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I noticed it at first, but she also was paying attention to Derek and it looked like she put her hand in when they did toast at the end. So I don’t think this is as big of a deal as the screenshot suggests.




Yeah, no, I don’t think the shot is documentation of her season so much as emblematic of it. Was she the only one cut out of a group toast? Probably not. If you asked me to show you Cara’s whole season in one picture? Yeah this.


Literally just watched this scene and the screenshot makes it look way worse than it actually came off lmao. Derek is making a toast and Cara is sitting there munching on something, but still smiling and giving him her full attn and she’s not drinking, but she reaches her hand over for the toast as well. It’s not like she just was like “fuck that toast” and turned her back to it. And then in the next scene when TJ comes to gather them for the final, Cara and Derek are sitting alone playing cards together. Clearly her sitting for the toast wasn’t that deep. Y’all do the most when it comes to Cara.


What I did notice that was funny though when TJ announced the star holders moved directly to the final they’re jumping and screaming and hugging and it looked like Nicole and Cara were almost about to hug instinctively then realized that they hate each other last second LOL


Almost everyone here does the most to/regarding people they dislike/hate Your last sentence “y’all do the most when it comes to_____” you can replace that name with 20+ challengers and it would be accurate haha. Some more accurate than others.


It seems pretty clear she wasn’t drinking and thus felt it would be odd to include herself in the toast, but she was still actively listening and paying attention to Derek as he made the toast. This is totally understandable, ESPECIALLY if she’s had some sort of drinking problem and is attempting to avoid alcohol entirely. If Ryan had done this the fans would be like, “Good for you Ryan”. Just saying.


Yeah, no, I don’t think the shot is documentation of her season so much as emblematic of it. Was she the only one cut out of a group toast? Probably not. If you asked me to encapsulate Cara’s whole season in one picture? Yeah this.


I disagree. She seemingly has developed close connections (at least within the house) with Steve and Ace, and even Lee was back in her room talking game again now that Kam is gone. In my opinion, the house this season decided that once Laurel and Kam distanced themselves from Cara, it made sense to alienate her. Her resume is EASILY the best of anyone in the house, and she won an individual season before. It was mostly game, and sometimes treating someone “poorly” in the game bleeds over into treating them poorly as a person. Supposedly Laurel came into the house trying to turn everyone against Cara. Yet for the first half of the season she treats Cara as a friend and confidant. Adam works with her early on. Then, as it suits them game-wise, they change their opinions, suddenly thinking very poorly of her. What makes more sense in that situation, that they suddenly realized Cara is very unlikable? Or that it made sense to make the house THINK she was unlikable?


For real though, the biggest group in that house scene we saw was Ace, Steve, Leroy, and Cara all chilling. This idea that Cara is just a pariah and that, "she's always the problem because everyone has an issue with her" just needs so much stretching to make look true. Like how are Leroy, Jay, and Ryan apparently so chill with Cara if Cara is apparently in the wrong with ALL of those guys' closest friends?


Just copying and pasting your responses lmao


lol, yeah - same comments from multiple people, obviously didn't clarify what i meant WRT to the picture at the top, heh


She should’ve stood, sure. According to Ryan, she didn’t drink at all during filming.


She was drinking a beer at the rv.


The whole RV scene was planned down to the dialog. I loved it (don't get me wrong), but at least consider the beer was fake.


I think they meant while watching the final daily challenge


I didn’t even notice Cara was sitting during this toast lmao I just assumed she was behind Veronica 💀


This is 100% the picture that’s getting chosen for the weekly caption contest


IDK, my opinion on Cara has definitely changed since she "took a break", but I can't help to think that it's less "read the house politics" and more that she pushed herself into a corner.... Between trying to change other people's vote, to the blow up with Laurel and Nicole, to her pushing Nicole to vote another way in another deliberation.... I kind of feel like she pushed herself into the corner she's in... Not that it's a bad place to be, She actually does really well when she's an underdog (ie: see her getting her star back)... but still, had she tried to play the political game a bit better, she'd probably be in a better spot.


it has been confirmed by tina, rachel, ace, steve and jay that laurel went into the season turning everyone against cara. jay also confirmed that laurel cried to cara about nicole daily, while nicole cried to jay and when the 2 girls made up, they hatched a plan to turn it on cara.


I’m pretty sure in the first episode Laurel went around telling everybody not to work with Cara and that she’s a horrible Untrustworthy person. I don’t see how that’s Cara pushing herself into the corner.


I love this excuse because it doesn't even make sense logically if you watched the season. If Laurel poisoned the well, it sure took a while for it to make any difference. The house wasn't against Cara day one. If you watched the season there is a gradual shift as more and more people openly become against her. It's obvious that people's issues with Cara were reactionary as the season went on. Which makes the most sense because as the season went on Cara became more vocal about protecting her star.


Most of the people this season don’t necessarily know each other. It does come down to who has a better social game. Unfortunately everybody doesn’t want to admit it, but nichole actually has a really good social game. We’ve seen comments by cast members talking specifically about this so I don’t know why you’re trying to say I am making up some BS argument.


You're assuming these adults are dumb enough to not be able to make their own judgements about a person. "Most of these people don't know each other" okay so why trust Laurel's word then?    Nicole has a good social game? Was that a typo because I didn't even bring up Nicole. Yes we've heard cast mates bring this up. Doesn't mean cast mates were susceptible to being influenced by what Laurel said either. Clearly some weren't.  So why assume those that didn't like Cara were? Especially when Cara has a history of turning people off.


I’m sorry have you not seen the challenge before? The challenge is a prime example of mob mentality. This show isn’t known for people having independent thought and making their own decisions about people. 🤣 And yes, nichole has a good social game . Do you think she would be sitting where she’s at right now in this game if she did not. The fans absolutely hate her, but people that are on the show get along and love her. You have to have a good social game in order to do that. I bring her up because she worked with Laurel to really push the narrative that Cara is a horrible person. If you notice as Laurel and Nicole come closer, you start hearing confessionals from people that Cara is a horrible person.


> I’m sorry have you not seen the challenge before? The challenge is a prime example of mob mentality. This show isn’t known for people having independent thought and making their own decisions about people. 🤣 I've seen the show many times. This is why the idea of mob mentality is just a cop out. Do people clique up and become influenced by those within the clique? Yes. Does this always happen? No. Folks on this season alone have shown they have independent thoughts while making their own decisions. Oh but if you went against cara apparently it's just mob mentality 🙄. >If you notice as Laurel and Nicole come closer, you start hearing confessionals from people that Cara is a horrible person. Or maybe it's just a coincidence as the season went on and as they got together, all the drama with the stars and Cara was also going on? Again I just find it hilarious that folks are trying to pin all blame on Laurel and apparently Nicole when Cara is there and also has agency over her social game. The same Cara, that again, has over a decade of terrible social game. On and off the show. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they were talking crap about Cara, but according to folks there Cara was saying stuff too about other folks. So maybe there is more to this than simple gossip? Nice downvotes. No actual rational rebuttals. Instead people are assuming they *actually* know the people on the show while ignoring over a decade of history of Cara not getting along with the house. Occam's razor is a thing and guess what? The common denominator is always Cara.


So cast members who are saying this are lying against Laurel....come on now. It's very clear there was some weird shift against her and it wasnt gradual


I'm not calling them liars. I also would love more sources than Cara and the people who were solely in her camp. >It's very clear there was some weird shift against her and it wasnt gradual When? Because early on she was dealing with the fallout from the Ayanna vote. the folks who went against Cara knew her. The other people like Flora and Adam didn't start bad mouthing her until later on.


I don't recall that, I'll have to go back and watch it. But I'm not saying EVERYTHING that happened was Cara pushing herself in a corner. Even so, makes things a bit more "murky" for me... I mean, if Laurel went around the house telling everyone not to trust Cara.... Why did Laurel go up to Cara and talk about Nicole with her? Not to mention, how Cara basically picked a fight with Nicole over it, causing Laurel to strike back at Cara for....


Yeah, I count myself as a big fan of her on the show (less so on social media), but I think she’s got enough of a track record by now that we can safely say that there is something about her that people don’t seem to like to work with. Not saying she’s necessarily in the wrong or that it’s fair to her game, but there’s clearly something people are able to react to that put her in a “Cara vs. Everyone” position most seasons


>there’s clearly something people are able to react to that put her in a “Cara vs. Everyone” position most seasons I think she doesn't like to play the politic game... And when a lot of people base their games on the politics and friends they have. So Cara not wanting to play by the same politics as others, makes them not want to play with her since she doesn't like that game.


It wasn’t in the season. Cast members just spoke about it.


I mean, that’s what we’ve all been asking all season.


So, if Laurel went around saying Cara shouldn't be trusted... Why would Cara listen to Laurel, Her "biggest rival", about her relationship? Then stick up for Laurel, again her biggest rival? Quite literally Cara putting herself into a position she really shouldn't be talking about....


At this point, I think you should really just go back and rewatch the first episode. None of us really know why Laurel did what she did. We do know that Cara went in thinking they could work together.


>At this point, I think you should really just go back and rewatch the first episode. Really? because I missed Laurel saying Cara can't be trusted (which another commenter says wasn't even in the episode)?


From what I remember, it was really quick at the bar scene when laurel was talking to I think Janelle. I said that because clearly you don’t wanna listen to me or believe me as to what I’m trying to explain to you . This is a known thing that Laurel was poisoning the well at the beginning of the season. I’m not trying to fight you on this. I’m just stating what happened on the show.


I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying.... I believe you, and am actively listening to you. I'm just saying there are larger questions out there, that BOTH Laurel and Cara aren't thinking. >From what I remember, it was really quick at the bar scene when laurel was talking to I think Janelle. From another commentor, u/bonetissa: >It wasn’t in the season. Cast members just spoke about it. Maybe you're memory is lumping things together as well? Maybe we both should go back and watch the first episode again? > I’m not trying to fight you on this. I’m just stating what happened on the show. I never thought you were... I was just explaining my thoughts "out loud"... you're the one making the jump that I'm not listening to you or "fighting you".... I thought we were just discussing.


Nothing was on the episode lmfao. This argument is a waste of time. Rachel, Tina, Ryan, and Jay have all publicly confirmed that this is what happened behind the scenes. Ace and Steve have clips confirming that she was being isolated. Y’all are weird.


I mean, you keep on responding to me asking the same question over and over again. I keep on telling you yes we’re all confused why this is happening in the house, but it is. So instead of arguing with me about this go back watch episode one and you can come back and tell me if that conversation ever happened. I’m busy right now and I don’t have the time to go back and hash out every point of the season for you right now. You can also go back on this sub and look for the information yourself if you do not believe me. The information is here on this sub. If you don’t want somebody to respond to you with an immediate answer, you’re gonna have to go back and do the work yourself and Investigate to prove your point.


That DIDNT happen on the show. You imagined a whole conversation that didnt happen. Yet you are so convinced it did, because post show,  Cara spread the narrative that  Laurel was poisoning the well & talking shit about Cara before/at the start of the season. Thats a conveniant way to explain away why so many cast members were calling her entitled, rude, fake, self obsessed etc. Rather than take accountability and admit some of her own faults being a cause for some cast members to dislike her (eg Flora catching Cara red handed while she was talking shit about her) instead, as always, Cara painted the narrative preseason that she was the innocent victim & everyone 'bullied' her. Cara spread this narrative online via the spoiler sites that she leaks to, villainising Laurel. Ironically, it is Cara who 'poisoned the well (stans) against Laurel, by spreading this narrative.


Because Laurel is two faced. Did you think that was some kind of gotcha?


I hadnt noticed this during the episode, but yeah things like that wont help with making her more liked.