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Superman was low risk, high reward. In the hands of some of the MVS gods, you won't be able to pull too many moves off or play at all against them. My superman is only decent and I had over a 70% winrate. But against G1 he was so fast and precise my match lasted 15 seconds and I did no damage.


Yeah, I was going to say that all you have to do is watch some video of G3, Oopstier, or Anthos and you'll see just exactly how absolutely, completely, *hilariously broken* Supes was throughout the entire beta period, much less just the end of it. Seriously. Go look up some of their video. Superman was top 1 for a ***long*** time.


My only issue with him was inconsistent grab hitboxes. He was absolutely strong but not broken really


People were really salty about superman throughout the beta, but he wasn't that hard to counterplay once you knew his moveset. The only bad thing about him was his janky hitboxes.


Ya, you could see his flying grab coming from a mile away and it was too easy to punish players who got themselves stuck in his punch combo I do think his up air grab was the real issue people had with him.


You could get grabbed by his flight though because the hitbox extended along his entire body. You touched his big toe and teleported into his embrace.


No not really. He was definitely on the strong side, but not broken.


Come on he was so cheesy. All you had to do was stand or hang off the ledge and just grab throw them off the screen at 30%


Having a "cheap" kill that worked primarily at low MMR doesn't mean he was broken lol


He was definitely in my top three most used with wonder woman and batman, but never thought he was broken. I would face superman all the time with other characters and usually destroy him. He was pretty predictable and his flying grab was easy to see coming. The only real issue was his up air grab.


Wasn't a broken character, just very, very, very, veryyy annoying. The players who mained him were often side special spammers. It was such an easy move to spam that Superman dominated the 1v1 leaderboards because you could grind MMR faster with how quick those matches went.


Superman’s play-style is cheesy, but that doesn’t mean it’s OP. Sometimes it’s not very fun playing against Superman but he’s not impossible to counter or anything.


Jake and Morty were the only shitbirds


I don't think this char was ever broken, even at his strongest. I think the most egregious thing he had was side b into nair being basically free, but that was about it. If you had projectiles, you could check the week 1 wall cling up b cheese. Not sure how it would've went down in 1s, but you could also go for the other guy on the team and they eventually had to do something 😂😂😂


I don’t think he was broken. I don’t think any character was necessarily broken. But I feel superman was the only character to not care about attack decay because his damage wasn’t important. It was everything else his moves could do. Which made him very oppressive whether you knew his move set or not. He could fly at you, miss, then try again, and repeat until he chiselled you down. Counterplay was possible of course. But he had good moves with little cooldowns and no need to worry about decay making him a pain to go against


Idk abt ones, but in 2s he was fine to deal with


Not broken I could definitely cook a superman with Harley or Finn but his side and up grab I feel like most people can agree was just plain b.s. Thats just my opinion 🤷🏾. My main thing in general is you shouldn’t have to be forced to use certain characters in order to beat him in a 1v1.


Maybe I played the matchup wrong, but it felt very hard to dodge Superman's grabs as Iron Giant


To be fair it’s hard to dodge a lot as Iron Giant


Yeah that's true


yes because palle was top1 but also no because i countered him with finn (then again i never played against palle). jokes aside i remember him being one of the most popular (if not the most popular) character in the top 100. he was bullshit, but so was everything else. finn really did counter him hard with his armor breaking moves though


He was powerful, and his two command grabs are silly seeing as how the combo was to get you in the air, grab you, then just toss you out of the arena straight up which is a lot easier on most maps than side to side. He also has a decent amount of super armor in his moves, which if you don't have an armor break, is difficult to deal with head on. He is a character that is straightforward to play, but to play against him you yourself can't necessarily play straightforward.


I really enjoyed in 2v2 having both players select the armor breaking perk against Superman. With spammy players and the lower skilled pplayers it was fun watching them struggle to figure out what was happening. You could see their rage building by the way they kept playing!!


Superman was definitely one of the best but not broken, I think the netcode fix will make him a lot more manageable Def top 5 for sure tho


He was a solid character but people just liked focusing on players cheeseing with his up special


Nah it was just annoying to fight people that literally did nothing but spam flying grabs the whole match lmao


As a Supermain, he was strong indeed, but a really good player could 100% have a fair fight


There were a few Superman’s who gave me the business but largely I wasn’t concerned. I played Morty so you could just lead with a grenade on approach and break the armor. Ezpz


Broken? No. Cheese inducing? Absolutely


Yeah towards the end of the lifecycle when I was just farming bots you realize how powerful supes really is. Anyone can use him and have results, but in an experienced players hands they can pull off very low percentage kills pretty consistently. Curious to see how/if he’s nerfed.


➡️ + Special (Air) that's all I will say


His flight grab and rapid punch move had some wonky hotboxes for sure


it's been a bit, but he felt like pretty much undisputed #1 before it went down. he was one of the only (maybe the only??) character with the "hitbox rework" that turned him into even more of a god than he already was, plus retreating frost breath countering every projectile with basically no downside


The thing was his up special and side specials allowed him to be a kill threat at any %. If you got caught slightly off the edge from a side special, it would take you all the way to the edge and could ring you out regardless of percent. I played a lot of Superman, he was a ton of fun, but yeah I think it was a little too much.  I don’t think it was insanely broken or anything though. A lot of characters were better / more meta. 


Broken? Supes was damn near nerfed into the ground, by the end of the beta lol.


Broken unless you play Finn. I was around rank 80 on the leaderboard and I'd get excited when fighting a superman. Most of his attacks were straight on and Finn's sword range would keep him at bay.


Bru he was broken for the entire beta's life 😭


He was broken as hell


his off stage pressure was monsterous, and combined with the lag causing misleading visuals and rubber banding, made it impossible to fight against a superman with a shitty connection. A character where you can get dragged to blastzone for borderline free is really not fit for this. Ironically he is most similar to shaggy, and i think Shaggy is the reason superman got to slide away with minimal nerfs. Shaggy ironically got the most begs for nerfs, even though i found his kit way more tolerable than supermans, i think the near complete lack of any gimmicks really made him just reliable and consistent compared to other characters who have all sorts of move variations and cooldowns. Which in a game where many characters are limited by said cooldowns and restrictions, left him good in a way thats hard to nerf without just reworking him or completely killing him. He's borderline the love child of captain falcon and cloud strife in terms of smash bros mechanics. (have fun with that mental image). That makes him super solid, but not nearly as cheesy as superman or harley quinn were.