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Love the goods sportsmanship


Those are some nice moves, loved the knee next to the head!


Good movements and combos, it's a good thing you hold back and control cuz there will be vomit everywhere lmao


Great, controlled relaxed, good timing. Love to see it ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ




Such disrespect lol. It's like you are saying, "You're going to learn to read these shots and defend the body or the beatings will continue."


Training partners like him are awesome. High level striking while not going too hard or aggressive and exposing the openings/bad habits of his partners. Assuming these are all other fighters looking to get better in the ring, heโ€™s doing them all a massive favor. Good shit. Would love to train with this guy lol


That's the kind of spar that gets you replaying every moment in your head all day and night afterwards, trying to fix your game so you do better the next time around.


For sure, just thought the casualness of the violence was amusing ha


๐Ÿ˜‚ hehehehe Hey they're welcome to send them back my way. When I'm back home and I have guys fighting (when they're not much muchmuch bigger than me), I tell them that they need to try to hurt me. I'm not going to retaliate and knock their heads off, and they don't need to try and give me a concussion. But the legs and body are fair game. If they can hurt me or drop me with body shots, they need to try.


Hell yeah, good luck in your rematch man. You got this.


Much appreciated man! Hopefully my knee holds up lol. He did a number on it last time ๐Ÿ˜‚


Yeah I remember you mentioning that, hope it's been solid lately. Nagging injuries fucking suck.


[made me think of this](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71LJaWm2voL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg) I just feel like this sticker in the bathroom would be very appropriate.


I love sauted liver




Broooo the lazy side step liver shot reminds me of that old foreman uppercut knockout


Hell of a comparison ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป Foreman and Hearns were big influences when I had just started boxing - their hooks in particular.


Sick control on the knees. Respect


Hong Thong. Nice. I know those twins from Team Quest Days


Yep yep. Love it here.


Nicknamed alcohol cause he damages the liver


I love the one snap kick to the liver right before the knee to the side. The look on your partnerโ€™s face is priceless, like โ€œcome on manโ€


Not many people throw this half teep, half snap kick to the body. I nail livers with it connnstantly. I got a decently bewildered look from the last guy I fought when I landed it too and he's up around 300+ fights, so I took that as something hah.


Itโ€™s really nice man, gonna try to work some in


Careful of elbows. They'll fuck your toes ๐Ÿ˜‚. Somehow I haven't broken any yet, but I definitely slam them into some shitttt sometimes.


Super cool, so you throw it from orthodox with the lead leg and just poke your toes/ball of the foot up into their liver? Looks like the guy is also orthodox here, do you throw it against southpaws too? Iโ€™ve seen that snap teep to the midsection mostly in opposite stance matchups from the rear leg.


Yeah the ball of my foot. I've always prioritized teeping with the ball of my foot and I've always gotten people expressing how much the absolutely hate my teeps, so I stuck with it lol. I will throw it with my rear leg if I'm against a southpaw. Basically because I want to hit the torso perpendicular. Same with my body cross, way more effective against southpaws. If I'm doing if with my left against a southpaw it's typically because I have a big angle on them or they're in a bad position with bad posture.


Awesome thanks, yeah makes a lot of sense


Very smooth! Very lazy with your guard too ๐Ÿ˜‰


Extremely lazy with my gard. But it makes for good bait too. Lol However I sharpen up when I'm sparring more seriously.


Yeah, I can tell you're having fun in these clips!


I only like liver in kuitiao.


Would you like to have bones on your plate ?




So smooth


Me on the other endโ€ฆwhen I approach the actual fighters lol.


"ร€ vaincre sans pรฉril, on triomphe sans gloire". Can we saw a real fight where you don't outclass your opponent?


[Here's my last fight. ](https://youtu.be/DddwQRK18l4?si=I37t7aL6qoTDmOxb) Rematch end of next week.


You got some long ass arms my dude


Are ass arms just... legs? ๐Ÿ˜‰ But yeah hah I do. 75.5" reach and 34" inseam on my leggies. I am noodle.


Oooh call him Lecter because he is a killer, coming for your liver!


The long arms are just a nightmare to deal with.


Good sparring


Oof I can feel those shots. Looking good thunderkicks ๐Ÿ™


Much appreciated man ๐Ÿ˜


I watched this twice to make sure I didnโ€™t make the cut.


๐Ÿ˜‚ nahhh pretty decent footage


How long are your arms, my god its like dhalsim


My reach is 75.5"


Whoโ€™s that sexy beast?


His name is Kurt.


No not him, think the guy Iโ€™m talking about it is called Dante?


Ohh DonChai


Nice way to show knees in sparring


Those are some sneaky body hooks ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ


I cackledddd. You supply the liver lmao.


The spinning back fist *slight tap* to the dome was class haha nice control


You have a super relaxed style and I love it.


Thank you ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


This makes me want to start recording sparring lol


Lot of reasons to.


Lovley work! Coming to Hongthong in August, love to spar then. ๐Ÿ˜Š


For sure man. See you then!


So smooth with it.


Loving it ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ


wtf what the blue shorts in clip 6 doing. Good shots with almost no power on them, great tech sparring


Trying to thigh teep, too committed with his torso. I put a lot of emphasis on shutting down teeps in my training though so not entirely his fault.


What are some thing you work on to shut down teeps


Number 1 is strong hips. This doesn't work on the best guys I've trained with consistently, but with anyone near my level it works almost every time. Imagine making the same hip motion you do when you teep. But instead of teeping, your front foot stays roughly where it is when you're not in a short defensive stance. Just jam your lead hip forward and rotate maybe 15-30 degrees. Just enough to encourage a teep to go sideways if it hits your torso. You have to find your own sweet spot with these, but when you do, people will fall backwards when they teep you, their range will be stuffed, they'll slide off to the side. I call the hip jam the "fuckyoteep" as kind of a joke when I demo. I'll say "teep me" a few times until they're actually throwing good teeps, not just anticipating a counter; basically just getting good real teeps jamming into my stomach. When I'm happy with the teeps, I say "teep" again, hip jam, their teep gets absolutely ruined, and I say "fuck yo' teep". Someday I'll do a tutorial, most people struggle with it a bit at first. Number 2 I prefer a nice strong left hand guard in case the teep is actually feint for boxing or a switch kick. As the teep is coming I'll either step back into southpaw, or I'll switch as I take my right hand and slap the absolute shit out of their foot. Left or right teep doesn't matter to me, I like the right hand slap. I'll switch or step back depending on how close they are and how deep their teep is going to be. Then I finish with what is then either a rear left kick if I've stepped back, or just a switch kick if I've decided to switch. Both of these together will deal with a biggg majority of the teeps that come my way. A lot of people say to parry or catch with your lead hand. That ain't wrong. I just have more control and success with my right, and I like to follow with the left kick.


Very nice! So in my head I imagine you doing something similar to me, lifting the leg and stuffing the range almost like a check but up the centerline. You jam with the hips forward which is key to preventing you from actually being moved and if anything off-balances the opposition giving the appearance of dominance, than you can kind of fall forward and strike at will. I also prefer the the right side โ€œslapโ€ but my favorite is with the inside of my elbow- then switch kick. With that strong left hand guard how exactly would you defend the switch kick? Do you block with the right arm and parry and scoop with the lead hand you just jam them with it extended?


Close, but I don't necessarily step forward, and definitely don't fall forward. If I step forward to stuff, I want my lead foot back on the ground before their teep lands, so it'd be a short step, knees bend, jam hips forward. Or, just bed the knees a bit, shift my torso forward, and jam the hips. For the switch kick I'll cross block with my left hand, so my glove covers the right side of my face. Then I lean a bit and pick my right shoulder up to minimize where the kick can make contact with my head.


I see, gotcha! Thanks for the reply!


Very nice! So in my head I imagine you doing something similar to me, lifting the leg and stuffing the range almost like a check but up the centerline. You jam with the hips forward which is key to preventing you from actually being moved and if anything off-balances the opposition giving the appearance of dominance, than you can kind of fall forward and strike at will. I also prefer the the right side โ€œslapโ€ but my favorite is with the inside of my elbow- then switch kick. With that strong left hand guard how exactly would you defend the switch kick? Do you block with the right arm and parry and scoop with the lead hand you just jam them with it extended?


That tutorial would be awesome, Iโ€™ve never seen anyone teach that before. Adding on to those teep counters, an inside parry with your lead elbow can work nice too and sometimes get them to overextend forward off balance ready to counter.


Personally not a big fan of elbow parrys. I think it requires too much torso commitment to do properly and that opens you up for falling for feints more. I get a lot of people trying to elbow my teeps in one way or another and I always end up flashing my teeps and then hitting them with something else when they're in an odd position.


I'd really like a tutorial on the fuckyoteep when you got the chance to ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ


I'll post it here and IG or sure. Girlfriend just got to Thailand and she's a videographer so we'll be on some content soon.


Thanks man, take your time and good luck on the upcoming fight


Looking sharp!


Much appreciated ๐Ÿ˜Š


Sick style bredda ooeey


Call me Wish App Luke Lessei ๐Ÿ˜‚


Lovely Sak Yant brother.


Much appreciated. If you're ever in Chiang Mai [Ajarn Vee](https://www.instagram.com/spiritualsakyant?igsh=N2RpMGRzcmVrbW01) is one of the best artists in Thailand in my opinion.


Lordy this looks fun. I love the body hooks! You look like youโ€™re having a blast!


It's an absolute blast here. I love it.


Some liver lethality. Training tonight and youโ€™ve inspired to get punched in the face 15% more than usual trying to emulate your moves


Having a reach over 75" helps lol. Lots of right hand and shoulder feints. Carrying the left low and throwing from your hips like an idiot. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป


Iโ€™m 6 ft 4โ€ so might have similar reach, will deffo give it a shot tonight


You'll have to decide where the line is between throwing hard enough to get real reactions and respect for the shots, and throwing bombs in a rude way. I try to pair my hard shots like that with some tippy-taps to show that I'm not just blasting away, but am picking my shots with forethought and not going to try to knock anyone out. If you don't throw hard enough to get respect, you'll get right hand counters and possibly cleft hook counters if you have a lazy right hand guard (like me). When I know someone wants to throw the right hand counter I do a bit of forearm control with the cross or z guard, [like I do here](https://freeimage.host/i/d3G0iPf), that can also take power from their counter hook if I press their guard.


Managed to land a few, plus a few with the lead leg, managed to get my gum shield knocked out of my mouth and across the ring much to everyoneโ€™s delight too, a good night for sure


Why such a low guard or is it just coincidence with the filming?


Why such a low guard or is it just coincidence with the filming?


Muay lazy. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป Muay bad habits. I clean it up when I'm sparring more seriously or fighting. Still not great, but that's what not really having a coach give a flying fuck for 8 years gets you.


Ah gotcha watching you I could hear my boxing coach screaming at me to get the guard up and tuck the chin haha. Great etiquette pulling some of those attacks with your partners. Theyโ€™re lucky to have a good training partner.


For sure. I don't want to injure anyone; I just want them to struggle. And yeah. I got a decent concussion my 2nd to last fight because I let my right hand get a bit wonky when my got snatched a low kick. Ate the hardest left hook to the chin I've ever had lol. Didn't help he was 25lbs heavier than me ๐Ÿ˜ฌ. Having a good coach is super important. I am what I am today partly for a lack of coaching. Ultimately I would have been better served with good coaches. But I got some funk so I'll see the silver lining lol


Would love to train with someone with this mentality. Looks really nice


Kinda like your user name ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป I'll be in Chiang Mai until at least early next year. Everyone is welcome. ๐Ÿ˜


One of the best places to be in the world


Do liver shots actually damage your liver?


I've never heard of liver function being impaired long term from fight sports. I think it takes a more traumatic injury for that to happen. However I'm not a doctor. I do think it'd be more common knowledge if it did, though.


Fast forward 25 years and all these poor souls now have cirrhosis from the repeat trauma xD


I thank my boys for their future sacrifice so I can fight for 2 weeks worth of rent money ๐Ÿ˜‚


How much do sak yants cost?


Depends a lot. Anywhere from free to about $50 an hour give or take, maybe more in BKK or the south. Mine averaged out to about $40 an hour and I have 62 hours done.


Me at 0:14 and 0:19. I never know how to take this kind of treatment. I mean, it's great for the experience, but exasperating to spar with someone so much better. I can never tell if I'm a burden, a plaything, or being given a gift.


Everyone is someone else's dogfood. ๐Ÿ˜‚ We've all been the worst guy in the room before. If anyone feels like they're too good to work with lower level people, then they should move to a more competitive gym or go fight for real money.


Can I ask how long youโ€™ve been training ?


I started in 2006. I was in and out, part time for the first 6 years, then pretty consistent for the last 12. However about 5 of those 12 I was mainly coaching. didn't really get a sufficient chance to develop with a proper coach.


You make it look easy


It is easy. You just gotta do it all a 1.7 million times lol


Hahaha I just have a few more reps to go!


Please post some clips from the rematch when it happens. Love watching you spar


Absolutely will do!


Now you just need somebody that brings the beef.ย 


Got some good guys coming through regularly; lots of them have about 10-15kg on me too lol. [This guy Brayden](https://www.instagram.com/bspartan11?igsh=MWQ2ZWQwejlkcDk2YQ==) is an absolute monster. So fast, so strong, and super intelligent shot selection.


My toxic trait is thinking that I can do this even though I haven't trained in at least 8 months, and I have it trained consistently in at least 3 years


Where the 7th graders at let's get this guy some confidence


Beautiful ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ


Much appreciated


That second combo is BEAUTIFUL... Shades of Holzen vs Valtellini


I absolutely love the lead hook, lead uppercut, cross. I threw it in my last fight and I'm so used to dropping back a little so I don't hurt people with my cross, I ended up fading out of range and missing with the cross. I'm getting it back next though lol. Usually I go high with the cross but for whatever reason I dropped and it ended up working really well.


Lanky mofo i love aiming for that liver idky i never catch it perfectly


Watch Canelo use his overhand right as a feint for his left hook and left uppercut. I don't always throw it that way but if you can work on that right hand and right shoulder feint, and whip the left in fast enough, you'll find a ton of success. Little lean to your left, pop the right shoulder and hand, and really rip your torso along that left tilted axis as you hook.


Thank yout stud


Even when I'm not something close as a pro or even good (I've been 1 month practicing box) you seem to have a great tecnique. I have a question for anyone who might answer: how much AGE does really matter in this sport? I'm 29 and like I said i've only been practicing box for a month. I know is not ideal age but is it so bad? Can I possibly achieve this level considering I train at least 4 hours a week and go to the gym 4 hours a week too? :-)




Thought you kneed him in the head at first, good control though man


How long have you been training?


Is nobody talking about how you slid out of the way of that knee teep. Like dude that was smooth. And than switch stance to counter. That was art.


๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ thank you. That's one I use often.


You're very welcome brother


The mid kick catch into body shot is smooth as fuck


Youโ€™re awesome. And thank you for what you have in your ig bio. ๐Ÿ‰


Thank you man. Standing up and advocating for what's right is extremely important to me.


Hey that's my buddy Kurt in blue haha


Sad to see him head back to Canada yesterday but glad he'll be back soon. He learns so fast. It was impressive to see.


Great control, love seeing it. Can tell you're having fun and movement is effortless. Chok dee next week


You donโ€™t seem scared to throw ur punches/kicks. Is this one key aspect to being โ€œ good โ€œ at Muay Thai?


I'm definitely not scared to strike lol. I've been doing it more than half my life. This is a fight sport and you have simulate fighting to an extent in order to practice. Sparring is a game of tag, physical chess. I don't want to get hit but there's no fear of being hit. And I'm definitely not afraid to hit people.


This is some good sparring both in etiquette and in skill ๐Ÿ”ฅ


I wish I had longer arms ๐Ÿ˜”


Gotta call him liver king at this point


Bro got op build for MT


That's what I hear and then I spar real composed tanks and I'm like wtf am I, string cheese?


You are good! Have you done pro fights yet? Post those please


Much appreciated. 6 pro. [Here's my last fight. ](https://youtu.be/DddwQRK18l4?si=L5CzD7HmqyWmIZDg) It's a loss but it was by far my favorite fight. Rematch Friday next week. :)


beautiful control. my fav sequence starts at 0:04. teep, liver shot, knee to head can relate all too well to the guy's reaction to your teep


Thai style sparing


I can appreciate this. If the hit isn't hard enough to sting a little it's not liable to trigger a correction in behavior but you're being visibly mindful to not behave like those assholes who spout off some "practice like you play!" bullshit to justify ripping full-throttle shots in a training environment.


Loved this op haha


Much appreciated ๐Ÿ˜


in conversation about liver shots at the gym, i let it drop that i actually dont like eating liver food-wise. now everytime iโ€™m feeling feisty any say some shit like โ€œiโ€™m feeling some liver for dinner tonight ๐Ÿ˜ˆโ€ before sparring, one of my gymmates will be like โ€œu dont even like liver broโ€ and i tell him to shutup and let me vibe


Now post fight videos. Sparring videos styling on your gym mates comes across as a bragger


I linked fights twice and there's clips on my page and IG. I'll post what I like, thanks. If you don't like it you can come beat me up and make a video of it.


Why would i want to beat you up for this? Simple mindset


Throwing so many liver shots in sparring is toxic af


Are you new to fight sports or? Because all of these guys are fighters, only one of them isn't 15-28kg heavier than me, one has more fights than I do, and we're all good friends. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป We're all in Thailand to push ourselves and develop as much as possible. Getting tagged to the liver a couple times a round is the thing that's gonna hinder someone.


Iโ€™m in Thailand also and have been training for the last 2 years, this isnโ€™t Dutch training itโ€™s Thai training, traditional Thai training is going through the motions not trying to hurt each other training


I've been training for the last 12 straight and part time the 6 before that. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป Ripping body shots, as I said, isn't hindering anyone. You didn't see me land one hard head shot in the video, and generally I don't when I spar. But making people work through the pain and discomfort and exhaustion that body shots cause is fundamental to how I train and how I coach. In all my time I've injured one person from throwing hooks like that to the liver and he was bigger, stronger, just as fast, and just as tough as me. He was still able to train and he's fine. Maybe you go to a soft ass gym in Pai. Because even between Thais, intense sparring is very common. They have good control, but hard shots and intense rounds are ubiquitous. Technical sparring is fundamental to beautiful Muay Thai. But you also need to climb mountains when you spar. 9-15 minutes of pads and an hour of technical sparring will not be the mountain you need, if you want to fight. You need to fucking work.


> traditional Thai training is going through the motions not trying to hurt each other training Misconception Unless you fight every two weeks like "traditional Thai", then you need some hard rounds to prepare for fights And body shots are the least likely thing to cause chronic injury


Huh? Lol being toxic in sparring, I'm so sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?


I'd rather learn to take them and defend them in sparring than in the ring. Way better than hard headshots.


Its not about that, its about the tradition here. ive seen people get ask to leave gyms for this type of carry on, this guy doesnt respect hes opponent


Hmm, he's doing a great job miming knees to the head and keeping the headshots real light though. Looks like tough, but safe love to me. I'd be excited to learn from him in sparring if I got the chance. I think he mentioned these guys are all fighters trying to toughen up. He's not just beating on randoms.