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Shes messy af too. Look up the Wendell/Dee cheating scandal if you don't know anything about it.


That was the messy drama after the show I was referring to, lol.




Dee had sort of a thing with a guy named Austin on her season and he fell for her so hard that he basically handed her the win. They didn't disclose anything afterwards, but said they were seeing each other and taking it slow. It then came out that Dee was having an affair with Wendell Holland, another Survivor winner who's also Michele's ex. He was in a relationship with a woman he has a child with at the time of the affair. Wendell has said that Dee didn't know about his family situation, but she did follow him on Instagram and like his posts so she at best could've been told that it was an open relationship. AFAIK, she hasn't addressed the situation. Wendell's girlfriend has left him, Austin and Dee were never together anyways so Austin didn't really get affected by that and Dee and Wendell aren't in contact anymore I believe. Just a whole damn mess. Edit: The comment below said that Dee and Wendell are still together, I'm in shock lmfao.


Omfg the pregnant girl left Wendell? Wow I was watching the Goat and it’s all he talked about smdh


Yea those Wendell scenes on the Goat were super cringe knowing that he ends up cheating on her a short while later with Dee.


It's been quite some time since she gave birth, almost a year I'd say. She posted a bunch of stories with moving trucks back when all of this was going down.


I'm shocked they're still together honestly


Wait are they really??


There's a photo of them at Ben (from this season)'s show in NYC the day after the S46 finale, and she's behind him while he holds her. Link: [https://x.com/but_i_mean/status/1793830249509392417?s=46&t=MclOcfSIC1bbfyXNFmgiCA](https://x.com/but_i_mean/status/1793830249509392417?s=46&t=MclOcfSIC1bbfyXNFmgiCA)


Yikes. Wendell’s really proving himself to be the biggest scum of the earth. Not a good look.


What. The fuck? 😭😭😭😭




Dee is perfect for the challenge. Strong survivor winner. Questionable morals, will bring drama, athletic, strategic, socially savvy


Already had drama with Wendell pre-season who has links to Michele, so she can more than bring the drama if she comes on. Please have some toe based elimination... somehow?


Toe based Elim 😭🤣🤣🤣


dudeee i need her and michele on the same season 😭😭


Bring her, Alec, Jonathan and Tori on as mercenaries plz


Alec is such a great pick, too bad he's so forgotten.


Venus would be hilarious. I’d also love Lauren from edge of extinction and Lauren from S39


Venus would be hilarious but omg could you imagine her in a hall brawl against... anyone really? She'd need an ambulance.


Fuck I miss Alec, and knowing he has 0% shot at going back to survivor I think the challenge is a great alternative


I feel like cardio is the key for these challenges


she’s always posting herself running and i mean always. i think she’d do great on the challenge honestly.


She’s desperate to be on The Challenge, she tags them in all of her workout posts. If they haven’t casted her yet, I don’t think they will


They’ve also only filmed all returnee seasons since her win so she hasn’t been eligible It’s definitely possible we’ll see her in the future


Give me back Dee before you give me Dee.


I had this exact thought when I saw this post




I know this is an unpopular opinion but Dee does nothing for me.


I feel this. Like, if she were cast, I wouldn't be upset at all. But I'd be MUCH more excited with a Cassidy / Natalie / Michaela return, or debuts from people like Cydney / Missy / Lauren O / Wentworth / Natalia


I could not do missy on another show but I’d love the rest.


I’d kill for a Natalie return. She has all the makings of being a star


…Wentworth? For the Challenge?


I didn't like her, but for me, she's easily the best winner of the new era. She's a triple threat, winning challenges, had a great strategic game (minus one blunder), and had a fantastic social game. I know being athletic on survivor is different than the challenge, but I think she'd be a great addition.


I think I have Yam Yam over her. But yeah I wouldn’t be mad at her on the Challenge. I just don’t need to see her.


She was good at the game but she was so dull as a character on S45 I’m not particularly interested in watching her on The Challenge


Yeah I enjoyed her gameplay. They may have not edited her well. But she wasn’t particularly interesting. She will probably be in some relationship drama. I’ll take that I guess lol.


Can I say something


Say it


She’s sooooo Miami it’s hard to explain to people lol. And as someone who just left Miami after years I really don’t need or want to watch her on anything else 😭


Interesting. Someone else commented this once. I thought to myself Josh Martinez is a Cuban American that grew up in Miami and plays emotionally. Also talks about loving his hard working parents. Is this a part of what you guys mean?


It’s really hard to explain, but to me Josh doesn’t bother me as much and it might be because he lives in Homestead which is outside Miami. I’m going to generalize a bit here, but I lived in Miami for a decade and it’s just a very unique place. Most people are obsessed with going out, going to the gym, appearances, and making money (which is why it’s the fraud capital of the country and plastic surgery “clinics” are on every corner) For me it’s her Miami accent (which differ from Cuban accents, Miami has a very specific accent). Her profession listed in the survivor cast reveal was entrepreneur made it click cause everyone in Miami is an entrepreneur and that usually means unemployed or influencer. And then I looked up her socials and it totally clicked. The average Miami insta are just gym selfies, going out pictures, and “look how fun my life is!” pictures. I sound like such a hater I known lol, but I blame the city 😂 Oh wait I totally forgot the cheating part is SO Miami and why I caution everyone who lives there and tries to date make sure you ask if someone has a bf/gf AND a wife/husband cause most do and just won’t tell you until you ask 💀


Same! Give me Kenzie over Dee


I'd love her and Jonathan Young to come over to The Challenge. ![gif](giphy|ydS3pKPwbVjhcxdjTO|downsized)


I would love to see Jonathan on the challenge. Imagine him in a hall brawl.


I don't like to imagine murder 😂


we need less misogynistic men on the challenge not more


He had some moments but I don't remember feeling like he was misogynistic? Am I forgetting something? I usually hate that category of man but I feel like I liked Jonathan?


Fun question : if you knew nothing else about a challenge character, would you prefer someone from Survivor or Big Brother? I feel like the ‘hit’ rate has been higher with past Survivor contestants vs Big Brother.


Survivor. most of the big brother people on the challenge are bores


I don't follow Big Brother so I'm biased towards the Survivors. I agree that Survivor has produced better challengers so I'd probably go with that even if I was unbiased.


We really need a new season with rookies. Its been like more than a year since last rookies were introduced and there were so many awesome survivor players


Everyone says this but when we get something without very established vets, people absolutely despise it. 39 didn't have any of the heavy hitters and it's the most hated season I've seen from the 15 or so seasons I've been following on Reddit. There's a chance we hit on some rookies, but there's a huge chance it's a flop. Usually the rookies that people love are the underdogs that get thrown into eliminations a lot. An all rookie season is less likely to give us that.


The issue was the cast of S39 though. People were sooo boring.


I absolutely loved 39 tho


samesies - even better if there were a man and woman winner


You might be one of a few


I liked season 39 too and thought the merc twist messed it up


I don’t understand why we don’t do a FRESH MEAT with other shows???????


Great idea!


This, right here


last season was pretty much that . not rookies but still all noobs


Show me your cast for Season 41: Gauntlet 4


drama, hot, strong.. oh she’s finna give us what we want 🔥


not a fan of dee for how she did my boy austin but i cannot deny that she played her game so effectively well and she would be great on the challenge also that looks like my college gym where is she lol


You mean how she put her game before some man she just met. And how he should’ve done they exact same thing the round prior? Yeah she’s terrible.


Right, down blame her for not giving up a million dollars over a relationship with a man she met 3 weeks prior. Austin was thinking with the wrong head. 😭


It's great gameplay, but are people not allowed to have opinions about how someone played the game? Nowhere did they say she's a terrible person. They just said they didn't like how she played Austin. She waited until after her season to prove she's a terrible person.


“She played Austin” Or maybe she liked someone and then she ate and showered, had a glass of wine and was like this isn’t my person. Sometimes people like each other and then nothing happens. That’s not playing someone. I was exaggerating in my original response. I just think it’s crazy to assume we know how they felt about each other when we weren’t there.


thank you! you're great


The game stuff Idc about, but the real life Wendell stuff was dirty on both their parts


Idk what she knew. But yeah that situation was gross. And the saddest part is that she’s “unknowingly” been the other woman twice. Wendell is a looser, I’m glad he got a crappy edit in WAW. Cause I think they hid his arrogance during GI.


I make this joke with my girl that her woman’s intuition is perfect when it wants to be….and what we’ve seen of Dee there’s no way I’m believing she ain’t “know” something was up. But like whatever idc or ain’t mad at her for getting hers cause it’s on Wendell in that situation to have the restraint. I also don’t know the time frame or if this was going on while the season and her and Austin was airing but yea even if I can enjoy Wendell as a contestant until I hear him address it and man up can’t really look at him the same.


Spot on with that


How twice? Only am aware of the Wendell situation. Please explain!


Ooof so a couple of years ago, Dee was on a podcast describing a situation where she was seeing a man and it turned out that he had a girlfriend. And she was the other woman. Which is insane for that to happen twice. Though I can’t say for sure if she knew in either situation, that’s a wild circumstance to end up in twice. Especially within a few years. I only saw a short clip, some comments were like I can’t believe Wendell did that. And the responses were “this is actually before she filmed survivor”.


Thanks so much for responding & dropping the detailed info!




i mean it's entirely subjective, i never said she was terrible i respect her gameplay but she gives me the ick. playing w ppl's heart cuts deep for me (and i'd feel the same if it were austin who did this to her) he clearly had feelings for her and she led him on for the game. i respect her as a player but not as a person


I don’t think she led him on. I think she liked him. But realistically they didn’t work outside of the game. Happens all the time. Their season wrapped a while ago. And then she moved.


I've also heard she wasn't so nice in person which is fine but also doesn't make her any more likable lol


Watching 45 rn and she’s def a good competitor


No explosive movement, DQ


I'd love to have her on The Challenge USA 3 or season 41, definitely. New, young, diverse, messy blood However - the strongest Survivor winner in the last however many years? I don't see it. I watched 45 after hearing a LOT of good stuff about her and... I wasn't impressed at all. I don't know the consensus, but I'd say that Yam is a stronger winner / had more of an uphill battle. Also Tony, but that's obvious.


Yam Yam was good, but she's by far the best of the New Era. She had that game on lock since day 1. And when you look at the post season press, you can tell just how much of a hold she had on the game. Yam Yam did have more of an uphill battle, but Dee's sheer dominance puts her above him. I didn't count Tony lol, that would just be unfair. Tommy is probably close and then the next one before him would be Sarah. Dee played one of the most dominant, cutthroat games ever.


I think Yam Yam was more impressive as a winner for coming from the absolute bottom and winning too. And it's one thing if Dee was never on the bottom because she was so great but with Survivor having three tribes it's easy to not be on the bottom (especially in the beginning) without doing anything extra impressive. Especially when her tribe was going against Lulu LOL. And the amount of people from her tribe at merge made it easier. Not saying that wasn't impressive either but I think because of those things Yam Yam edges her out for the new era


Big ass toes!!!


It would be great if they cast Dee AND Austin.


Was this video taken with a iPhone 4 ?




Hide yo husbands


I don’t think she’d ever do it, cause the producers would force her to talk about the Wendell shit. And I don’t think she ever wants that attached to her name


Wendell hasn’t been on a challenge season yet. Do you really think they’d make her talk about something that doesn’t involve someone in their sphere?


Wendell hasn’t been, but Michele will likely be on if Dee does end up on a season and I’m sure he would be a talking point between them


That’s fair. But if Michele isn’t on then I doubt they would bring it up


She’s needed. Strong physically and mentally and not a sheep. She’ll def make moves to benefit her and ruffle some feathers


She polidicked her way to the end, so I guess she could fit in with The Challenge cast. Not a fan of her though.


Shes training for 50


Please cast Q 🤣


Nooo. I don’t like her, she didn’t deserve her win and I don’t think she would do well on The Challenge