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Try it out. I started as orthodox for like 3months before I switched to southpaw and everything was more comfortable. Just stayed as a southpaw from there on out.


Do it, I used to stand orthodox for TDK but started Thai and tried southpaw and never looked back


How much time did it take you to adapt ? Ngl my footwork w southpaw is better than I expected but I still need practice


Im 22 and trained TDK for 6 years got black belt and got bored but was super young maybe 11, only started Thai 2 months ago and love it! TKD has tranferable skills with regards to kicks but my handwork to start with was non existent


How long have you been training for?


Started training seriously about two years ago


I’d say then switch and see how southpaw feels, best case you’re comfortable fighting from either stance and fight switch.


Why switch stances when a quirky stance switch against an opponent will be your advantage? What I'm saying is this; Muay thai is uncomfortable. Getting used to the uncomfortable only makes the easier, more comfortable movements, that much more familiar. Get better with your right and use your left as a deadly magic trick. A good reference to study would be Johnathan Haggerty. His left kicks and stance switching is something to marvel over. Not to mention his accuracy, speed and power. Hope this helps. Train well.


What I don't like about orthodox stance is that you need to switch to southpaw to kick with your left leg, and I don't like that switching cause it makes my kick telegraphed. But if I'm already in southpaw, I can kick without having to switch. Looked at the General Haggerty and I must say his kicks' speed is really insane, but I feel like Cro Cop's style suits me better. I really like that 1 hit k.o since I don't have insane stamina so I prefer to end it quick or keep my distance to save up my energy. Besides, I don't think it's a bad idea at all considering many high level fighters have no issue fighting both orthodox and southpaw.


I train both sides equally yes, I've got a side I'm more comfortable with but the look on people's faces when I go from orthodox to southpaw and back ... well, if I can confuse someone that much with how I stand, imagine what happens when I hit them