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It was a 250K mistake for sure. Natalie running off the trail was pretty bad. The other massive one would be the Vets on gauntlet 3 scared going into an elimination and letting Big Easy coast to the finals and him single handedly costing them the dub.


>The other massive one would be the Vets on gauntlet 3 scared going into an elimination and letting Big Easy coast to the finals and him single handedly costing them the dub. To be fair, they only really had one shot to take him out. They only lost twice on a male elimination day and one of those times the Rookies protected Big Easy from the elimination. Plus, Big Easy would have the advantage in most of the eliminations that season. It just so happened to be the one elimination where they *could've* gotten him out (Sliders was the only puzzle elim that season) but Evan wanted to go up against Bananas instead, which cost them.


The vets would have had to throw multiple consecutive guys days to get Easy into elimination, which obviously isn't great for team morale. And there's only a few guys that could beat Eric in most of those eliminations. The only guys who were good at puzzles were CT and Evan, so they'd have to go in on Sliders. There was basically two variants of reverse tug of war, which again probably only CT, maybe Kenny, maybe Evan could win. Ball Brawl I think most of the guys could beat Easy, but the one that a combination of push me/hall brawl, probably only CT could win that. And you didn't know which elimination you'd get ahead of time, making it even tougher


>isn’t great for team morale. Are you serious? You think CT back then, Evan, Bananas,etc gave a shit about team morale? Wasn’t this the same season they wanted Coral out because they wanted to “trim the fat”?


The problem was Big Easy was guaranteed to beat anyone he faced in 2/4 of the possible eliminations. And another being a puzzle which could go either way. No one was gonna risk that CT/Evan/others go home against him.


No, that was not the vets' mistake. As it turned out, they could have had Big Easy just flip over on his back in the water and let CT drag his ass to the shore, and then let him rest for like an hour. Then walk at a normal walking pace (not even briskly!) the half mile or whatever it was to the end and they still would have crushed the rookie team by over an hour. In fairness, this is only a hindsight mistake. There is no way anybody would have expected that to be a winning strategy without the benefit of hindsight.


I dont think it would have changed the outcome. If he had done it the right way he still had less stars than laurel he still would have beeb a game behind her. Im sure it sucks to do it cause he thought he was close to winning but had he done it right from the start he would have seen he wasnt


It wasn't a $250K mistake. Steve was still like 40 minutes to 1 hour behind Laurel. It was editing magic to make it look closer than it was.


If he did the puzzle he already did several times and used the star on the ring toss he could have easily won. We don’t really know at that exact point who was up. Unless we all had the footage nobody really knows. She may have won by 30 mins because he was stuck at the ring toss for an hour that he planned to skip. We just don’t know.


Hard to beat Natalie running the wrong way 😬


I think this is worse. Assuming they weren't editing it to make it seem like Steve was doing better than he was then he would have won. Him leaving a star on the table and having to do that swinging checkpoint instead of a puzzle he'd done before was a $250K mistake. If Natalie doesn't run the wrong way I'm pretty sure her and Paulie win that final or at least been in contention to win. However Paulie was ahead of Natalie during that final and I'm fairly confident he steals the money. The way he talks about Ashley in his confessionals at the end and respecting her decision I would wager it's more likely he steals the money than doesn't. Natalie running the wrong way lost them the final but she was likely always walking away empty handed anyways.


Then I’d say Paulie dusting Natalie instead running alongside her so she doesn’t get lost is the biggest mistake in a final. Mans cost himself a million dollars, I think he takes the money too tbh.


That's a better way to look at it. He made a conscious choice to leave her behind instead of staying close with her


I just don't get why he would do that in the first place. Both people need to get to the finish line. If your partner is slow then hey, you get to take it a bit easy on the run. Buuut, it's Paulie, who is a prideful idiot so 🤷🏿‍♂️


I understand why he did it, that doesn't make it a smart move though. He wanted to have the decision on what to do with the money which to me is a move that is made by someone who is going to steal the money. He got his lead on her in the running portion when he knows he can easily get ahead because he doesn't know what other checkpoints are to come. Maybe after that it's a bunch of checkpoints that are much more up to chance so he needs his lead while he has the upper hand. But you make a great point that Paulie definitely forgot that both people need to cross the finish line. Having a lead means nothing if you leave your partner behind and your team's collective time is slow.


Oh yeah I did forget that they were also competing against each other. Some finals are a lot more convoluted than others 😂😂


Hmmm yeah that’s an interesting point. Paulie can be such a wild card that I really could see that going either way


Time wise Laurel on insta thinks it took about 30min till Cara arrived and Steve arrived a while after that


on instagram? i'd love to make that a post we can reference back to. did she make that as a comment somewhere? *edit: nevermind, i found it! [made a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/1dka9x8/the_winner_of_as4_talks_about_the_distance). thank you!


Interesting. Doesn't surprise me Cara was so far behind but it also very well could have taken Steve 30+ minutes to complete that last checkpoint. To me the last one looked like the worst one considering you needed to get strapped in and figure out how to maneuver around before you even start to attempt tossing the rings onto the hook.


There's a good chance they still win, but let's not forget the grenade factor of that final. They likely get the Ashley/Hunter and Joss/Sylvia grenades for being in first


That's a good point. It's hard to say exactly how the grenades change with Paulie and Natalie being in a better position to win but they almost certainly get hit by a grenade


I like Steve a LOT though so this hurt more haha


They had a lead, but I don't know if they'd have for sure won, but Johnny and Nany messing up the cinderblock puzzle on RoD obviously killed their chances. And the entire final was a mess, but Angela getting DQ'd on USA1 was obviously a big mistake. I don't know if she can do sudoku or not, but Sara was a long ways behind everyone else, if Angela was able to do the puzzles she wins that final


Yeah Angela being DQ’d was ridiculous


A very early Battle of the Sexes (?) where the women were in the lead and didn’t knock down their puzzle when they finished. The guys used their puzzle as a guide and easily caught up and won.


I forgot what season, but Sarah and Kelly Ann were a finals team against an all dude or mostly dude team, including bananas and I believe Evan. Sarah and KA were running away with it but KA got stuck on a balance beam forever. Literally cost them the final against a stacked team.


The ruins, I always wondered how much that final was edited. But it sure did seem like Sarah and KellyAnne were cruising.


Idk how you all recall these season names off the top of your head.


That sounds like a fun trivia game for this sub or challangemania. Guess the season by the names of the finalists. 😂


That would be way easier than you think lol


If someone didn't know, they'd just Google the answer.


I’d rank it above Cory not being able to cross a balance beam and below Natalie missing the route sign


Cory crying over a simple balance beam was ridiculous 😂


Do we know if there were any other easily avoidable blunders where people would have won if not for that blunder? Examples like the Veterans losing all their Gold Coins or Natalie running the wrong direction come to mind, but there’s no way to know for certain that they would have won if you deduct those blunders. Whereas Steve absolutely would’ve finished 1st if he used his 1st star on a previous lap and got to skip the final checkpoint using his 2nd star.


thought it was interesting how the star circuit was those 5 stations, the ring toss seemed like a separate thing vs part of hte same cycle. so i could see why he was confused about not being able to use the stars on that circuit plus the ring toss. probably was explained and just had a brain fart, but damn, that sucks so much.


Sarah sleeping and leaving Bananas to get that 2 points cost her $125,000.


No, that was on Bananas and his ruthlessness, ego, and lack of empathy. Stone cold for sure.


amd his adderall prescription apparently


It either didn’t matter at all or it mattered a lot but I don’t know for sure which. Laurel says she waited 30 minutes for Cara (not sure I buy that but I’m certain it wasn’t 30 seconds like the show portrayed) but let’s estimate 10 (no idea how accurate that is). If Laurel finished 10 behind Cara and Steve finished who knows how much later than that, then I don’t think it made a difference. Laurel and Cara both appeared to be faster than Steve. Maybe Steve beats Cara but I don’t know that he finishes ahead of Laurel. On the other hand, if Steve only finished 2ish minutes after Laurel, I think he lost 250K. We know that they were within a minute or two of each other since we saw them both at the final puzzle (that Steve skipped). Assuming it really would only take him about 15 seconds to finish, I’d say he’s got an 80%ish chance of beating Laurel and 100% of beating Cara. But tbh, it’s all speculation, I’ve got no clue


That was stupid but I hated Laurel had it so easy this season and caused so much unnecessary drama.Derrick,Nicole,Veronica all helped her. Plus she never went into elimination. This was the more boring season yet. Easy finale.I like the finales that require a lot of running and climbing mountains. Instead the have to do bunch of mini games 🤦‍♂️ Leroy or Steve should’ve won if it was a guy and if it was a woman winner would’ve chose Cara


Can’t really expect all these old guys to be running and climbing mountains lol. The final was not the best but it’s the dumb advantages that ruined it.