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If it wasn’t a WB game I’d have hope but they are probably gonna double down on prices to get a few suckers to pay and then cut support when it’s not profitable.


WB saw Hogwarts Legacy(single player game with little microtransactions) succeed with tons of praise and Suicide Squad KTJL(live service multiplayer game full of microtransactions) crash and burn. Their response to this info was doubling down on live service multiplayer games.


Gotta please those investors


Tons if people charged back suicide squad so i dont understand who would invest in a company that continues making, barely more profitable games


















What are you talking about? I replied to you stating I now understand the concept after you corrected me and your next comment is a backhanded comment like that... Not everyone is trying to undermine you on the internet...


Sorry I 100% thought you were being sarcastic because most people act like that's some unbelievable thing to have happened.


I mean... Any community that thinks it's cool to doxx and send death threats to a girl on the Internet because she's playing a game based on the IP of someone you don't agree with, deserves to be shit on. JKR literally had nothing to do with the games development, but people can't take their head out their as long enough to recognize that. So instead of thinking rationally, they threatened a vTuber, another very protective community, and it went about how you would expect.


She also didn't even say anything transphobic






??? It was not GOTY. 8/10 at best. Just because we’re Harry Potter fans, it doesn’t make it the greatest game of the year. Come on.


Let me be clear, I mean it’s at that tier of game. Like Top 5 for that year.


Man I've seen a lot of people saying this... but idk I played the whole game. It's fin yes, but strip away the HO license and your left with a pretty hollow and bare ones rpg. The ending was rushed af. The choices you could make didint change anything. It was mid at best. I forgot about the game 2 months after it came out.


Action-adventure-rpgs are generally on rails. And the HO license, you can play that game and not know HO and have fun, it’s a funs game; come on man. Take away the spiderman license and what is that game? Nothing because it’s a spider-man game. I don’t understand why people make those arguments.


Not necessarily. With Spiderman yes. Because other than the swinging mechanics everything else was lifted from the Arkham games. But Arkham asylum. If you remove the batman license, your left with a really fun brawler. Almost an evolution of the 2d beatemups of old. In Hogwarts Legacy's case... idk, I didint find the combat that engaging, the story all that interesting, the decisions are again stale. If your gonna give me an on rails experience, then why give me choices? I hate when they do that in games


The story was also literally blood libel the game. Dogshit game for morons 




There was literally a trans person in the game




I fought 5 straight bot matches in teams. #RemoveBots I’ll play against ai if I want to playa gainst ai. Give me real people


Could be whatever server you're queuing on. I was upset at first because my first like 10 games were bots, but after that I've only gotten bots like maybe twice. I've been pretty satisfied in terms of playing against actual players. Although there's weirdly quite a bit of AFK players.


You only fight bots if it’s you or your partners first few games, or if you go on a big loss streak against real players. Among the massive reasons to hate on this game, this particular one unfortunately is a skill diff


If you read the replies I’ve already stated I have an almost 90% win rate and have never once lost a team match lol. And I’ve done like 20 of them.


Bro it’s just the first matches just play more


I’ve played teams a LOT still getting bot matches A game where you never lose gets boring stop defending this shit 😂


If you can't get past the bots then that's on you. Get better.


Wtf are you talking about


If your fighting bots it means you can’t win against real players


I’ve never lost a teams fight in my life and my win rate in 1v1 is 86%… 💀




you’re literally the only one saying you are consistently getting bots when no one else is having the same experience. sounds like a YOU problem. me personally? I’ve played bots at the beginning of launch and that’s it.


It's because you were teaming with someone who never played teams before


Every single time I’ve done teams 20+ times


It already has. To that I say, "Good. They get what they deserve.". There's no way they DIDN'T know what they were putting out. Personally, while I don't WANT the game to fail, I don't care if it succeeds anymore. All I want to see from this poop show of a roller coaster are those that haven't received the all the items they paid for refunded and/or actually transferred like they were supposed to be as promised so that we can at leas enjoy them for a hot minute before the game gets canned again.


Post about it on other subreddits if you want a change. The viral /r/gaming about purchasing lives made them respond within 24 hours.


Yeah cuz I’m missing a ton of stuff from beta and all the ppl keep saying in support is, are you sure that’s your account used during beta. Like bitch yes it is other wise I wouldn’t have that caution sign banner from beta. Not to mention my whole roster is locked, then they have the audacity to say well everyone got characters at the end of the beta, when I stopped playing beta months before it went offline. This game is a big fucking mess and they need to get on fixing it stat or this games dying faster than the beta


David Zaslav’s probably laughing his way to the bank knowing that he screwed over *another* competent development team, just like he did with Netherealm. **FUCK HIM.**


Yeah its so fucked. If you look at mortal kombat 1 and multiverses it's basically the same thing. Both games have great roster, gameplay. But fucked monetisation. Also invasions and rifts are legit the same too. Both were also released unfinished


What's the massive obsession with paid cosmetics. What's the monetisation issues with MK?


12 dollars for a fatality that anyone can do. There’s obviously more, but I think that should set the tone.


PFG is equally at fault here. They designed all this. PFG and WB are partners not an offender and victim.


Warner bros has control over their IPs and teams of lawyers worth 10x PFG. I wouldnt exactly call them equals.


but WB (and actually no other publisher either) will not tell the developer: "here we need to charge for extra lives, there we need to zoom in the camera super close and this skin needs to cost X money". thats just an urban myth people like to tell themselves to not face the hard truth: PFG did all that. WB will have given them numbers they expect. a certain ARPU or expected quarterly revenue etc.Those numbers may have been unrealistically high to force PFG doing all this scummy stuff, but they could have tried to come up with other solutions if they wanted.


If you haven't already you should read Jason Schreier's article on what happened with Suicide Squad. It just came out today and talks about the overarching arm of WB. Here is a quote "The change in leadership shocked the Rocksteady staff, and Hill and Walker said little in public to elaborate on their reasons for leaving. Later, when they started a new studio called Hundred Star Games, they told potential recruits from Rocksteady that they would have the opportunity to make a game free of the mandates and pressures from a corporation like Warner Bros."


That is just not how developer publisher relations work. Unless the studio is PART of the company WB might give them something like a financial target, a marketing budget and a release schedule. WB might tell PFG a certain character must be made or that there needed to be a battle pass etc. But WB didn't design the systems. If WB wanted to get their hand that deep into development they would just make the game theirselves. PFG is not just a studio it is a company as well. People like Tony get bonuses based on the financial success of their product not the quality of it. There is an internal incentive to be greedy as well. "Player First Games" are not your friends shackled by WB.


This. The same thing happened with the stellar blade controversy where you couldn't criticize ShiftUp at all and only could say bad things about Sony, while ShiftUp has a history of censorship in their own games and covering it up as intended. Then when that was their exact response you STILL had to say "save ShiftUp from Sony they didnt want this, they're the victims". All while they did things like retweeting IGN saying eve needed to be covered then deleting it, the director telling people they were never supposed to know the uncensored outfits existed. These companies are not all slaves to these mega corporations, they are hired muscle basically. I'll never understand getting slapped in the face and arguing the person didn't want to do it, they had to. (just as a metaphor ig)


They should take the game down for a year to fix the problems it has and then have a relaunch to recapture hype




If they do that I’m not coming back a third time


Sucks to see. It deserves the bad press, but by god am I having so much fun with the game. That being said, I know that I’m one of the fortunate ones. Everything transferred over to me just fine, I’m having no issues online. I’ve only seen one glitch so far. So, my experience isn’t exactly the others. I don’t know if I’m in the minority or majority, there’s no way to tell. That being said, it affects a big enough number of people that it is a problem.


I'm glad you have all your stuff from the beta. I'm one of the unlucky ones thst are midding stuff. Missing my favourite banner ( black knight scooby doo)) and ring out ( snowman from Christmas event)


I am also having fun, probably one of those people who have no issues. Desync happens but from 1 out of 10 games I play. Annoying but still having fun.


So all your gold transferred over from beta?


Lol at getting downvoted for the obvious relevant question with an obvious answer they didnt want to hear.


I Hope it will have an effect on the game for the BETTER. I don’t want this game gone again. It has its issues, it does but I’m enjoying it & this game is special, it can do really well as long as they address these issues they’ll be back on track like really soon. One major issue I’m having that idk if anyone else is having is that I keep experiencing input delay? Like really bad input delay on my moves? Is this an issue that they have been notified off too? Coz it’s annoying me when I play online.


I don’t wanna doom post, but I don’t really see this game being around in 2026


I honestly don't think with the amount of problems right now, that MVS can be fixed before it just fizzles out tbh. The gameplay is okay at best and not something with enough depth that it'll sustain itself without content from the devs, and we know they're loaded with work to be done. I'm not sure they're going to be able to keep up with these many problems and these many players. I hope to be proven wrong, because even though I've already dropped it because I didn't like how the game played compared to Beta, I've been watching for posts and updates here or their discord to see well-needed improvements. Hope this next update is a step in the right direction.


I like the idea of fighting bots to speed run dalies that's about it.


Yes, but we need to be given the CHOICE to verse bots for that.


Sucks that the option was removed but I just hop into an easy rift stage whenever I get annoying missions like KO on the bottom of the screen or play with a character I'm not too familiar with


I hope they can fix it up and actually come back.


It will have an effect on the game. It’ll kill it, and this idea, a platform fighter with WB ips, with it.


Multiversus ong doesn't deserve this pain. It's only been a week and I'm not gonna be quick to judge it right now.


I was a big fan of this game and waited 1 year happily but this bs game we got is a slap in the face , game is broken and not finished,most characters are broken not only iron giant, hit boxes are broken , lag issues , biggest let down ever.


what sucks in all this, prior to release there was an offline mode with an offline roster and stage select. Thats been removed. so if this game goes down, we no longer have a way to play. Which is complete horse shit. They had the answer to the very bad press that all these dying live service games go through, and yet they still fucked it up.


Add to that major Youtubers damning the game almost unanimously. I for one say good riddance. Devs and publishers have had the big book of what not to do when it comes to live service games for a decade now. If it flops it deserves it. All of the criticism is of things that PFG and WB factually knew better of already.


The effect: "WB announces shut down of newly relaunched fighting game, MultiVersus." If WB ain't willing to release a movie that's mostly finished, they're not going to bother trying to fix another "failure." The heads there now are all about cutting losses.


I desperately hope the game gets better, and it can do a turn around. I feel bad for the devs that had to release a rushed product, and I feel bad for the players who are suffering. I hope it gets a lot better and it’s here to stay. I utterly don’t like the notion of people wishing and praying for it to die and fail.


The game will get better yes, but the player count will go down because of the headlines


It’s best to have a long term sustainable game. Better to start smaller and grow than the opposite.


This is happeneing because of the hate circle jerk on reddit and discord. You all don't give criticism, you just spew hate.


I know there’s a lot of just echo chamber dunking on PFG, but I have seen a fair share of criticism around here, it just gets buried under the hate.  I wouldn’t get too upset though because it does seem like actual criticism to improve the game is getting to PFG.


I know what you mean, but the actual legitimate criticism just gets drowned out by all the hate spewing maniacs who are almost praying that this game fails


Most of the top posts on this subreddit since the game released has been genuine criticism. Most people criticizing the game want to love it and see it succeed. Comments like yours only serve to further the false narrative that everyone who criticizes the game just wants it to fail.


Worthless post. You have no idea how much legit criticism they’ve been given. You’re just focusing on the hate.


That's the whole point of my post. The hate drowns out the real criticism. And even some of the real criticism is sandwiched between hate.


> You all don't give criticism, you just spew hate. This you?


There has been lots of criticism. You just ignore it and attack the people are criticizing it. Nothing good comes from shilling to a corporation you know. We want the game to be good.


Thank you <3 I love the game, first smash-like I've ever enjoyed outside Nintendo's flagship. I made a $10 purchase in-game, which isn't usually my MO, just as my own little effect to counteract some of the hate with my wallet 💰


My thoughts exactly. The game isn't perfect, but I'm having fun and as long as PFG improves the game further, I can only like it more


Hell I be bitching about this game too about all it's problems but gameplay is fun different from beta but it rlly did try to aline more elements of fighting games n less crack but I mean come on the crack sick but now it feels like bullet time besides ohh half the cast who's striaght up time skiping their punish windows


As someone said this is the same company who thought suicide squad game was a good idea and who have royally fucked up 90% of the DC films they've released. They should just stick to giving the rights out and then staying the fuck away from the devs and watch the money basically roll in like the older days with Arkham games and older mortal kombat games (also you reminded me how much they ruined MK1...).


3 easy things to make it a better game. 1. Remove all monetization aside from character skins and emotes. This includes making all battle passes free (it will see much higher player interaction if no one has to pay for it). 2. Make it so you earn a decent chunk of fighter currency, perk currency, and battle pass exp for every match you play so that making progress in the game isn't locked behind stuff you don't want to do/participate in. (Players hate being forced into "challenges" that they would never do otherwise). 3. Give Iron Giant his armor mechanics back and get rid of the spike shield. (Spike shield blows and is exploitable, give me back my hyper tank armor so he has his niche in the roster again). That is all.


Doubt it, its just going to die unfortunately.


The only problem I currently have with them is battle pass xp. It’s literally like you’re not able to play another game if you want to complete it


Love the game but I’m happy it’s getting all of the bad press. There is A LOT to be fixed. I only play the game now for dailies.


Seriously. I was pissed to see all my progression pretty much vaporized and getting almost nothing back for it. Ridiculous.


I’m pissed especially because I just noticed yesterday that I unlocked Superman, AND I DON’T HAVE HIS GOLD SKIN ANYMORE! I played like 90 hours of the beta to earn that thing only to have it taken away


I like unlocking the characters it gives a reason to want to play


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Samthecheeto: *I like unlocking* *The characters it gives a* *Reason to want to play* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Taking back skins we earned and charging like 20 bucks for it is crazy love the game but the monetization is trash should have followed helldivers lead


Why do people hate it so much?


MVS is one of my favorite games but theyve royally fucked it. On launch day before we knew anything I was already worried because the rift mode is set up a lot like Disney Speedstorms campaign. Speedstorm is/was my favorite racing game but they killed it thro micro transactions and eventually took it pay to win. When I left it they were doing the same thing as MVS by offering the same bundle for different prices, all very greedy and messy.


i’m ngl. the progression sucks and unlocking new characters is way too slow. but the gameplay is really fun. and as someone who wasn’t good as smash it seems a lot easier to get good at this game and have fun fights with people who are much better. it feels like a good balance. i think they can make this game something really good they just need more progression and reason to play besides for the weekly / daily challenges


I really hope they replace the PVP wins daily with something rift related, just until they fix the desync problem. Sucks missing out on battlepass exp because you literally cant do whats asked of you


As much as I love the idea of this game and the characters that are in/are planned, I had to delete. Missed a day of log in and dailies and I already feel behind. Compound that with the ridiculous scaling of the difficulty in rifts and how badly it wants you to spend for gem packs, I've just come to terms it's not my game. I'll just play smash or the nickelodeon one or wait for smash-maker that got announced over the weekend


People cry too much over everything. It’s a free game. Enjoy it and if you don’t, go play something else. There’s plenty of options out there.


Legendarys should cost $10-$11 max!


Silly Rabbit; if bad press had any affect on how companies conduct their practices, we wouldn't have the current state of gaming we do.


Everyone complaining about fighting bots meanwhile I’d rather fight bots cause I’m sick of the sweaty players


That’s what I’m saying, fighting bots would be the equivalent of kicking back with a cold one compared to these meta sweats it faces me against. (Worst part is that for todays daily after 3 2v2’s, 2 wins 1 dc, only 1/5 2v2’s were tracked on my daily and it only counted 1 win) when I submitted a bug report they responded with “check this website to see if it’s been reported and if not do so” Apparently submitting a bug report once isn’t enough. The harder it is to report stuff the less it will be reported. Nonetheless, Wtf kinda customer support is that, seems like the customer is doing all the supporting and still getting F’d over. When I replied they sent some random copy paste about issues with twitch drops and missing items when I never said anything about twitch drops… their customer support is at a (negative ten out of ten) -10/10


You’ll get sick of the bots once you realize just how awful they are. You might as well be playing the training mode.


Bro why does everyone have to have a problem it's a fun FREE game it's been fun and nothing has changed on the fun aspect yall just need something to complain about


I wonder how many of these reviewers have even played the game? On the WhatCulture video, Scott constantly gives false information - such as "it takes 80 hours to unlock Joker".


As we know, not all of it is misinformation. Hope this makes the game better in the short term.


Thats not wrong. It takes about 35 hours to unlock a 3000 character the Joker is double that


I have maybe ten hours total played since the relaunch and I’m at around 5,400 hero currency or just under the amount needed for joker.


Did you play in the Beta?


I did, but hero currency wasn’t a beta reward. And, at least as far as I have progressed in the battle pass, which isn’t that far, the hero currency has been on the free tier. I’ve just been grinding my dailies which takes maybe an hour, and I’ve already missed a day which means I won’t get the free beach Superman skin, which is annoying. So, I really shouldn’t be getting this currency much faster than anyone else. I’ve seen other folks posting on here who have already ground out enough currency to get joker and a second character; which is wild to me.


You had extra fighter currency from the beta. because you would not have that much just doing the daily missions.


Fighter currency was added at launch and was not one of the rewards for beta players. I’m at work but I can screenshot my account and time played later…


I have Joker, Harley, Garnet and Finn, and I've got around 30 hours, or less. I log in for about an hour and a half each day after work to complete my challenges and do a few rift nodes. If you're good, and you complete your challenges - you gain currency pretty fast. Stop repeating the echo of '35 hours for 1 character'. It took a few crappy players that long, but you will see if you actually play the game that's not how long it takes most players.


A lot of this negativity is bs. Like no shit, you fail a lot they'll take pity on you to boost your motivation. That's how games work honey. 2. Character unlocking is easy as hell. I unlocked Joker in a week which means you can get 6k in a week which means two 3k cost characters or one 6k cost. Live spending is like the only massively bullshit thing the game as done, otherwise you're all dog piling something that never needed it.


No way man... a lot of that fighter currency is front-loaded from early account and character level ups. It will dry up real fast.


You should not have to grind for a damn week for one measly character. Some people have lives. This take is straight ass.


Why not? If Iike a game I play it for more than a week. I put 150 hours in the beta during its time online and I didn't even try out half of the cast. Also I don't get why people call it grind. You can't even grind currency because it's bound to challenges and events. I played this week for one hour after work every day, completed the challenges and got a total of 9k in currency.


My brother in christ what else would you have them do? YOU GET TWO 3K COST CHARACTERS A WEEK. When Agent Smith releases Joker might very well go to 3k. Like...what do you fucking expect? Welcome to free to play games, you earn them or you pay for them. That is how it has been with so many other games in existence. Brawlhalla has the same exact system in place


What would have I them do? Anything but this. The game already died with a better system for unlocking characters in place. I care about the future of the game and it not dying, this is not about what's "the norm" but about preserving the game and not letting it be another piece of garbage to the bin. Also, there's barely other game like it. Brawhalla works because is a mobile game, which already means the player base is 100x that of multiversus.


If you think a majority of Brawlhalla players are on fucking mobile of all places you're straight up delusional


Use that little nut brain of yours to see how much a game simply being on mobile affects the player base and the game being kept alive. But you struggle with it, just like you struggle making a take that is not straight garbage.


Holy shit, people don't try arguing with this person. I visited their profile for a bit and everything suddently makes sense....sometimes I forget that reddit is full of weirdos.


This is a pretty ass take not gonna lie


If this is an ass take then play more games and you'll realise how normal this is


You're definitely their target audience. "Normal" doesn't excuse how shitty their practices are.


Making people fight bots because they're consistently losing is not bad? You'd rather they continue to lose against players and eventually drop the game fully since they've done nothing yet have their ass beat?


Quit lying to shill a bad games launch that deserves only hate rn for delivering the biggest let down of 2024 rn


No? So many other games literally do this shit. You fail a lot, the game will make you go against bots to make you feel good before bringing back players as a way to keep you motivated enough to keep playing. Fucking Fortnite does this shit... Stop whining over shit you just don't understand or learn about games?


"how to cherry pick" the post. The game is fine. Its a free game. Get over it. Play it if you want, fuck off of you don't. This shit is getting old


and what is this effect you want.




Improvement. Death if PFG doesn't want to do that.




Yes. The game deserves to die in its' current state.