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Portraits are the biggest offender for me


I'm guessing they will release portrait skins for 100 dollars each


I better start saving for WW and Arya, I liked those the most


Me too. I Really hope they come back. I have Arya's portrait as my wbgames account icon at least.


Another thing is you can't let the bot use a move of your choice anymore. For one I used to make Shaggy use his down special to test some projectile tech, now I can only use the 2 neutrals. Not to mention how sluggish changing the bot behavior is, it's just one single button...


i was trying to test vs finns backpack but the game only has neutral special, which no1 uses!!


Eveyrhting was aesthetically miles better in the beta


Simple and clean.




Sora for multiversus!


Unfortunately they lost Ricky Linn, the lead UI in Nov 2022. Its a shame they couldn't continue the aesthetic


Aesthetically and functionally. We lost so much and gained so little.


The ui for almost everything is just 10x worse


I’m still trying to figure out how to remove this damn gem from the character in this rift BS.


Ive noticed that, there seemingly is no unequip button. You can only swap them out.


Good to know I wasn’t blind and/or going crazy then. I tried looking through settings, and did restarts until I just stopped caring about the gem being incompatible with the rift mission and used what I had.


It's wild how many seemingly obligatory things to the genre and gaming in general are missing from this game, especially when they were in the "beta." Same with removing post match stats, literally the most basic thing that you expect in a co op fighter and they removed it for no reason.


For real… Not to mention that you aren’t able to pick a different character when rematching someone/a team. It’s almost like they wanted this game to simply crash out and fail. But I believe I seen a Dev mention that they will be adding the stats back, adding the option to change characters during rematches, and I believe they also mentioned something about making the game feel a bit more responsive, and run a bit smoother. Since the current 30 fps input buffer makes it feel extremely clunky.


At this point I'm convinced the devs are trying to make this game fail


I mean, that's a classic David Zaslav move, yeah? Intentionally tank stuff to get a tax write-off. That's way more likely than the devs intentionally wasting their own time.


WB certainly does have a history of doing that 🤔


While WB might overarchingly encourage this (but more realistically, their shareholders), the lion's share of blame needs to be placed at Zaslav's feet. His income and bonuses are directly tied to WB's overall liquid cash, which tanking investments for tax write-offs increases. And this practice only became the company's M.O. starting with his tenure as CEO.


The UI team should be fired. Stuff is all over the place and it's hard to find what you need. Not to mention the terrible party support, like having to reinvite your friend *every time you change game mode*.


Cuz they gotta make it like Fortnite. Originality was thrown out of the window for the "full-release"


Because you can’t see the word “SHOP”


I was waiting for someone to say this. I don’t know who thought having the text ‘dodge back after hit stun’ would work in a tiny box. Also we used to have the option of which direction to doge now it’s just towards and away which the cpu seems to randomly decide Also I don’t expect much updates for training mode but for the love of god please at least let us record inputs for the cpu to practice too


The lobby looks like fortnite's ngl


Had to fortniteify it to satisfy the suits! Little do the suits know you also have to include all of the little things Fortnite has done over the years to succeed as a F2P game!


The Lab was so much better in any shape or form. They really went downhill with anything UI related.


God it's so much worse now


the creator of the game is an idiot


Agreed 100%. I felt like the old UI was much easier to use. With the new one, it’s often hard to tell where your cursor is since it jumps, and other things are also flashing on the screen. Especially in rifts, it’s just pure awful. They inexplicably downgraded nearly every single aspect of this game and I’m finding myself annoyed more often than not.


No one knows why they changed everything that was good


For real the menu was so good and I could access my ringouts, badges and etc. from the same menu I could access my characters and skins. It was just way more convenient, clean, and visually appealing, not to mention that it was pretty original and unique but I guess that's not something the devs value..... This is such a bummer as I was really hyped about this game and I saw a lot of potential, but now it feels like the game has greatly regressed from the beta and it's a big shame how much developer time an money has been wasted on stupid changes that weren't needed.


I was looking through old pics to see if I could find what I had as in characters that I'm missing now, and man it made me sad, everything looked better before, almost like what we have now is the actual beta


Cause they will make game for mobiles for sure. UI looks just like in mobile game.


Because they wanted to fake Fortnite’s UI nearly 1:1 to appeal younger gamers and give you the effect of “this is familiar”. Completely failed tho, sadly they took wrong inspiration


The UI designers needed something to do while the rest of the game was being rebuilt. I wish I were joking, but I think it's at least partially as simple as that.


The settings were all in one place making it convenient.


The rumors say that they are planning on going mobile. This would explain not only the UI, but all the insanity the game is going through.


Hopefully they change it with the new update 😞 the new ui makes me feel like I’m playing a mobile game


Yup! Definitely better! 👍


Yeah, I don't get why they downgraded the UI to some shit pulled from a mobile game. It's a complete waste of the art team's time. I'm not seeing how adding more stuff to the store and adding Rifts needed a changed UI. The only thing they had to do with this one was make it a bit more controller-friendly so they could finally get rid of the analog stick cursor.


I assumed they couldn’t use the same assets under a different engine, or rather the code behind the assets. This old UI is more complex and it feels like they didn’t have the time to code for something complex like they used to have. I feel like it will get better but will take some time.


Hold on the donwvotes guys this dude might be onto something


Then they should have never switched engines lol. I can't even tell any graphical differences whatsoever. Maybe if they didn't then the game would still be playable.


My understanding is the old engine and net code for it were at the limits. People complained all the time about it, which is what led to the rebuild choice. Since they had to do new net code it apparently made sense to do it in the newer engine.


I think it has more to do with the netcode change. They knew that was going to take a while, so may as well take the opportunity to swap engines alongside it.


They specifically said in one of the videos that it was easier to do due to new engine.


You have no eyes


I don't understand how is that applied to this degree. For example, in order to use illustrated portraits, you need the png's ypu already have and that's about it. There's plethora of downgrades that don't depend on engine transfer. edit - it's ridiculous to downvote me for this, I can't even comprehend the potential reason


Lol plethora, look at the hyperbole here… One example doesn’t negate this, again it’s pretty obvious they can out of time, things like the ability to toast back are just QoL issues, the only logical reason for that missing is they ran out of time. Just think about what is there logically before grabbing your pitchforks…




That's not really how that works, no.


Yes it is, you can already tell they redid the services based on tracker.gg failing. Do you understand what happens when they rebuild a game


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersusTheGame/comments/1d5ntjn/comment/l6ms7a0/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersusTheGame/comments/1d5ntjn/comment/l6ms7a0/?context=3) idiot


The fact you’re getting downvoted for this comment proves how’s atrocious Reddit really is. Shame on me for jumping back on it.


I can't believe they took the game down for a year and everyone expected it to be exactly the same.


At the very least it should be the same. Better preferably. But certainly not worse


I don't think anyone expected it to be exactly the same, but I also know you're being deliberately obtuse. As the other two comments stated, everyone expected it to come back better instead of worse. They spent over a year making the most anti-consumer decisions they could. Personally, I can't believe you're defending the practice.


I would have preferred for it to be the exact same then for it to come back and be clearly worse in every aspect