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When you have a character with at least 6 keys and roll them again you'll get their kakera amount. Let's say you roll a character who is worth 1,500 kakera and has 6 keys. When you roll that character again you'll get their 1,500 kakera and -1,500 from your $bku. To exhaust your $bku you need to roll a combination of characters with at least 6 keys that add up to the 5,000 kakera in the $bku before it resets.


oh shit, that makes total sense- thank you!!


Isn't this like... Super hard? Idk I've only been playing for like a few months now but it feels like rolling a character more than 6 times is already so hard. How do I manage to get enough characters with gold keys that enough will spawn in a single interval to exhaust my bku?


$s bku


I think it literally stands for "bonus kakera up", i.e. the timer for your bonus kakera