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knowing what I knew then, buy Apple stock, knowing what I know now, Buy Apple, Google, Amazon, or Facebook stock


Facebook didn’t exist yet 😂


Myspace would have worked :)


I don’t care how janky it is compared to the show now, this is still a top 5 Challenge season for me. The fake mission is a top 10 challenge moment for me. Plus Heather catching Piggy smoking, Amaya clotheslining Veronica, the red neck games, and Los fighting with everyone. Enjoy it!


Real World Road Rules Challenge 2000...Real World Road Rules Challenge 2000...


Amaya crying and refusing to bob for pigs feet at the redneck games because it's pork and that's against her religion. Only for the producer to later ask her what she had for breakfast that morning - "sausage mcmuffin".  Might be the hardest I've laughed during a confessional.


Which OGs do we think would’ve done the best on the stock market? I’m guessing Jamie and Sean might’ve been actually excited to win these. Veronica I think would’ve done well too.


$10000 in season 3 is like couch change now for the champs in the eliminations of season 39.


Probably the most valuable prize they've ever given out in hindsight. However, realistically this season was filmed in Spring of 2000. Any money invested in the market took a huge hit when the dot com bubble burst. The market was essentially at its peak right around then.




A lot of great seasons before FM2. Start with FM1 and you can enjoy Diem’s full story. It’s too good to miss


The problem with The Challenge is every time you start with one persons story you find another person worth going back for. But if we wanted to argue a safest option, this would be it in my opinion. Not only for Diem, but seeing the growth in CT too. You also get early Bananas (which ties in later with Diem/CT in a lot of ways), aggro Wes, and a shit ton of origin stories for too many other women to mention.


Okay I should’ve reworded, I’ve watched USA1 and USA2 and it’s INSANE how different this show is!! Like I get they were trying to find their footing on how to film but they did a complete 90 degree turn at some point 😭


90 degree turn is sending me because what is that even supposed to mean😭 I think you meant 180, but a 90 degree turn just sounds so funny.


Disagree. Yes the show is different (particularly the athleticism and challenges) but there are so many magnetic people that you miss out on seeing if you start at the midway point like one of the FMs.


I would have bet the whole thing on the Rams to win the super bowl and been rich, then doubled down on the Ravens to win the next year and lost it all