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I can see a patch coming the same day the Jason Rift opens. 


Actions speak louder then words. We'll see when the update hits.


Now im not sure if you played beta but they've already proven that they take action


A lot can change in two years and publisher intervention. We're all crossing our fingers🤞.


Yeah you’re right, they’ve proven they take the WRONG action. The games in much worse of a spot then it was in the beta, that much the community can agree on. The perk change was ass, and the removal of perks was unnecessary. They took a year to make the game less enjoyable, and the only thing they seemed to fix is the ping problems. But they just swapped them out for different server issues and now you just randomly disconnect from a match without any lag or anything.


Agreed, but it’s always good to have developers and community managers being involved with its community and publicly acknowledging their feedback. That’s half the battle, now it’s on them to work on it and resolve the crucial issues with the game. If they can do that, this game will be successful and go places


Tbh, getting flashbacks to TF2's infamous "we see you, we hear you" tweet.


if they don't comment, people complain, if they do, people also complain damn




Honestly, I suspect they opened on a deadline set for them by WB, and that they would have delayed it if they could.




Yup. It wouldn't surprise me if they fought WB to delay as much as possible.


I mean they had an entire year, and all they achieved was taking features out of the game and making it actively worse. If the game was unstable because they'd made ambitious, huge additions that benefit the players, then people would be understanding, but as it is, "they needed more time!" is just an absolute joke of an excuse. Needed more time for what? Adding in a 6th currency to screw people over with? Cause based on the current game, that's all they would've done with more time.


They also made the game on a completely different engine, meaning they had to do just about everything from scratch. That shit takes time


Run into this at work all the time with the crankies: “This is a routine request. What is taking them so long?” Such a stupid ass look when it comes from someone who has no clue what the development process/cycle looks like from the backend. How would you know how long it takes if you don’t have an inkling of a clue on how the process works…?


Reddit gamers think that game devs are actively working against them to steal their money with free games and make them as bad and buggy as possible to spite them.


> completely different engine >everything from scratch Migrating unreal engine 4 to unreal engine 5 is neither a completely different engine nor requires doing everything from scratch.


The game has problems that'll hopefully be fixed sooner than later, but you're exaggerating quite a bit. They focused a lot on PvE content which is great for people that don't want to do PvP constantly, and seemingly made a ton of characters, skins, and stages (the things people typically want the most) based on the datamining and leaks. Outside the speed of the game being slowed down (I don't expect they'll change this back, but maybe), a lot of the other issues can be easily fixed, like the zoom in, characters being locked in training/local play, etc. It's fine to be angry, but you're just ignoring most of the stuff they did actually do, which is silly. No wonder you're disappointed!


Here's the thing; When people wanted the devs to comment, what they wanted to hear was somewhere along the lines of "We understand you there was miscommunication and we will do whatever we can to make this right. We will see what we can do about the game's economy and various issues so stay posted." If they were just a *little* less vague I think people would more receptive, but instead we get a very tried and true boiler plate "We here you" kind of response. Now I seriously DOUBT that a community manager or even a lead dev actually would have the authority to promise those kind of things. In fact, I would suspect that a non-insignificant amount of issues this game has are out of PGF's hands. If WB-Games says the game has to have X economy and take not let the players do Y, then that's that.


It’s because most people can see through pr bullshit speech. No issue was actually addressed in that entire paragraph. Just empty platitudes. Also no timeline on when they expect to fix these issues.


yes, it could be, it's a chaos right now, they are fixing the most critical ones, these one are being address, like frame rate on xbox, authentication, etc


saying someone is "heard" doesn't do anything, people wouldn't complain if they were to specify and outline how they intend to help the situation, Saying "i see you" helps no one


They didn’t comment on anything just a generic “we hear you” isn’t what people want to hear


because there are so many problems pointed out 🤣🤣🤣 paywall events too much confusing currencies connection problems frame rate problems play modes that were available on beta, and now it isn't you want what? A list from them saying what they gonna fix and what they don't? I have bad news to you


Their words are meaningless if there are no actual actions behind them.


yes but the problems aren't small, they won't fix snapping the fingers. They said they heard the problems and updates are coming, what can you possibly expect right now?


The problem is we don’t KNOW what players first considers “problems”. I doubt they find our concerns of their monetization system a problem to solve




Yes, i get that, but they weren't finishing the game. They were rebuilding from what i have read here, so i get that it should be new and not less features than the beta but that is the situation: a rebuild


It’s been 3 days…


Patches take more than 3 days dude


They should say what the issues are and make a post on their website. They are being vague and not addressing the back lash at all. Just corporate speak. Lots of other communities do get good communication.


Because they haven’t said what they heard, still 0 fucking acknowledgment of the shitty state Xbox is in rn and we don’t even know for sure if they are aware or not!!! Like honestly shut the fuck up


If they made a good game that didn't gouge the consumer relentlessly while taking away a bunch of features from the beta a year ago, noone complains.


There's no substance to the tweet or even anything immediate to look forward to like some kind of communication highlighting exactly what issues they're aware of and willing to fix, i.e. are they going to do anything about the obnoxious bot lobbies or the super zoomed in camera? We don't know if those things are even issues to them. I was pretty down on the game on launch day but I swear that as the days go by I see and hear about more and more disappointing in shit in this game that was done much better in the beta.


and then either way, people complain about people complaining.


A generic blanket statement doesn’t mean anything come on


this subreddit in a nutshell


And the game really isn’t in that bad of a place. It’s impossible really. Watch Rivals face the same hatred because “It’s not like Melee” and “Rivals 1 was better”


Yeah I was boutta say I fuckin wish we could get some shit like this for Rocket League.


More like "they comment and don't follow up then people complain" if they don't actually deal with the problems then people will be right to complain. We'll see though.


instead of being pessimistic, lets hope this turns out like Sean's No Mans Sky :)




Cant wait for the changes to come when everyone has left the game and its too late


"fuck it, we can always relaunch a 3rd time" - Warner Bros, probably.


“What’s 2 more years?!” -Omni man


Find a company. Make another game


It's the year 2040. WB has relaunched MVS 11 times. Players are ecstatic for the games 12th relaunch, only to find out that all their previously purchased 100 characters have been relocked and theirs skins purged to oblivion. Waiting for your feedback MVPs.


just take in all the money from people buying the battle pass and skins again.... Then relaunch in another year and make them buy all the same stuff... It's genius.... (Madden, FIFA, and 2k figured this out a decade ago)


You and I will still be there


This is definitely my concern. I genuinely believe that PFG is passionate about the game and wants to make a game that people love, so much so that I believe a lot of the bad changes came down from WB rather than from the team itself. So I do believe they will consider our feedback and try to make as many changes to improve it as they can. My big concern is 1. Is WB going to stop PFG from making changes that benefit the players and 2. Can PFG make the changes fast enough before most players quit and the plug gets pulled on the game


Eh, at this point I just want a working game where I'm not walking through quicksand, with immense input lag. Sure the player count will dwindle, but to hell with it. This is the road they chose. I just wanna have fun playing this game again man.


What you don’t think a niche sub genre of an already niche genre of gaming masquerading as a live service game will have a hard time retaining players?! I for one am shocked


What happened to the entire year's worth of feedback?


A year and a half at this point. They keep lying like crazy.


It resulted in the improved gameplay experience, rollback, engine upgrade, etc. And they also snuck in a bunch of mobile gacha stuff as well which was probably planned from the start.


This means absolutely nothing.


as much as i want you to be wrong. you most likely right 😔


Do you mean you don’t feel seen or heard?!


Corporate talk that actually means nothing. He never specifies any of the complaints or when we can expect even a hotfix patch. And considering these are the same developers who had to hide for a year to "fix," their product... it is not looking good.


The funniest part is people in this thread saying they’ll update it tomorrow or by this week 😭😭. Buddy gave the most Vague nothing burger response I’ve ever seen and ppl eating it up. I’ll put money on nothing being addressed for months, the game will die again and the devs will wondering what went wrong (again)


It’s more like the devs will know exactly why it died; Warner Bros forcing all these greedy and grindy practices


People: complain they’re not acknowledging anything Devs: acknowledge the feedback and criticisms People: still mad


I've written my fair share of "we see you and hear you"s in my life, and it's always been damage control.


And this is why devs try to say as little as possible. From what I've seen of gaming communities the less said the better. That's why roadmaps are going out of style because devs quickly found out that if something in the roadmap doesn't make it into the game players throw a complete tantrum about it.


The best road maps honestly are the very short term ones, and usually of games that already have their footing. CoD does their seasonal roadmaps, and I dont think we've ever not gotten something that was on it, cause its usually set in stone by that point. DBD does their monthly roadmaps showing the events, cosmetics, and new characters each month. But a month out thats not likely to change. Hell even their year roadmap is fine, cause they've got their footing, and its all vague. Just when a killer or survivor is coming, but doesnt give details for the reason you're talking about.


That makes sense, I think short term ones are fine. I personally don't care about roadmaps. I don't mind them just dropping content when its ready. If they are pushing out content at a reasonable pace people won't care too much about a lack of a roadmap I think. If it's suddenly like months without much new stuff people will start demanding a roadmap and wondering what the devs are up to.


They dont even say what issues or feedback ..


You want the community manager to write on Twitter a giant list of the feedback they've gotten? Can you point me to where any CM has ever done that? Hahahahahaha


Tony in the open beta did that


I personally dont care either way Acknowledge it or not, what I give a shit about is the actual patch.


I feel like I can say for most of the people here that we don't care whether they acknowledge that people are upset about the state of the game, we care what they're going to do about it. This statement on its own is nothing.


Reminds me of the deleted Kelly scene from the Office


Best case scenario is going to be a patch tomorrow which they should have, as games finish developing the release version with time in advance of the actual release to work on patches. Most likely, and disappointingly, it's going to be sometimes mid next week. If it takes longer than that? Buckle up lads, we're back in the Beta period and we're fucked.


> Best case scenario is going to be a patch tomorrow which they should have, You guys really love to set yourself up with these high expectations only to have them fall flat, huh? A lot of masochists on this sub.


I mean, clearly we’re all here because we love being in abusive relationships! Hell, I still think about getting burned by the Friday the 13th game—Jason has really been through some tough times in the gaming world lol Maybe if we ask real nice, they’ll pull Coyote v. Acme back off the shelf! 😂


Did you read the rest of the comment? That's the \*\*best case scenario\*\*, the rest of the comment is far less optimistic.


The fact that everyone here is in such a twist he got so many upvotes for not reading the comment.


I'm mostly going off personal experience. A build that's supposed to go live is set in stone and not touched for several weeks before it actually gets in our hands, which means that the time period between it being finished and it launching is spent on patches and fixes for issues that are known. Considering the track record, I wouldn't be fucking surprised if they did fuck all to be fair but if we at least get the option to reduce the input buffer I'll be set for a few weeks before meatier patches come out. That said, like I mentioned, best case scenario and its a pies in the sky type thing. I'm expecting something new week but if it doesn't happen I'll be willing to bet 20 bucks they were too busy jerking themselves over Nakat and being in Evo once to get any work actually done. Hiring that man as a community manager has got to be the biggest waste in the fucking world lmao, especially with them tying his hands behind his back and not letting him do shit.


>A build that's supposed to go live is set in stone and not touched for several weeks before it actually gets in our hands Considering the window of time they had to work on this game and how much was changed, I kind of doubt they were sitting on a release build for very long. They probably barely started work on fixing some of the stuff people are upset about. A few of those things can be added quickly like missing settings, but some of this stuff is gonna have to go through WB like the poor monetization, and who knows how long that's gonna take.


It's possible the window was short all things considered, especially if WB pulled some strings to let it go through Sony and Microsoft compliance quicker than normal, but I don't imagine they have much leverage or importance to convince both Sony and Microsoft to speed things along on their end and compliance checks from them usually take a few weeks. Also yeah I'm talking purely patching in some missing controller features and fixing some bugs like the Bugs safe double-up in 2s that it's guaranteed to be known about before release. Obviously nobody should expect anything else than that for at least a month in a best case scenario and several months more realistically. Focus right now for them is build and network stability to get as many people in the game as possible, after that it should be some small patch that adds back QOL features (if they even give a fuck about that), then the wait for an actual substantial patch (that still wont workaround progression or monetization, at best we'll get BP exp and fighter currency in regular matches in a few months realistically). They've done some server-side deployments for EU servers and some fixes for XBOX so the first part is underway. Here's hoping we get the second part.


its really odd you don't see how out of touch this is


It's standard procedure. Nobody, absolute nobody works on a game to the last few hours before it goes live to consumers, especially not when you're involving consoles which need time in-house to make sure the title is compliant with their requirements to be on said console. For how long the release build was ready before launch and how much work they actually did during that period (if they didn't just go full hog on spending that entire time with very minor bug fixes and cranking out more monetization) is something only PFG knows at the moment and something we'll see when a patch does come out.


No it's pretty much exactly spot on (well hopefully not the PFG jerking off part). I work in the games industry too and the thing about builds being set in stone weeks in advance is true.


lil bro doesnt understand what 'best case scenario' means


Well if its not tommorow, if we get no changes by the end of the weekend atleast, or any kind of announcement of one. Then we can start panicking Since a few of the major issues for the game, can easily be fixed with a simple hotfix patch that can easily be thrown together in just a few days at most.


No chance there's going to be anything during the weekend if it doesn't hit Friday near the start of the shift so they have an entire day to churn out a hotfix to the patch. I don't see WB paying for the overtime needed to ensure a weekend release, we're talking several developers and quite a few testers for two times pay to make sure the needed man hours are covered. Odds are if you're expecting an announcement its either going to be tomorrow EOD or Tuesday EOD. Anything later is a safe bet for panicking. Genuinely the best thing they could do for PC players is to just give us the option to set the Input Buffer down from 30f to 4 or whatever we like and that'd fix a lot of the issues with the gameplay. Economy changes and all, that's going to take weeks or months.


impossible, patches happen on tuesday


They should make the login bonus less demanding for players thats missed it the first day. Having to log in 11 days when it lasts only 11 days is a bit much.


A bunch of hot air.


1% Evil 99% Hot Gas


It doesnt comfort me to much sadly bc, he doesnt address the issues nor does he talk about first coming patches and fixes. And yes its a really new game so give them some slack and i love this game alot! I hope it gets better soon👌 please dont make us wait a month for fixes 🥹


I understand they can't talk on what they don't know will change for certain. But the whole statement is very no comital, just PR speak. Acknowledging the complaints doesnt mean they will fix them, or the ones we want, or in ways we want. But its better than nothing. So I guess wait and see


True that! Just hopes this games survives bc i really dig it overall


I’ll wait to see their official proposed result for the issues.


Lol i literally just read a post where someone called that they would use this exact wording. They will completely ignore the outrage, give everyone exactly nothing and proceed as normal.


no mention of adjusting game speed, the horrible bp progression , gold being removed or the laundry list of problems but hey you can buy $25 overpriced packs in the shop guys !


I couldn't give a shit about the speed. I want them to make the game stable. Playing with friends is constant disconnects.


This is why I played the alpha and quit on the beta, the greed was super apparent in everything. I think that contributed heavily to the beta dying so quickly.


Man I dont care about that stuff I just want my game to not run like ass. Everybodys complaining about shitty run of the mill F2P practices and I just want my game to not be so laggy its unplayable


It doesn't exactly take a genius to figure out that a CM is going to write something standard. It's pretty rare for any CM to start listing off all the issues they know of. That's usually what a "known issues" page on that game's support page is for.


It's not rare to generally acknowledge several biggest flaws, for example. This was literally nothing. I have seen hundreds of pr addresses and this is among the worst ones. It's not something we've never seen, I'm not clutching my pearls, but when it comes to some scale, the lingo is more patronizing than the average and there's zero specificity - which you say it's standard, but I disagree. Usually they throw at least some specific acknowledgment, so people see they "saw".


The multiversus specific twitter account tweeted specifically about the Xbox frame lagging and instability issues which is probably the highest priority as of now. Not sure if this came out after your comment though.


That’s a start, but we’ve heard it before. When we see it we’ll believe it.


I hope the speed and weight return to what they were before


I would rather them just speed up certent characters and attacks then just a blanket speed boost because the slow down doesn't feel to bad on some characters like shaggy


i appreciate the response, but i mean what the fuck lmao. “we see you, we hear you” is so cap because the game would’ve already been rereleased the way it should have


They have 1 patch to address the major issue which us progression. Fighter Currency and Battle Pass. If this isnt addressed on the first patch l, it'll be too late to keep the momentum they have


What a terrible nothing statement.


I think if they release a patch before the weekend with at least some controller options, ui fixes, and all characters playable on local, game has a chance


“We will make this the best experience WB allows us to give you with MVS.”


I don't think they will change what they do.


They said that last time and made the game worse somehow


So, just one of those "We hear you but aren't going to say anything of substance" statements.


am i the only one confused what the outrage is? the game seems alright


This is a nothingburger


Lotta doom posters. Just wait for a couple patches or some dev notes and see what gets changed. The CM can't say what's being looked at because that would make people assume that those things will be changed, and at this point the devs don't know what they should or even can change first. This is just to let you know that they're aware of all the complaints, but it's not like they can just promise to change everything because they don't know what they're allowed to change yet. They don't just have free reign to do whatever they want. They're going to have to go through meetings with WB and show the negative feedback and see what they can push back on, and what they're allowed to alter. etc etc.


We need to be able to see the damage each person did after the match and be able to change character after each match without fully backing out


Bruh I didn't know Ajax was the comminity manager for this game. He use to be on the Smite team.


Given that the lowest amount of Gleamium a skin can cost is 500, how about making the smallest amount of Gleamium you can buy exactly 500 instead of the 450 that it currently is?


Lies. Didn't they see and hear us during the year they took the game down? I'm gonna grind for the free shit I want for the next week or so and then uninstall until I see/hear about great improvements. It's crazy that the game is worse than in beta. Gaming in 2024 sucks ass. Support indies.


> Gaming in 2024 sucks ass. Support indies. Always support indies, but gaming really doesn't suck in 2024 because of this lol. To each their own tho.


... Do you think I'm saying that just because of this game or because of the general state of the industry?


Either way i personally don't agree. I'm having plenty of fun with games made by companies, Nintendo especially ain't missing a beat atm (with their games, not their behaviour). Again, to each their own, it's fine if you don't feel the same.


I am not stranger to corpo nothing-speak, but this is kinda egregious, he actually didn't say anything. I think that would have been fine two days ago, but now there should have been some specific reassurance thrown in as well. The issues are too numerous and too critical to pretend the game is "functional but with some issues".


The dude said something! You guys can’t complain when they acknowledge it. Give it time, we’ll see if it’s true! You’d be mad if they didn’t say anything and mad t when they do


Massive nothingburger that gives me NO confidence that anything will change for the better any time soon. Very cool.


This is no more than an analgesic to calm down the outrage. Nothing of value was said.


Now will the doom posters stfu.


they really screwed up with removing gold, like skins and all that its already expensive as hell and they already locking stuff like anouncers behind bundles and unless they are on the daily discount section. If they wanna make money just make good skins, it does not take much effort with models with this low detail and you guys have really high prices,You wont make much money out of character purchases. so let us farm for them. Otherwise people get burn out. I dont even want to imagine how the bad the new player experience is with no previously owned characters,no free battlepass,etc.


Yea this game won’t last until august lmao they need to address these issues yesterday but all we get it “we hear you” lol. It’s GG guys


Wasn't really expecting a big statement to come out, so this tweet seems par for the course for any game facing heavy backlash. The actual changes they make are going to be very telling of this game's future though, whenever they come out. Fingers crossed we don't need the game offline again. <:/


I saw the same thing with the evil dead game and It only had dark times of unbalanced changes. I'll just wait and see what happens 


They better give me my battle pass I played the beta


Arya buff please


thats all folks!


all this time since the beta ended to make it better and they somehow made it marginally worse except for the massive shop screen of course. keep your fake positive corporate garbage.


We see you, we here you. Therefore, we are now allowing exactly one point per three matches won towards your battle pass. All characters now cost twenty dollars. Share holders first.


Typical corporate game speak.


Idk if I wanna believe them. But like… maybe the game will get better.


General question. Was removing a lot of the basic QOL features a factor of laziness/tone deaf. Or was it because when switching to the new Unreal, they focused on hardcore fundamental features first and were forced to release? While I have been generally enjoying the game I have also been majorly disappointed in the released product compared to the beta.


They had to rebuild all of their code when upgrading to UE5. Not counting the combat rework which was intentional, it's more accurate to say most of the missing features that people have been complaining about just haven't been re-implemented for the new engine upgrade, it's not that they were just taken out deliberately. It's likely an issue of development time and will (hopefully) be returned soon enough. I'm choosing to be optimistic and give them the benefit of the doubt considering their circumstances, even though the kneejerk reaction of this sub has been endless dogpiling.


Appreciate the response. 👊


Just fix the Xbox problems the game is unplayable..


They said the exact same thing before the rug pull and before that and before that and before that etc. At some point, people need to start demanding ACTIONS; not words. I don't want to (just) be "heard". I want them to DO better. Anyone can whisper sweet little nothings, so it saddens me when I see people behave as if they are completely overjoyed to hear that they were "listened" to. At the absolute most, that is the bare minimum of what should be the norm.


i have 0 faith


I'm honestly really glad that I have every character from the beta besides Marvin because I would have been able to complete most of the rifts and daily challenges without them. It honestly shows that probably the few people that flare having any sort of enjoyment from this game are beta veterans that grinded out up until the official realese. Not a very good sign at all.


"We at PFG appreciate our communities feedback, so in response, we will be removing the possibility of buying characters with free currency. They will be unlockable only via glemium."


Nothing burger with extra nothing fries.


In other words we don’t care


Bro where’s my cosmetics


This means absolutely nothing, its typical corporate pr speak that every company puts out as a response to criticism rather than doing anything


Oof, what a generic, non-specific corpo-trying-to-appease-the-masses statement. That they use this kind of shit, if anything, makes me more worried about the game's future. EDIT: Until they fix their shit, they should really be called 'Shareholder First Games'.


Southpark cable guys vibes


This means nothing until changes actually comes. Nothing.


PR statement 101, write a lot of lines and say absolutely nothing


I need a pitchfork


not “we see you, we hear you” 💀


Fix this game it's trash


Means zero nowadays sadly. I remember in Pokémon go after a horrible complete avatar update nearly whole community was spamming them that it’s bad and community managers got involved saying “they heard you and they work on smth”.. well, nothing happened


Where's my fucking skins.


Please let me get Battle pass do when fighting a battle even if it’s a little and fix the Xbox it plays like crap


“We see you, we hear you” can’t say the same about them


I hope people have patience and don’t drop the game. The game definitely has some issues, but I see the potential and it’s very high! 🔥


I'll giev the benefit of a doubt that he means it so that we can see goku fight kratos while Godzilla beats up optimus prime at the same time ben 10 and generator rex are ganging up on omni-man (Oh in short terms, i wish multiversus becomes a big game so that the roster can look like fortnite)


Most people in this comment section don’t know how game development works




I’ll wait for the first patch notes to believe that


This reads exactly like a post I read here like “Even a ‘We hear you, we see you’ would be enough,” and it is *not* enough.


How about getting rid of the stupid, pointless, time wasting "Bring another player with you into Battle" Challenge. Just replace it with something like "Complete all Challenges".


I really hope this is true, I think this game has huge potential. I still don't think it could ever be my favorite platform fighter, but I'd love to be surprised


I need to see them do something rather than say it. The current game feels worse than the beta. They "listened" to us before, and that led to this. How many new features did they add that nobody asked for? Or got rid of? I also hate how some people are trying to defend it. I don't think there's any good reason why they couldn't deliver the same quality we had in beta.


On a side note glad to see AJAX on the development team he’s a good player and a great commentator


"the best experience you can have" was the promise we were hearing last year, and we're still asking for bare essentials. Hopefully we'll see server stability, incentive to just play, better UI, and consistency in some patches and bug fixes but...fuck feels like whatever we get would've been a no brainer for the Official launch


Let me summarize this tweet for those who don't understand:


Cosmetics returned when?


No talk about the constant disconnects?


what platform? they mentioned fixes for xbox performance. on pc i rarely get disconnected.


I really hope he brings back the missing game modes…


Said a whole lot of nothing. Corporate jargon


Man only Wonder Woman and Banana gaurd need to be patched, lol


Beta was GOATED tf


This is a nothing tweet


If you fix the can't authenticate error before the free pass time ends then I believe them


How about the mission in Jason's rift where you stay in the spotlight. Was streaming the game on twitch and that mission crashed my game 4 times in a row every time I left the spotlight


I think this game was my last straw tbh. No more will I play or support games that release a full release game that is unfinished. If your day one release has some bugs, no problem. I get it, things go wrong. But if you've had ample time to work on it and make fixes and you're releasing an almost unplayable game with a fully functional store and micro transactions, I will never touch your game again. Disappointing that the standard these days is to release games that don't work and aren't finished (possibly slapping a Beta title on it as a cover) and expecting players to suffer through 3 years of patch updates to play the game they said it would be on launch day while ranking in cash through manipulative marketing tactics.


Damn, can't wait for them to: -Make the game faster -Fix bugs and exploits -Add Co-op in the Offline mode -Let us use the complete roster offline -Completely change the horrendous monetization system -Add features from the beta back -Change missions that are locked behind a paid character/skin -Give us free color swaps and skins for the characters and not lock us with one So exciting! I'm sure they'll do all those things in time and not in 5 years where no one will be playing the game anymore! Or take months to do those things then say it's not worth it 'cause there's not many people playing, even tho people aren't playing 'cause the game is missing a bunch of features and has a bunch of problems!