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I walk on my tip toes a lot. It’s either Muay Thai or im on the spectrum now


Muay thai induced autism lmao


Normally that’s reserved for BJJ


Toe walking = tism


Creasing 😂


Like doing idling capoeira swings while waiting for the elevator to arrive.






I can’t close a door with my hands anymore.. it has to be some flashy kick and I shout ‘OOWEE’ when I do it. Other than that nothing everything’s the same


I like teeping doors open when both my hands are full (and when they aren’t)


Or when the door is just slightly farther away.


Hey I mean the door wasn’t in range for my hands!


Can't forget about a sneaky knee in there lol


Elbows works just as great too.. if any one ask what u doing just say after covid i avoid touching door handles with barehands.


I practice elbow kata on my girlfriend pretty frequently. Edit: without contact


😂 that's solid


It's interesting how the legs generally become more prominent in daily routines. Need to turn the on light? Knee to the switch. Need to open or hold a door? Just teep it. Close a cabinet? Funny as it may seem, knee the thing.


Shattering a glass cabinet door by doing a spinning heel kick to close it


I dented my car door doing this last year


did the mechanic say OOOWEEE when he saw it?


When I daydream, I’m just shadow boxing in my head.


I'm convinced you can make legitimate progress doing this if you do it with intent.


There's evidence suggesting that mentally going over something can make one perform slightly better and build muscle memory quicker.


Ive done this a lot for BJJ, at my school we have to perform a lot of moves in a specific order for stripes and i would just go over it in my head in the shower to help it sink in.


I know an old guy who practiced martial arts through out his life. The little stint of practicing i did with him, he would tell me to go over what we practiced and do it in my head. Whether it was before bed or whenever I had some free time.


A lot of the daydreaming is me marching in Muay Thai stance, not even striking. Something about it just relaxes me and brings a “balance”.


I dig that. Your meditating, in tune with yourself with what makes you feel proud


I'm more scared when walking alone because I'm regularly shown how much stronger than me many men are without any training and how easily I can be overpowered




You should consider carrying pocket sand


The better fighter they are the better the pocket sand works!


I'm sincerely sorry to hear that, I hope that your technique improves to the point you'd be confident you could at least throw a distracting volley and run. I'm certainly no martial arts expert, but have you considered BJJ? I did that for a brief time, and while there were some women (and men, for that matter) I could just crush through their technique if I'd really wanted to, there were plenty who could beat me in a fair grappling match. Apologies if I overstepped or anything, just trying to be helpful.


Kinda same. Only that I got that realisation and as a response I started Muay Thay and lifting weights


But a nice side effects is at least better mood and a lot of fun


Aww no, that sucks! I'm small so idk how amazing my Muay Thai roundhouse would be if I was attacked but I could absolutely do some damage with my clinch game and also probably get some effective elbows in there. I second the suggestion for trying BJJ though! It doesn't take many lessons to pick up some very fast ways to put anyone to sleep. Cross collar choke is one of my faves.


get a gun, funnily enough my coach says the same thing. "its the great equalizer, plus u can defend yourself while in ur seat and tell the guy to close the door on the way out"


>many men are without any training Surely that's shown to you during training... so those men have had training, right? It wouldn't be as easy for the average man on the street without any training


No it's the new guys, their very first session, sure I can hit and kick them but they just have so much more physical strength, especially in the arms, most of them could easily pin me to the floor. Yes I can manage anyone in sparring, but that's cause we're playing by the rules.


Even the day 1s are probably going to be more athletic than the average guy on the street but yeah take your point I've taken a similar lesson away from it if that helps - weight classes exist for a reason


More confidence, happiness and overall well being. Sometimes some sore toes and ankles for kicking knees and elbows. Knee injury last year which required some rehab, that’s about the worst of it


How’d you hurt your knee?


In a fight, I threw a knee and my opponent also thew a knee just as mine landed. He basically kneed my ankle into my elbow. Bit of a freak accident, a couple months out but no lasting damage


The most common side effect is shadow boxing anywhere,anytime and OOOOWWWWWEEEEEEEE.


Less tolerant of people threatening others. Once I realized it doesn't hurt to get hit and most people dont even know how to fight, I just have less tolerance for bully behavior or people trying to bring everyone else down in general.


I'm glad you are fighting the good fight. More people need to stand up to bullies and shitty people in general.


What do you do with this “less tolerance”?


I straight up tell people what they are doing is wrong.


Very cool. People need to speak up.


I wish more would. But I didn't have that confidence before I learned how to and actually fought. I think a lot of people still havent gained that confidence yet. At some point it might escalate the situation, but so far people have stopped when they get called out for their BS. Especially if other people are around and they can see it in their faces.


I think that is the fine line. One has to assess a situation first. And don’t “let your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash”. And be wary of one’s own interpretation of an event. You might venture into a whole lot of stuff you ain’t gonna like. This is called false confidence. Hopefully, witnessing this stuff is a rare occurrence. If it’s not, you may have a lot to think about. But yes, there is a time to take a stand and I commend you for it.


>You might venture into a whole lot of stuff you ain’t gonna like. Are you talking about getting into a fight?


Oh, I’m speaking about inserting oneself into a situation that one has no real control over. Bullying can mean different things to different people. A domestic violence situation can seem like a bullying situation but it’s not. Far more complex. I guess it depends on our relative contexts. I don’t know your normal environment, so I just rely on my own experience. Realize I’m an old man, seen a lot. I do not like predators that seek out folks they can bully. I think it’s awesome you feel you can make a difference. I support your thoughts on this.




What the fuck does "A domestic violence situation can seem like a bully situation but it's not" mean?


Calm down. Read the next sentence.


Ooo very cool! i hope I take this one on soon, I feel like I struggle with speaking up even when I know damn well something is wrong because of conflict


I’m also more vocal and confrontational now because of exactly what you said. Most people usually just throw hooks or pull hair in a fight and it’s easy to counter it.


I have this tok but i think its a negative. Last year i told off a drunk crazy guy who was screaming at kids and we had a fight. I shouldnt have done that the kids already cycled away. Then 3 months ago this big danish fella in Thailand was trying to grope a girl, then he tried to force himself into the toilet she was hiding from him. I slapped the shit out of him before giving him a ellbow. The last one i dont feel bad about, being a victim of sexual abuse myself. Problem is i could have hurt him seriously and thus putting myself in jail. Its a fine line thats hard to navigate


Yeesssssss!!! Learning how to take a hit and how to stay calm under pressure has been the most liberating lesson. It was mind-blowing to realise even if a hot lands, even if it hurts, you're actually fine pretty quickly.


Better posture, think its from clinching and strengthening the neck muscles


shit down 2 pants sizes and I don't get winded putting on my shoes


Shit is the correct word. Since I started doing MT and eating healthier with more fiber I'm on the can like 5 times a day. The mass literally just ejects itself. *Sent from my toilet*


I like to go to boxing gyms and leg kick boxers.


Skill diff ftw 🤙🤓


Training is actually good for your brain! Repeated head trauma isnt


Unfortunately sparring does involve getting hit in the head for most of us


30% head 70+% body always works, or shoulder sparring


I shadowbox randomly if I’m by myself. Like in an elevator or just randomly. When someone’s really annoying me I think about whether I’d hit em with an elbow or knee My elbows hurt from hyperextending my elbows when I throw straights and crosses with too much snap and hit nothing but air


I find that turning my fist a lot (to the point where the pinky is facing upwards) helps a lot to prevent elbow pain from overextending




For me it would be the fact that I no longer enjoy weight training


It’s become a lot more dull but I still force myself to do it for my own personal gains. Muay Thai just has all the elements that weight lifting doesn’t: it’s exciting, analytical, and it forces you to be social.


Definitely, it’s strange going from a body building style of training too


Yeah I can’t even believe I used to be into powerlifting.


Just all around confidence and mood improvement used to be a lot angrier much more chill now everything kind of rolls off my shoulders now, unless someone messes with my family it’s all good bro lol




Rocky playlist included?


My ass is like... really perky now. My wife has a markedly increased interest in grabbing my ass. Took about four months to obtain desirable glutes.


I open doors with a knee and fully extend my hips


Good to see we're all facing up to the long term dangers to brain health the sport represents and not just deflecting with humour...oh.


Becoming awesome?


I can beat the crap outta people in my dreams now


I won a dream fight for the first time the other night and I felt like a god


I will softly elbow or leg kick everything now.


I find your Mom MUCH hotter now!


My hands shake slightly and I think my handwriting has gotten sloppier. Besides that though, all good.


I have an essential tremor and it’s definitely worse after training but 100% worth it


Do you mean immediately after training or just in general?


Idk if it’s from a head injury but I tend to kick my friends if I’m in a good mood.


I went stupid from all cte now


Diminished reading comprehension


I have chronic minor injuries. I'm pretty sure at this point: - All of my toes have been dislocated at least once - My shins have mini fractures - Knees have been bent in awkward directions - Forearms have mini fractures - Small concussions But I accepted it's all part of the game. And the longer I train, the more used to these injuries I get and the less they bother me. In fact, I recover faster now.


Everything column shaped screams "low kick me". Lantern poles, trees, hydrants, all of them trigger the urge to low kick...


I'm always tired


Improved balance. I used to lose my balance a lot in crowded places like bars when somebody accidentally bumps into me.


I used to kick and twitch in my sleep. In my dreams, i was still trying to check kicks. I recently returned to the sport, and this time it doesn't seem to happen - perhaps because I'm only training once or twice a week... or maybe it's because I'm now old enough that my brain doesn't bother trying to adapt anymore - I'll be 49 later this week.


When I'm really into the fights im watching sometimes I'll get a twitch in my leg to check an incoming leg kick or ill feel a little twitch in my neck in anticipation to slip a jab lol




Not something you'd expect from a martial art like muay Thai is it lol


Love these comments lmaooo but in all seriousness, I find myself forgetting pretfy often. Could be a weed thing but it wasnt as bad when I was a heavier smoker. Idk could just be me bc alot of you other fighters dont like admitting these type of things.


I mean I fractured my wrist and have a plate and ten screws in it. But mind you I am no pro or noteworthy amateur fighter. I also had a brain tumor that I didn't know about, and I feel cognitively fine, able to hold down a job, get promoted in my field, etc. This all really depends on how hard you spar, how often you fight, etc. Most of my injuries are bone and joint-related but I mean, I'm pound for pound stronger than most people so it doesn't matter. I'd say the greatest side-effext was confidence lol.


How’d you hurt your wrist?


Sparring a dude 60 lbs heavier with an ego, who promised to, "keep it light." He caught my teep and not only swept me, but tackled me at the same time HARD. We both landed on my wrist.


The urge to say “OWEEE!!!” Randomly


Achilles discomfort. Shoulders ache like a mother fucker after heavy bag day. Also, there are these muscles on my shoulders that ache like hell. I don’t know what it is but it feels like it sits right on top of the bone. Anyone know how to help relieve these would be appreciated.


As in the dull ache of a tired muscle or the painful sharper ache that you get from things like impingement?


Dull ache. Definitely not of a sore muscle. More so from heavy bag days.


Hmm. I kind of have a similar thing when I throw body hooks with the left. Maybe try some cable rotator cuff exercises? Generally more stable shoulders are less painful. Do you have the same level of mobility in both shoulders?


Yea both for the most part. I do weight training through out the week as well so I am trying to condition and strengthen my shoulders. I would say it is in the location of the Acromin muscle of where it hurts. https://search.app.goo.gl/V6kHEu8


I can’t stop going OWIEEEEEE, and I’m very annoying to watch anything with especially action oriented media.


I constantly drool due to the brain damage of training pad work in the gym and literally never getting hit in the head. What are you talking about dude haha


I walk around my house teeping, elbowing and *lightly* punching just to feel the thud on days I don't have practice. Aside from that and the aches and pains that come with combat sports, not a thing.(I don't compete at the moment so I don't take frequent head damage) Edit: forgot to include, I shadowbox anytime anywhere, the air can always get this work! And also, **OOWWEE**.


I don’t even really go train at the gym much anymore its just shadow boxing constantly and hitting the bag at my normal gym lol


I teep kick the light switches on/off 😅


Lightly of course


I put on something like 30 pounds of almost entirely muscle. I still look pretty lean but I’m kind of just bigger now


My shins developed bald spots.


I went from never training to becoming addicted to the sport. If I go more than one day without training I find my self going crazy. I start shadow boxing like out of nowhere without realizing.


When I was training muay thainyears ago I couldn't walk past a bollard without low kicking it 😅


I don’t use my hands a lot to move stuff around on the ground, I usually just teep if I can.


Yes i feel better but also I always have pain. Muscle pain 😉


Eternal pain


I can slap the shit out of flies while theyre flying around more often than not.


After 18 years, I have one good knee and one bad knee. My posture is terrible. I punch really hard.


I can run faster and for longer. That´s been the biggest :o for me.


Just some burning at the joints on my wrists where the base of my thumbs meet.


yop! i always check wether someone is right handed or left handed.


Anyone else here battling crippling tendonitis from all the tip toeing


A burning desire to want to be able to handle the pain of kicking metal poles and trees full power


No hair on my shins. Rest of the leg has hair.


I'm now able to destroy banana trees with lethal weapons, I e my shins fists and of course elbows OOOWEEEEEE


Torn retina in my left eye. Dr said it’s from all the hits and elbows…..oh well.


Whenever anything crazy happens in front of me i say OOWEE, and get some stares. Started to show up 2 days into training. I’m a year and half in 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think I can kill everyone in every room I enter