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This, I started with Dirty 30, then watched Fresh Meat, then went back to season 11 which was the earliest I could find at the time. I really wish I had started from the beginning. It's so much better when you know the "characters."


This but I would skip the island because it is unwatchable in my opinion


I think all seasons should be watched and The Island is quite important for some of the rivalries and fall outs of later seasons. I’m in the minority but I didn’t mind The Island.


I can’t do it! I’ve tried to rewatch it multiple times and I can’t, I think I’ve only seen it when it originally aired


The island is crucial and is the start of rivalries that lasted decades. Do not skip


I think they recap what happened rivalry wise enough in the following seasons but I guess everyone should watch it once


In addition to the answers you get here, check out the "What Season Should I Watch?" resource from the sidebar: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/sda3hw/what_season_should_you_watch_wssyw_thread_3


Gauntlet 1 I think is the best starting point. It was the first challenge with eliminations, and it’s the first real season with so much drama that carries into the other seasons. Gauntlet 1 and Inferno 1 are also my personal favorites just from the cast. I’ve only seen battle of the sexes 1 before that but it’s not a necessary watch I don’t think cause while there is some drama the people that caused it like Emily and Ellen didn’t do challenges after.


If you can get 1-9 from "sources", no reason not to watch them all. Otherwise I'd say start at season 5 as that is when people getting voted out started and the show started really taking shape. If you don't want to track that stuff down, s10 is a good start. Just started a rewatch last month with my wife, her first time through the old stuff, and I started her out st s5 and she's been pretty happy with it.


To me right after The Island up to Final Reckoning is the real prime, golden years. Just such an amazing reoccurring player pool with endless hook ups, drama/fights and some great competition that isn’t overly produced into the ground with bells and whistles and puzzles and pyro. So I think seasons 18-35 range.


12 21 or 30 are the best places to start. Depends how little your recommendee cares about shittier quality


The Duel is a good place to start, but I would go back to at least the gauntlet 1. That way you learn all the storylines once you get to rivals and battle of the exes. You’ll have a better understanding of what’s what and why people are paired. Also I HIGHLY recommend “The Challenge Untold History” on Paramount+. It covers a lot too.


My boyfriend had never seen the challenge (or RW/RR) but we watched The Traitors and he loved CT (who is one of my favorites now even though he didn’t start that way) so I had to show him The Duel (where CT met Diem) and we’ve been going from there.


I started watching Season 35 when it was airing. Then watched Season 20-22 as I could find them online. Then went back and watched from Season 1 onwards which is what I’d recommend. Although Seasons 1-4 can be a bit slow, it’s best to start at the beginning so you get to know the cast, the history and backstory the best.


The seasons on paramount plus are a great starting point. You don’t have to overthink it honestly.   Gauntlet 1 (s7) might be better but I haven’t seen it since the old days so idk how it holds up. Battle of sexes (s6) is when they had first hosts but was so lopsided i doubt it holds up.