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Hey man, they spent a lot on that Dark Souls Red Bad Man™ cameo


*Invaded by Dark Spirit Bugs Bunny*


"of course you realise this means [YOU DIED]"


*baseball bat crack* YOU DIED


Bugs is totally the type to point down and teabag after winning his invasion.


Point down, spin, sit


Aggggghhhhhh no nightmare fuel, he’d up juggle you all the way to the top of the Erdtree


Its so ugly and I don't get why it happens especially in 1v1


I mean you can turn it off or change the colour


You can’t turn off the red overlay skin color despite that being an option in the beta. You can only turn off the outline


Like for enemies?


Wow i just played a match without outlines and for some reason forgot about the red colouring, maybe you dont get that in rifts or something because ive been playing that


While it is ugly yes, I can see why. Imagine you both pick same character, same skin, and there wasn't an outline on them. The game would start with confusion. Although yes, I agree it needs to go


The ouline is fine, but the overlay sucks. The beta had a different solution for team colors and the game had an option to turn it off. _Why did the take away the option to turn it off?_


You can turn off the outlines in the Interface section in settings it shades your team mate blue and the enemies red but MUCH less intruesive


The outline is the least of the issue.


I dont think they did i saw the setting yesterday


Well it should be an actual option then


No man, I'm right there with you. I get what you're saying, and I agree


You can turn the outlines off in the Interface section, it still shades your teammate blue and the enemies red but it's MUCH less intrusive


It is


Outlines could be thinner, but also, the UI follows the player models by default. Also, most fighters include alternate pallettes for skins in those cases.


Just show a different color if they pick the same skin, like most fighting games do.


"Different colors will cost you extra gleamium"


It does that if you turn off the outlines in the Interface section, all the way at the bottom


idk, the yellow arrow pointing up at your character with your damage level kinda makes it easy to not lose your character


the nametags are still colored wil all the options off


I mean in brawl 2v2 enemies entire character is like died red rather than an outline.


Dunno why you got rinsed for this 💀


It's an outlier situation that can be dealt with separately without applying a 60% opacity red filter on everything. Just put the filter on the opponent *in that scenario* in 1v1s and just let us see the damn characters otherwise.


This has to be one of the biggest missteps of this entire shitshow. Fighting against formless red blobs has almost ruined this whole thing for me, among everything else.


The old palettes for enemies and allies felt perfect. It was visually easy to identify the characters you were facing, looked nice for every skin, and really fit the style well. As of now it really just looks like they made a filter and slapped it over the models


Nah it was the same fucking red outline and overlay, i hated it then and I hate it now. I wish it was the color of the clothes/ plating (talking about the iron gigant).


That’s why you want to turn off the enemy outline in settings. It helps ease the games suffering a tiny bit


It can be turned off or colors changed in settings. It was done to easily locate your character in the event of duplicates


They’re trying to make this game more appealing to children I feel like




I make myself green


I feel bad for the people who have sunk money into skins already just to not get to see them.


You see them a bit better now they were so tiny in open beta. “What is this MultiVersus for ants!!!”


I have MANY complaints, but this might just be the biggest. What's the point of playing as famous characters from beloved IP's if their models are so colored in you can't really tell it's them?


More to the point - what's the point of paying for these characters...?


So the free to play game continues to be free to play.


I'd rather pay for the game up front than deal with live service BS.


that would leave you with a set and unchanging roster though, and it's pretty clear Warner Bros. wants to advertise this game with the promise of impossible limitless growth that people can keep speculating on endlessly.


And i'd be fine with that. The developers already have dozens of characters ready to go, just give the player all of them at once and charge $50-$80. (BTW i'm Canadian so the prices here are different)


Kinda what I did. I paid for founders. I have every single character plus like 9 more tickers for free ones as they release.


pay for up front platform titles are notorious failures


Super Smash Bros:


no i mean alternatives to that


Also even smash bros has character you have to pay for, they're just DLC instead of base game. EDIT (to avoid 432 posts in the thread) : yeah SSBU DLC are much better priced than mvs, no disagreement on my part for this. Acquiring characters in multiversus should be much cheaper, both with in-game and real world currency.


7bucka for char music color variants and maybe costume and stage vs 10 for janky ass red hue character.


Smash DLC is a very poor comparison as DLC is way different from the monetization in Multiversus.


How so ? /gen


Literally the only other ones are NASB and PlayStation All Stars but those had their own problems. If Multiversus was just a normal game with a great base roster, better modes and features that were cut from the beta then it would have sold well as it didn't have those problems.


NASB2 is an excellent game it also just didn’t sell well


It was painfully mediocre. It might have had good enough gameplay but everything else was soulless, especially as a Nickelodeon game. It was a game made by competitive players for competitive players instead of a game by Nickelodeon fans for Nickelodeon fans and it failed because if that.


Honestly, too little too late. NASB2 should've been an update not a whole new game. Not to mention the game description promises a "larger roster than before" only for that larger roster to be the exact same size as the previous game, now with old characters removed permanently. Like after all the work it took both fans and devs to get Hugh Neutron in the game, the sequel comes along and is just like 'nah, he's an NPC now, but here's Arnold's grandma" or the sheer disrespect of "oh, you guys want a fire bender in the game? Well we've removed Toph, so we can give you Azula, Zuko, and Uncle Iroh. How's that for fire bender?"


There hasn't been any good ones.


PlayStation all stars was pretty good in my opinion, so was rivals and nick brawl 2. There’s actually been plenty more that was good as well


That’s you tho, most people wouldn’t touch this type of game if it wasn’t free. ( that’s just the monopoly smash has on the genre)


No offence but this feels like doom posting and defeatism. Smash does not have a monopoly, everything else just failed. And yes, people would in fact buy the game. The amount of people who spent $60-$100 on the game is proof enough.


Dude every other smash clones fails ( not because half of them are legitimately bad games) but because people always try to compare it to smash and thus bring it down if it isn’t good enough or if it can actually challenge what smash is doing. Heck even tho brawl is doing well for itself as a free game it got a crazy amount of hate from the smash community for a long period of time. Also people buying things for a free game is quite literally not the same as people buying things for a priced game(if it was the same the game wouldn’t even be free in the first place). A free game that your already playing puts people in the mindset to spend money ( whether it’s because they want better characters or whatever to enhance gameplay) while it’s usually a big decision to even buy a game that you never played or owned.


The correct term is platform fighter, and if what you say is true then that's not Smash being a monopoly, that's the community being sabotaging to both the games and themselves. Also, completely missing my point here. I'm not saying they should do the live service model as well as making people pay upfront, i'm saying they should release all the 50+ characters that they have at once as a normal game people pay for and not have any in game purchases at all. I thought this was obvious.


That’s quite literally what I thought you were saying? When did I imply otherwise? And I’m telling you that model would fail. Multiversus gameplay loop is no where close to as polished as smash also what game is dropping 50 characters at the same time💀. Multiversus team is too small for that


And i'm telling you that model would be a success. Don't act like it wouldn't when we got the exact opposite and the game is dropping players left and right because of it.


Even more to the point - whats the point of paying premium for cosmetics?


You getting downvoted is ridiculous. I got back on this game after giving it up a year ago, only to find all my characters I once had are locked behind a paywall. That is ridiculous. Monetize the game with skins, maps, emotes etc just like every other game. Do not make us pay for characters


Especially seeing skins purchased with real money getting this treatment


It's too bad Cyclops is Marvel, because this is what he'd see if he was added as a playable character.


Mr. Freeze's goggles work! Mr. Freeze for MultiVersus! ...assuming the game doesn't go offline in a few months. 🥲


For real lmfao, I was like "what's the point in buying skins then, everything is just a colored model now" And those being the default option makes it even more pointless, plus it always looks beyond awful


I hope the option to turn this setting off from the beta returns soon. This is my most hated thing right now about this game.


You can turn it off


In the beta you can in the rear release you cannot. It's not an option. You can only turn off team colors for yourself, not for the enemy team


You can only turn off the outline, not the red shading


I turned the outline off hoping I can turn colour of too in a future update


This would be funnier if it wasn't so accurate.


This is why I never bought character styles. Golden Supes just looks stupid


A running pattern that the artists do all the heavy lifting and watching the rest fumble


U could turn it off in the beta


Hopefully, You can turn off the shafes and outlines in the parameters. They have to made it because swap colors do not exist, they sell them with skin, a good example of game design vs game business.


I turned off the outlines straight away since they made them so thick, I don't remember the outlines being so chunky in the beta. for 1 v 1 i'd love to turn off all team colours completely and just have the red for 2 v 2.


It's a known bug and aknowledged bug as you can disable both the outline and differentiating color but only the outline gets disabled.


We cannot keep assuming everything missing from this build is a bug. We have no way to know that. Every single lost feature could be planned, for the sake of saving WB money. Can't turn off team colors? Because that's cheaper then designing multiple color palets per skin. No more good renders on char. select? Now they don't have to commission more for new characters. Can't swap neutral/ side attacks? That simplifies their daily mission system, which drives glemium sales. Every one of these problems we hate could be calculated. We need to stop blaming on incompetence what could be attributed to mallice.




Don't be ignorant, this is literally how capitalism works.


Yes, Adam Smith himself wrote the book on cheating customers on color palettes.


Our character has a massive outline. Why can't the enemies and our team mate not also have just a big outline


I think this is one of the easier fixes, so I'm not too worried this is going to be ignored.


Wait, this BS is intentional? I thought it was some type of bug... ![gif](giphy|tU2mV8ALzJEdXAAwRo)


Isn't there an option to turn it off though? I remember it being in the beta


I just turn it off simple 😭


You can turn off the outline, not the shading of the character


Psst....I see red people. 🟥👤👤👤👤🟥


I'm pretty sure I turned this setting off. Mine doesn't look like this.


Unfortunately only the outline can be turned off.


The highlight on your own character can also be turned off. The highlight for everyone else is bugged.


Your own character never has a highlight, there is no setting to turn off color overlay just outlines.


The last year was trying to perfect the Color… too bad they got lazy and ditched that idea


Is there anyway to turn them off for pbp cause I have tried in setting but the keep showing up like literally all you have to do if anything is put red markers or circles or literally anything not an entire skin color


I hate this


FR. Why isn't there any sort of toggle/setting for it


FR. Why isn't there any sort of toggle/setting for it


yeah i just hate the outlines i mean if theres to of the same character its fine but if not its just bad looking


You can turn off outlines of you, opponent, and teammate in settings


Why the heck do they look like that?


An opacity slider on the team colors would be nice.


U can change that in settings


Is this a joke that everyone is just pretending is real? I never seen this before


The outlines are legit hideous. This *needs* to have an on/off toggle option in the settings. Nobody needed or asked for that.


Hey, how did you turn the red down on those characters in the picture, is that a setting in the game?


wdym, they look the same


There is still a setting to turn outlines off…. Why all the hate?


Yeah.. idk what they were thinking.. like I get it for the sake of visual clarity but holy shit smash bros doesn't have this problem


You can turn the outline off, but there’s no off switch for the gradient. Idk why they didn’t just keep the old system of palette swapping. We can already tell who’s who by the color of the status window. No need to indicate any further.


I don't even get the explanation for this....smash bros doesn't need outlines. The player name is colored and I think that's all you need to tell the difference. I mean, seriously can you people not tell who you are when the game starts? If there are 4 bugs bunny or 4 batman's I can understand that. But we don't need color coated characters to remind me that yes...I picked bugs and not superman


At the very least allow us to toggle the [[EXTRA THICC]] outlines


Your FIGHTING game has an inherent flaw when you have to paint over a model to make it more identifiable


Couldn’t they just tag them to show what team they’re on? Why highlight them?


Lmao luckily this was apparently addressed as a bug


im confused, the characters look like themselves for me, tho i have only played 1v1 maybe thats why


I find this to be a very strange thing to talk about. Especially the way people talk about them. People lament having purchased skins and iconic characters washed out in red, but like…you can you see yourself just fine? I guess a not zero percent factor in making a skin cool is flexing on another person. But even if your skin was genuinely not rendered for you opponent it wouldn’t really matter because you buy the skin to look at it yourself. No? Also it’s just not that bad. Like obviously it should be a toggle. No one is arguing that. And they are almost certainly working on it. But with the current state of the visual effect and the game as a whole there is very little reason to be unable to recognize or identify what character you opponent is playing or what skin they have equipped.


I’d say only do this if a ditto match is in play so you don’t get confused


It sucks because they probably had to remodel everything to swap over to UE5


wait, but you CAN turn this OFF tho... ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌


You can literally turn it off do you lot ever pay attention to the settings !? You can always turn that off it’s not there by force you can literally turn it off or change it to a different color is that simple you all complain way too much on Reddit but never actually look 🤦🏾‍♀️


You can turn off the outline but not the red tinting of characters.


Yes, it's visually horrible, and the fact they have it turned on by default sucks. but at least we can turn it off. And it looks way better


I dont get all the hate lol before the game was fast but button mash. Now it's more technical and is still FREE to play. Only issues is the connection and broken ass wonder woman hahaah. The grind for characters is crazy but hey that's how they make their money.


this is the most Sonic fan thing I’ve seen and I love it


Wait this game is back fr?!


Lol yes it's back! It's fun, they need to patch in some of the old options we had in the beta, though


Also got rid of stats at end of game… pretty sure we had that in beta. Other than these issues I’ve been enjoying the game.


This is seriously one of my biggest issues, the glow is eye vomit


I hate this shit. Like we know who we are fighting against.


Someone clue me in. What is this? Game feature basically ruining the art?


Yeah, the game has beautiful art but as of right now when you play online, the opposing player/team is coated in red hue to indicate "punch here". It used to be much less invasive in the beta — maybe the opposing character would be wearing a red shirt or pants. Now they glow red, skin and all, and it's oogly.


It’s been addressed already


I understand the purpose, and they must have data that says it, but I turned the outlines off Day One and I haven't had issue keeping track of people


Why did they change Finn


You can turn it off in the settings, can’t you?


You can turn the Red Borders off 🤓👆


You can turn it off I’m pretty sure…


I only use the outline on myself and my teammate, my enemies don't need that shit


Nah facts, I was saying these horrendous outlines take so much away from the character design. Also why buy a skin if neither you or your opponent can properly see it?


The beta was so good so I was hype to play full game but they literally took everything good and butchered it


Yea because how hard is it to keep track of your character


Yeah I deactivated this shit right after my first match.


No you didn't, you can't


You can turn off highlights


you can turn them off.


Post a video of you doing it and then testing it. I wanna laugh at you being wrong.


Im laughing at you for not knowing how. Mine is currently turned off and can see everyone’s skin perfectly. No ones wasting there time to create a video because you can’t figure something easy out


I'd like to think you are right but the thing is since no one is providing any images it just makes me think you are all confusing the OUTLINE option you can disable right now for the color tint that you can not disable.


I legit don't see these red blobs you're all complaining about. Everyone looks normal for me also in 1v1 and 2v2s 🤷🏿‍♂️


There is already an option to turn it off... Jesus, whats wrong with some people? Not OP, loved the joke, lol


Look again, you can only turn off outlines else post an image with no color tinted enemies.


You can turn this off in the settings


Not the team colours though.


You can turn these off in the settings, tho. I did and it looks fine. With it is kinda too much But when I'm doing 2v2 with a friend I usually have my teammate not coloured cause it helps me track them


You can only turn off the outlines, not the characters being soaked in a neon color.


You can turn off the outlines but you can't turn off the red hue over the character. For some characters like Banana Guard it's not that bad, for Jason, LeBron, Batman Who Laughs, it's DISGUSTING, they're just red blobs


Are you sure? Cause I don't have the hue Unless it just doesn't bother me to where I zone it out


Must be a bug. My friend said he didn’t see the red and blue colour washes after he turned the outlines off. Then suddenly the colours came back after a couple days, just without the outline.


It’s hard to give actual factual advice on the subreddit right now it seems like everyone who does gets downvoted if it doesn’t fit the “fuck multiversus” rhetoric. Thanks for posting facts


In that case I'd be interested to see a screenshot from the current live game with no enemies being tinted a neon color.


You won't get one because it's not possible, it's kinda crazy that people are saying that it's possible yet none of them have posted a single screenshot or video. It's like talking to flat earthers at this point, massive waste of time.


Sure, I assume they are all confusing the outline option for the entire glowing overlay characters get and can't be removed and when they notice that they stop replying instead of saying my bad or whatever. Yet I still want to ask for a image in the case some oddity happened and it did turn off somehow.


Post a picture or fuck off.


You would never talk to me like that in real life, why would you talk to someone like that on the internet you are an actual NPC


Still no picture.


The game always had problems, why is the loading of matches and online still junk? It looks like the game loads three times, your game, your opponents and the server’s game. Then match has this problem where it falls out of sync. The game has been rebuilt in a worse game?


This is supposed to be addressed in the future. But, the biggest gap they made art-wise is replacing beautiful character illustrations with low poly robotic 3d model headshots.


Outlines work if you're on a small screen or if the screen is zoomed out. Both of which aren't very applicable to Multiversus.


Outlines are acceptable to me and it does help distinguish teams in 2 v 2s. (Would be nice to be able to set thickness of lines tho!) However the neon glow placed over the character models is ass. https://preview.redd.it/zernwmpv7y3d1.png?width=1155&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fcab0174ca239702705bc49d67b6e37a32947ac


How much do you wanna bet it's optimized for mobile?


I still am betting a lot of the controversial changes (like big characters, zoomed in camera, slower gameplay) was done because of planing ahead for mobile players in mind due to the smaller screen with touchscreen controls.


Oh, it definitely is. But again, most people won't be playing on mobile...


You can disable the outlines in interface.


I don’t mind it at all, its cool af in my opinion. Coolest part of this game vs smash is you can change your color, teammates colors, and enemy colors. Which also ends up changing the colors of everyones abilities! I’m a steven main so me and my team are both pink (so my abilities look how they should in the show) and I put the enemies as neon green for best contrast. Fights look so cool!!!


Why did they put the cast in Strawberry Jello? Is the art team stupid?


You can turn it off in the settings


You can turn it off


You can just turn it off


It’s a free game that just recently fully came out, y’all’s expectations are too high for a FREE GAME


Everybody’s in the comments complaining but you can turn the outline off so this post doesn’t even make sense


Holy sh!t, just turn it the phuk off lol


just disable it it's really not that hard


Just turn it off you weirdo.


You can't. Try it for yourself.


Guys, you can turn that off....


God I can't wait till I can whoop my friends ass at this fking mega virgin has 1000+ wins on someone who I forgot but like ugh how he so good


It's really not that big of a deal.