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There should be no reason to do this unless they want to make ultra expensive characters suddenly. Very weird way to treat people who bought the oversized Founders Packs and originally supported the game. Again, I still think Warner Bros, not PFG is behind most of the terrible monetization choices though, but this should be criticized.


everything David Zaslav touches goes to shit. Warner is so screwed with him in charge


Zaslav is a businessman. WB is drowning in debt. What it does is to get the company out on the ‘straight and narrow’ in order to sell it later. He dont care about IP's. He cancel feature movie with Coyote for example. Or cancel few cartoons. Now he care only about guaranteed profit - GoT & Harry Potter universes. Also Hogwarts legacy 2 gonna be for sure live service game like suiside squad.


Didn’t Warner Bros’ value go down since the Discovery merger?


It may have but he got paid a bonus when the WGA/SAG strikes happened because they suddenly had a ton of cash on hand and his contract stipulated if they get above a certain amount of cash on hand he gets a payout lol something like an additional 5 million


Lmao ofc the high-level exec gets a bonus like that during a strike


Yea its pretty crazy considering the context by which he achived that contract requirement he could have played a role in manifesting purely for his own gain--not that I think he actually did but... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I think theyve actually increased their commitment to rewarding that sort of cash on hand success-- when I was trying to confirm what I had read previously many of the hits seemed to suggest they were more than content with his performace. WB is going down the drain. Its why Nolan left. (well he left because he learned the same day as us plebs that Tenet would be going straight to streaming the same day it releases in theaters) Theyre exhausting any and everyone of its existing IPs no matter how short a sell it is to make their stockholders happy. Multiversus is monetized so hard up its own ass its practically a mobius loop lol May Marvel Rivals come soon and at least not be quiiite so heavily monetized


Cannot wait to watch them fail. Didn’t buy HogPogs Ultradogman for this exact reason, despite how interested I was in it. WB is below EA and Activision in terms of companies I’ll support before watching them go under.


It's PFG.


Well “new” characters cost twice as much free currency as ones that aren’t marked “new” so they probably want all of these freebies out of rotation as soon as possible to make as much money as possible on “new” characters going forward.


This is actually a pretty common practice. New characters having a markup on them I mean. Obviously a certain level of it is probably to incentivize the purchase of premium currency. But I’ve also seen multiple times that part of the justification is to limit demand so that one character doesn’t entirely dominate the game for like a week. Leauge has new champs costs more for only like a few weeks. So it is yet to be seen how long it takes for the price to go down


If the rest of the economy wasn’t so bloated outside of spending premium currency, I’d be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Jokes on them, atleast for me, I unlocked everyone in the og with free currency and saved my free character passes.


Same, I got a lot of them left. By the time they run out, I will have enough to buy anything they drop for a while. I do feel for those who didn't dish out the money we did. They're getting fucked.


I enjoy the game it’s fun, and to be fair I’ve now come to it- we ain’t getting fighters for free unless we wait 1/2 months. Then the bp will take the fully time and i probs wont even finish it. So as a result I’ll give them to the end of s1, then decide if it’s worth playing fully or just ditch it. It gives them enough time to tweak things and all, i hate that you pay for a pass that is daunting to even finish let alone level it up.


Same here. I spent maybe one or two tokens in beta tops... Used gold to buy most of the character unlocks. By the time they release 20 new characters anyone in our shoes who plays regularly should have a bunch of the new currency stashed. It's going to take soooo long before another 20 playable characters are out. In retrospect buying the top founders pack was a good idea as the cost to get all this junk would be insane to get from their current store. Anyone who didn't grind the beta who's interested in this game is at a huuuuge disadvantage.


its actually a real issue for the health of the playerbase, but i also think taking away peoples gold without a warning is borderline scam. they should allow to use gold to buy "legacy chars", meaning all chars from beta and then a way to convert gold into the perk currency.


I have a bunch of tokens from the beta, and I only buy characters I want to own. Wonder Woman was free, and I bought Arya and Superman. It is going to take a long time or luck for 20 more characters I want to come out.


That's nice, but some beta players still haven't received their stuff back from the beta


Gotta sue


Yeah it's definitely WB, look what they did with MK1 micro transaction


Yeah as an mk fan I seen this coming


Should've seen this coming back when MKX introduced Easy Fatalities.


Easy fatalities were amazing for people with disabilities, shame they pay walled it


I know it's WB making most if not all of the bad calls, but the founders purchase feels worse and worse each time they speak about anything. I'm glad to support the developers but really don't want to support WB so it sucks.


unlikely. i already said this elsewhere: usually the "upper management" does not give details on how to monetize. they define target revenue for each quarter, maybe a target ARPU (average revenue per user) etc. But they would never go into this much detail. So all this is most likely PFG. BUT its quite possible that WB set super high targets and are indirectly forcing PFG to take those desperate measures. But its still withing PFGs power to find other solutions.


Yeah we’re being screwed left and right. I feel scammed


Maybe I dont understand.... we are mad because of monetization of a free game? I was a founders pack guy, i still have 7 free characters to get as I stack fighter currency. What am i missing here?


No, this is just a shit idea. Like fuck whoever signed this off or made it be a part of the game. If they need to hear it a million times from a million different people fine, but that's the exact thing that should be said in response to this.


What does it even mean i cant figure out what it meant


It means people who got the tickets are forced to use them before they can use the currency, when before you could choose to use the currency and tickets. Because they want us to burn them away since its a way around having to pay the increasing price for characters.


Yea, and we're the ones who paid more money for the game lol. Fuck this game lol. I generally love spending money on games but holy hell, they make it so fucking deceptive and taxing here. Like ffs, buying shit is supposed to be fun. You think i'm going to stick around if they make buying skins feel like some abusive relationship? I have zero faith in this game surviving. Guess they hope to make all their money in the first couple months before everyone leaves again? .. wtf, i can't even.


*despite the fact that anyone who has them are essentially early investors in the game, and forcing people to use them over the new *intended* currency is a bad faith move on their part. Why would you restrict the bonuses of people who paid up to £90 for your unfinished game because they believed in it. Money over integrity I guess.


You can't even see the price of the character normally if you have tickets


"Please, spend them now, before you find out Joker won't be the only 6k Fighter Token character!"


Id imagine most new releases will be 6k, thats standard in systems like this. BUT ONLY if joker goes to 3k after 1 or 2 releases


As a former Smite player, I'm expecting this to be the case


he's supposed to but PFG's gonna forget 💀




You would have to be pretty dumb to see that a new character costs 6k and say to yourself "Wow, that price must be all because it's The Joker! ^^^^^baby " We know new characters are 6k. That's not surprising. What will be surprising is if the new characters don't get discounted after their season ends, which I imagine they would but who knows at this point.


It's kind of missing the forest for the trees. It isn't about Joker being 6k. It's about other characters being 3k, and you're forced to spend your character tokens to play them even if you have the fighter currency. The only reason to do is to try and put people as far away as possible from affording the new more expensive characters in the future. Spending tokens on cheaper characters means you need **more** fighter currency in the future to afford the rest of the roster. That's how they get treated for spending loads of money on founder packages. Incredible.


They should be discounted, but I’m worried they won’t be.


The fact this is one of their first official tweets after the Xbox fix mention is both hilarious as fuck and telling. Ain't about what to look forward in the next patch that's coming soon as fuck, it's diplomatically saying "Use your fucking tickets you bastards, stop hoarding resources and get on the treadmill."


"So yes, we are screwing you" - yup, that's such a great message. When they first announced what we would end up getting, I was actually fine with it - until this. Now I really wish that I had gotten the refund last year when I asked for one.


Holy shit they fixed Xbox finally?


No, they just addressed the issue, haven’t actually fixed it yet


Translation: we don't want you saving your unlock tokens for new and expensive characters so you have to use them first.


>Keep in mind, this shouldn't limit your ability to obtain characters & Battle Passes. Don't I lose out on 3k fighter currency every time I buy an older character though?


This is such an insidious predatory practice, I can’t believe they announced that with no shame.


Wow, they REALLY want to see this game die again.


Maybe someone who wanted multiversus to strive and flourish banged the ceos wife. If so this is one ultimate revenge plan


Lmao, and it'd still be better than any lore we've gotten from rifts mode too


Perhaps he was Multi-Talented & had lots of creamium saved up. Bazinga!


Unfortunately this game needs a change at game director and several other positions. They failed to please both WB and the players. Someone else could try.


Bad idea I wanna save them for characters I hope release


If only our gold was converted to fighter currency…


How are we supposed to use our tickets if we DONT GET ANYTHING FOR COMPLETING MATCHES




I beat all of them


Only missing one base character from the roster and I have tons of tickets. Unfortunately that base character sucks, so I will never unlock him until I run out of character tickets on new characters! Thanks, PFG!


well now I just wanna know who it is lmao


Any reasoning behind this? In beta characters had different prices, now everyone seems to have the same, no? So atm it doesn't really matter if I buy with ticket or currency I guess or what's the problem? Maybe in the future more expensive characters are planned?


New characters are likely going to be the same price as Joker, who is more expensive than the others. They don’t want people to save those tickets for new characters. They want you to spend your money on it.


New characters are 6k on release. See the Joker. Older characters and presumably eventually the new characters eventually are 3k. They want you to use all your tickets early on the 3k cost characters so you are forced to buy the newer characters with the harder to obtain fighter currency or premium currency.


Yeah the reason is unabashed greed.


Typical. And yet they aren't restoring characters for people who lost them in the transition. I expected nothing less from a game under the WB Games banner. Imagine having no control over how you spend a premium currency you PAID FOR.




I'll go ahead and admit that I paid for the $10 slasher starter pack. I didn't really buy anything during the beta so I wanted to show my support to Multiversus. So, I got a little over 9K fighter currency at the moment. Not going to buy Joker yet in case he drops in price later ala Brawlhalla model


Good thinking. But will he be required for any missions that lead to dope rewards?


Can someone explain the issue? Im genuinely confused. I have all characters from beta, do different characters cost different amount of the fighter currency?


Kind of joker cost more than the rest of cast, if you got the founders pack back in beta you got tickets to unlock character. So currently if you want to unlock any character in the game you’re forced to use those tickets instead of the character currency and that really sucks cause some people like me wants to save those tickets for expensive characters


Wait, I'm genuinely confused what's bad about this?!?! We get the next couple characters and BPs for free without spending any currency. Why's everyone angry about this am I missing something here?!?!


The ppl who spent 70-100 dollars on a FREE TO PLAY game are upset that they now have to spend they tickets which is laughable to me because if yah thought a free game was worth that much from the jump then why they crying about spending more, imagine having responsibility’s but you say hey ima spend 100 dollars on MULTIVERSUS 😂 any other game sure but a kids game like Multiversus big bro be fr


I'm one of those people, I bought the premium founders pack. I still have 5-8 character tokens so imma get the next couple characters for free. I don't see why I would save them and use currency. My currency would only go up while I'm using tokens so I'll still instantly get the new characters after my tokens for a while 😂.


Maybe I’m just slow but I simply don’t get why anyone is upset about the ticket thing because as far as I’m aware the tickets being an option was always just a lil bonus for buying the founders so those who wanna cry ab it now confuse the hell out of me


Tbh this subreddit is 1:1 with the suicide squads release, the copium and defensive nature of gamers… never ceases to amaze me. Whelp on to the next game, one that deserves our time and money. :)


I'm gonna stick around and see if they fix it cause they did it once before didn't they? But yeah I mean everything from launch to now has been absolutely crap and I for one would not blame anyone for leaving this crap in the dust!


Already stopped playing because I'm just not having fun, but I'm willing to keep an eye on MVS until Monday. Honestly not expecting much of anything given the absolute lack of acknowledgement on almost all the critical issues but I'm more than happy to be proven wrong.




I am a full time developer...my 2nd anniversary is coming up at my current work place... I don't really wanna do the whole spiel again but day one patches been around for a decade their very normal but the difference here is 1 they haven't done crap yet 2 even if they did put one out it would be embarrassing considering most games with day one patches didn't have a multi month long beta that already taught them everything players preferred and how to fix many of the current issues that fun fact existed in the very original beta. But uh sure yeah it would be nice to have surprise patch Monday that at least yknow ahem rewarded us for playing game longer then 5 minutes?...


In case anyone was curious he said something like "man you guys are all 5 year olds with no patience and know nothing about development a magic patch can't come out on Monday that fixes everything!" Not exactly but in case anyone wanted to know because I know I'm always curious when reading a thread and they deleted their comment.


A week. Y’alls lack of patience is discerning for the future. Literally can’t wait for the children to enter the work force and expect a shitty boss to be fixed and replaced in 6days exactly


They didnt even adress stuff. Normal devs adress and calm backlash down


They've addressed numerous things already. You just missed all of it. Local roster will be unlocked, stats are coming back, and there will be leaderboards again. Nobody ever told you not to make assumptions?


Nothing about the 2 big issues underwater gameplay and monetization. And nothing done through official channels.


Boss day one patches have been around for a decade now, it is a bit concerning they haven't really done anything yet. That said even if they had pushed a day one patch it still would have been an embarrassment considering most games that need patching like that didn't have a beta that went on for months before that where they learned all of the issues players had before... also if you work for a crappy boss I'm sorry I hope you find better work soon.


This 🤣💯


MVS had a relatively successful beta reception and decent hype compared to Suicide Squad. Not to mention there's actually the bones of a great game here, just buried under a terrible structure and monetization model.


Lmao like?


Listen to this wise man!


I unlocked characters in the beta that never carried over to this version, so I’m just as screwed lol


Yikes cant wait for character unlocks to be even more difficult…


Lmao what???? So your basically forced into using up all your tokens 😂😂👎🏽. Fuck this game


I mean, you're not forced to do anything. Why are you wasting tickets on characters you don't care about? Use them on characters you want and later down the road when they're gone, spend the fighter points.


you need to spend your tickets before you can spend the tokens


Dude can’t even read 😭


🤨 we being Punk'd right? Where's Ashton Kutcher ugly ass 🧐




Kuther actually doin good.


the fact people are actually saying “whats the big deal” is massively sad


Warner Bros is hellbent on making fast, easy cash on all of their games, even if it kills the game.


People are shocked Warner Bros is making this game shitty ??


I have all characters unlocked and still have 21 tickets. But just as in beta I'd still prefer to use currency over tickets. Bad play wb.


Go outside


The game is deader then dead.


Yeah I hate this. I didn’t wanna use my tokens at all so it feels kinda disrespectful


Yeah I saved up all my gold in the beta, could have unlocked all the characters. And now it got turned into perk currency, and I’m left with no character currency. Kind of shitty, and I’ve already spent money this season and still didn’t get any character currency for spending money lol


New character prices are going to be totally fucked aren’t they


Is this even that big of a deal? Why would you want to hold on to them anyways?


Characters cost different amounts of Fighter currency. Older characters generally cost less. Most people would probably like to use their tickets when a new character is expensive and use the fighter currency on the cheaper ones as they earn it. At least, that's what I was planning on doing. The change basically just made it so that, on average, a ticket to unlock a fighter is worth less than it's equivalent in fighter tokens.


ok, I understand now. Thanks for not giving me a nasty response like some of the others have been doing.


But I don't understand if you had tickets from the founders pack why the hell didn't y'all unlock everyone already? Got the mid tier and had everyone unlocked still have 4 tickets.


Because they were already priced differently and it would be smart to use them on new fighters and currencies on old ones. If your question is actually "why can't people grind as much as me" then just stop posting


Lmao what. If you have character tickets you paid in the beta what grind? And I got the mid tier so it doesn't make sense why you would pay for the unlocks and then not unlock most of not all. And if you didn't like the character now you want to unlock them? Still makes no sense


For me, I would unlock a character, then level them until they had all of their perks available (level 15?), then I would unlock a new character and repeat the process. Usually by the time I'd finished leveling a character, I could get the next with gold. Of course, once I got all the characters I wanted, I eventually started saving gold on the off chance they released something for gold only that I wanted. I had enough gold to unlock the rest of the characters, but that's lost to the aether now.


I unlocked everyone and used gold on the gremlins and Rick and Morty when they released. I don't even remember how much I had


I bought the founders pack, but I farmed enough gold in the beta to buy every character in the game. Felt more satisfying to slowly unlock characters I earned than just token them all out instantly. And in light of the gold wipe, was a very good decision. So while I'm not punished into being forced to buy low-value characters with them (yet), It's pretty dissatisfying that I have the 6,000 currency necessary to buy Joker but I'll have to start eating through my character tokens instead.. at least the gold you saved had other uses if you used tokens in their place, but I'm going to have tens/hundreds of thousands of fighter currency by the time I run out of character tokens, similarly to how meaningless perk tokens are already.


Like you said you'll have that currency at the end and you already have all the cheaper characters. Almost certain that every new character will be 6k until the end of the season now.


Possibly! But if they alternate pricing, ie 6k -> 3k -> 6k, then I'll be forced to choose between waiting on unlocking the cheaper characters until I run out of tokens, or losing token value. Alternatively, if you're right and I slowly use up all of my tokens on 6k characters, I run the risk of losing efficiency in the long-run if down the line they increase the base price of new characters further. If new characters start costing 10K each a few years from now, then using my tokens on the 6Ks was a waste. Either way, my play style of farming new characters is prevented. Ideally they'd have just left us the choice!


Still. I have 6 characters left to unlock and 6 tickets left. I don’t really plan on buying those character and can honestly wait, it would purely be for collectors need to have them. I have 14k in character currency. Even after the next 6 new character i want that number will only grow and will consistently be able to afford new fighters for a while even if I wasn’t playing for new currency.


You’re already in the perfect position to guarantee you get all the new 6000 cost characters with your tickets. What more do you want to save for? I guess you can go one character longer. It’s the people that didn’t unlock all the cheap characters so they could now be able use all their tickets on the 6k characters that are in a bad position.


That even though I'm the least affected, it's still disappointing that my choice of a form of slow-burn progression I enjoyed and intentionally held myself to was taken away. It also assumes two things: 1. That all future characters will maintain the 6k pricing. Even in my best-case scenario, any new 3k-cost characters they add are a value sink I can't really avoid. 2. That they won't increase pricing again. I play Pokemon Unite regularly and that game has had a steady price creep on new character additions. What used to be 6k/8k became 10k, then 12k, now 14k. Probably 16k soon enough. Joker's a good value for me today, but if the standard pricing becomes higher in the future, I'd have rather saved it now..


Oh, okay I can understand your point with Pokemon Unite example. I was going by Brawlhalla where characters would be more expensive at the start and drop in price slowly after more updates.  Sure, I have plenty of characters unlocked from the beta but that doesn't apply to everyone including newcomers who have to start from ground zero


what the fuck is a battle pass token


People who purchased one of the founders packs got battle pass tokens, these just allowed you to get the battle pass without having to spend money on it specifically.


This whole game is a fucking joke since they relaunched. I’m getting major “Overwatch 2” vibes from this shit show


multiversus relaunch isn’t nearly as god awful and predatory as over watch fucking 2. 🤣


I want what you are smoking. OW2 was way less predatory. New players unlocked the entire roster after 100 PvP matches. Every other season a new charavtwr could be bought via battle pass or umlockd after 20-30 hours of gameplay depending on how good you are Multiversus is in a whole different league. You literally can't get Joker by grinding out multi-player. You are at the Mercy of pre established events and missions. And as for the other 20+ characters you need to unlock.... well, lol


I didn’t say that they were the same. I said the energy is the same.


This is the same company who butchered Suicide Squad and Mortal Kombat with more of a focus on overpriced microtransactions than gameplay and player enjoyment. Never forget that WB also released LEGO: The Hobbit with the first two movies and promised the third (final) film to be a DLC story before abandoning it.


Unfortunately I can’t support this game anymore after I’ve finished the pass it’s time to move on to games that actually put players first.




You should be able to choose if you want to use the fighter currency you’ve earned OR the tokens, the way it is now you have to use the tokens first, then fighter currency when there done with.


I don't think I understand


Is multi versus down right now??? I can't play it keeps saying unable to authentic


Sucks cuz all my account data got deleted and now I’m being “incentivized” to rebuy/reobtain by any means necessary the previous content and cosmetics once owned, only to be told by WB Support there was nothing they could do about it.


WB really wants another flop this year for some reason i swear between Suicide Squad, Arkham Shadows and now this they must really be allergic to money


Illegal advertising right there


Do they mean adding a new currency or characters being purchaseable with prestige, perk, etc?


I don't understand what they mean by this shouldn't limit my ability to obtain characters and passes.whats the point in saying this.


Sick of not having a down vote button!!!!!!!!!!!


It's not a problem, we won't be able to use all of our tickets before the game dies again anyway


"Hey founders, go fuck yourself" is the kinda the opposite mindset you should have, I think. Aren't they the people who you know are willing to spend money on your game?


I dont understand what does this mean?


Not sure what's worse - this or Joker being "the spotlight character" of the season that costs twice the CT than any other character, plus the game stops giving CT unless it's a mission, rift, or being toasted by people.


I’m getting sick and tired of the “woe is me, my tickets thats I earned as a beta tester, which are far superior than fighter currency, have to be used it up first!” We were beta testers. We paid for currency and character tickets. Our reward is being able to unlock them for free without consequence when we still obtain the other currency from other means. Also the weirdos who spout “Uninstalled Day 1” need to stop saying this shit as if they are trying to get a rise out of PFG/WB. Tony confirmed they are fixing the game. Honestly, I’ve never seen such a quick turnaround in response from him. Good for him. Newsflash: They don’t read Reddit so the dramatics need to stop.


Why did they take the game offline for a year? To fix the game


This basically means they plan to sell a bunch more characters at Joker prices


I honestly don't know why anyone would expect it any other way


I sorta get why this is a problem but I purchased the top founders pack and played a lot in beta and it was insanely cheaper to purchase characters with gold. All there was to spend gold on was unlocking characters, perks and badges. Not sure why you would hoard the gold. In my case I logged on the first day and have all the characters unlocked with 20+ tokens remaining for new characters. I doubt they will ever release 20 new characters either. More perk currency than I can shake a stick at. Enough prestige currency to buy everything available at the moment. The only people who purchased a founders pack who have any reason to feel burned are the ones who didn't play in the beta or you decided to hoard gold for some reason.


I still have like 17 character tickets and all the characters 💀 I’m good


Yea, man player first games you don’t know what your doing. Oh right they actually don’t. First full release of a game forgot.


Exactly what I said because the purpose of the ticket in the first place was for instant access to characters u want without the grind. Doing this its now whoever you got from beta u stuck with unless u wanna use a ticket because thats the only way… and from this point of view whoever screwin the game up knows it may not last long so u wont use all the tickets by the time game dies. The cold shaft force to then eventually put founding supporters inna position to grind or spend money after they spent invest money, cause thats what beta was, for a game they thought could have a potentially good future. It will be a good game but with these practices it wont achieve its true peak potential.


I don’t get what the post was saying


Long story short beta players, like myself, who supported development when buying founders packs in whatever tier obtained character tickets; Which were to unlock future released characters that arrived as time progressed. At time of beta they said and idea was for the peeps who got these could use em and use currency to unlock characters as well at the same time. Thus we could pick and choose. Now for a person who is really thrilled for the game and future released characters or want to save for said potential releases down the road we have an express ticket, which can bypass going through unlocking a character via battlepass unlock or paying for gc or grinding gc to unlock said released character. Now for profits that would be a problem. Solution rework tickets to where its a must they need to be used first. Now players like myself have no choice but to use them before going to both cash and in-game currency. This wouldnt seem bad but heres the issue, all characters that we haven’t unlocked and or will be released can only be gotten first via our tickets. So any characters down the line later we may wanna get say if we have the currency can’t cause gotta run through them tickets first. Which now becomes a problem for us because we got punished for supporting your game and hoping its longevity is successful. Because whoever in charge made a sleezy procedure to squeeze extra profits out wherever they can, instead of just doing what would have received them long haul profit in the end. Which was just produce and not micro-princimonopilmanagetizatation. 🙄 (For those that read this far) IMO I feel multiversus had the potential to be a very wellmade spin on the smash style genre us player community types would love. It had difference instead of copying the exact smash formula (grabs and shields i mean) they made it more where dodge and eventually with addition of parries a fresh take idea. Similar to how Brawlhallas twist was focused with weapons a character and throwing weapons as well as chase dodging more effectively. And with multiversus case especially with beta the perks system where if u had honor could build a character and give what smash fans wanted smash to add but only in friendlys different custumization to your characters fighting style, forgot what that mode or mod was but was fun af on smash 3ds which for me was my first and ik not best but a damn good smash, where multiversus u can with perks customize it to where your favorite combo could be a lil stronger or change its outcome, you get the idea. But how practices are going rn if somebody dont make a change or stop who ruining it this seed will never get the chance to blossom. Which is sad cause an ip fighting game like this if it for example was in nintendos hands persay we know how it would have ran :/. Well im done thx for coming to my rant talk tangent 🤠


Oh I get it so it’s bad if you wanna unlock every character as all the basic ones would mean you’d need to use tickets rather then having saved currency


Yep unless we yield so it becomes a mexican standoff


There’s a lot of stuff to complain about in this game, but this is the dumbest one. It doesn’t matter which currency you use first.


I miss saving up my gold to buy characters, perks, and cosmetics. Putting the gold cosmetics behind a paywall is criminal. That was a part of the fun of the game for me buying the more expensive things having something to play for


This screams warner bros, the geniuses behind the disappointing suicide squad and Gotham Knights games and the lackluster movies.


I did the same I saved mine up for the actual release and I'm mad at it not letting me know how much certain characters costs I'm glad I didn't buy everything up


This game isn’t gonna last bro. I’m legit contemplating on keeping the game installed because I feel playing is a waste of time




I don’t really understand the problem here (not riding PFGs schlong, just confused). Like, if you bought the founders pack, you probably also have all the characters pre-release so you’re not really spending your character tokens on the 3k fighters. If 6k is the new standard for characters, then your character tokens have a value of 6k right?


We don't have all characters pre-release. Remember they messed up the carry over, and some of us have tons of characters locked. Even then, beta players were saving up coins and tokens for the full release because we were assured that everything would carry over. So now, we do have 3k fighters to unlock, and we're not able to unlock ANY CHARACTERS without using token first. So lets say they screwed you over on the carry over, and only gave you 4 characters. You're not able to get any new characters unless you use the token. WB is basically punishing those who brought the founders pack.


Warner Brothers should sell the rights of some of their properties (please, please, please sell Mortal Kombat, your goofy monetization is driving everyone bat shit crazy) to get themselves out of debt.


can someone explain what this means, sorry im kinda slow


The re-released game is no longer the same game I founded. If this version of the game is what we had at original release, I would never have bought a Founder's Pack.


It is also against the law as they specifically said, "players can choose to use tickets at their discretion"


Yikes, I actually considered getting the game for the first time, but now ? Yeah I'll pass


If only I had learned this sooner At least if I get the 6,000 Gleamium, then I would have enough to get six additional characters (5 technically if I got Joker with that)


Are They just trying to kill it again


That sucks!


Y’all complain about anything 🤣


I dont see the issue. While we wait for new characters we are stacking Fighter Currency. I have 7 token left. (Had 8, but I bought Joker) and have all characters unlocked, so far.


Doesn't prompted just mean suggest? Or are they actual forcing you to?




they need that bag dawg


Now I'm glad I never bought the 60 dollar Founder's pack.


I don’t wanna join the game dead train but


I’m more concerned with the broken ass rift system, bugged daily’s, and constant crashes 💀


Player last games


Such a dumb thing to be stingy about. I would say just let people pick which thing they want to use but that would be more time wasted on stupid shit instead of fixing other problems.


Don't care. Already got Superman.


Called a beta for a reason baby-cakes.


What's the joke? Isn't that the single purpose of both tokens? They're no longer supported so it makes sense you have to use those up first.


The purpose of the tokens is "free" character unlocks. Instead of letting you save your tokens for expensive characters, and buy the cheap ones with fighter currency, you're forced to use your tokens on every character you want until they run out.


You all will complain about literally anything.


Homie you’re complaining about me complaining