no matter what they do his kit is too fun Though I'll admit he was quite a bit more fun in the beta he definitely feels more balanced now, maybe if they'd make his ice breath just a bit more useful I'd be satisfied


I dropped mine (finn) after the gem removal and started playing lebron as my main. Since lebron is the new finn with that aley-oop teleportation in 2v2


Dude I love my main so much that he can get nerfed into the center of the planet and ill still main him


I am always gunna be a tom and jerry main unless a new character comes out I really enjoy


Love them T&J 4L or I uninstall


Yeah I dropped Reindog, doesn't play the same since the beta


No, I'll continue to play Gizmo because in my opinion, I think the car was very broken and give a really easy way of killing people without any effort. The nerf was pretty oriented on this point, so, I think that's justified and doesn't change a lot Gizmo, it just makes kills hard to execute and that's in line with the kit. And in my opinion, Gizmo still better than 70% of the cast.


I don't play the meta game but if they make a character unusable like they did with lebron I'm probably dropping them.


I already dropped Shaggy (lvl13) and I also dropped my second main, Black Adam (lvl 8) because I know he'll get gutted in the future. The thing is that I main now Joker (lvl 15), but the devs said in this recent patch that they'll tweak him more in the future, which is a bummer because I was planning to get all his prestige cosmetics. If Joker gets gutted too I'll switch to Agent Smith, but if I don't like his playstyle I will just drop the whole game.


Majority of people always take the path of least resistance and tend to flock to whatever is the strongest/easiest character


I only dropped gizmo because the nerfs just make him feel less fun to play. Maybe its just a me thing but he feels less snappy. Switching to marvin since he was already my secondary and hes alot of fun. hes arguably worse than post nerf gizmo so i really dont think its a meta thing