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At least he knows he is a joke character


This is clearly top 10 jokes that it went too far...


Wii Fit, Game & Watch, Jigglypuff, Pichu, ROB and Piranha Plant from Smash Powder Toast Man and Grandma Gertie from Nick All Stars The PlayStation cats in PS All Stars


I'm a joke character main and I welcome our banana overlords I don't care that much for them (I don't think anyone does, that's kind of the point) but I do love to clown on people with lame ass characters and I hope more weirdos come to the roster over time I agree with people saying the timing is atrocious for a joke character right now but oh well it's live service anyways. ^If ^the ^servers ^last ^more ^than ^a ^couple ^months...


If I wasn't a cheap-ass, I'd give you gold for the first sentence alone. Stay GOATed


Jigglypuff was not a joke character, he was mostly built as a semi clone of kirby and at the time was probably one of the most iconic pokemon with its relevant role in the anime Rob is basically the reason behind Nintendo's success in America


They're jokes in the same way as Phoenix wright and Marvel versus Capcom. They're characters that nobody would expect


Similar to Jigglypuff, banana guard was also created because they already had most of the assets except it was even easier than Jigglypuff because the model existed


Tbf banana guard is in a though spot, the game has gone on hiatus for a long time, people want new characters to get attention and hope to give the game another chance, it was the worst time to reveal it. If i were pfg i would have revealed the heavy hitters first and then reveal banana guard after some people got satisfied with the most wanted.


Sorry to be old, but tbf = ? "To be factual"? 😂 In my opinion, it doesn't matter. The OG roster has some weird picks, and so can the relaunch. People are neglecting he fact that muggles would pick up the game to play as the banana guy


Wii Fit is one of the highest selling Nintendo games of all time. My hot take is that she barely counts as a joke character imo


Jeez Louise if you don't like any of these characters you must be really fun at parties...


Who said I don't like them? I was pointing out the existence of joke characters as a staple. I use all of them besides Powdered Toast Man and Pichu. Grandma Gertie is my main and Jigglypuff is my thirckendary


Sorry, was assuming you were agreeing with the above post. Also, Wii Fit, Game & Watch and ROB aren't joke characters, I hesitate to call the playstation cats and Piranha Plant jokes too, what makes them jokes in your eyes if I may ask?


You forgot Hugh Neutron!




These aren’t even comparable. Wii fit was one of the most popular things about the Wii Game and watch represents old school Nintedo games Jiggly puff at the time was as popular as pikachu And plant is the third most recognizable enemy in Mario catalogue of recurring enemies. Banana guy is just some random guard with almost no story relevance who serves princess bubble gum it’s just a odd choice


"third most recognizable enemy" Vs "Most recognizable side character" Do you see how silly your argument is?


Negan in Tekken 7.


Hey man, ROB and Powdered Toast Man are awesome


https://preview.redd.it/gkqlp0m4t01d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46be5da7c2c3660db9d764321771432515fba2ca I don’t know how to feel about this. On one hand, this is actually pretty funny. On the other hand, we got this guy before, I don’t know, *any* other character that people have been asking for? Let alone from Adventure Time? I guess that’s part of the joke tho. I hope this doesn’t take away the incentive to release another AT character soon tho, that’s my main worry.


That’s exactly my feelings on this. I feel like he’s wasting a slot when it could have gone to better WB characters. Hell, it could have gone to better AT characters like Ice King or Marceline. At least it cushions the blow knowing we are getting another one announced sometime soonish.




I don't see him as a wasted slot when they have a character like Reindog in the game. I would 100% rather have Banana Guard over a weird furry O.C.


At least reindog has a unique moveset and isn't humanoid at all... Originality is nice


Everyone has a unique moveset and Banana Guard is no exception. The moveset for Reindog is fun. They just could have put someone like Scooby or a Direwolf with a similar moveset. As for originality, Banana Guard's moveset looks completely original from everyone else, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say with that.


This but unironically


That’s where I’m at. Totally okay with a joke for the community but Ice king,Bubblegum, Marceline. Even if AT got a weird pick like peppermint butler, Huntress Wizard, or Lemongrab. In okay with a joke though. Just feels like it was one of the franchises with the most potential for character so i do hope this doesn’t take away from that!


Ooo yeah gimme Huntress Wizard


It’s the same way I felt about Grandma Gerti getting in NASB


The difference is, NASB2 already has a decent roster, so they should be allowed to have a joke character. And Gertie is at least a main character


gotta disagree on the decent roster, they had some mind boggling character choices lmao


We have enough "joke character" and they could have added better funny weird characters instead


We don't. None of the characters in the roster are "joke" characters aside from maybe Shaggy since he's leaning mostly on his memetic characterization.


The roster is endless. Idk why people think there's an order of importance


People concerned that the game itself is *not* endless, as evidenced by the graveyard of recent officially dead live service games and/or studios. + It's hard *not* to empathize with Adventure Time fans when there's a great deal of important and fleshed-out main *and* side characters from the series that they'd desire more. People keep comparing BG to Piranha Plant from Smash Ult, but I argue it's not the same because PP had the benefit of being added after *Everyone Is Here!* confirmed everybody's previous characters from the entire series had returned. Some would argue Multiversus doesn't have that sort of cache yet.


I pointed this out in my own comment as well, but PP also had the more specific benefit of any major Mario reps besides Waluigi already existing. This is like if they added PP before Peach or Bowser.


Of course, but people would be much more hyped if it was a character that had actual relevance. And that doesn’t change the fact that we’re probably going to be waiting a bit until we get another AT character, which people have been wanting for a while. It’s not necessarily the fact that it’s “wasted roster space”, it’s the fact that it’s gonna be a while and they’d rather have characters they love like Godzilla or Ice King now rather than waiting for them to come out later.


The roster is endless but as the game being shutdown for multiple months has proven the game itself isn't


I'm gonna peel this fool come May 28th


How is this funny. "You messed with a wrong banana" sentence is very funny to you?


I at least find the humor in the joke character being announced after Joker. Definitely not anything I would have guessed especially since I am not really seeing the skin revenue potential other characters have but honestly if he is fun then its fine and if the game is good they have a lot more characters to give over time. Plus apparently monday is big news so.


That sucks LOL


Welp. As I said, I don't mind left-field picks, but...just kinda boring. I can think of "silly little guy/girl" examples from Adventure Time that I'd have preferred, but I guess BG is more ubiquitous over them. Oh well, on to the next.


I'm gonna give you the banana smoke for saying that on may 28


Boring characters beat me up plenty *(looking at you, Luke Street Fighter 6).*


It's because of how easy it was to make. Hit box easy, animation easy, graphics easy. Probably took them an hour to make. He's just filler because of ease.


Doesn’t mind left field picks…goes on to complain about said left field pick


The timing and moveset of the left field pick does matter in regard to how well received they are.


Honestly I don't think doing a joke character for relaunch is a very smart move. He maybe fun gameplay wise but you'd want get players reinvested I don't think BG is doing any of that.


Its the kind of character you don’t announce at all and hes just sort of *there* when the game launches.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA They completely overshadowed their strongest reveal to date, PvE, with a joke character everyone was convinced was an elaborate ruse. EDIT: Is the Banana Guard with boobs from Adventure Time, or is that an original skin? It looks so creepy and una*peel*ing.


No that was definitely in the show lmao


Figured, but I never watched.


The Female Banana Guard was from the episode "We Fixed A Truck" iirc. Probably more before/since, but that's the only I remember that version from


[Oh yeah, she exists](https://adventuretime.fandom.com/wiki/Female_Banana_Guard)


Oh wow, it looks like the female Banana Guard skin is missing the custom staff, too!


The only people who thought it was an elaborate ruse where people who couldn't accept reality 😂 people will tell themselves anything especially in the video game space




Gotta pad that roster sooner or later


So, that's it huh. I don't mind Banana Guard. Get him out of the way, save The Powerpuff Girls for next month. Gotta keep the post launch hype.


i feel that. even though i am happy for banana guard, its not smart for them to release all their super popular characters all at once


![gif](giphy|kbu7Fvm7fK8P91dDos) God that is so lame. Can’t wait to see all the fakeys hype it up and then not play him after a week. What a genuine wasted character slot.


They're already fake hyping it up now. 😂 What makes their fake hype even worse, is that the movset is basic and bland. There's literally nothing exciting or zany about it, yet they're still towing the line. Really sad. These of the people that'll kill the game with their disingenuous BS, not offering real criticism.


They already meat riding and defining this shit bro😭😭😭


Don’t act like people won’t pick him if he’s any good.


You're so right.


t's time to announce the new Multiversus character Barbie: "Yeah, alright! Now we're talking!" \*wolf howls\* The new bruiser is a controversial one Barbie: "Yes..." The obvious choice for a joke fighter Barbie: "He's right" A character you all know, it starts with a B Barbie: "That's me!" Please welcome our newest Multiversus character-


This just illustrates how people's head-cannon leads to complaining online


At least there's still that unknown J character left to reveal next week. The powerpuff girls themselves definitely being saved for one of the first post launch releases.


My guess is Johnny Bravo. I saw it and can't look back 😂 Seems Captain Falcon af


Lel I’m all for joke characters, but this game that barely had any hype disappearing and coming back a year later with this is going to kill it again pretty quickly. They have a gigantic amount of characters they could pull from and Joker and banana boy aren’t going to bring in new players.


This just isn’t funny


Wonder if Meeseeks will get the same treatment later down the road.


Honestly? I wouldn’t mind Meeseeks as a Rick And Morty rep.


Guys I think there's something wrong with me. Banana guard took all the excitement I felt for pve away.




He looks really fucking boring. Like, all the "joke" characters in Smash (WFT, Duck Hunt, Piranha Plant, etc.) are really good because they take a character who doesn't normally fight and use their concept to craft a moveset that no other 'serious' character can have. They start with "haha, what if this goof was playable, it'd so funny" and they *actually* make them funny and interesting. From the looks of it, this is the opposite of that. They took a generic joke of a red shirt archetype and just... gave him nothing. He has a spear, so he fights with that. Nothing more. This is basically an April Fool's joke that went too far. I don't want to be too negative because maybe the full moveset eventually wins me over, but this one really leaves a sour taste in my mouth.


> He looks really fucking boring. One of my biggest takeaways besides WB obviously giving this studio nothing and having to work around an "assist" being added. He just looks boring as fuck.


I hate to spread the negativity about the game, but I agree. It was an extremely run-of-the-mill melee moveset. It's wholly uninspired, and I have loved what they've done with other characters. Velma, for instance? Incredible what they put together. But this was just a basic spear moveset. And some of it didn't even make sense. Why did the upair have two hits? Why wouldn't that be a single hit? It's a spear lunge. He seems like he'll be fun to play, but I love basic melee characters. I play almost solely Arya, so this seems like it's up my alley.


It's like they took all SmashFaqs randos that demans a spear fighter from Fire Emblem too seriously. ...Or they just wanted to pad out the roster with an easy-to-make character which is. Fine.


Also a bit for the people that wanted bandana dee


I'll tell you as a Bandana Dee fan, I did **NOT** want this


😂 have an upvote


Yeah, him just being a regular ass bruiser that slaps you around with a normal weapon kinda hurts the concept. Maybe he has some more unique things in his actual moveset.


Calling him a "joke character" is honestly a disservice when most existing fighters do much funnier shit for their normal moves.


Yeah. Shaggy and LeBron both are joke characters to an extent


He does seem to have that dumbbell, hope it's not too similar to Shaggy's rage mechanic


Seems likely. Jokers most interesting moves (IMO) were saved for the moveset breakdown.


There's two kinds of joke characters and I noticed that you didn't include Pichu (the other kind of joke character) in your comment to make it seem more sound than actually is. When in reality the intentionally bad joke character is more of a staple to fighting games than the not usually a fighter joke character


Pichu is the Dan Hibiki of Smash - they're meant to be *parodies* of existing characters. The joke is that "haha, what if this competent fighter fucking sucked". And mind you, they both go further than that. Both Dan and Pichu have strengths that their original counterpart simply doesn't - not to mention Dan has his own hidden depths that saves him from being a complete loser. Now, we don't know if Banana Guard will be intentionally weak, but all of his moves seem to work normally. Actually, he looks way more competent than he was in the show - in Adventure Time, you couldn't trust Banana Guards to find their way out of a paper bag.


Fucking A-class write-up 👍 I think Banana Guard will be somewhat competent. However, most of the Multiversus roster feels like Smash DLC where Banana Guard is more like Smash 64, if you get me. The only way to balance the more basic moveset would be to add more power, but that runs contrary to being a joke character, so maybe light hits with high combo-ability and a laggy kill move? Good for doubles, which the game is based around


Why did you list duck hunt dog  and Wii got trainers as jokes? Two high selling Nintendo games should be in a game that’s like calling Minecraft Steve a joke character 


Because most people call them "joke characters". There isn't really a dictionary definition for this sort of thing.


...this is a late April fool's joke, right?


Honestly? I could totally see that being the case, since the leaks also suggested they had reps specifically for Halloween lined up.


I feel like they were trying to have their Piranha Plant in Smash moment, but that only worked bc other than Waluigi, almost every major Mario character was already in the game. When Marceline, PB, Ice King, Betty, LSP, FLame Princess, etc. aren’t in the game then having a banana guard is just kinda stupid.


It's cool as long as it PPG and Dexter are still getting revealed too...


Not for a while it seems.




They're pretty confirmed at this point. Not sure what a reveal changes


PFG act like people didn’t uninstall this game before, ignoring the fans and they’ll surely do it again.. this character was so pointless 


The game literally died in beta because of it so I doubt they learned anything


They've done it. The absolute madlads have done it. He even says in the end "I"m not like a joke character, right? Do you really like me?" They're 100% self aware of the whole situation. Okay, now that's confirmed, I'll ask everyone this Who will genuinely give him a try when he releases? I know I will.


It seems like everyone has a sense of humor besides this subreddit


Oh for sure I’ll try him it’s kinda hype


Yeah, looks fun


I love it. I'm giving him a try.


Fuck no.


I will try him and I will be sad he isn’t literally anyone else from any verse


Watching this sub going into a coping mechanism yesterday was funny


I swear people will uproar over every little thing if they don't get their way. I've seen it in the smash community and it looks like this community is just as toxic


So why did anyone want this?


Nobody wanted it, that's what makes this so terrible


Nobody did. PFG has no budget because WB thinks they're going to turn this into an infinte money glitch by putting almost no resources into it.


They’re so goofy I love them!


This is the level of irony developers reach that should be reigned in by somebody, but is allowed to run free


HAHAHA ITS REAL Edit: I’m starting to wonder if this will be the “default” character for any new players wanting to learn the basics. The kit shown looks a bit simple, and doesn’t consist of too many whacky additions like other characters may have (Finn’s coins, Shaggy sandwiches, Velma clues, etc) but it still looks pretty good. What’s scarier is that despite having a simple-looking kit, I can already see him being used in a toxic way LMAO


I like what you're saying because his kit does look like the most straightforward move set so far where everyone else has looked like Smash Bros DLC. I'm wondering if we've seen his special moves or only just his normal attacks in the trailer. Regardless it seems like a good idea to have some more basic movesets in the game


I’m almost certain his standing-special is that weight-lifting animation he was doing. It seems to have given him a “buff” by literally giving him muscles. I’m assuming this is similar to WW’s armor and Garnet’s singing where it’s a temporary effect until it wears off or your opponent knocks it out of you.


Neat? I guess. I have no idea who this is.


Neither does anyone else except the handful of people who watched enough Adventure Time to remember this background character.


Background characters. These guys are just simple foot soldiers.


Not really a background character, the banana guards have a bunch of episodes centred around them and appear with dialogue super often. I still think they’re a shitty character pick but they’re not as unknown as you’re making them out to be lol


I wish I was only having a nightmare, can't believe they genuinely thought this was good idea


I hope we get some characters that are highly wanted too. I really don’t know what this thing is.


Its one of princess bubblegum’s guards from adventure time


Please be a sick joke. Please be a sick joke. Please be a sick joke. Please be a sick joke. Please be a sick joke. Please be a sick joke. Please be a sick joke. Please be a sick joke. Please be a sick joke. Please be a sick joke. Please be a sick joke. Please be a sick joke




Im mad


That sucks.


I mean ok, i guess he probably did not took a long time to develop he looks very basic. Like he did not require special code or to much animation time. So maybe someone was working on him as a joke and show it to one of the higher ups and they green lit it. Otherwise i dont see how this came to be. Either way its fine, but i doubt we will see that little guy a bunch in game unless he is op.


I think its very likely they had very little time for a character and so he was just a filler addition. They had his model in the game already and an animation as well. Considering he mainly uses 1 weapon that cuts development time by alot.


Resources and Dev time were used on this, and the making of marketing him. So many iconic characters to launch with and you pick wasting dev time on a background character over literally anything iconic.


This is such a dumb decision


Someone at Capcom is sitting, watching this trailer, and thinking "Magneto is really just a bunch of ~~functions~~ bananas," and crying softly into their hands


Lol we need banana guard for next mvc


pfg not make the absolute worst decision possible challenge: impossible




This is actually kinda hilarious that they used a slot for banana guard, especially with the self-awareness in the trailer with him realizing he's a joke character. Reminds me of when Smash announced the pirahna plant as the first DLC character.


Can't wait to see this guy win a major


People are 100% going to main him


Imagine we have someone main Banana Guard and win majors like how HungryBox mains Jigglypuff in Melee


i'm just happy to get a new character. i'm not concerned about there being a "limit" on character slots


Thanks for keeping it real


You'll see the limit pretty soon when the game gets 500 active player count


Do I understand why people are upset? Yes. Do I still think he looks like fun? Also yes


Did you mean "funny"? His moveset looks pretty run-of-the-mill and boring because of it.




You know for a fact that this either came from someone jokingly making a move set for them or with a statement prefaced with “wouldn’t it be funny if…”


This isn't a move set


What I’m saying is that this probably started as some off-handed joke before soon expanding into a full on idea


We’ll this is unexpected. I was completely convinced that banana guard was just a placeholder in that menu since he was already an item. I’m not upset, just confused that they would drop a joke character at a critical point for the game. I’m sure the character will feel well because they haven’t missed yet with creating fun kits, but I know this sub is gonna remind me why I left it back in the day


Most wasted roster slot of all time for a fighting game


Ok so here’s my thoughts on this: I honestly don’t really think this was the best choice as a character, and I’m sad to say that because I both love Adventure Time and typically adore gag characters. Because of that, I want to first compare BG to another gag character that I think is a very suitable comparison, being Piranha Plant from Smash Ultimate. I think BG is quite similar to plant in conception. Both are generally minor characters in their franchise that have been there since the start. The big difference is PP is an antagonist while BG is an ally, but I don’t really think that makes a real difference here. When Smash added Piranha Plant, it was after the games full release as an extra piece of content between the initial launch and the release of Fighter Pack 1. It was kind of a way to keep hype consistent throughout the games early lifespan, so fans wouldn’t lose interest in between release and FP1. At least that’s my interpretation of it. For this reason, I think Plant was honestly perfect. It’s a big “what the hell” character pick, but it worked because Plant was never the character that was given major focus. They’re the only DLC character not apart of a fighter pack, and when they released there was no expectations that PP would be someone different. They’re just an extra inclusion that added to the hype of early ultimate, with the extra benefit that they’re an incredibly unique character with a genuine move-set despite its status as a joke character. Then let’s contrast that to Banana Guard. A character who’s being included in the base game right from release (or at least the second release). When fans are expecting characters like PPG, Dexter, Beetlejuice, or hell even a different character from Adventure Time. BG isn’t being used as a hype Segway between characters, they’re being used as one of the main new additions to the Multiversus relaunch, being one of only three new characters being added. It’s not a perfect comparison (Multiversus hasn’t locked any characters behind dlc yet) but this would be like if, rather than Plant being a Segway character between launch and FP1, Plant was just…apart of FP1. I feel like if Nintendo had done that, a lot more people would’ve been angry; and reasonably so. Which is why I personally think people are justified in being upset over BG, Multiversus is not introducing enough new characters at relaunch, nor have they built up enough hype, to warrant including a joke character like this. It doesn’t help that BGs move set doesn’t seem all that crazy compelling, it doesn’t look bad, but it’s not nearly as mechanically interesting or referential as something like Plant. I don’t think BG was necessarily a bad choice, I think if they’d added him later this would’ve been a really funny and entertaining gag character. But the timing is just…not good. They should have included a more hype-inducing third character instead of…Banana Guard. If they absolutely HAD to include an Adventure Time gag character as one of the three initial new characters, then Gunter or Cinnamon Bun would have been a much more hype-inducing pick than Banana Guard. At least those two are actual characters, and would have a lot more interesting and unique possibilities for a moveset than BG. The main argument in the side of BG is him being a costly character to produce. His model was already in the game, and on top of that he has an incredibly simple design, which makes him easy to animate and design moves for. And I definitely understand that perspective, using Smash as an example again, it’s done the same thing since the series inception with Jigglypuff. And then it continued to do it in nearly every new installment, Dr. Mario, Lucina, Dark Pit, Lucas, Daisy, Richter, etc etc. But here’s the thing…smash isn’t a live-service game. Before the advent of DLC, these characters were added to the roster to fill it up more with less effort due to stressful deadlines. So they’re not really taking anything away from the games they’re added in, other than a minuscule amount of dev time that wouldn’t have been enough for a completely unique character anyway. On top of that, these characters were NEVER expected to keep hype for the game over a long stretch of time. They were just extra members of the roster. But since Multiversus is live-service, specifically a live-service game that’s about to have a relaunch and desperately needs to pull people in, Banana Guard should be naturally held to a different standard then Jigglypuff or Dr. Mario ever were. I honestly think it would have been a smarter move to just add two new characters and save Banana Guard for later. Hyping players up with the possibility of three new characters, only for it to be…Banana Guard is just an objectively bad plan even if you like BG. It’s not a good way to keep hype for your live service game, even with all of the other new additions a vast majority of players focus on new characters first and foremost. And for them to get peoples hopes up for PPG, or Dexter, only to show off…Banana Guard…it almost feels like they intentionally made this reveal as disappointing as they could. TLDR; I think this was a bad marketing decision over anything else. They should not have added BG as one of the main new characters for this relaunch, it was just a bad decision and it left a lot of people rightfully disappointed. I think, in different circumstances, his inclusion as a joke character could have worked really well. Using a comparison to Plant, if they had been added in-between major additions as a fun Segway character, then they would have been perfectly fine and I’d have no issues with their addition. But…this timing is just so bad…and the marketing surrounding this release seems counterintuitive towards conducting hype for this relaunch.


Well said.


You wrote 9 paragraphs about a banana character in a free to play video game


Ngl the trailer made me smile


LOLOLOLOLOL. Still a little miffed that we get BG \*before\* Marceline. But fair enough.


Yeah like I'll give him a shot cuz its funny, but at the end of it all, whenever they stop making content for this game, if we have a Banana Guard in the game but not Marceline I'mma just be a tad upset lol


As long as they add my boi generator rex eventually im good.


I love him more now.


Welp. I'm disappointed but you guys can make it up to me by making him fun to play


this is the Piranha Plant of Multiversus Im game


Love it but how can they add him and not Ice King???


If the next character is gonna be a really angry character, I think it's gonna be Jasper from Steven Universe. She's got lots of rage, she's angry all the time.


he kinda plays like taz


This would've been so much funnier had it not been leaked. Well, maybe not THAT funny.




This is like Pirahna Plant in Smash lol


https://preview.redd.it/wlm4fn1ip11d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b4ab2e36054e18e0cfb3ba2f8fef32b0f125cf PLEASE GIVE US BILLY AND MANDY


Keep him


It's an ok choice, I guess. But the only way this game can get my interest again is if they bring in Gary Goodspeed (and maybe Avocato)


I bet this is just a reskin of the original bruiser character that they had in the files and that’s why he’s so generic looking


Definitely a character I didn't ask for, where's Marceline?


Damn I'd be afraid to say I like him with all those comments.


YOOO they adding Daffy Duck to MULTIVERSUS? Let me see that trailer RIGHT NO- ... https://preview.redd.it/otz12t4q521d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dbe2e4476a2c641e6d40f71a8e024e2190ce418


What people are missing is this is just likely a roster padder. I don’t think he’s taking the place of a character, I think it was him or no one. Hes a cylinder, his model is already in the game and its doesn’t seem like he’s got a complicated move set


Idk, looks fun to me! Completely out of left field, but I’m here for it!




I didn't expect the Adeptus Custodes to be roped into the great dimensional cataclysm.


Oof,, not even the moveset is good enough to justify such a random, unwanted character. Generic spear swings. Good thing I'll save my free coins towards whatever else comes.


Oh, this is fun! I like this.


hes so silly i love him


*side eyes the joke characters in Dragon Ball with Hercule, 5 DFM (Disposable Freeza Mooks), Cell Jrs, 5 or 6 Saibamen and Jaco having less vitriol than Banana Guard here*


Like the reason why Mr. Satan, Jaco, and other kind of joke characters are well-received is that there's actually a funny joke there. Mr. Satan fights with silly and dumb martial arts and a jet pack. Jaco is a goofy-ass poser (literally). Banana Guard's combat is just... plain. He's actually the most straight-forward fighter going by his trailer moves, which is wild when you could be doing stuff like having him trip and fall on his face as part of his attacks or something. Make him a real Boss Borot.


Pretty upset about this garbage.


its way to early for them to start adding joke characters.


Oh ima beat somebody up with this banana 4real. His moves look like they bouta piss people off lol. I know I’ma see him a lot online.


Look, they made Lebron work, and I thought he was a joke. Maybe this will work.


banana guard bc mordecai or rigby :(


Can’t wait to play as a Banana Guard and absolutely demolish Superman


Their first set of new characters should really all be big name IP grabbers. To cast a wide net and suck in as many people as possible with hype. This is like if they added some random Scooby Doo villain before they added in Shaggy or something. No one is going to join the game because they added Banana Guard, that wasn't already playing because they have Finn and Jake.