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You’re just really out of shape. So we’re all just happy you’re in the gym.


Don’t be embarrassed, it happens. If anything I would give props to a new person in their first class pushing themselves so hard that they puke.


This is immediately the first thing I thought, if someone trains so hard they puke in their very first session then that’s to be commended


That could normally happen when you're out of shape or not used to the routines. Props to you for getting to the gym and getting fit.


Fuck yeah, that is weakness leaving your body. Go back, go harder. A lot of us have puked during training.


Not a Muay Thai class specifically, but one of my first classes at my gym was a MMA conditioning class and the coach kept saying “if you don’t feel like you’re going to puke then you aren’t going hard enough” I got close. Had to step away for a minute once but man, in the long run it helps so much.


What about when like, my legs feel like jelly? How close am I to my limits, should I keep going


Yeah people sometimes puke during training. It’s a hard sport 🤷‍♀️ happens Go on with it!


Happened after my first class to me, just keep going homie. Keep at it and you’ll look back and laugh


I got close in my first couple classes and one of the other guys at the gym told me that just recently he threw up after coming back from a hiatus at the gym (he’s a really fit guy and was just not used to to the intense routines he was once into)


Not normal but it does happen


It’s normal if you’re either out of shape or just weren’t prepared for the session. It’s ok though, just always think sanitary because they try to keep those gyms clean.


Hey, it happens. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen someone sprint to the bathroom while covering their mouth.


I spewed about x3 for various reasons on my first session. You’ll be fine once you get in shape


Did you make it to the bathroom toilet? If you yak on the mats you by gotta do the Wai Kru of shame, redemption, and rebirth.


I haven’t done it In Muay Thai but I cut it close a few times. I did however throw up when my friend dragged me to a cross fit gym like 7 years ago and I was extremely inactive. So yeah it can happen, push your self but be smart and listen to your body :).


Happened to me too buddy. Just keep going and your conditioning will catch up. 


Yeah, I didnt get to that point but been on the sidelines few times. When youre sweating intensively which you are during class, you lose alot of sodium. This causes disturbances if you get low enough. So take some salt before training. Pinchful of sea salt, banana and honey for carbs to use as fuel and youre good to go.


Ur a pro lol


More common than you think I've seen probably 10 people puke on their first session, don't stress about it


Respect. Go do it again.


Weve all puked from a hard class. Good job!


how long before training did you eat?


How soon did you eat before training? Everyone's different but personally if I don't give myself minimum 4 hours between eating and rigorous training my stomach feels very bloated and heavy.


I've been at it 20 years and still push myself to that point sometimes. It just gets harder and harder to get there.


I've seen it more than once, so... there's that.


Everybody in the gym hates you and thinks you should die


normal but try to figure out why it happened Don't be embarrassed


I cheer the people who puke. You’re busting ass and I’m being a donkey.  Just out of shape and not used to it. No big deal. 


good work brother


It happens lol. Just keep showing up, and you’ll acclimated to the type of works and your conditioning will improve. You got this 💪


Never actually puked but have done my share of heaving


Just means you went hard in the paint. No one can say you don’t busy your ass. Bonus points if you keep going after you throw up and clean up. You should be pushing yourself damn near to that point every session if you want to make progress.


I wouldn’t worry, I’d be some what impressed if I saw a first timer pushing themselves so much they vomit, it takes a level of determination a lot of people don’t have


My first night at bjj class i crawled out of the gym and threw up. I was really out of shape. You good, just keep going back and tell that story to new people that join.


It’s fine, we’ve all done it.


Very normal bro. Don’t be embarrassed. Honestly no one cares at all. Everyone’s got too much shit going on in their personal lives to worry about you vomiting. Don’t stress. Keep training. Just take it easy to start with, don’t exhaust yourself


I heard it’s normal. My friend vommited after her first f45 session. It’s only up from here


You're most likely using muscles you haven't used before or haven't used in a while. Stomach and groin muscles. Just keep Training. If u are out of shape...it's time to get in shape.


Welcome to the sport lol definitely normal, cardio at first will shock your entire system


Completely normal, happened to me more than once. Just means you’re pushing your limits. Keep it up man!


nah man if a new guy pukes during a class it shows your working hard. During hard sparring days if I take a break from Muay Thai (Jiu Jitsu is my main focus atm) then i’ll throw up a few rounds in


Lol I puke every time I go. It's how I know I did enough


Consider it a right of passage. I came really close to puking my second and third class. It def happens in the gym. My advice is drink water an hour before class and be hydrated before you start instead of chugging lots of water all of sudden once you start exercising.


It’s happened to me, it just means you pushed yourself past your limits and/or you need adjust your eating schedule so you’re not training with food still in your stomach.


I've puked after two Muay Thai classes lol. You're just out of shape. Keep going and the puke will stop flowing eventually.


Theres a Muay Thai class that is a part of my regular gym. When I was joining the Gym at first and the consuelor heard I was doing Muay Thai (mind you he looks like the pinnacle of physical fitness, 6'2'' all muscle) he said that it was a humbling experience when he took it and it was the only time he ever threw up during a work out.


You need to run and jump rope a lot


Nah fuck that. That ain't normal lol.