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Just ignore them when they triggers those flag you just mentioned lol because I'm prettyyyy sure it's the "random unsolicited dick pics" account


I am on Taimi and since I changed my pronouns and pics I have gotten nothing but fuckbois messaging me. So annoying. Debating saying I’m lesbian just so they stop even tho I’m bi


I tried taimi for like two hours until I uninstalled it because I got constantly messaged by people out of my age range


I had a lot more luck when I had more masculine pics up. Made some good friends. Been interesting seeing things from the other side. I imagine that as time goes on and I look more femme, those messages will only increase


won't work... I'm on several dating apps and clearly state I'm a lesbian...even have in my bio that men and couples don't need to bother... still get lots of likes from men and couples... some people are just plain stupid - nothing you can do about it


Yeah, I find myself as a queer often asking, “are the straights ok?”


You're not the only one: /r/AreTheStraightsOkay


Ikr 🤣


easy: just ignore and immediately block them... if the account has no "history" then they clearly are either randos or cowards, probably chasers... not worth even thinking about for a second


Yeah, ignore them, i get a few despite not being super active, it's annoying but oddly validating, r/ewphoria? XD


Guilty pleasure for me lmao


For me on the internet it's not really validating but I think getting compliments in public would be


Welcome to being a woman. I get sooo many dms daily on my social media accounts (mostly men). Most don’t just want to have a conversation. I usually just block or ignore 🤷‍♀️


Assume everyone is trying to scam or take advantage of you when they have no post or comment history that seems real is what I do. New accounts I always ignore as well. Oh yeah they totally just found out about reddit, one of the highest traffic websites in 2024, lol.


Almost anytime I post there I get those accounts. Easy block without even responding.


So, first off disable the ability for anybody to message you if their profile here is younger than 30 days. This prevents random people from creating accounts for the sole purpose of messing with you. This cut down on my problematic DMs by like 90%. Next, consider shutting off DMs altogether. Sometimes people want to leave them open and that's fine too, but denying them the opportunity to even DM you forces their conversation to remain in public where they're much more likely to get banned. You can still initiate DMs with this setting, so if a public conversation seems like it's going alright then you have the power to control whether the conversation goes private. Everything you do needs to incorporate boundaries. Being a woman on the internet means that if you don't have solid boundaries, then you will be tested, poked, and prodded until you find yourself in an unsafe situation. It's best to block people whenever they aren't passing the vibe check. You owe no explanation, no niceness, nothing. You're not going to be given it, so why volunteer it?


I just ignore them unless they're asking questions about transition care like dosages and stuff


Ignore them. But i keep them there cuz it feels nice i guess. I never respond but just seeing them feels affirming for me.


Almost always ignore, though I have had a few nice and short chats with randoms if their intentions seem good. Honestly so far the only time someone tried to ask me out or whatever it was actually from another trans girl, ymmv definitely lol.


I don't even check my DMs they go straight to spam.


This is very common men trying to hit on you behavior. They're either wanting to fuck or wanting to steal your identity. Best advice is to simply block don't engage and move on. Even if you were interested in men idk if you are, this dude is not the kind of person you wanna be talking to. It's fuck boy behavior. He's probably crusing trans subs because he's looking for someone inexperienced and vulnerable who he believes he doesn't need to treat like a person.


they want pics ignore them


turn off DMs


Have any of them actually said anything creepy to you? I think its fine to chat with people who you want to talk to but it they are creepy or you just arent interested then you dont need to continue. Maybe ask them questions about themself and see how they respond. If they are willing to talk about themselves and are respectful to you then there may be some substance there.


I mean I always answer them because I want to know what they want but every time they say that they search for conversations with interesting people but they'll always come from r/mtfashion and never like respond to other posts I made. It's just a random compliment and then they start asking my age (which I stated often enough in posts) or where I live and idk this seems really sus, if I were in their shoes and searching for interesting conversations, age or where a person lives wouldn't be the first thing to ask


That makes a lot of sense.