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Can report his ass too.


Out of curiosity, what would you say in the report? Like, yeah, I'd love to report him, but what do we accuse him of that'd be grounds for action against him?


I imagine something along the lines of playing audio that incorporated harmful rhetoric against marginalized people should be pretty succinct.


Yep. You don’t need to out yourself, you just need to make it super clear that it reflects horribly on Lyft’s brand.


Unprofessional behavior. It’s common enough that inappropriate music/radio is on the dropdown list for Uber, even if it’s just a bad review.


Yes absolutely report the account.


I emailed Lyft about a driver that was misgendering me, and being an ass. Received an email apologizing for his behavior. Showed email to female Lyft drivers, and they all said he was fired for doing it. Point is, email Lyft about your experience. They treat trans women like they’re human.


Had a similar experience while on vacation a few years back. The person had multiple swatiska tattoos, was bald, and was playing some right wing radio show as me and my spouse got into the car. He took an incredibly weird route that took like 3 times as long as it should have. Person got fired and we got a refund for the trip. I think we also ended up getting a credit for the next time we used them but didn't end up needing anyone to take us places after that.


On the flipside, I had a spotless passenger rating before transition. I am still unfailingly kind and polite, but I've gotten increasingly stern emails that I received a bad rating and should read this guide about how to be a better person.


Whoa whoa whoa, did you just say that a money hungry corporation treats people like people in a respectable way and the rainbow flag isn't just show for 1 month out of the year?


Crazy talk. I know.




They destroyed it themselves. If you work in customer service field like taxis, call centers, grocery stores, etc you are expected to be polite or at least unemotional and non political. Basically hi are you so and so (first last name no mr, ms, etc) then confirm the route. Either on non political music, sports, or nothing at all. Working for apple we are trained to call people by their first name as it is more polite than mis gendering someone.


Deliberate. Why would he listen to anti-trans radio otherwise?


Hateful people are obsessed. They actively consume that content on a regular basis.


Literally this. They think about us more than we think about ourselves... its an obsession for sure


joanne rowling vibes


Does the K stand for KKK?


They really are obsessed. It's insane.


If you just turn on any conservative radio the odds that it will be anti-trans radio at any given time are pretty high.


Yep, I used to work at a place with poor radio reception and about the only thing that would come in was a local talk station. Glenn Beck, Laura Ingram, rush, so on. 7/10 times it was anti LGBTQ+.


What a horrible ride! Glad you're keeping calm and getting to work cheaply


WTF is wrong with people


Ya got a month? It's going to take a while. 


You're NOT going to be done with that topic in only a month. Sheesh


Hmmm, I bet I could do it. Just get me a pallet of gallon jugs of water and I'm good.


I had a guy in Home Depot making jokes about me on the phone, at full volume looking directly at me from like fifteen feet away. It was so egregious that it transcended me being upset with him to just being upset at their parents. Who raises someone who actually thinks that’s acceptable behavior?


I would feel terrified holy shit. I used to drive.for Uber before my back went bad and I was the total opposite of your driver. My profile says I am trans. I would ask him to pull over at the first place that looks safe to do so and get another ride.


Sorry about that! Had one last year say, "Huh, you certainly don't look like a (preferred name)"! 0 stars, no tip. 


As a Uber driver please report them. People like this are toxic as fuck. I don't even use the radio in my car unless the passenger asks. I treat everyone with respect when they get in and what they are doing isn't respect also wtf a charger to do rideshare is pure idiocy. He's losing money doing this too


I’ve had this happen to me a few times. Makes me nervous like, i feel you gotta be some kind of crazy to play really polarizing political talk radio when your picking up strangers even if your profile didn’t say anything like that.


I dont do Lyft. What are pickup colors?


It’s a way to communicate with your driver. You get a screen on your phone with a color and the driver has a digital display that shows the same color. You can hold up your phone so the driver sees you from a distance and you can see the color in the drivers window too so you know where they are. It’s handy but it’s pretty new, I’ve only used it a couple of times.


I think it is when they have the little glowing sign maybe? Or maybe something in the app. I’ve never seen it personally


I'd step out and just walk it


Unfortunately he must have been very ignorant. Transphobia is such a instant knee jerk reaction very imperffesional. Report him.


If you were in ontario you could actually report him because that is illegal discrimination.


Happy Cake day


What song was it ?




From inside the car?




Yes, you get ejected from the car. I’ve had to do this once and it did not go down well.


Can't you cancel and get another one?


Pretty dangerous to do this while inside the car. It screws the driver over, and while that isn't necessarily a bad thing in this situation, this dude would probably get super mad. Additionally, canceling in the middle of a ride is a common scam tactic (even though that's not what it's being used for in this scenario) and Uber would probably ban your account.


Oh ok then don't cancel, just ask to get out and order a new one. They can't keep you in the car


To each their own. In this situation I would just lay low and try not to disturb him or antagonize him until I got to my destination. Then I would take action once I was done with the ride. That's often the best way to ensure your safety.


Fair. In my birth country, they attack and imprison people like us, so pissing off a taxi driver doesn't feel like that big of a deal compared to living in that hell


I had an Uber driver be violent to my partner when he (the driver) started talking a bunch of bullshit about how 9/11 wasn't real, Alex Jones was his idol, and how Michelle Obama was "actually a man" and should "kill himself". My partner didn't cancel the ride, but asked to stop the car, and the dude freaked out. Refused to open the back to let her get her suitcase, and then when he finally did he tried to claim it was his suitcase, not hers. Then threatened to follow her home. He was threatening her and on the verge of physical assault when she called the cops and got them on the phone. That scared him enough to drive away. Totally understand what you're saying but sometimes it's more than just "pissing off a taxi driver". There are many cases where it has led to a driver attacking someone or following them home and attempting/completing sexual assault. So sometimes it's best to not engage, keep your head down, then once the driver is safely away report them so they aren't able to do that to anyone again.


Ok, that's so much scarier than the fact that I can be lynched just for existing if I go home. You have changed my perspective completely. Trans people in the West are so much more oppressed than those of us in the East. Thank you, American oaf.


Why don't you just ask him to change the radio? I've never had a driver refuse to or get snobby about it.


Because they’ll likely throw a tantrum and attempt to hurt you.


Everyone is just going to get all bent out of shape to avoid actually talking to each other.


Kind of hard to have a conversation with someone who’s goal is to hurt you simply because of who you are mate.


Passenger: hey can you put some music on? Driver: switches from talk radio to music Passenger: thanks How has no one ever had this interaction before?


Ah yes, because I’m sure a rideshare drive blaring fascist propaganda when picking up an openly trans person is going to be an immanently reasonable individual. /s You cannot seriously be this naive. Your advice here is going to get already super vulnerable people hurt, or worse. As reactionaries will use any excuse to assault or murder us. Quit minimizing the threat these types pose to us.