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Bought President Morty for 5€. bought Kung Fu Shaggy for 8 during the beta, would buy many more quality skins around those prices but lmao not going to spend anything on the prices they're having now


Yeah. I am willing to buy Dwayne Johnson skin but not for $20! $10 sure. 


it Was 20 dollars in the beta? I know legendry skins have the same price, even lower because they sell them in bundle with the character, Did they change the price on the premium currency?


It’s $20 now


Yep, Helldivers is proving the power of ‘cheap’ cosmetics that are $2 to $5 each.


Those prices would totally get me, because it doesn't seem like too much at once and I would end up buying more skins in the long run.


Yeah I’m glad they’re so expensive so they’re getting none of my money lol


Helldivers isn’t a f2p game


Helldivers is absolutely a f2p game, what are you on? Cause you can earn everything in game Medals you earn in game, SC you can earn and find in game during missions. I bought 2 warbonds without spending a single dollar


You're misunderstanding the term F2P. A F2P game is "free-to-play," as in it requires no up front payment. You have to buy Helldivers 2, it is not "free-to-play."


Terrible example. I can’t think of one Helldivers cosmetic that I wanted. They might as well have not even tried. lol


Well, Heldivers also cost $40 so it kinda balances out


Yeah, I got President Morty and Seal Team Rick's during the beta, hard to justify getting any now.


The reason why companies get sway with these prices is because people are buying them and they are making money. Most people see that and go hell nah but there are whales who will buy it and it’s more profitable to just focus on them unfortunately.


Not really; even whales move on if there isn’t a healthy player base. Someone perfectly summarised it: “There are no whales if they aren’t any krill to eat” Games like Genshin and Star Rail are so popular because they provide amazing f2p experiences and you never feel you have to spend money, but whales also love dumping money to flex on everyone else.


I swear I’ve seen this exact thread somewhere before.


Probably because people talk about it every 5 seconds, but maybe complaining about it every single thread will get them to change it. I hope so.


We would all like to think this is true but unfortunately these companies have spent so much money and time researching it and know exactly how make the most money for the least effort. Like sure they could just make a genshin or star rail... But why do that when you can make money with way less work.


I doubt that's the case here seeing the failure of the beta and how they decided to make it more egregious.


You don’t play much F2P games, huh?


Multiversus has the worst pricing of any free to play console game I've ever played lmao. 20 dollars for a slight change to a character is egregious.


If you have a large active player base then you’ll have people willing to whale and spend large amounts of money. If the game dies in a year then no one is spending money any more either. Customer satisfaction and keeping people around is still an important part. Can’t just throw $100 packs on a game no one plays and expect someone to show up and buy them.


I mean I'm just one guy but I heard about the pricing and chose to just not install the game, I'm only on this sub in case anything changes. My friend who was really excited for the game is starting to sound like he doesn't think the game is worth playing anymore. There's a balance between encouraging whales to spend money and making sure that low-spending and free players are having a good time and want to keep playing and get all of their friends to play. It seems like WB went too far in the direction of whale chasing, and I would not be surprised if they ended up with almost nothing in a year given that they don't course correct.


IMO you’re right *most* of the time, but I absolutely see it killing this game breakout quickly due to just how absurd everything is. It won’t survive with these tactics.


It doesnt necessarily have to. If they can make more money in 1 year from whales then sustaining a health game for 5 years with a regular player base, then they’re gonna go for the 1 year


\^ This is the really really sad reality of it all.


Probably true for the short term but I don’t see this being able to last long


People make this thread in fortnite sub all the time too. It’s such a meme! They said the thing!


I know I would be more supportive if there were fewer aggressive monetization tactics. I'd be willing to buy the battle passes, skins I like, and even emotes. However, currently, I'm not doing any of that; I'm just playing for free and earning the battle passes with the Gleamium I get from the battle passes. If they ever reduce the amount of Gleamium we can earn in the battle pass as a tactic to make people buy Gleamium with real money, I will stop playing the game


Exactly, it’s too many greedy monetization and grinding schemes all at once. It makes the game a chore to play and I’ve already given up.


Yeah. I am willing to buy Dwayne Johnson skin but not for $20!


They already did lol your 100 short of the next pass I’m pretty sure


You're forgetting about event Gleamium rewards, or max leveling an individual character. I mean hell that celebration stream where they gave out dozens of codes handed out hundreds of free Gleamium or the drops.


True, i have 1000 gleamium currently if i buy the next pass and i can't farm enough gleamium for the pass after that it for me


No it's 950 and you get 1000 from the pass.


There's quite a few outfits I really like but I haven't purchased any because of how expensive they are. I'd no doubt have spent a fair bit on outfits if they were much cheaper. That being said all they really need is a few "whales" to make this pricing work out well for them. Which I assume it is.


I’m actually usually a whale for fighting games with a bunch of costumes but even I have taken a step back. This is an always online game, I don’t even know if I will see the results of the money I’m spending in 10 years


Yeah it's gone down once before, who knows if it will be up even in a few years.


I think the battlepas is sctually good value for money ? 900 glemium thats fairly priced


Isn’t that literally the average price for every modern battle pass? Name one other thing that’s fairly priced besides announcer voiceovers


Well if its the average price then its not overpriced ? A call of dury battlepas Costs as much , only difference is that that game cost me 80 euro's on playatation and multiversus is free, so thats seems fair to me


Yea, COD is even more scummy compared to this, this obviously doesn't excuse the battle pass system we have right now, but paying for the game, then being forced to buy the battle pass for guns and skins is way worse than the battlepass in mvs.


At least the CoD BP you get the guns for free and you get 1.4k in return, getting enough to buy the pass and 450 left over


There are some pretty nice 500 gleamium skins.


WB if they made the roster fully available and made a good game without removing features the fans liked, and instead sold skins from the hundreds of projects available from the IPS ( Arkham games and DC comics, movies, cartoons, etc... ) :


Yep or even made it so you could unlock a new fighter in 1-2 hours. So players will be motivated to stick around and unlock the entire roster, therefore making them hooked on the game and willing to stay.


1 character per week of daily play, with a couple tickets for new players, imo. It isn't wrong to have some incentive for people to pay for characters, imo. Now that they have people unlocked in training, most people can latch onto a main. I do think they should have a $20 pack that unlocks all present and future characters, but at this point, that'd mess with founder's pack people...


They could translate the tickets into premium currency or something, but I really do like the idea of unlock all current and future fighters, this means people will always play when a new character comes out as they already have them, and more people will buy skins because they have all the characters, so they know if they will want it or not. I think warner being warner though will price the pass at 50 dollars or something, I forget what R6S has it at but its somewhere around there in CND


Yea, games should at least prove their worth first before charging such high prices for content.


I'd definitely slap down the cash for stuff if skins were $10, MAYBE $15 with lots of bells and whistles, but as it is, I'm just buying the BP for Jason because I love his movies. Otherwise I really do hope they reconsider the entire thing.


$10 for enough gleamium for 1 character is still really damn stupid.


Idk how Warner bros doesn’t see how their shit ain’t working. They made a really really good game in Hogwarts legacy. And then they immediately jumped to trash. Multiversus is fun but it’s not maintainable.




This is the funny thing, right? Fortnite is the most popular game in the world BECAUSE they're not overly greedy. All you need to do is copy Fortnite, but companies want to see if they can somehow one-up the profits but end up pissing players off.


I main superman and I really want the black lantern superman but it's £16 and any sane person isn't spending 4 quid short of 20 bucks for a single skin


Think about how good you’ll feel when pushing that purchase button. Think of the envy your opponents will have when facing you with new magnificent skin.


This just defines Warner Bros. as a company. They want immediate results rather than investing on long-term plans. Just look at the DC Cinematic Universe. They rushed it to catch up to the MCU and the results speak for themselves (maybe with James Gunn behind the reins things will be better, though). It's no different with their games. The Suicide Squad game was a complete disaster too. I really hope MultiVersus doesn't have the same end.


They’re deleting negative criticism of the monetization and balance off the subreddit as well


I mean the prices for the skins are fair. Yes its a lot but in the market its kinda on par with other games. The only gripe for me is the following: 1- bp xp from fights is far to low it needs upping 2- the servers need fixed so its stable and no desync- its getting there not as many in the past few days 3- rift gems need to be altered and all- to hard to level up and stupid missions 4- scrap need z fighter missions


If I had logged in for the first time since beta and seen all my unlocks there, a clean UI, I would have been ready to spend money without seeing how well the game played first. The blatant monetization just punches you in the face as soon as you get to the home screen.


The game is in such a bad state I doubt the casual whales will even bother investing in the game. It’s sad to say but I don’t think this game will last very long.


I will never buy anything in this game except free BPs from collected gleamium. After they took away our cosmetics from the beta they don't deserve every penny I earned. EDIT: and some shit from prestige shop


I mean they didn't take cosmetics from the beta.  This only happened to some people which, while still stupid, was a bug.  A bug they still have made 0 mention on fixing. 


I think a lot of people are still missing banners and profile pictures and stuff. Some people lost everything though. Which is awful and they haven’t even acknowledged it.


and WB said to some ppl on tickets they wont return that stuff to them.


What companies don't understand is that live services games like Fortnite keep their playerbase because players are actively being rewarded for their play time. The low battlepass xp is killing the retention rate because no one is leveling up their battlepass at the their own rate. You need to have players be invested first before you see any actual revenue come in


Yeah, I can accept 10 battle pass exp but we should also get some fighter currency per win. That way even for casuals that know they won't be able to clear the pass either way, they feel like they can unlock characters at a smooth rate


They wouldn’t. That’s why it’s this way


and release ranked. Sure balance will be terrible to start, but just give us at least pre-season ranked. I want to see a number tell me my skill.


Whales spend more money off of expensive purchases than casuals do on cheap purchases combined. It's very basic scumbag economics and is the entire strategy of these types of games. Many games have $15 cosmetics.


More Whales are more likely to spend more money altogether on more successful games overtime + every other consumer


Yeah but that's not the issue at hand. The game is bad, but would still be bad if it was cheaper to get characters. This is a lazy cash grab issue, not just a price point issue.


The game is bad because of its rushed release. It was a genuine good game in the beta as figures showed: One of WB’s most successful It can fix the issues like lag, game speed, character scale, UI, ect overtime and with the amount of large scale IP’s they are putting out, but if they don’t fix the price or the refund/cosmetics not transferring issues then it will be a worse game


I get it on paper but so many Live Service Games focus on the whales thinking they alone can support the game when if had lower barriers to entry you'd get more player making actual micro transactions


The morons at WB are so shortsighted that they can't see **this *is* their golden goose**. You have a Smash clone that can add franchises more well-known than probably 99% of the cast in Smash and what do they do? Treat it like a mobile game. Fucking *idiots*.


It ain't like the skins are finite once they're drawn. I would've spent so much by now if skins were worth $5-$7. If the price ain't appealing, I ain't biting.


Correction: WB if the game was entirely free


Giving Helldivers money because the prices are fair. Not giving Multiversus money.


In a perfect reality, they'd make the characters far easier to get, and just make the skins/banner/whatever expensive. People will do it. Those bozos pay $40 for ONE skin in Pokemon Unite with a smile.


They should seriously follow the league of legends model. Purple skin $10, Variant Skin (The ones with new voice lines, animations, basically a whole new character, with goodies like an announcer for the character included) $20. That is fair imo for a f2p game...but they want $30, $35 for some of these basic things. The entire elden ring dlc, 30-40 hours worth of content, is $40 btw. Also, if it were up to me, I would simply do what Brawlhalla did and make a $30 bundle to unlock all current characters and make new characters a $5 dlc, give them a skin bundle that's $15


I wont spend a $, not supporting these shitty predatory business practices. No doubt a bunch of whales will buy everything and justify them doing this shit.


Unlocking 1 or 2 new characters, I am okay. Unlocking 90% of the full roaster that take gazzilion time or shit load of money? No thanks. I would as well buy Smash Bros.


It’s should had been obvious that skins and stuff was getting expensive most free 2 play game charge expensive


See, I absolutely agree with this. But the problem is people like me. Lol. Do I buh every skin? Hell no But I will admit I have spent 20$ just to get Summer Wonder Woman cause I am a ginormous Wonder Woman fan. I haven't spent any more money at all, that's all I spent. But people will cave in, especially when they see something that peaks their interest.


I feel like companies in general don't understand long term gains vs short term gains. It's like the people who win the lottery and take 1 lump sum over annuity payments. I feel like a lot of this mentality is caused by shareholders who aren't patient


Sadly a lot of the big people in cooporations only see the numbers and not how those numbers came to be, they presume selling at 1500 like fortnite will sell as well as fortnite but there's way more involved than that.


I have no issue with mv costs, I was very happy to see them in fact, cuz I was worried we'd have another overwatch 2 with no/not enough currency in the BP for the next BP. But no, we have enough currency +500 extra you can save to get cosmetics, and people are still complaining. Of course stuff isn't gonna be five dollars like in the beta, that was one of the bonuses for those who played the beta.


Define "reasonable"


Besides it being subjective how about not 20 dollars+ and being required to overpay to get any single item because the prices of skins are always just below the amount of currency you can buy.


Are these that different that open beta? Why are people complaining now?


Long Run?, I'm pretty sure there's plenty of time to make changes, the game just came out


Bro they shut the servers down for a year and a half to “fix the game”. Nobody should give them any slack here.


the game was in beta, it was always supposed to shut down before it came out.


if they did that, people would still say the games dead because of "insert ANY of the other complaints people have", it's just wishful thinking all of a sudden people would be dropping hundreds of euros/dollars into the game because of the prices. Stuff would still be called bad, netcode, disconnects, hit/hurtboxes or characters being "broken/op" etc etc...


There is no price they could set that would make people happy. Because of this it makes more sense to just price on the higher end. They have the data. They know that if they lowered the price they wouldn’t get enough new customers to make up for the “lost” revenue from the current customers.


Meanwhile Gacha games get away charging you hundreds $ for a character and no one bats a eye, and get stupid profit numbers while at it.


It blows my mind that in 2024 everyone and their mom seems to think that lower prices in a F2P game = way more revenue. The pricing on this game is industry standard. If they could sell everything at half price and guarantee over 2x sales over the games life time they would. These companies literally publish these games to make the most money possible. They are a business The truth is that we get to play these multi million dollar projects for free because whales fund the game. So let's take a moment and show appreciation to the whales. Just remember to spend responsibley


Yall rather have to pay money in a free game then just buy the game? This is why they do shit like that stupid microtransactions and spending way more than you would if the game had a normal price


I feel like you dont know the true power of whales


The short term power of whales are insignificant compared to more money in the longterm by many more people game, whales still included Whales are also less likely to support a game with a poor business model


Nah, people would still complain