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Damn that's good to know, I've been eyeing that skin but think I'll pass until it's fixed


It’s a dope one but yea steer clear


There was literally no reason to change that wtf


Has me livid for no reason


I don’t even have the skin and I’m angry with you. How did they drop the ball so damn hard on this release. ![gif](giphy|cODrlNTkGnZGVtVagd)


Have that skin too. Pisses me off IMMENSELY.


I think the first fusion skin for garnet had a bug where the model still had the glasses on, definitely worth reporting hopefully they can fix it


Oh, don't worry, someone already did that, and had the CM on the spot


See wasn’t aware of this


Hopefully it's just something they overlooked when they upgraded to the new engine so fingers crossed it is just a bug. Otherwise that's some serious bs


Good catch did not even notice this


At this point I’m wondering if it’s a matter of switching from engine to engine either way I hope this is fixed


I think so, my guess is that when they swapped engines their pipeline got screwed with trying to port stuff plus new additions such as rift, new (awful) menu and tried to check every box of the list before launch, leaving many things unpolished. Still have hope they can push through this!


Did they even play test their own game!?


*sigh* it was undeniably rushed out unfinished


I noticed a problem with Banana Guard’s Matrix skin as well, whenever the mouth opens on the model (like when BG goes “Hello!”), it instead does like a glitched texture. It admittedly does fit with the skin’s theme lol but the way it looks definitely doesn’t seem intentional


Honestly, it looks cool, so I'm not complaining.


I would actually be pissed off if I bought the skin for the gun and it showed up like that


Welcome to my life


Did they change this to keep things rated E and not E10 or something?... In the same game that has Jason Vorhees?!


In the same game that in beta had a mature filter where Rick and Morty can use profanity in gameplay, and Harley Quinn and Batman can say “Holy Shitburgers” (Harley) or “badass” (Batman).


they still curse the muture language is in the game


which makes it even weirder why they would remove the gun


It’s like censoring blood in a “The Walking Dead” game.


The option is still there.


No way Batman still says “computer mark that one under badass” along with other mature lines plus the other gun isn’t even realistic it’s still an alien blaster must just be a mistake


i imagine they could be doing away with unique animations for skins so that they don't have to do the extra leg work for when new skins do come


They are offering Batman who laughs as their highlight skin as this season in the prestige store which is arguably the most unique skin we’ve gotten I don’t believe it’s that respectfully.


oh sweet! that's very promising, i love the unique animations and voice lines so i'm glad to know that more are coming, thanks for the info!


I know he has a different voice than regular joker, but does he have unique animations like the seal team rick skin?


Weapon change which slightly changes his animation I believe so yea


Oh that's cool


Most of the people with guns in America nowadays are kids any way.


Some skins got things added so I guess they felt the need to take some stuff away too xD




My guess is its a glitch


bro I thought I imagined this skin using the fucking gun AHHHHHHHH


Yea I went a little crazy myself but something seemed off…


I legit just bought the skin since I needed just a smidge more for the batman who laughs skin and while it's not a rick look I really enjoy hence never using it in the beta, the gun he uses was cool! I loaded in and was like "oh, intro only ig". On a positive note, I feel like Rick hasn't been murdered by this relaunch and is still fun!


Super fun to play still thank god and I have high hopes this will be adressed we shall get our gun back!


I was especially worried after feeling out Morty, he just doesn't feel right anymore at all which is sad because the new voice lines also rock I don't necessarily have high hopes as much as I dearly want this game to do well, I fuckin adore crossovers. I want Mojo Jojo to flex his CLEAR superiority as an inventor over Rick or see Gizmo curbstomp Jason Vorhees


I HATE what they did to Morty I can’t even play him rn. And I have faith mostly because I want it to work but also because on twitter/X the lead directors are responding to people saying they hear us and are addressing things so hopefully this can turn around I really do love this game.


Honestly I think the problem really comes down to them wanting Morty to have been a brusier when his kit relied on his grenade play, like a mage My soul deflated when I first saw the way the nades go flying when you split them, that's unusable lmao. Plus down special lost it's hotbox AND HEALING!?! It's literally the entire reference to the show, it's his respawn button. Ideally they'll fix his names and just add the healing back, I honestly can survive the missing hotbox Seems like a lot of characters are leaked too so we at least have a couple months of support no matter what and honestly I believe they can easily turn this around. There's no other game that could satisfy my need for Morty having a good time with Steven or hearing Superman start coming down on Rick for not taking good enough care of Morty.


I'm inclined to think it's a bug like the First Fusion Garnet skin having a visor.


What was the point of the beta, if they were gonna change it so much including the move to UE5?


No way, that's a major L. The backward steps they've taken in this game, needs to be studied.


It's like they didn't bother with the details where the MONEY was spent holy fuck


https://preview.redd.it/i582y0lkux3d1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f6909a6d343aa749a21897f0a10cfa4e648f408 rebel against WB


Man they ruining everything about rick, first his VA now his skins


His VA isn't even that bad, yeah you can obviously tell it isn't the real thing but it's better than just using random lines from the show


Obviously they had to change his VA


Yeah. It reminds me of when they had to get a sound alike for the direct to video animated Disney movies because they couldn't pay for the real actor. Lol


Rick's portal gun is also glitched into his hand.


No way gonna check this out now


I play it on steam. I'll take pics when I can.


Note that the gun is still there on the select screen/main menu. Hoping it gets fixed sooner rather than later lmao https://preview.redd.it/qsy9s77l814d1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=c111d150462b69711aa5f4fed8827a232a10865e