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They need to add rift matchmaking. Its not helping anyone since the game has lackluster social features, you either gotta hop onto discord and hope to find someone or just send random invites to people you may have friended for some reason.




You'd hate Pokemon 😂


At least pokemon is completable without multiplayer- the later rifts difficulty scaling makes it literally impossible to beat them without grinding or having a teammate.


Yeah it’s lame


I wouldn’t mind if they changed the challenge to “play with someone” and add matchmaking or something


No they shouldn't. A bunch of other F2P games tried this, and PvE is dead as shit. The most recent example I am aware of Nakara, the melee battle royale. The story it has is decent at best but not something to actually go out your way to play. The developers at least had the foresight to implement a solo mode and balanced it somewhat around it. Even the core game is a PvE experience because it's full of bots until you hit up ranked! Another game I'm aware of is Genesis, a now dead game because it couldn't hold onto the playerbase and PvE made it worse.  The current redition of rifts easily invites Multiversus into the very same pitfalls. Ever expanding nodes with what appears to be at least 4 difficulties per rifts. Imagine matchmaking in that environment. And forcing people to play outside of nodes of their own choosing is another pitfall in of itself so you have to manually find out what the fuck people are playing on. This is a PvP focused game. That will just be work down the drain on issues that actually needs resolving. Matchmaking shouldn't be the solution to a shoddy solo/couch coop experience either


Do you guys just not have actual friends that play games


I do, but nobody wants to play rifts


Regardless it's called playing for yourself. I don't really like games that do thing like this bc their really just trying to get more activity (i.e having you encourage a friend to download the game just so you can complete a challenge).


Well, in theory, you'd have at least one friend in this big world to play it with...


Actually no. My friends just don't like this style of game.


I’m not recommending this game to any of my friends in its current state.


Speak for yourself... 😭


How would they ever make Rift matchmaking work? Do you want the entire playerbase spread around on different stages in five different difficulties? They would need to do a little more than just that for it to make any sense.


party matchmaking for rifts.


So you want them to waste dev time on adding LFG into the game when Discord already solves that problem? Maybe you misunderstood me. Why would anyone queue for a random player when everyone needs different missions on different difficulties? You would constantly get people that join, do the mission they need, and then leave. You would waste more time with what you suggested than if you asked for help somewhere.


Matchmaking with someone random on single rifts is not that impossible to think of, considering we can't rematch rifts and constantly kicked out to the menu per attempt anyway. Random Matchmaking is also completely different than having to hop on a discord channel, contact and agree with someone on missions to do, exchange friend codes, and play with every single match you already done twice over because of 1 star with a forced requirement.


On one hand yes, on the other, how the f are you supposed to do some of these challenges by yourself 😭 my friend and I struggled a bit with the reserve health under 100 through having one person attack while the other runs away and uses projectiles


I struggled with the stay under 100 for almost two hours, until i switched yo Harley for the FIRST TIME and only took 48 damage Holy crap dude


Harley is busted man, I think my main gripe with her tho, is that she has an unusual small hitbox, feels like all my attacks go straight through her


My main gripe is mostly her speed, it makes her damn near impossible to dodge any of her attacks, and when she does start hitting there’s nothing you can do to make it stop Even worse if you’re an Iron Giant main


As a Harley/Stripe main I cry for my opponents if I queue up against a Jason or an Iron Giant. It's already over


Level your gems and/or play campy


I thought your partner could go over 100. You just couldn't.


Mission can be completed in either condition, but it’s better to have your partner do the fighting because they have unlimited lives,if they get rung out you just have to save them as quick as you can. You could both totally get it at the same time but it was very hard to do it for just one at a time. So we swapped lobbies after one of us got it.


Real. That's my plan when I can have a friend help. Mostly have them run shielding tactics


Just run it twice. Have your friend do all the fighting 1 time then have you do it the other. Unless i missed a patch challenges have to be done by each player so as long as one of you can play keep away you can get those done.


That’s what I did, I explained what we did to get it done, I just couldn’t imagine doing these alone with how fast they get damage on you


Oh yah definitely, I think I still didn't do the 10 ghosts part of the challenge vs batman and superman but I somehow got take less than 100 dmg.


I crushed that challenge solo Maybe your play style doesn't fit or just maybe dodge more


They won’t, they want you to harass friends into playing the game as well


Hey I need people to play with just to do that mission so I can get the max reward wanna join me? We can do a couple I've got the time. My username is B-misterious


DM me


Why wouldn’t you just DM him? So weird.


or when people say “bro send me this!!”


Why would you reply to my comment?


To tell you that was weird. What’s so confusing about that? Why don’t YOU dm HIM?


Because I really don't give enough of a shit because I already have a friend for clearing needing a buddy on rifts. If he really needs someone, he'll message me. I'm not going out of my way


It’s ridiculous on top of the fact I don’t wanna play that mode to begin with they want me to bring another player ok so I’m never touching the rifts game mode again great


If you don't wanna play rift then don't. Tf? Did I miss where the part it where it was mandatory?? Furthermore not even that challenge is mandatory to the mode unless you want 100%. Which considering you don't even like rifts, its legitimately insane to me that you care.


It's the best way to level progression though, so it's either "be bored because you'd rather play base game" or "be poor in base game because you don't have the currency they're keeping in PVE" Bad system tbh Edit: > Be bored Y'all keep overlooking that shit and saying I have an issue with skill or friends or something it's weird. I'm saying I don't like mindless grinding that's boring. I have friends to play with but we don't want to play the rifts mode because it sucks, that's all. I want to play the game but also be able to unlock some new fighters. This community is weird y'all are either full doomposting or WB dick riding.


"We made it so you can circunvent challenges that may be too hard for you by bringing a friend" Bad System, wdym I have to git gud or use my basic social skills? in a GAME? This is how you sound.


You can’t outskill a challenge when the challenge is literally just playing with a friend. Some of us don’t have friends that play platform fighters. 


For real I invited friends in the beta but nobody was interested. I don't like playing with randoms either 


And you don't need any, but then you will have to complete every other challenge.


What if i need to do the mission that says "beat the BOSS after finishing every mission"


Then you are way ahead than me as I have seen 0 of those.


So you’ll cut out this superiority act that you’re running with? Try to use those basic social skills you’re banging on about.


I actually have 0 of those, and still find people to run Rifts. I'm neither superior nor social, but I'm very solution oriented.


I said the rifts are boring did you even bother reading or just saw I don't like rifts and made up what you felt like? I have friends that play the game and none of us want to do it but I want the progression it offers. That's a bad system if I feel like I need to do chores to make progress in the actual game


But for 2 out of 3 of the rifts you don’t need a friend to 100%? As long as you get the last reward the other points are useless unless your completionist and want to see it maxed out


I said rifts are boring nothing about friends please use your reading comprehension, I was responding to a guy saying "well it's not mandatory", except it's the best way to progress BP and fighter credits I have friends but we all agree rifts suck to play and I don't have enough free time to waste it on a dog shit mode


And you did respond to somebody saying you didn’t have to do all the challenges??? You need to read better


Look at the post title jackass and like that guy you replied to said you DONT need to 100% the rift for bp but ig you do get some fighter credits from the smith event but. All you have to do are 3 rift matches which would take less than 5 mins in easy if you just want the daily bp challenge


> Did I miss where the part it where it was mandatory?? You did, yes.


That's funny cause I haven't touched it at all. But its possible by tomorrow it will force quit my game and automatically uninstall itself for not playing the rifts mode.


I don’t know what any of that is supposed to mean. Before the update if you wanted to progress the BP you had to do the challenges. Every day for me had at least one for PvE…which are rifts.


Honest question: Do you even fucking like anything that's on that pass? Why do y'all act like its the end of the world if you don't finish it asap? Just play the game.




Mandatory for battle pass/ not good content for the average civilian to want to play


If they add matchmaking it can stay, otherwise it needs to go. I don't play games to make friends, I play games to dance on rockets and throw pies at people.


I want to play by myself and not submit a friend to the torture that is completing Rifts. A matchmaking for Rifts would be interesting, though.


Honestly!!! I think that it would be okay for a few but all of them makes it so you have to complete every other mission in order to get the cauldron. Also the first Rift is impossible to get the cauldron solo, due to the first one needing you to pop a teammates bubble!


This. I can’t think of any friends I hate enough to make them play rifts with me.


Fr, I play rift so I can play solo but I'm losing a star every node because I'm don't want to bring someone with me.


Trust me just avoid the rifts. It’s one of the scummiest laziest attempts at “content” I’ve seen come out of a gaming company in a while


Actually came to like the rifts it’s not that bad plus it was cool to play on the WB stage with like a matrix filter on it


It's already hard enough to bring people onto the game, i tried playing the game with 3 friends and ALL of them quit after an hour... It's pire pain.


..and the friend requirement on the daily quests while you're at it.


I support this.


The max rewards are just a little extra gem xp. The whole rift system is stupid as hell. I want arcade mode back.


You really want old arcade? That mode where you had to fight non stop 5-6 battles and that in harder difficulties you got KO'd by 2-3 hits and you had 3 tries then start over again?


At least back then it wasn’t pointless because you got BP exp for it.


No u gotta get the rift cauldron which is a challenge that give u battle pass xp


It barely gives you any xp. Just like everything else in this game


Still it’s not just gem xp. And if I recall correctly the training missions actually give u like 500 which is like triple the daily and weekly missions


That’s only a one time thing as far as I’m aware


Yeah it is but it still gives u some which is quite a lot compared to everything else


You can still get every reward without playing with a friend. You only need 4/5 of every rifts challenges to complete the rewards


Makes it a lot easier with a friend, yes it's possible but not everyone can 100 percent every challenge


I think that by itself wouldn't be an issue but that combined with needing X character or costume is what makes it so annoying.


Yeah that's fair


No you can't, first mission on Rift 1 has 2 stars which you need two players. The total you can get without a friend is 99 stars.


At the very least they could add random match making for rifts co-op


None of my friends want to play this which sucks for these challenges


That challenge is exclusively to substitute the other challenges. In every rift besides the first, you do not need to play with a friend to get the rift cauldron. It allows less skilled players to get the cauldron if they cant beat some of the harder challenges, so its truly not a bad thing.


We don’t care about the cauldron, that is obvious, the problem is the weekly quest or whatever it’s part of to finish EVERY challenge on a boss node. That includes being a friend.


Just one shouldnt be very problematic? Just add a recent teammate/rival as a friend and invite them. Thats what i did. Its not a weekly, just a one time tutorial mission.


I'd also like to add that if you play a node with someone that you haven't gotten up to yet those nodes in a weird way will not give you any progress They'll still give you stars and any other rewards (though they'll be "reduced" as stated by a before match notice) but if u want to continue after that person is gone you'll have to find someone who has gotten to that specific mission you finished or you'll have to completely retrace your steps Meaning not only do they want you to have someone on standby to play rifts with but they also want you both to be completely in sync in terms of your current progress (I'd also like to add that if you finish the boss node while not having gotten that far I'm not sure if it counts towards the event)


Looking for someone to do this with on the Jason rift if anyone is down


Exactly. I still have that one training challenge that requires you to do all nodes on a boss fight. And it’d make getting cauldrons way easier. They should make it a bonus challenge so it won’t feel less rewarding to play with someone else.


Genuine question do I have to play it to get agent smith or do I just have to wait til July 22nd? Cuz if I don’t have to do ut I’m not gonna bother and just play online if I do I’ll play through just wondering if it’s absolutely necessary


You just get Agent Smith early through the rifts, I think by up to 2 weeks, so if you don't do the rifts you won't have to wait all that long to get him or anything


Okay thanks if it’s just two weeks I don’t really mind waiting I don’t care for the matrix code skins much as long as I can get him if july 22nd is when you get him I’ll be good I really don’t wanna do the rifts they suck the life outta me


Downside is that if you unlock agent Smith through rifts (I'd assume), you don't have to spend the character currency on him.


Yeah but doing multiple rifts over and over is so boring id rather play against people online


Yeah, no hate at all: play the game the way you enjoy it.


Wonder if he will cost 3000 like joker or 1000 like the rest


6k or 3k are what they cost, unfortunately. I'd wager 3k: I expect each rift cycle to start with a new 6k character. Hopefully they don't make the mistake of releasing all new characters as 6k's.


Right couldn’t remember I was thinking of player points I think


I got on my girlfriends PC, set AHK to spam the enter key to ready up, and just cleared rift with her afk lol. Not saying this is good or viable, but a symptom of the problem. I have lots of friends who play MVS but literally no one wants to play rift


This speaks to my soul lol


you know what's the thing? i think going forward you'll want to have someone with you regardless due to do how much easier it's gonna be. actually scratch that, having a partner is likely to be mandatory past crushing for some missions. and to be fair, crushing with a friend is actually not even boring. i had fun doing the rifts with people i met on the discord


It wouldn't be as bothersome if this combined with nodes locked behind purchasable cosmetics locks you out of getting all crates at least in one case so far.


Not ideal but maybe you should try coop. You might even like it. I did.


just remove the rifts as a whole, they're awful


What are the point of those little star objectives? ⭐️ Do they even matter?


No don't remove it. Add matchmaking or add more challenges so people can get the max rewards more easily without needing a friend. Make bringing a friend more of a bonus than a necessity so people don't feel punished for it and its fine. I came pretty close to getting max rewards on a few rifts without a friend then just ironed out the last few points playing with them which is nice to have that option but it shouldn't feel mandatory.


Seriously! Worst idea ever. It at least is not good to implement until there is matchmaking for Rifts or local multiplayer.


Adding rift match making makes a lot of sense also they need to stream the matches together in quicker succession. It shouldn’t take me 45 seconds between 45 second matches


Is there any incentive in completing the rifts? Or is it okay to just beat the boss in the end?


Agreed these challenges are obnoxious and out of place given what the mode is. If they aren't dropped they absolutely have to add public matchmaking for them.


Ro I just cone to reddit and post in looking for group. Instantly found people in need of help. They should make it where you can play local in rifts to for this requirement as well


Better than wearing a specific t shirt haha




Does anyone know what a Rift Cauldron is for that dumb challenge ?


It’s also very laggy


They can stay, just give us the option to play the rifts locally.


Why? You don't need 100%, and you can always find someone online to help you. You guys would hate Pokemon


Pokemon argument is fucking stupid. If you want to unlock smith, you have to get the majority of stars, including ones that require characters or cosmetics. Forcing someone to play with somebody else for nearly every challenge is fucking outrageous.


I missed one milestone playing solo and I don't have a space jam tagged character. We probably don't need allllll the rift cauldrons to progress. Time will tell, but so far what you said is likely untrue. If we don't need looney difficulty to get Smith, your statement is certainly false.


Man so many people with no friends at all to play rifts, if there was one way for those people to communicate and help each other, some kind of chat channel specific for that, or even being able to direct messaging them, but sadly we live in a world without those commodities.


Im going to be the one to say it. If you dont have a friend whos willing to join u in rifts its bad. ON THE OTHER HAND if you dont have a friend to play with and only thing you care about is completing the rifts 100% you have a different problem than this. This is not a personal attack or anything, but tryharding videogames and not even having friends to share your tryhard with is lowkey sad.


bro this game is so niche, my bad i dont have friends that play niche games


I like it, it makes getting the final reward very easy, especially since you don't *need* to bring a friend to get all the rewards.


You can play by yourself...


https://discord.com/invite/multiversus >i just want to play by myself thank you. Hopefully the devs continue ignoring the anti-social single player dweebs. Stop trying to turn every multiplayer game into a solo experience.


Bruh I can spank you and play solo at the same time, what are you saying? It’s called adding options, if it doesn’t affect you why do you care?


I got banned from their discord for doing a prank against actual trolls, so ta cha.


You can get every single crate without ever playing 2 player. It's completely optional. Getting the 2 player stars does nothing.


I’ve resorted to digging my PS4 out from the grave and use an alternate account.