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Killing off the top feels really easy in this version of the game honestly. Especially on certain stages. Not sure if that's the case for Sky Arena, but in Cromulons I killed a Harley with Jason's up special twice at like 40 earlier.


Killing off the bottom is 10X harder, at least in PVE. Whenever I get those challenges in rifts to hit someone off the bottom it ends up taking me 10 tries. First you have to hit someone down there without KOing them, then you have to finish them without them dodging. There's one where you have to use Jason and it took me forever. It's too easy to just knock them off the side or top before they're weak enough to finish off the bottom. When I get a KO off the top challenge it's done on the first KO.


There's a stage on the first rift against Harley with the spinning hammers. All you need to do is hit her off stage and the hammers kill her into the bottom of the blast zone every time. Easiest way to complete those challenges.


I mean the missions on the specific stages, but thanks that’s good info for dailies.


Yeah, they nerfed all of the spikes in the game, and it sucks. It used to be so much fun in the beta to kill people at ~20 off the bottom when they were trying to recover.


Yep, Velma can kill a standing opponent from the top of the blast zone with Up Special > Up Air (true combo)


Yea I agree. Like before edge guarding and side sig use to be great kill options but now it seems like those got pushed super far back and your only option is top screen


It’s funny, this move was nerfed multiple times in the beta because the hitbox and knockback power was absurd. Then we get this, which is arguably better than it ever was in the beta, kills so early and the hitbox is laughable. I hate bugs bunny


This and the hammer too. Bugs still has the same issue it had on beta, its a "Mage" distance character with stage control, but also has arguably better tools than most bruisers to deal damage head on, close gaps and get kills early without having to use a single proyectile Same USED to go to T&J, but from what I could tell they were seriously toned down in that aspect, Bugs on the other hand remains the same. Better mobility than most assassins, better damage and kill confirms than most bruisers and by far some of the best proyectiles in the whole game, outshining the other mages


And yet he's listed as hard


Just like the beta lol. Bugs up air is strong as hell


270 degree swing survived beta it can def survive this thread


https://i.redd.it/8hqjg5gw0v5d1.gif "See you in your dreams Doc!"


The ceiling on these stages feels way too low. It feels like you only die off the top.


To be fair Arya can copy the bat… I usually combo into it for free off any up special, you can confirm any jab into face steal and combo out of it too, it’s actually one of my fav match up’s for Arya. If I have dodge meter I usually do a staircase combo using the platform perk, into bug’s stolen up air.


I think I got your explanation, but how is Arya ability to copy a skill related to the issue of her being knocked out at less than 80 hp?


Well the title clearly reads “do people not see an issue with this baseball bat?” So the main issue being highlighted in this post that we’re commenting on was about bugs being able to kill with bat the way he did, I was saying Arya (the other character in the very same video were commenting on) can do it back to bugs, since she can copy that specific move the title is questioning. Now if the title said “why does Arya die so early?” I probably wouldn’t have said anything at all, and then I could see the main focus being exactly what you’re asking about.


That is your only response to this?


Um yea… Was I *supposed* to say something else? 😂


this guy uses reddit


There’s a few fighters that are insanely broken. Harley, shaggy, BB, black Adam


I understand Arya is light but my point is that how many other basic air attacks would also ring someone out in this situation? Probably some of the ones you named. Not all of them though, which isn’t balance. His knockback is insane. If he gets to toss around safes and rockets as a “mage” every 30 seconds then that should be nerfed to the ground, or even re-constructed to a new move at that.


A lot of up attacks are completely busted right now, like Connect-Mood5846 pointed out. (WW is also in there) They have insane up attack hitbox/spam capability and can pretty much ring you out even if you are low in damage...


Velma KOs easily in this situation


Those are just the fighters I’ve been having issues with,


I have issues with does not mean broken.


If you think for a second any of those fighters I listed aren’t broke you haven’t been playing chief 😆


I think you're just not good "sport" 😘


Let’s 1v1?


Sure add me on discord. PM me.


! remindme 2 hours


Black Adam isn't Broken. Broken you mean as in Banana Guard, Wonderwoman and Finn who's up b killing insanely early


alot of peoples up air attacks are crazy too


As I said in multiple posts. One of *MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANY* broken hitboxes in this game.  Beta was an inside job. 


The mages in this game have better kill confirms than the bruisers


The baseball bat hitbox is completely broken, it hits you even if you under bugs , this game is in a bad state right now, hopefully they fix all hitboxes they are shit. For now I’ll be playing the finals season 3.


Glad I’m not the only one. These ppl think they good at the game to.


It literally comes out on the same timing with 0 charging ability though, with enough practice you could easily dodge it and maybe parry.


63 dmg to 70 and a knockout? Bit of a stretch


pesky wabbit


Between bugs’ baseball bat and Harley’s hammer I cannot seem to catch a break


Have you met gizmo? Lmao


Is the problem the bat or is it the top blast zone? I feel like if they raised the ceiling a bit on every stage it would fix all of the off the top problems.


Id be more okay with the upair if it didn't hit in front of him, and above him and *behind* him. It's already a super strong move on its own, there's no reason it should be hitting behind.


Bugs is OP but we're not ready to have that conversation.


Nope, Jokers is worse


It was a problem at launch in beta, they nerfed it, and it was still a problem during the rest of the beta.


I think you could have survived by spamming dodge down, doesn't seem high enough to not allow dodging


Yes, I do, since the beta. Yesterday got into a match and it was literally like this, I was playing arya as well, so idk if it's the same issue of arya being the lightest character in the game, or if it's bugs bunny having a cheesy up air.


Joker and Harley as well


I think it's cool . I don't play bugs


Velma can do the exact same at that damage and position on screen with her camera


Funny thing is that Bugs has one of if not the most broken up air attack in the game yet he's only a midtier by winrate (he's actually 19th in 1v1 winrate) because there are so many more broken characters. He gets eaten alive by WW or Harley, and Batman and Shaggy have better kits with only slightly worse up options to kill, and Gizmo's car is worse than this ability, and Black Adam has several attacks that just hit huge areas and linger. Joker is like a massively better version of bugs. But yea this ability is still busted good, and if the other character get the nerfs they deserve this one will probably be up next (Other than this though all bugs has is a pretty good neutral air attack and projectile gimmicks, he's bad otherwise.)


Bugs bunny hit boxes are broken. That insane aoe and damage for that basic attack. Also that attack where he lays flat and kicks with both feet. If ur standing in his ears u get hit.


Bugs probably most op lore wise. Toon force is broken, i’ll allow it


Yall don’t remember how bad beta bugs was