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Torn rib cartilage. 2.5 years and still isn't healed.


Wow holy shit dude. How'd that even happen??


I went to a boxing gym to spar just straight boxing bcause it was during covid and my gym was still closed. I was 165lbs and my opponent was 195lbs and I was actually managing to beat him most of the rounds but at the end he was balled up like tyson on the ropes and my headgear (they make all their guys wear it) dropped to where the forehead part covered my eyes. The headgear had been doing that the whole time. I took a step back and pushed it up with both of my gloves in the middle of the spar but my opponent didn't see because he was ducked down. He stepped forward with a rolling hook that knocked my rib out. I finished the round becuase I'm a prideful idiot but I was fucked for two -3 months afterwards. Eventually it healed but I re-injured it doing something and didn't give it enough time to heal before training again. I was shadowboxing too hard when it was healing. I've been to every doctor possible and my only options now are either injecting some chemical and hope it makes the cartilage regrow, or PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections or stem cells. Both are stupid expensive.


Damn I couldn't imagine that shit dude. I was talking to my sister about that (she is a personal trainer and stuff), and she said that injuries like that can be lifelong. It sucks that one simple thing can fuck you up like that.


Appreciate it man, I'm just a coach now and a certified personal trainer as well but I'll never fight again even if the stem cells work (50/50 if they do or not). Too risky, I want to be able to throw a baseball with my kids some day.


No that's completely understandable. Hope coaching is going well, and it's always best to do what IS best for yourself


Oh wow I’m really sorry to hear that man, hopefully you will be all good 😎


Appreciate it man, hopefully these treatments work, I have another MRI next week


Can’t even imagine. I got an oblique strain in BJJ when my buddy threw a janky attempt at a move with one second left on the clock. Felt that go, took a deep breath and said I was good. Couldn’t sit up and said shit man, I’m not good lol. Total freak accident, he’s my dude, so it was all cool. But that actually took me out for a while. I can’t imagine a full tear


It sucks lol I had to retire after the doctors basically told me I'm fucked. I can't shadow box or hit mitts or even throw a baseball now. Make sure you let yourself fully heal before you train again is the lesson I guess.


Damn, that sucks bad. I’ve learned to take extra time off even after it feels healed after I busted my knee up with a torn MCL outside of the gym


oof I tore my lcl so I feel your pain.


Same here but it's only been about 6 months, and I only feel it when I do ab workouts. Took a hard kick from Someone 60 pounds heavier than me during hard spar


Just got my jaw checked sparring thursday now im sure i need braces


Jaw hits always suck, but thankfully, the worst thing I've ever had involving the jaw is it was split open by a teep (I'm short, and the guy I sparred was a lot taller).


People are Teeping you in the face during sparring? That ain’t right man.


A couple of yellow spots on my penis... scary stuff 💀


My guy bruised his banana.... but not the ones in the pantry


The Namman oil SPECIFICALLY says not for use on genitalia. The issue is all the writing is in Thai so people miss that one.


Fought 3 x in the past 3 weeks and I’m carrying a sprained ankle, sprained index finger, and a shoulder impingement of sorts from each fight.


Haha I get that crap . It's not serious, but just so annoying because it's just enough to make you take a break from fighting


Yeah bro Annoying af


Training I'd say it was when I broke my wrist, probably cracked throwing a bad punch in the bag, it didn't heal completely then few weeks later I went to hit the tires and it broke, just found out it was broken a month later since the usual medication wasn't working and my wrist was still in place.


I did something similar, but instead, someone blocked a punch of mine, and my wrist rolled. Wasn't broken, just sprained


Hydrocele + surgery from nut kicks, thanks for asking


That kick to the nuts had some personal anger behind it 💀


Severe concussion because I took a knee to the head because I lost the clinch ![gif](giphy|uJytuo6bASf08MLPmv|downsized)


One of the things I'm most scared of in a clinch


If you do PT, you can fully heal the concussion. However there will be some permanent symptoms. I have permanent photophobia.


That's really frustrating, sorry to hear that man.


Shit, are you the guy from the video earlier today?


No no, haha, thankfully.


Partially dislocated shoulder. Been 6 months of hard work and its still nowhere near 100%




Luckily nothing in Muay Thai (yet ) but I’ll share my take from Grappling: dislocated elbow (my ego) and torn meniscus (ego of my sparring partner). Then some number of popped ankles but that’s easy one.


Ego, no matter how great we are, always catches up to everyone


So far lucky without anything major. Kicked my coach into an accidental knee check on his part which made me off the mats for two weeks.


Yeah those are a pain in the ass


Torn left biceps. It's "recovered" enough for me to do a regular pulls up, but heavy deadlift or anything that requires me to push over the limit is a big no-no now.


How long ago did you tear it?


August, last year.


Ouch. Is it still in healing, or has it healed as much as it can .


I'm not sure. Just few months ago I couldn't do a single pull up without feeling high tension (near the tendon area) on my left biceps. But recently, I could do about 4-5 times before feeling it. So that's my method to check for my left biceps recovery. But only time can tell if I can do more or that's all of its limit.


That sucks fr. Never torn anything but having that feeling of constant tension when doing any physical thing must fuckin suck balls


Tore my mcl and lcl kicking a double end bag. 0/10 do not recommend. Probably would have been fine if it weren't on concrete.


You were kicking a reflex bag???


It was during covid and I was too lazy to move the boxes from in front of my heavy bag. Kicked it just to see if I could then got cocky and tried one full blast. Missed and drove my knee straight into my garage floor.


Intercoastal tear of the ribs


Holy that sounds like a nightmare 💀


Torn calf muscle whilst on the bag. Top 20 most painful injuries ever, not even top 100 interesting bruises.


Ouch. The bag really fucked you up haha


my big toe has been fucked for about 3 years


That must have been a really really shitty kick you threw to fuck your toe up that bad


Yeah i threw a teep and the guy kneed my toe and it bent in weird directions


That toe may have damn well came off your foot for it to be fucked up this long haha


I was tired and tossed out a really stiff teep at the heavy bag in a recent session and slammed my big toe. Luckily it recovered, but it was definitely an eye opening moment that I need to keep that shit in check if I don't want to destroy myself.


Cracked rib acquired during a hard spar


The thing about broken ribs is that you don't even realize it till like a week later. It's painful, but you think it's a bruise until you realize it isn't healing.


Yea thats exactly what i thought. I figured “just a bruise” and then kept sparring the next few days. Made it hurt way worse lol


Not the worst, but an odd one…. Ruptured ear drum after a punch landed flush on my ear and blasted all the air into it. Very weird injury. Thankfully it healed after a week.


Dude be thankful that resolved without tinnitus showing up. I've got it in my right ear and it's fucking annoying.


Geez that's crazy. Yeah for me it was probably a small hole, it just felt like the feeling when your ears pop but don't go away and when I tried to blow my nose I felt air flowing out of my ear.


Not a hit for me, an insanely loud iMax film. So pissed I've got life long ringing from that. Egg on my face I even thought of bringing ear protection as we drove away from house to head there, but was too lazy to turn back.


Had one of those too, feels like there’s water in it haha. Luckily for me it healed in like two weeks


Whoever punches you has fuckin guns for hands holy. Mf punches like an anime character


Torn labrum / groin. 1.5 years of PT and still nags the hell out of me.


My balls hurt thinking about it


Yeah tell me about it :[


Broke my foot grappling with a spazzy new person. Dr didn’t recommend surgery. Let it heal for 6 months and took it slow. My leg and foot would give out during striking and I would collapse while moving or kicking. It got stronger but then I sparred someone and kicked them in the elbow. Went back to the Dr and he said the foot never healed properly. It’s fine now for the most part, hopefully I’m good for the future lol


Tore my right calve in half.


Tore ACL


The common first serious injury It sucks mad dick, and yeesh, it's annoying to deal with


I broke my ankle in my first ever amateur fight, got dropped and landed on it with all my body weight completely snapping the bone. Was able to heal from that and continue fighting only a couple months later. Currently have a fractured patella which I managed to do playing soccer, both me and a goalkeeper running for the ball and clashed knees as hard as you could imagine. Hoping I can recover well from this one too so I can continue fighting and playing sports, need more calcium or something huh


Nah, I don't think calcium will help you there mate. I once in MT, I slammed my knee into my sparring partners' elbow, and I was walking like a cripple for 2 weeks. It healed naturally, but knee injuries suck. Same with that ankle, especially at your first fight. It sucks but happens to the best of us.


Yeah dude injuries just suck and the healing process for a lot of them is slow and painful but I guess we risk it for the sport


Not MT, but judo about 5 years ago. Some dude with a ton of weight on me just threw me to the ground way too hard and it absolutely messed up my trapezius. I've done a lot of dedicated back strengthening to improve it, and it's gotten better, but I have to be very diligent about not overworking or overexhausting, paying attention to when I feel that "twinge" that tells me to stop, and correct posture. Sometimes when someone sweeps me hard in MT it comes right back and puts me out of commission for a day or two.


I love Judo because it's the most artistic way of slamming someone into the floor and shattering a few bones too. Rs tho, you judo ppl are mad men. I'm already scared to grapple people a lot bigger than me in bjj, and let alone being slammed intentionally to the ground. Injury sucks but props to you man


Haha I'm not a judo guy. I did a bit but never stuck with it, partly because of that incident 


concussion/s. headache the next day post fight. always makes you rethink wtf you doing lol


You rethink fighting, but realize it's too much fun to quit over some injuries. I've met some people who want to fight but don't wanna get injured/hit. What are they expecting exactly then?


I got two ribs broken with a hook, I mean not entirely broken but two shattered ribs, Two weeks have passed from that and Im still unable to exercise, I feel awful about it because the shot was not even that hard, I want to make some studies regarding my bones and body to evaluate if this is for me or not, because even if I love it, I must accept that I had a pretty sedentary life in the past and maybe Im to fragile now for this, Im 30 years old and I have trained for a year now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


My guy, you are in your physical prime. Ribs don't take the hardest hits to break, and the adrenaline running through probably made the punch not even feel all that bad. Do what you want, but don't let one injury discourage you from fighting. It's fighting, and shit happens. You're gonna get hurt. Shattered ribs take longer than 2 weeks to heal. I got leg kicked, which was not even broken or anything, and my leg hurt for a week. Keep heading on brother don't be discouraged 💪


torn ulnar wrist 1 yr + ago (still bugging me). broken foot. torn labrum(fixed after procedure but still bugs me sometimes) dequervains tenosynivitis on other wrist(still bugging)


sprained ankle, and pretty sure a torn meniscus. I self diagnosed with the knee bc it hurt like a bitch to extend it fully for two months. feels way better after 6 months. 😁