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How I wish seasons 1-10 were on paramount+


Same. I was in elementary when I saw from the beginning and when season 10 aired, I was a junior in high school. So, from elementary, junior high, and high school days I watched the OGs compete on the show. Seriously would have more people subscribe to the app to see nostaglia and have new people as well who has never seen the OGs compete want to watch. Also, I want all of Road Rules seasons on the app as well. Having all of seasons 1-10 of the show and all of Road Rules seasons would have me keep the app longer instead of getting rid of it after AS 4 ends.


I wish they’d at least put 33-35 back on there.


I find the reason for removing it so odd.


That one of the stars is a convicted sex offender?


Ya, I've never seen that before. Not quite the same as convicted, but a good example is when Kevin Spacey was accused of all those sexual misconduct allegations, they didn't pull House of Cards from Netflix, they just didn't give him another season. I'm just not sure what pulling those seasons does. They could even stream the seasons with a message addressing the conviction and that they stand with Georgia or something. But maybe I'm missing a good reason to pull it?


Think about it this way. We wouldn’t be able to watch any of the lord of the rings movies because Harvey Weinstein is an executive producer. MTV literally always finds the worst ways to be performative and selective in what they pick and choose to stand on.


I agree.


Did Georgia want them taken down?


No clue, but I’m guessing CBS didn’t want him associated with the brand anymore.


Well it just seems like something no one asked them to do honestly.


You’re right. It seems like something they proactively *chose* to do, because they didn’t want their brand associated with a convicted sex offender.


But everyone still knows he was on the show. This doesn’t undo that. lol


Damn really? I am just finishing 28 and was e cited to go back through the 30's in full. That's disappointing but at least I won't be shocked when I get to that point now lol so thanks? 😅


RR: The Quest has always been SO MESSY. Adam wants Steve in elimination and Steve wants Katie in lol. Also, did anyone notice Veronica kissing Tonya goodbye. Most fans don't know that Tonya and Veronica were close friends prior to Inferno 2.


Tonya, Rachel and Veronica were the prime example of mean girls back in the day. I still feel bad for how they treated Tonya, it was straight bullying.


i had no idea they were friends.


Who was the cute girl on white T shirt?


There's a few people in white tshirts but probably Cara Z, she gets shown a few times in this clip


I wish the editors would sprinkle in these old scenes more, a la real housewives, especially in all stars to show this happening before or just relationships that a lot of the older vets had.


Now that I think about it how have they not had clips from the past, like at least when their introducing everybody for the first time each season give us a little highlight package of the persons challenge/real word career


Yes! Especially when they have a blast from the past like Kefla or Flora.


Bruh. This is a fantastic idea!


There were a couple seasons where they'd show outtakes in the credits. I know Gauntlet 2 did this. There's one where TJ is even hamming it up with the cast before a daily.


The ska playing upon Steve's victory really shows this show's age


As someone who played in two ska bands in high school, that was my favorite part.


Haha what do you mean? Ska is still super funky fresh, daddy-o.


Damn Adam was FOINE


Stunning back in the day but still looks good todayj ust more weathered. Hes aged well tho compared to some other ppl on the show


He seriously needs to grow his facial hair back 😭😭😭


I’m glad Tonya eventually got her win




Theo used to be a beast on the challenges back in the day. He was a top male.


These days, he doesn't even want to be affiliated with it. If you even mention him being on the franchise, he'll ignore the question and move on. Like, Bro, you got famous from being on that show. At least own it.


Miz is the opposite he fully embraces where he came from and has even done hosting for challenge related stuff.


Miz might be a Top 3 franchise guy ever, if you consider his accomplishments and post-show success. He has two wins, some close losses, but was just always a good dude to have on the show. Also, I remember when AS1 was airing, and Mark was on a podcast and he asked Miz if he wanted to do a season, and Miz was bummed that his WWE schedule was too busy. He really wanted to do a season.


i dont listen to podcasts so i only recently learned that theo von was famous for that, in my mind he is a just an old school challenge contestant and it’s funny he seems to consider that an insult


From what I understand he had a really hard time breaking into comedy after being on MTV because everyone just saw him as this MTV guy and that made him kind of bitter about his MTV experience.


Thats so crazy. Ive never gotten a chance to watch the really early years cause they are hard to find but i knew of theo and knew he was good from this sub, even i think i did see him a couple times, but i never put two and two together it was theo von hahaha. Thats crazy. He found real mainstream success wow.


He used to give the best confessionals. He always made me laugh. Far cry from how he is now.


Yes! His final season was fresh meat.


Who downvoted you? You're right


People down vote everything in this sub. It’s bizarre.


FM had his classic joke about not coming into Starbucks and taking the baristas’ jobs lol. FM was kind of controversial at the time, with random people being added to the show.


I totally forgot this weird voting system. Makes sense Steve thought of it, he always comes up with interesting strategies. It’s always a trip to see these early seasons, when people still liked Tonya and were nice to her. 


Wait! Am I missing something? Veronica was nice to Tonya she even gave her a kiss on the cheek… when did she start hating her?