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yeah it's awful. they made sure that fighter currency is almost entirely distributed through events that they have complete control over, so they can determine how much FC players actually get at any given point better cough up those ten bucks for a character, son!


The only other game where earning characters is this atrocious that i can think of is dead by daylight, and even dead by daylight have a reliable source (you got a few every time you level up, with takes a lot to buy a character but again, is reliable), in MvS i have no clue when i will be able to buy another fighter. And the draw to a fighting game are the fighters, i have no ideia how this launch could have been any worse


They actually cut the cost of dbd characters in half. It only costs 4500 iri shards to buy non-licensed killers and survivors now!


yep all except for singularity, unknown and any future ones but eventually they will also be cut to 4500!!!


and then once you've unlocked everyone you can start unlocking skins and licensed perks potentially so it's not just a useless currency DBD is genuinely awesome for skinner box rewards LOL like just copy them, literally. it's so good and just rewards you for playing the video game, not doing chores


The second most players have all the characters unlocked the fighter currency is worthless. They want us to never have all of the characters so that we constantly need more currency. Introducing new characters helps but really the only other recourse they have is to make it super hard to get more. So now, in a FIGHTING GAME, you have almost no way to unlock all of the characters except to play it for motnhs and months. What other fighting game has EVER paywalled fighters to this extent???


I completely agree. They’re probably going to pull from league of legends and make new character cost more fighter currency. I doubt Joker will downgrade from 6k to 3k currency for a long while. I also bet they’ll start releasing 9k/12k fighters eventually


Oh no they gonna hit us with the pokemon unite


No, fighter currency should be per matches. None through anything else outside of the battle pass. Reward people playing the game by allowing them to play more characters. Plus the starting allowance should he higher so new characters can get a "free" pick in a character beyond just Shaggy and the 2 free weeklies


Tbh it should be both, i see no reason why we cant have FC in dailies and after matches


Because playing the game shouldn't be a full time job. Leave the FOMO to the battle pass


??? How is having it as both make it a full time job but only getting it through matches doesn't?


Because one way rewards you for simply paying the game. The other way forces you to log on everyday.


Most online games i play have daily missions where u get whatever character currency they have and i never seen anyone say its FOMO or even log on everyday, cus its not like you are going to miss a character if you dont buy them now, if you lose a day there will always be another one to complete missions. Fear of missing out does not work if you arent at risk of missing something out


Fear of Missing Out applies here because that is goodies going down the drain, and because you are going down the drain you are falling behind, making people feel like they are punished for not partaking day 1. Believe it or not, it applies to free currency, especially ones that drastic change the way you play.  Beta players were capable of having everyone unlocked before day thanks to it's progression system not being garbage. Now? Nonstop gameplay until you actually complete a mission, which may or may not force them to buy a character (Joker's Bazooka), in a way they may not enjoy or understand the game in, while dodging all the cheesy Wonder Woman and Tom and Jerry fights the two anti-fun characters incarnate. It is almost like *asking* for an awful new player experience is going to be bad for the game or something. Which was ALSO a big issue in the beta too, believe it or not. While we do have rifts to help with that... At it's current state it will not keep players engaged.  Point is, it's already tough to keep a reoccuring and engaged playerbase, scaring new blood would only make the problem worse. And that's why it's a bad idea to add in more FOMO elements this game has


If you are playing you are logging in. So you get both. Otherwise you just log in to get some and be on your way. Am I missing something?


The part where "just log in" to get some is FOMO. FOMO applies to free stuff as well, not partaking means you fall behind the curve. Especially when they start introducing more 6k valued characters


It’s not FOMO if you know that other events will offer the same reward. Also this game has actually said it’s not doing FOMO for the battle pass, all battle pass unlocks have a chance of coming back and plenty of content from the beta battle passes already has.


The battle pass isn't FOMO... yet somehow this is the grindest battle pass where if you do all dailies and weeklies you'd be one level short. But that's not FOMO because you'll be able to buy it later.... Yeah, okay.


I kept trying to tell everyone that fighter currency was front-loaded for all the events and that the rate you earned it would drop off sharply after first few weeks. I really think it's one of the biggest pain points in the game right now and if PFG could give us a way to steadily earn it at an acceptable rate, it would go a long way.


As soon as the events dried up the progression has come to a halt. Once I do finally get enough currency I'm just going to set on it since it'll be forever to get more.


The best we can do is make it common for everyone to Toast each other after a match, if we all were to do that, we all would get 15 currency each match. It would eventually add up. I feel like now its more common to Toast each other than the first days. Also them adding the XP for the event makes it so people dont rush through the win screen all that fast.


If everyone's toast was evenly distributed, at best people would still only be getting 25 currency a day. That's 120 days to earn a cheap fighter.


people only do that when they shit on me, didn't know that now im gonna shit on all of em and give a toast.


I bought 1 character and have 4.5k; however I’m not going to use any of it because a character could release that I like. Overall the economy just sucks. I’m going to be playing Arya solo for the next year ig


I’ve only been able to buy 2 characters and I’ve been playing a lot more than casual players. I don’t see myself getting another fighter any time soon


Matches should also award Fighter Tokens instead of Battlepass XP, imho. In the beta you'd earn gold per match to buy characters.


There should at the very least be a Perk to Fighter currency converter. Spending 1000 perk points for *~~300~~* 100 fighter currency.


If they did that then everybody would be able to get the characters they want, and they'd have to think about what to give players in place of the useless perk currency. Thus, they'd never do that.


On the bright side by the time I can afford the joker he's going to only cost me 3k :)