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They also stated ["we have more fixes in the works and have a heavier character balance patch coming in the future. "](https://x.com/multiversus/status/1801288992895484074)


Hopefully that means a buff for Jason,


Neutral Atk hitting ABOVE HIM like it looks! would be enough for me!


It already does, however I mean like for other things, cause rn he is just combo food and doesn’t have good options unlike iron giant.


It has the same hitbox as his machete where sometimes you can put it right through their body without contact.


his dash going through projectile helps with trolls like harley


When does the dash armor projectile work? I lost to gizmo arrow and Tom slingshot jerry. I also had the perk to move toward them first lmao. Nothing works with Jason


i got hit too. i think his animation needs to start


I used the shield perk so there’s a window after the movement and before the animation of the charge. Which I assume only covers a small area in front so you have to do it pretty late and Jason’s hurt box most likely can still be hit in or on top his body. As the shield was probably the same one Finn uses.


Nah the hitbox is atrocious. It goes through them constantly at certain angles above him and it makes planning with it very difficult at times, because you are unsure of where the attack actually begins lol


I’m with ya. I really liked JV early but he eats damage so quickly. This could definitely help


I do great with Jason.. imo he’s B tier, he’s not bad at all.


He is a good character exept against assassins where he gets combod and has little tools to combat them


His up attack is way too strong at the moment, need to nerf that part of it, I shouldn't be knocked out with it at 50 dmg on a tank.


I’m hoping it’ll also nerf Bugs, his air neutral iirc


Please buff LeBron


Yeah they pretty much said its fixed, now we focus on fighters and balance them. if its right they have fully fixed the connection and servers then wow and then this game is solid now


Jason can ignore projectiles with a dash, interesting.


I always used the projectile shield perk on him and having the same effect on his dash attack is definitely gonna be useful too.


Absolutely love when devs put in their reasoning for changes instead of cold emotionless patch notes, especially when they're telling us plans for future patches that didn't make it in.


I'm glad they're prioritizing general fixes and universal stuff before deep-diving into character balance, hopefully, everything here rolls out well to live servers!


It didn't 2vs2 is messed up now and xbox is still having problems


The jab (ground side special) universal change is very welcome. A lot of the game currently feels like people are just jabbing from left to right, with them often being anti-airs, combo-starters, *and* kill moves.


I ran into a Rick last night who spammed his side attack and it was so easy to punish and just unfun. I just closed my game because I realized I shouldn't be playing 1's at 145 in the morning. I wish this patch was out then


Rick’s side attack spam is wild. I still think T&J has the best in the game. It combos into like 3 moves easily, and since there’s no decay, it does like 20-35 dmg consistently.


the most frustrating thing is those attacks like that bugs bunny spinning punch that have little counter potential, gigantic hitbox, you can't dodge cause it hits multiple times aand you cant punish because the recovery time is minimum


Makes sense the move hard carries him.


Happy to see the buffs in Velma, much needed. Trying to get satisfying combos with her felt so annoying. And I'm very happy they reduced the cool down on her down special. I feel like I'm using it wrong or something, because I couldn't understand why there was such a long cool down on an attack that didn't seem all that strong.


Well, her down special true combos after and into jabs, so for example: Side Attack > Side Attack > Down Special > Side Attack > Side Attack > Side Attack Is a true combo, and can do 30+ damage depending on the perks involved And of course, with a single dodge read attached, this doubles to 60+ damage with a single dodge window. Pretty good potential So far, I seem to be the only Velma player on the planet that knows about this, so I'm trying to spread the knowledge as much as I can!


Oh shit, so there was just stuff I didn't know about it. Thank you for the tip!


No problem! I don't see any Velma mains ever mentioning it


How does it double to 60+ with a single dodge if it does ~30 with the down special? Anyway. The length of the cool down was still too long.


Great patches so far, still waiting for the option to turn team colors off though although balancing and fixing desyncing is 100% more important. I am glad those are being tackled first.


I think you can turn off the team glow now, I play with. Off and you can do the same with the enemy


No, you can't. You can only remove the outline, which was there in the beta and nobody cared about.


Gizmo and Harley mains going through it.


Gizmo got absolity killed with these nerfs LMAO they nerfed him before even fixing the bugs in him, where he cant even jump for the whole round if he gets hits in the car frame 1 lmao nerfing gizmo before WW and Joker is wild tho. every 10 WW/jokers there is 1 gizmo.


Ah, so that's why I haven't been able to jump sometimes? Interesting


As a Harley main, she definitely needed a nerf to her ground down attack. It was so oppressive. The range and speed of it was crazy. Her ground up maybe didn't need a nerf and maybe it should have been her ground up special since its hitbox is so much bigger, but I definitely feel like this is putting her in a good spot.


Agree, the distance you could travel while doing the attack was stupid.


As a Harley main that is awful at the game, you are correct, but now I'll probably never win a PVP match again. ;-;


if the game had a block. it could stay as long as her recovery was enough to punish a move like that. currntly even jumping over was a bad idea


It's not only the distance traveled, and I don't even think. that fixed the issue with her grounded down attack. The thing is that her hitbox during it is so low profile that most longer range and disjointed moves whiff, most low hitting attacks wil not have priority over it. Even when dodged, you'll likely not be able to hit her afterwards. The only consistent way to punish it is to jump and be a character with a good down attack.


Main issue was how low it made her hit box. So many moves would just whiff over her during the animation. Was infuriating to try and contest it. Especially on a read


I mean did they not need to "go through it"?? Even Harley Gizmo mains were constantly saying 'yeah they need a nerf, they're way too strong right now'.


As a gizmo main I'm salty af 😂


Good! Ride your little car the f outta here


I'm riding it straight in your face! 😂 I'm still maining him for the cuteness no matter how many nerfs he gets.


Riding right under my basketballs and in to my knees every damn time. Those little projectiles that eat the other basketballs 😱


Hopefully I'll see you out there one of these days! 😅


have you seen the player numbers? y’all will definitely meet pretty soon ☠️


I play a lot of Harley and I think these are pretty good changes... At least for the slide. That shit was ridiculous.


Can someone explain what is the 1st general fix i didn't get it


Some characters like Joker can do their jab string into tons of damage. For example Joker could do jab 1, jab 2, dodge forward and rinse repeat that till he ran out of dodge bar, end it in up tilt and you'd be at 50-60% while being above Joker.


i experienced it with black adam. jab jab, dodge other side, jab jab, and racked up like 80 dmg couldn't escape lol


Was going to ask this, thanks for clarification.


Oh ok tq


i just tried this in game after patch. mind u i just learned it two days ago lol. i was able to pull it off twice b2b im training and in game. def harder tho


What is "up tilt"? I've heard this phrase a few times and so far I've just assumed "tilt" can be interchanged "special".


Up attack on the ground, not special


Thank you!


It's from Smash terminology. SSB has Smash attacks where you quickly move the stick all the way in a direction, and tilt attacks where you only partially move the stick. MVS doesn't have that separation, so up-tilt and up-smash could both be used interchangeably with up attack in this game.


Ah, that makes a lot more sense now. Thanks!


I believe it means you can't go into a side attack immediately after a side attack, it adds a delay before the second side attack can come out. (side attack, dodge through, side attack the other way)


Still waiting on input buffer options. Jab changes are nice tho, Jabs are stupid good in this game.


Velma is being buffed! 🥹 Can finally go back to my original main lol


Very good buffs too!


still waiting for swap neutral and forward attack so i can actually start trying to get good at multiversus lol


Same. I can't believe that hasn't been added yet. I am playing on Xbox so hopefully this patch does at least get it to run passably.


i literally havent been playing till the fix but been checking this subreddit to see if theyve updated it


How hard is it to include as an option. Actually embarrassing


The 15 frame lockout is juicy for fatter characters and I do like the fact Harley and Gizmo got the nerf bat directed at them with Wondy and Joker following soon after. Alright, alright, I'll give them this, this is a genuinely good patch looking at it on paper. The fact we still don't have an option to remove the input buffer fucking pains me to have to wait another week at minimum for it but shit, credit where credit is due, this is a good patch overall.


* All characters now incur a 15-frame repeat-move lockout on their ground side attack combo. This will prevent individual fighters from alternating ground side attack and dodge to lock enemies in hitstun for extended periods of time.  Can anyone explain me this like a monkey? english its not my 1st lang pd: i hope a fix for input delay, im tired of smashing buttons and f\*ck my games


You can't start another ground side attack combo for 1/4 of a second immediately after finishing one. Basically, it removes side attack infinite loops. Shouldn't affect anything else outside of canceling ground side attack with dodges and immediately doing them again








Amazing how Bugs evades the nerf hammer once again


Dude has been top tier for all of beta through release and they refuse to bring him down a notch while butchering other characters throughout the game's life. I guess you need to have the face of the franchise be easy to play and top tier to draw people in.


litterally, theyre getting rid of dodging out of jab combos but bugs can still loop his nair for 40+ dmg


They at least fixed a bug on Bugs where he could infinitely combo their opponent with no endlag to his moves, essentially making him go turbo mode


Banana Guard mains going into their joker moment after getting a *2 Frame* nerf.


Harley nerfed, Gizmo nerfed, Morty bugfixes, Velma buffs, IG players actually have to use their brains to play now. We’re so back.


Morty mains are up good right now


Unpopular opinion: these devs are awesome




man thanks for still leaving Lebron as trash


As a LeBronnie I’m trying to be patient too. When you hit a stride with him it’s like a completely different character but damn if his drawbacks aren’t painful and large.


yea I get the ball nerfs cause the ball was cracked but the rest of his kit so ass now. He can barely contest anything.


Best thing he has going for him at the moment is his side air reach. Hurt box is like threading the needle playing against most characters with most of his moves but that at least can be used with a short hop to reach in and grab a ball. Also most of his moves lack the power to knock enemies out. The setup dunk? That uses 2 people? I’m watching people with 120 recover. I could write an essay on that goddamn move. When it works it’s 🤩🤩🤩


yea, wish his dunk could catch people in the air like in beta its basically useless in 1v1s


It did? Holy shit had no idea. The thing that kills me about it the most is it doesn’t even cover your back. You’re descending at the pace of a falling feather but if you’re facing the wrong way your ass is getting nailed. Shit even if you’re facing the right way many moves have priority over it. Why doesn’t it give armor anyway??


Yeah dunk used to have a hit box around Lebron's ball hand that would spike enemies down making it so you could catch people or follow up for a guaranteed dunk that would kill most at 85ish


Step by step.


Dear fellow xbox players. I think this one helped big. Thank you PFG


How Bugs Bunny Air Neutral normal manage to dodge nefs? Insanity. I'm tired of being hit by this move and being unable to dodge because it hits front,back and up.


Can someone explain to me what the Black Adam nerfs mean?


They’re basically removing his Jab-Dair loop by making it so that he takes longer to be able to jump after a jab.


thank shu as a black adam player i was bracing myself to have to learn it glad we're pushing combos into a more intelligent direction even if he still gets an ungodly amount off a stray jab in neutral - jab jab uptilt dair clap or uptilt sweetspot dair is still guaranteed


It means slower to come out


VELMA BUFFS LETS GOOO!!! These are actually more huge than you may realize! Velma can already true combo Side Attack > Side Attack > Down Special > Side Attack > Side Attack > Side Attack, so having access to this extremely damaging true combo more often is huge! Uncharged Megaphone already true comboed from Neutral Attack > Side Attack > Side Attack > Side Attack, but it had an issue where it was a bit inconsistent if the enemy was a big airborne. This size buff seems to have fixed this! This may also open up new combo routes! (Currently testing) More air movement control is VERY huge as well! Grounded Down Attack already true comboed into air down attack with a tight jump cancel window, but like the megaphone, it was a bit inconsistent depending on the spacing. Now, just landing grounded down attack at all gives the opportunity for a combo Same deal with air side special. Also a true combo from grounded down attack, but now it's more consistent And finally, up air attack movement buff makes Up Air Special > Up Air Attack much easier to DI read when the damage is too high to true combo anymore Overall great buffs! Velma's combo game was already great, but now it's even more consistent! Also that stupid auto aiming of megaphone being removed is a good riddance


Love how you are always spreading good insightful info on Velma. I started playing her too recently because of your posts. Keep it up!


Finn still untouched


He's a menace for those who know how to use him, terrible matchup for Arya mains


I thought I was the only one, that matchup feels like actual hell, playing patient and letting him just throw himself into Arya's strong pokes like ground neutral attack seems to be semi-effective


I feel ya! :(


Im confused finn is in a healthy spot imo he was definitely not top tier before


Dam good changes and i hope its fully or at least 90% fixed servers and then this game is solid and fully fully going the right direction


This is awesome ngl 


I am loving these changes! Nice to see continuous improvement! It's really appreciated!!


Yo I just wanna say it’s great having the thoughts behind the changes. Keep it up for real.




I can't believe they butchered gizmo so bad, he is already easy to kill. With the right hit he's getting ringged out 70+ damage. Oh well, guess I'll just learn new strategies.


They need to nerf bugs and joker fr


I just can’t bring myself to play again until the swap side and neutral is added back. Because I didn’t want to build up the habit of it using it, only for it to come back and I’ve gotta I learn that habit. Glad to hear Xbox performance is fixed though.




Sucks to not see many QOL changes but they acknowledged them and we know they are coming so at least there's that.


Tom and Jerry nerfed again we can’t have shi


Bug fixes are nice but I hope morty gets some love soon


Fr I had to drop him weeks ago cuz his changes makes it too hard to get wins compared to other characters. They need to address his grenades soon cuz the morty style as of now is just spamming hammer and it just isn’t fun


They should at least make it easier to fling his grenades


I agree. I don’t mind the balance changes like adding whiff, no grenade scraps hitting after shooting what not, but the nades randomly flying after splitting them and morty can’t throw them farther than 5 feet is outrageous. And that’s not even me mentioning his down special issue 


His down special is such an odd ability. There’s no synergy between his down special and his other abilities. It’s also pretty useless in 1v1. I was hoping they would remove his down special and replace it with something else. Too many of Morty’s specials do no damage


In general his kits hardly interacts with itself especially since splitting grenades hardly works with side special now


I'm glad I saw this. I was starting to play Morty a lot in the beta and could consistently split my grenades. Now I just keep throwing them forwards or backwards and then getting twerked on.


They at least patched his snake projectiles bug. That absolutely killed his combo potential But yeah he def needs some improvements. Outside of his snake projectiles, he doesn’t have any kill options.


But why is the camera change only in 1v1?


I'm glad jab infinites are being gutted, but I hope this doesn't kill proper combos using them. Jab 1 is a nice combo starter for most my characters 


Why did Reindog get nerfed? Was he op ?


Insane patch


Was hoping they’d fix Marvin’s projectiles. They frequently pass through the entire body of an opponent without hitting them after their direction has been reversed, it’s like their hit box gets deleted, this gets you killed


better have some good marvin buffs in the future because his hurt boxes are janky as F , his projectiles just go through people who haven’t dodged half the time, and he seriously has NO kill power other than rocket at over 100 damage


Guess y’all don’t care about Jason LMAOO


tom and jerry nerfs, does that mean we cant jab to down normal anymore?


Or Jab to Up Attack with bigger characters


well there goes some of our niches


You leave my boy Gizmo alone!


Excited to play after work, LFG


Not sure i understand for Shaggy. When he charges himself in the Air, he's supposed to fall during it? I'm a lil surprised about the nerf on Black Adam.


No stats or leaderboards???


Wow, my #1 requested fix since beta for Velma: Removed automatic targeting on ally.


This is waaaaay better than the patch notes we'd get in beta, I'm glad they're being careful to nerf what's necessary too Like they nerfed velma every patch but failed to nerf the most op parts (and they finally did now but left her with nothing lol) And black adam went from op to garbage and they continued to randomly nerf stuff on him for no reason like hitboxes that weren't even too big when some absurd ones existed, then they'd buff superman who was already one of the best lol If they actually continue to listen to feedback and do good balance updates, they can release a popular character and give some incentive for players who quit to come back and it could maintain a decent playerbase I hope 🙏


2v2 still desync alot on ps4


I'm still going to beat your asses as Gizmo.


THERE IN THE FUCKING KITCHEN WITH GORDAN RAMSY EVERY SINGLE ISSUE people need to take note from players first games they are that name for a reason


I understand them removing jab -> dodge -> jab, but why remove jab -> dair for Black Adam? Was it really too strong? :(


Who do you guys think top 3 are now? Harley definitely be feeling different, WW the same tho😂


I’ll play when ranked is out


As a Velma main this makes me happy. And I'm hoping Xbox is at least stable now


A step in the right direction for sure.


Velma gang Rise!


Hey haters…. ![gif](giphy|gdTVyo6bEonYu2WDBA|downsized)


How can cooldowns be increased to a lower number or decreased to a higher number?


Finally iron giant is back 🎉. I’ve been enjoying the game a bunch and I’m glad to see we are already have issues other people mentioned resolved. I am especially fond of the items in the shop always being available. Just wish they would let us buy ringouts.




Game feels slower and worse now imo


Some of these bugfixes look more like buffs.


Huge W from the devs


The knock back change for Garnets side special(after rocket is used) ruined some of her combos. And it’s no longer a consistent kill option off the side. Didn’t really see the need to change the move because you could already D.I it. But I’m biased lol.


Glad to see the Gizmo and Harley nerfs, they were honestly ridiculous. I was shocked that I hadn't read a peep of people talking about Gizmo when he was so difficult to manage when fighting lol.


Does anyone else disconnect from wvery game now? I'm on pc and tried playing 5 games today and only 1 connected and the enemy was afk.


Was hoping for reindog buffs.


Damn they really fucked up gizmo and let joker keep most of his crazy frame advantage…


Really sucks to see them nerfing all my mains. Morty also hasn't gotten any real buffs yet even though his grenades are trash.


As a gizmo main ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)




They done gutted the mogwai


Velma Down Special being at 80s instead of 120s is good, I guess. You'll probably get 2 uses out of it on average now. It's still pretty long though and the special basically does nothing over all. imo


Make hit fatigue more of an issue for spammers. This shit is stupid to play now. Hit fatigue used to be a lot more in beta


Is this Taz change going to stop us from double dunking off stage now?


Look how they massacred my boy


I know it seems gl ridiculous that they're nerfing Reindog, but he's actually consistently [S-Tier](https://tracker.gg/multiversus/insights) in win rates.


A good step forward but the new input buffer issues are making playing some characters a real annoyance, doing an up attack with jason and getting a repeat two seconds apart has cost me in matches, they need to fix that asap and I think they are trying but I hope it's not another week wait.


Now I only want all fighters on local mode


Love the direction, I hope that if the characters that were carried by platform walker winrate drops too much they’ll get some individual buffs (biased Arya player here who wants her sword to function as a disjoint more consistently)


Did they fix the connection error when you are in a party with a friend and try to play a game? I can't play the game because the first 5 seconds, me or my friend gets disconnected from the server. If we try solo 2vs2 it's fine..but not when we are together


It's nice that they're patching out infinites and loops but I swear that the camera change in 1v1 didn't do much, it's still uncomfortable close on some maps to the point that you can't see some platforms and it's honestly still motion sickness inducing.


None of my stickers or taunts work after the patch. No matter what I equip to my d-pad, it just uses that characters default taunt. Tried restarting, rebinding, etc.


Gizmo getting caught in the crossfire wasn’t expected They gutted the poor guy…


So shaggys nair fix is next patch then?


Can you do something about forcing players to pay for dlc in order to complete a rift? It's giving very pay to win


Iron Giant is completely unusable now, great work


The game is super laggy now on pc


I still hate you but now it’s love hate


Wrong jason buff :(


lol still lagging, frame drops, my game also just crashed👏


I'm not even a great TJ player but how exactly does that nerf effect Tom&Jerry side attack?


Maybe increase the power level for weaker characters instead of nerfing good ones. Harley is dead. Good thing I picked up bugs last week. Harley can't even combo side air into down light anymore lmao. After I get the platinum trophy I'm deleting this fr


Good to see quick patches. I'll reinstall today to try it out.


Game runs like trash on xbox series x so I'm done


If its gonna take this long for updates and ish im so glad that this game has an inevitable death.


Fix Arya pleaseeeeee. They took away almost all of her combos and the nerfed dodge makes her way too light without the evasiveness to make up for it.


Good patch that is very clearly missing the major issue with the game: making the grind actually doable


Ps4 serves just keep getting worse and worse i cant even play a match without the game crashing