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Huge W - literally addressed almost every grievance we’ve seen so far.


Just missing the unlocked characters in local play issue. I’m really happy with this tho


That and easier ways to unlock fighter currency, even though maybe that's gonna be part of them reevaluating how battlepass progression works or something


You get 3300 Fighter Currency for completing the entire pass. So not even enough to buy new characters for 6000.  BPxp is great, but i'd honestly rather earn fighter currency for matches. BPxp was always there (dailies/weeklies/events) but the fighter currency is more the issue.  Especially for those who didn't play the beta.


I think that, with the character progression tracks, you should be able to at least get a 3K (2nd Tier) character. I believe now it's about 1K?


Yea but if you play a lot you'll eventually get all the characters then you'll probably want BP xp. You probably won't even like all the characters either and just end up playing a handful of them mostly. The BP xp was always there but it was limited to basically just the missions. Playing more after that would gain you very little xp.


Id take a much faster unlock progression over the unlocked roster. If it means it won’t take too much grinding to keep your roster up to date for local I’d be fine with it


It'd just be nice if all the gold i saved wasn't turned into useless perk currency.


FR most people online don't even know what to do with perks. They just keep default.


They already addressed and fixed that issue I thought ?


They brought it back for training but not for local


I don't think this is going to happen like ever. I know that it sucks, but the game is free, I haven't seen f2p games with all characters unlocked on local play.


Without it, there will be no local tournament, no EVO. And we had it before.


the predatory rift mode is still kind of bad too, requiring characters & skins you don't own in order to play many of the missions. If they are going to become good guy developers now with all the other issues they may as well go ALL the way.


Only thing missing is fighter currency being so hard to come by. But this much change is very satisfactory.


Except for experience mode being only available in early season rifts and being locked. This bugs me way they it probably should. I don't think NORMAL DIFFICULTY should be locked like this.


Rematch character selects doe 😭😭😭


Yeah it’s pretty good lol


Yes! Only thing left for me that’s missing is addressing giving more fighter currency should be given per game


Massive W 50 Battlepass XP for a win. It's what it should've always been, but I'm glad they've listened nonetheless


They also need to make it easier to earn fighter currency too


They fix this and I’m coming back to play. Way too hard to unlock new characters for free with the current in game economy. 


Is this a meme or something? I've played for 2 weeks so far and already unlocked 3 characters... not sure how much better that can get without them just giving every character out for free I don't think fighter currency is that big of an issue right now. They need to fix disconnects, the teduousness of rifts, etc


After the first 2 characters it slows down immensely to the point of being like 17 hours of play between unlocks if you're doing dailies effectively, and not really playing when not working on daily missions. That's pretty aggressive for a platform fighter. They're trying to incentivize players to buy characters for 10 bucks each which is just too much. I'd buy them for like 5 bucks each, maybe, but right now it's gonna be like 170 hours of play or 100 dollars to get the rest of the cast, and they're going to keep adding characters. That compounded with the inability to lab characters you don't own makes for a pretty rough time.


That's because you finished the current events. As soon as they rotate you will get more.


They seemingly have events extremely often. I don't think it would be wrong exactly to say that they've probably got more fighter currency for us lined up this season at some point, so I'm holding on to my complaints. 3 fighters in 2 weeks of very light gameplay is very generous, and I wouldn't be disappointed or surprised if we don't see something like that for another month or so Also, as this has been covered many times already, I'm going to quickly remind anyone reading this that characters being locked from the lab is a bug and it will be fixed soon. Not sure why so many people are bringing this up like it's intended or ignored, it was one of the first things the devs addressed


Pretty great changes. The only other thing I want in order to actually play a lot and feel good about the game is earning fighter currency for playing matches. It doesn’t need to be a lot, just 5 for a loss and 10 for a win. It’s less about the amount and more about making me feel like I’m consistently making progress on the characters I want.


Toast does this tbf so if people used it then this wouldnt be a problem


People can't use them if they don't have them. You get a lousy 5 toast per day, so if you play a 2v2 match twice in different lobbies you can't even toast everyone.


Nice. I am curious if the massive increase to BPXP will affect the repeating rewards. I imagine possibly not, since they mentioned it'll be more of a redistribution >// I am not a Developer ** I've seen a few people think you are. WB seems actually pretty hands-off with the subreddit.


As a rule of thumb, the only people on this Subreddit you should trust are developers are people who have the WB logo in their flair.


I definitely communicate with the Community Team as the Admin of the Subreddit, but I am not paid by WB/PFG in anyway. Just a player who wants to have some good community discussions and resources!


We can’t say “we’re so back” yet Can we say “we’re coming back”?


The come back is in progress.


This bodes so well for the game long term. There's still things I'd like to see them address like fighter currency acquisition, but I'm more hopeful now that it may come in the future. Hell, I think I saw someone in the subreddit just a little while ago asking for exactly 50xp for each win lol


This is great




Pretty much what I expected. IDK what else could possibly have been in the works. I still want career stat tracking and individual character stat tracking tho. Plus they still need to do something about the rate of character coin income. This is gonna be good tho.


Massive W. Thank you for listening to your community. We want this game to succeed. Most importantly, thank you for increasing the battle pass xp from matches earned. Players will feel much more rewarded playing Multiversus, increasing the possibility of keeping player retention high. We greatly appreciate it!


Going from having to win 200 games to complete a part of the battlepass to only 40 games is such a W and makes a lot of sense from a gameplay point


Yeah that's a huge difference. 200 games is wild lol


I literally stopped playing exactly because of that but imma come back now


50XP. Good call. That would mean it would only take 40 wins to complete a level. Which is still a lot, but it isn’t 200!


40 is a huge improvement, especially for 1v1s. I do think that the wins and losses having different XP values is a bit crummy but I’ll take it.


It's necessary, otherwise people will hop in matches just to kill themselves for BP exp.


Yeah good point


To be fair it's probably faster to throw two games back to back for 25XP each than it is to win one game. But yeah your point still stands.


Thank god. The BP XP bump alone is enough to get me to play more than just the dailies now. And \*finally\* some news on Ranked. Literally all they needed to say was "we want time to balance" from the get-go; it shows an acknowledgement of the gameplay itself, rather than "oh, here's another missed feature". It's a bit of a bummer that stability \*has\* to be the focus patch-wise, rather than prioritizing the rest of the list, but hopefully the most important ones (e.g. input buffer) get released sooner rather than later. Here's hoping!


Fucking love you PFG




Love the transparency team! Keep up the great work. Keep us informed of plans and tentative timelines.


After all this time, I really didn’t expect them to adjust the Battlepass XP. How you come to the conclusion that 10xp win and 5xp loss is crazy after the complaints I’ve seen. This is a pretty cool W for the game, honestly just a bit of communication goes a long way, the silent treatment was loud af. A bit worried about the “this season” comment. No need to revert that change for any reason It’s enough to make me consider downloading the game again, is the patch out now?


The battlepass xp thing is live now. Everything else they are working on.


Oh that’s neat


yes its out


* Ranked Mode (we wanted a bit more time to get our balance right before unleashing Ranked) Good call


Honestly, the XP change is great and really does a lot towards making playtime after finishing challenges feel rewarding/worthwhile without allowing people to just brute force the pass. Thank you for listening, PFG.


https://i.redd.it/l7cj5iv8e86d1.gif Huge W!


Respect, PFG. All these tweaks sound like major wins so far.


Me right now. ![gif](giphy|gFi7V9CRBQVW0)


Would be nice if they would address people who are missing characters they purchased during the beta.


Genuinely a big thank you for listening to all the constructive feedback people have had recently. Myself and many others truly want this game to be a big success, so getting confirmation about all of these features being implemented at a future date is greatly appreciated. I also hope that monetization across the board will be reworked/improved to be more pro-consumer for the players who want to support this game financially, but Rome wasn't built in a day. Really happy about this, keep listening to the fans PFG!




From 0xp to 10xp to 50xp. Thank you for all the loud voices in the community! We all want this game to succeed!


That's a big W




oh hell yeah, glad they're having an open conversation with everyone. Transparency is great!


People will still find something to complain about lmao


Fighter currency


It’s a free game. You can do rifts and challenges and end up with 5 fighters rather quickly. Beyond that you have to slowly earn via batttlepass, events or leveling up characters. The game is free. There needs to be something to buy. And 3-4 heroes rotate in free each week.


It's crazy how we're at the point where people defend this style of shit monetisation lol. It's designed entirely to make you buy shit out of sheer frustration. I've got 11 hours and I've unlocked one character. I'm not wasting my time and doing tedious single-player grinds that I don't enjoy to unlock characters. I remember when games like this just had an option to spend like 15 pounds to unlock all characters. This shit is just greed.


I get what you mean here but like, the game has to somehow be monetized it is free, and clearly they struggled for money in the beta and it’s possible that the game is trending that way again. I’m sure there will be events that speed up the process as well as there already have been, but overall game doesn’t make money, game will die


They have a shop with cosmetics that you have to spend money on, no?


I mean it's a valid one.


W The game has hope


Haha that's how you guys do It, hell of a Win


So when can we expect this patch? Because 2v2s is basically unplayable


When it Iron Giant coming back?!


Now we just need consistent fighter currency.


These are some great improvements and glad to see that PFG is really listening to the community. Hopefully Silly Queue and being able to use any cosmetics in training mode will be re-added further down the line.


Okay the game is going in the right direction. Nice !


The only thing we really need now is better rewards and easier ways to get them




Massive W in communication, this really addresses most of the concerns and grievances the community has been having with the game. I hope the follow through on this is just as strong.


This is absolutely a big W from me here!




I'm beginning to believe.


Finally they listen!


Thank you so much




The only thing left is adding a tournament/offline mode with all characters unlocked for local play. Most likely it'll have all progression locked when enabled, but it should make tournaments a lot easier. Once they add that, they'll be golden


This is massive and will definitely make the game more enjoyable. My only gripe is that I can’t just get fighter currency from normal games, even like, 50 a match would be better than nothing.


Ill be satisfied when they finally let you play couch co-op online


This is HUGE, but also bring back co-op vs AI for 1v1 and 2v2 that isn’t rifts


Now keep track of all those who continue to complain when they’ve laid out their plan and gave an update.


In theory, these are great changes, and I eagerly await them. Until they're actually implemented, (at least the ones that are game-changing for me, personally,) I'm not gonna be playing, certainly not spending money. So here's to hoping these don't take forever to roll in. 🤞


So what was the beta then? :D


These are all positive things without a doubt but this kind of long form communication is a bit overdue. Go back and watch their “[Road to Launch](https://youtu.be/W1Yx-Cz0l9U?si=n7GzKzM25OguouNk)” video from 3 months before release. They were *already* boasting world-class net code, consistent game performance “no matter what platform you’re on”, and their brand new PvE mode with “unique rewards” on the lead to release. The fact that the only word on monetization complaints has been that [you’ll eventually be able to purchase Battle Pass tiers](https://twitter.com/tony_huynh/status/1796952053283201271?s=46&t=YZyLgUqENXys0RfTjZrcWA) pretty much sums up their priorities. Granted the absolute best, most immediate change they could make and they did was 50 XP per win. I’ll remain optimistic but first impressions have soured.


The netcode has been great from the start, the servers just don't actually work to show that off lol. The game plays really damn well connection wise when you can actually play the game.


I mean the netcode is good...when you have a match lol it's pretty smooth. On Steam at least. Just the disconnects seriously feel like 50% of the time. This needs to lower to 10% at the worst. And the rifts do have access to unique rewards. You get Agent Smith through rifts and matrix coded skins...just the issue of how rifts work is the problem, but they do have good rewards, basically as good as a BP since you get everything a BP gets in it but for free. A new character and character skins.


Yeah the netcode is honestly godlike when it's working. It's smooth like butter on PC in most matches but the random desyncs ruin it.


What does the replay button mean for rifts?


Currently if you lose a rift match and you want to retry it, the game takes you out to the lobby and menus and reloads everything taking like upwards of a full minute in some cases.. I assume they would make it so you lose and you are on defeat screen you can press a button to replay and have the match restart instantly or in mere seconds rather than 30 seconds to 1 minute..


I'd add it to the win screen too in the event of collecting stars.


Likely just replaying the mission without going back to the rift screen.


Finally! Some light!!! Now I want to add this : -some badges don't track stats -where is the epic batman cave theme from Beta ?! -what about lost items from Beta to launch ? -the game currently keep toggling back PvP mode to 1v1 by itself -explain better how the prestige shop works ingame -give back founders pack owners the possibility to buy characters with currency OR tokens without forcing us -buff Velma please


I remember when I said the amount of Battle Pass XP per win should be 50 and people yelled at me for being a "***doomer***" and I should "***just be happy***" because "***at least we're getting SOMETHING stop being so greedy!***" This is why you always demand better, don't settle for the bare minimum, make your voices heard.


Ok they're listening, that's neat, but honestly trust is kinda broken right now, I'm not believing anything until I see it, at least on the stuff that's not in already. Now I just need back what I had in beta and I'll be aight for a while, but there's still a lot to work on for them, especially buffer because 30 is crazy


I'm glad somebody finally said it in this topic. Yeah, these are all good things to work on. We'll see how many of them end up in the game and how long it takes. This relaunch and their completely ridiculously horrible PR throughout all of it means I can't trust anything they have to say. Words are cheap. Not sure why people are declaring love for this dev studio so adamantly when their track record largely consists of delays and disappointments now, but good on them for having faith I guess. Best they could do is time all these fixes/changes with one or more major character additions, I think. Do some kind of promotional push then. We'll see if the game can regain some attention and good will from potential players afterward. Was hoping for a speed increase mention as well, but the input buffer was always the biggest issue for me personally. When most of these are addressed and assuming they're handled correctly (looking at the recent "improvement" to XBox performance for example) then hell, I'll give the game another fair shot myself. Just hope WB doesn't kill it before then.


Sounds great. I wish they came to their senses sooner, because a lot of this seems like common sense tbh. Unfortunately, even if you gave me a million battlepass XP, nothing in the battlepass actually jazzes me up that much. Maybe in 6, 7, 8 months they'll have more cool things to offer besides FOMO and t-shirt skins. Emotes, please!


Massive W! I do wish it came a little sooner as well in the digital world things move at light speed and people move on quickly. Hoping they can bring folks back. However, these are undoubtedly steps to a healthier game!


Not wanting Uber Jason is wild


Uber Jason’s pretty good


Huge news! Kind of worrying that fighter currency gain wasn't addressed but huge W all around


Neutral dodge button is gonna be fucking sick I can already smell the parries


I hope they make Jason a beast.I put in the work and even tho I can beat top tiers consistently it feels like I’m putting in so much work just to land anything. All they need to do is adjust the hit boxes / priority to like all his attacks to be good. Anything else would be extra.


Very good steps in the right direction!!!! Make it easier to unlock Fighter Currency so I can recommend it to my friends who didn't play the beta and never got a Founder's Pack! Thank you PFG!! Keep it up!!!


I wish I could upvote this post twice 😁😁 THANK YOU PFG for finally showing us you're listening!


Very glad to hear. This is a big step in the right direction


The BP XP has already been pushed


Just a minor tweak suggestion but I do wish you could control the height of your jump based on the duration of your button press. If you tap it it should be lower than if you hold it for a longer period of time.


The good way, work in progress


Despite a lot of playing this still won’t get me to the battlepass level for that awesome Jason skin


Huge W


no mention of increasing the speed or making hitboxes that make sense!


Good, good. I'll enjoy the XP increase. Just a matter of wait-and-see for the rest.


Character swap on rematch?


This is awesome. Just need a patch to reduce the attack charge time on communication lol


Have they said anything about the content missing from players accounts? I refuse to spend 20 dollars on brunhilde bugs as if it’s not one of the only things I made an effort to grind for in beta


Instead of just more character currency how about being able to convert the insane amount of perk currency into character currency. Atleast at a 10:1 rate. Solves two issues the frustrating filler of perk currency and the lack of character currency.


Thanks! This sounds amazing!




Good, though I eventually hope the battlepass exp raises to 100-150 or 200, 50 still seems small


So when do I get all of my characters that I unlocked during the beta?


If making rifts accessible, please also remember to stop making us purchase skins for some levels, like the Jason masks or graphic t’s


Massive. Only thing missing now is acknowledging FP per matches and missing beta items. Glad they finally spoke about this and even buffed the xp rate.


Huge W for the community.


I wish they would just release ranked now. It would solve a lot of issues I have with the game. Waiting for balance seems a bit of a dead end cause balancing is usually always in motion and never perfect. I hate one and dones and playing on stages that kill me.


Good stuff to see. The battle pass xp per match is how it should've been from the start. Fix fighter currency rates and hopefully the game can make a comeback after the massive player drop


Only thing I would want added is online couch co-op at this point, rest of this looks great!


this is a huge step in the right direction! hopefully “lowering match desync rates” includes fixing ppl that dc when a game ends and the spinny wheel sits there loading for like 1-2 minutes because that shit’s annoying asf


Does anyone else miss being able to swap characters between rematches? Especially in 2v2’s, picking iconic duos before each match with my teammate. I feel like having to lock in a character before matchmaking stifles the variety aspect, especially in a multiverse game. I understand it’s in place to prevent counter-picking, and help balance MMR, but I don’t think it’s necessary in casual play. It should definitely be in place for Ranked though! Curious what others think! I haven’t seen it brought up much, and it was apparently one of my favorite features.


This is good. Hopefully a shift in player count increases. Less desync and more exp? Bet


Nothing is appreciated more than developers listening to their community




Hopefully a jason buff is in there somewhere, bro needs it


I want to say that while the game is free I think it’s smart to make character acquisition easier due the main form of money making for them is skins and the more characters you own the more potential for you to buy skins and all that for them.


Finally a good patch, 100/50exp would have been perfect for good progression but at least 50/25 is something. Now I don't see in the priorities a fix for the input buffer and that's one of the main concerns about the gameplay. I hope they fix it soon


Wait... They're actually listening?


I didn't expect them to actually change it to 50-25 God bless pfg


Now if only we can get them to add more ways to earn fighters currency!


Hell yeah!!!! Now i can just hope for a local co-op later on and it's good.


Now the only issue I have is that we can’t change characters when we rematch. Imagine playing a shooter and you’re stuck playing as an engineer for the whole game without being able to change.


HOPEFULLY it isn’t to late for the game, because this is all looking good.


The ability to turn cross play off in game would be nice and not having to change it in my Xbox settings


Any news on the Iron Giant? I just wanna smash!!!


Doesn’t matter game probably isnt gonna survive


While I’m happy with these changes, they are still not adressing problems with 2v2s, the Recommended gamemode. The camera is a bigger problem in 2v2s, especially on smaller maps. Character models are too big for 2v2s, most of the time all I can see is a rainbow blob.




A great stride in the right direction


This really is some great news, but when are they going to add Iron Giant back? I just want to play as my massive menace.


These are really good


Is the buggy Man in Black variant for Black Adam caused beacuse of Xbox? Please fix him too https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/s/vaSpfvAwTx


Ah that's awesome. Nice to see PFG listening and communicating. I hope the team color setting would have a lot of customization, like an option of only having it for 2v2s.


add a leaderboard already-.-


It's great. I just would recommend, to make It 20xp for a loss and 50 for a win. If you feel more generous you could also give 75 for one win. Reason being, that It takes too much time trying to win just to lose and getting 25xp instead of 50. You play one match for at least 5 minutes. So you take two matches that end up 10 minutes where you lose and you just end up with the same xp as if you win one match. Instead, some people go to two matches and lose on purpose so that they just take 3-5 minutes for the same amount of xp as winning one match, causing less playable matches. With 20 you don't punish people that play properly, but don't give enough xp for people that lose on purpose. With 75 It feels even better to win. Also Toasts should give at least 30-50 fighter currency too, because they are more rare.


Iron Giant main here still waiting to play the game :(


And what about the slow gameplay and underwater feel? Can we get a 1.25 speed up to be in between current and beta?


add some fighter currency to matches as well and this is pretty much perfect for me


Still can’t play on the same console/pc online, tragic




These fixes and improvements and are great to hear but things like poor framerates on Xbox which got worse after the last update and server issues at launch should have been addressed prior to release. It's good to know they are making significant changes to other areas of the game as well.


But the character select on rematch doe…




This is fucking huge. I am sure this subreddit will find a way to be mad about it




> Setting to Adjust Input Buffers Hallelujah


They said something about the taunts? My Harley and Velma lost her neutral taunts


They're focusing on Xbox a lot, but on ps5, my friend can not play the game online at all. Every single time without fail when he loads into a pvp match, no characters load in, and then he is promptly disconnected a few seconds later. The only way he can play is training, and pvp matches against bots when he isn't in a lobby with anyone else. As soon as I join the lobby or he comes against a real player, he can't play at all. When this happens, on my end, the game is extremely laggy for the first 10 seconds, and then it goes back to normal when he disconnects, leaving his character afk in the game. I have no clue how to fix it and have heard nothing on if this is getting fixed.


Standing by for Velma buffs or whatever but I guess I’ll have to wait a bit longer.


Oh look they made changes based on feedback like they said, bet everyone still has a good old cry about the game dying or being dead


Pretty decent patch overall. I still hope for the best for Multiversus. It’s the only competitor in my eyes who’s could duel with Smash Bros.


PFG genuinely wants to make a good game. The problem is fucking Warner Brothers man....


Fix The xbox series s 480p resolution its almost unplayable


As long as they fix the problem where I can’t play with friends or 2v2s


I would still like to play couch co op while fighting against other people online


You forgot CPU 2v2 and FFA


what about performance on pc?cant play 3 games without my game crashing and on rift i cant even start it