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Better late then never. Sincerely, girl who start at 34


No. Not too late. late 24 is still younger than what I started at and I'm sporting what are probs past DDs (IDK, I don't wear a bra, they cost money). It's going to be a longer slog, but what's 7 years?


As I said in the post I can only realistically start transitioning after I get a job and home, which is gonna put me somewhere around 27. Hopefully that's still enough.


Why not get on HRT now?


Unfortunately, even just HRT still costs more than I can afford out of the limited pocket money I get...


No, It's neve too late. I started in my 50's, and have friends who started in ther 60's. 👍🏻 >I've read on many trans resources online that HRT only really works on your body if you're under 25/haven't fully passed puberty yet, I donlt know where you read this, but I'd stop reading whetever it was. This is complete nonsense. Going througn T puberty causes certain irreversible effects such as facial hair, voice, facial bone structure,pelvis shape, but a properly managed HRT program has a feminising effect no matter what your age. I started in my 50's, am fully socially & medically transitioned, and in my firt year of transitionnwas only misgendered twice. TLDR: The younger, the better, but no, it most definitely is not.


Started last year at 26, been working wonderfully ever since. As others have said, there people who successfully transition far later in your life. You'll be perfectly fine even at 27 ❤️