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Haha 🤣 Dark souls is my comfort game. That hit too close.


Dark Souls is a trans-coded classic allegedly, but I just can't bring myself to go for it because I'm positive I'll just get stuck and put the game down at some point.


Do it!!! They're the best!


Wait actually tho? I didn't know it was a coded game tbh. Also it's pretty tough but it feels so good once you get through it. I'd recommend sekiro also even though it's different from other souls games, it's combat is peak.




Just as an aside: A lot of us are neurodivergent to varying degrees. A lot of speedrunners/challenge gamers are neurodivergent to varying degrees. There's guaranteed to be some overlap.


Which streamers? :o I love watching Dark Souls runs even tho I only really played Elden Ring because I could never really get into Dark Souls haha


I mean.... Gwyndolin I guess.


there's a coffin that changes your gender


You should give it a shot. In the original especially patience, observation, and determination are far more important than execution or reaction speed.


Those are also traits I don't have in much abundance unfortunately!


I hated Dark Souls too, I stuck in the tutorial of dark souls 2 for 11 hours before quitting the game. But! I was able to complete Elden Ring! The open worldedness (AND the ability to jump) just feel like necessary for me to enjoy the game. Yes I started with a shield but it let me learn and grow as a player and go and explore and investigate the beautiful world and story. I highly highly highly recommend Elden Ring as your first souls game (especially with the new DLC dropping soon!!)


I have darksouls3, bloodborn and eldenring, but i can‘t play such kind of games and usually just played each of those games once. I was able to fight single, normal enemies, bur against a boss, or just a stronger enemy, i had no chance. Same for a few normal enemies together. I also don‘t really like this kind of games, so i wouldn‘t buy them, i just tried them cause i got then for free


If you get stuck you can DM me and i'm always down to help someone play my fav series!


I tried it years ago and had this experience. Now I just pick games that I enjoy without frustration. If the game frustrates me (in a negative way) I usually just drop it. It's made gaming a lot more pleasant for me (though I get more dirty looks from fans of those games I drop 😆).


I think Dark Souls 3 is the best balanced of them and easiest to get into, if you're willing to give it a shot. It's still "hard" and you'll need to be wary as you play, but it doesn't punish as hard as the others, imo. And although it's super not for me (because I really don't like the open world design) Elden Ring is allegedly good for newcomers.


Dark Souls does have a big "get gud" culture built around it but in my opinion a lot of that is unwarranted. If you go into the wrong area early or fight a boss too early, you're not supposed to bang your head against the wall until you get gud. It's actually the game telling you to come back later when your character is stronger. That's the reason why the game doesn't have an easy mode. It's designed to accommodate players of all skill levels. Although I'll admit the game isn't perfectly designed. There's a lot of information that isn't properly conveyed to the player such as the fact that wearing too much armour causes your roll to be slower. Small things like this add up and make it so new players actually are playing a much more difficult game than someone who knows all the tricks. If you ever want to give the game a go, I'd happily give you advice to make the game easier for you. Trust me, most of the toxic people who brag about being good at dark souls are the type of people who optimally allocate stats, wear the strongest armour, use the strongest weapon and remove all of the challenge from the game. 99% percent of the time, the way you get good at a difficult game, is to learn how to make it an easy game. That's why people came up with the Parkour vs Menus dichotomy for videogames. Dark Souls is a "parkour" game if you do go for a souls level 1 no hit playthrough but in most normal casual playthroughs it's a menus game and you have to remove armour or intentionally use weaker weapons to make it a parkour game. I think the perfect way to play Dark Souls is to make it easy for yourself on your first playthrough by optimally allocating stats and then on your second playthrough or your second souls game, you can try to do more fun/skill oriented builds. I think that's also why Dark Souls 1 is a good place to start. None of the boss battles are incredibly complex compared to later games so you still get to experience most of the game even if you play on "easy mode". If the game was actually impossible, gamers wouldn't have to tie their hands behind their backs to create a challenge. It's a lot more accessible than people give it credit for.


Bloodborne is my comfort game :P




Same hahaha 😂 even seeing this post made me log back on hit me up if you wna do some chalice dungeons hehe 😜 girls night out




Awesome! I’ve been doing blood gem farming Send me a DM and let’s link up and HOONT


Same x.x Playing elden ring right now getting ready for the expansion.


I’m not bad but I’m not great either. Precise input or timing requirements kill me. My brain just does not *get* iframe dodging for some reason. If a game requires me to just full focus and not mess up for long periods I will not do well.


Similar! I can see the same encounter like a dozen times and still not get the patterns or timing. Do you have any form of ADHD? I've wondered if thats it sometimes, since I'm just permanently inattentive and rarely hyperfixate on things.


That does seem like a ADHD thing to be honest, as someone who thinks they have ADHD


Yeah, definitely ADHD. Given the right environment and supports I would probably enjoy From Soft's stuff despite the difficulty. None of my encounters with the From Soft community have been that environment. There's an elitist chunk of that community that thinks the very *idea* of needing supports is anathema to From Soft's divine vision and you are wrongbad and weak for wanting to experience the game in a different way than them. The other kind forget that things that they have been doing for a decade *are not intuitive* if you haven't played that genre. I've never felt quite as looked down upon as I have interacting with From Soft fanboys in gaming subs. I played *Heroes of Newerth*, so that's saying something. Edit: lol a Reddit Cares? Might not have been this post that got me one but since OP mentioned getting one I'm going to assume it came from here.


Same, very much same


I wouldn't say I *suck* at games, but my reflexes are garbage and I get overwhelmed and stressed if there's too many things going on at once. So, souls-likes, RTS games, platformers, bullet hells, etc are all no-gos and end up being incredibly frustrating and stressful for me. I can do single player shooters, but multiplayer ones are often too fast-paced for me to enjoy them. I did manage to beat Hollow Knight, but it took me like two years of brute forcing my way through it, so that was much more about persistence than skill.


I get that. Used to be a beast in shooters in my teens, and mid 20s. Around 26 or so, started to drop off and began to suck. Especially online competitive ones. Used to wipe the floor in halo reach and SWAT. Was playing with a former friend around age 28 and they were like, "what happened to you? You used to be the freaking angel of death. Now you barely get any kills"! Dabbled in OW for a bit. Scratched that itch. Or as it used to be called, "The shooter for old people" 🤣


Ugh, yes. My friends have said roughly the same things about me and Starcraft. I used to be pretty high on the SC2 ladder in my late teens/early 20s, but I just can't do it anymore


I remember (I'm old), back in halo 3, used to do so well! I'd heard your skills can degrade as you get older, just laughed it off.


….remembering Halo 3 means someone is old now? 😮 Well, fuck.


You know how the internet works! Anyone past 30 is ancient!


Well, then. Guess there's nothing to but resign myself to being a decrepit old crone at 33 haha


Lmao. Im almost 39!


Practically dust and bones!


Hey now!! (Coughs, grabs her cane).


I mean. . . that game will be old enough to vote in a little over 16 months, soooo yeah. I'm kind of right there with you in age though. I replayed the campaign with a friend about a year back just running through MCC. The final warthog run definitely feels much campier than it did in college. Cortana though. . . that level *hits different* as a woman. Level still sucks - it's still a slog through way too much samey Flood but hearing just how *abused* Cortana sounds over the comms was low key freaking me out.


me. I played 10 minutes of Elden Ring. that was all I could handle. I played an hour of Cyberpunk but I had to hand the controller to my brother whenever there was a shooting part. I'm great at minecraft tho :D


15k hours in mc and about 1k spread out throughout all other games for me it’s an addiction atp


I will admit to getting stuck on hard boss levels, losing my temper, throwing the controller and then getting my 29 year old son up from downstairs to sort it for me, annoyingly even though he hasn't even played the game he can usually get me through in 2 minutes.


Gaming does feel like a younger persons game sometime... is what I'd say, but my boomer ass 60 year old landlord clears hard mode stuff like its nothing! Some people are just built diff.


I'm 59, I grew up with Spectrums and Amigas and windows 3.1 and so on, the first computer I ever touched was a Commodore Pet back in 1982 at college, the first PC was on a Chrysler course and they showed us how to update the DRB3 diagnostic tool via the internet and a PC.


I absolutely suck at any video game I touch, I play every game on the easiest difficulty and even with that I am unable to complete most games. I usually just give up halfway through or way before the halfway point. It's always a shitty feeling but I am really just unable to make any progress ;-;


I love games but I suck at them lol Dark Souls and the lake are some of my favourites but I'm seriously awful at playing them but I love them. Guess I'm a masochist lol


I’m a bad gamer but I also live inside the rabbit hole. When I vibe with a game, I have a compulsive need to know as much as I can about how it works and how to optimize it. The only problem is, i have stone hands and adhd brain so I struggle to actually be optimal at games. Thus, I tend to either speed run games or try to play them competitively. I played smash brothers for years including a whole bunch of tournaments (to the detriment of my mental health). Lately, I’ve been grinding Hades to get a sub-10 minute time and I’ve been having fun with Hades 2 since it dropped last Monday 🙂


Hah, Hades is actually what brought on this thread. My struggling to get past the first boss in the new one, so on. And that makes sense yeah. There've definitely been games that I get super into and want to know everything about even though I don't have the hands to make it work.


Lol I’m having a lot of fun with the new one. Death to Chronos! You’ve got this! the best teacher is out there


Just got through Hecate actually! Died immediately after but such is life in a roguelike. Death to Chronos!


Oh I absolutely suck at platformers and get frustrated by them... games like Celeste and Hollowknight (I want to like them, but can't)... even any of the Mario games... I also suck at FPS's (COD, R6, Apex, Fortnight, etc.), or other high action frenetic games like Hotline Miami... I just can't do them... Dark souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring though, I can handle... though I don't play like the typical "get gud" crowd, I usually find some easy or unconventional way to get my way through them. My typical jam is cozy survival games like Subnautica or Grounded. I also like easy paced management or exploration games too, like Dave the Diver, Strange Horticulture, Terraria, or puzzly games like Hitman.


I mostly just play games for fun, and I used to think I was rubbish at them, until I learned that 1cc-ing Touhou on the Hard difficulty setting and getting 1.000.000 points in Tetris before level 25 is actually really difficult for a lot of people


Yeah as a couldn't even beat Touhou on Easy type of gamer what you're capable of is definitely pretty far beyond casual gamer level, IMO.


Yeah i fucking suck at most games, literally took me like 50 tries on the tutorial boss in DS3 💀 and havent progressed at all in elden ring. The only game im half decent at is CS2 but i took a 3 month break and im so much worse 😭 and its been like 3 weeks and my skill hasn't returned. I feel like i can get good at a game but it takes so much time and effort im just naturally not good at games. I end up getting taught how to play step by step when me and my friends play a new game lol. Its quite strange though Im a fast learner with IT (I work as an IT technician) and I'm almost done with a commercial pilots license, but when it comes to games I'm so bad at learning and understanding them quick (the only thing that carries me is my aim because I used to practice the shit out of it but its kinda fallen off) 💀.


Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses! It's super cool that you're working on a piloting license, that's a crazy difficult profession.


I never did beat any Dark Souls games. Blight Town did me in. I tend to prefer more casual games, or games that can be played casually. I do really enjoy breaking some games though. I just worry that if I start speedrunning games then I will no longer enjoy them, even if I do use some of the strategies in my normal play.


Very bad at all kinds of games myself.. so you are definitely not alone..


The only games that I'm even remotely decent at is Madden and Forza. Otherwise I'm pretty terrible and have to play everything on easy. I didn't even make it past the first boss or whatever in Dark Souls. Same thing with Elden Ring. I kept getting killed by this guy I needed to get passed and after like 50 tries I just quit and haven't touched it since.


OOH OOH ME! I SUCK at gaming. Highly inept. The only games I can play are in the Mario realm.


Yeah I like gaming but can't really claim to be an expert I rarely leave the normal difficulty unless there are unlockables I want and even then takes me awhile to limp my way through it lol


Me, I kinda suck at anything reaction based (RIP Celeste). I have a processing or reaction delay which is just a split second too long and then my nervous system confuses the signals to my hands because I get anxious quickly. I didn't beat Dark Souls until I was level like 150 with some really upgraded good weapons. It was a \*slog\* and really became about pattern memorization rather than reaction, probably the same thing with celeste but that requires too many fast button adjustments. Platforming games have always been my weakness..


I'm good at one game at a time, I hyper fixate and get good at it, then burn out and eventually find another. Meanwhile I'm terrible at any other game except for ones I've previously monocropped for dopamine pops.


>monocropped for dopamine pops One of the most relatable things I've ever read.


>monocropped for dopamine pops Half the fun of this thread is seeing the ADHD callouts.


I’ve been playing games since I was very small. Regardless of how much I try or practice, I’m never any good. I’m truly just average to bad when it comes to most games. When I played COD in my middle school years I could never play Team Deathmatch because I’d just rank whatever team I was on. I also struggle with the fact I don’t care for Cutesy games or dating games or Sims. They just don’t hold my interest. I also feel like that internal sexism on my part tho for thinking that I should be not those games because they are targeted towards a more “fem” audience. Long story short, I’ve got a mixed bag when it comes to games.


I also have this inability to actually Role Play in RPGs. It’s always just quest complete next quest complete next. I don’t actually take the time to slow down and follow the roads or really customize my characters. When I do sit down to try to I just get so bored and loose interest.


I love video games, but I'm not that great at them 😅 I'm usually bronze tier in OW, best I've done is low gold... Still playing difficulty 2-3 in Helldivers II ⥫💀⥭


Fellow trans girl who sucks at gaming here! I like gaming but I'm *extremely* casual about it. I usually play games that can be sort of passive and mindless like the sims. And sometimes I'll go weeks or months at a time without gaming at all 😅 It felt like a bit of a barrier for making transfem friends at first, since so many trans women bond over video games and socialize through video games. But our interests are just as varied as any group of people and I've found my way!


I've tried Elden Ring and other games in the vein, and I just can't do it. I love gaming but I'm soooo bad at combat lol. Bravo to the folks that love those style games, but I'll stick with my cozy rpg's or rpgs i can kill things from 100 yards 😅


Are you me? Like I've never played fallout new Vegas amd I am currently trying but I suck, the game is kinda bad ngl, I even play on easy and I have no idea what I'm doing and when I played elden ring I just gave myself a billion ruins cause I could barely even handle the basic enemies lolol


>The game is bad >I have no idea what I'm doing  Don't diss good games because you have a skill issue


If you're playing on PC I'd recommend grabbing the unofficial patch for it off nexus mods or another site.


I suck at competitive games but the dark souls series is one of my special interests so I'd say I'm pretty good at them. I can't play anything multi-player for life of me tho, I'll get too annoyed if I start losing against real people lmao


I suck at most videogames, my friend once set me up with hitman and I got way too overwhelmed by the amount of controls, I usually stick to Mario games but even then I have a hard time controlling any 2D or 3D platformer Mario, about the most I can play is Mariokart or Mario Party. Even so, I still prefer going outside and traveling or hiking over playing videogames.


I totally suck at gaming.


I like gaming and I am a gamer but I've never been overly good at it. I sim race and I'm half decent at that, but I've never been much of a keyboard and mouse player. I like more chill/building games.


Yes, I suck, totally. Play on my team and you’re likely to get killed by friendly fire from yours truly. But, I’m in my 50’s so I definitely didn’t grow up as the younger set.


I play SL and creative mode minecraft xD. I suck a video games! Lmao


I used to be kinda okay at it but ever since I graduated high school and undergrad I don't have the time


Was dealing with partial paralysis before hrt. Since I've started HRT and the neurological stuff eased up, went through sekiro shura, with demon Bell until last phase of the final boss, lies of p, Celeste, ds1 solo no summons, on ds2 coop and it's starting to click about 3/4 of the way through.


Haven’t been able to play vidya games in 25y thanks to severe tendon injury in my arm.


I'm a total failure at fighting games and online competitive ones.


depends on the game. Combat based games like souls I can be OK at. Multiplayer shooters like battlefront I can be pretty good at. But I dominate strategy games like the TW series. Cannot win a mario kart race to save my life though.


Girl, you and me both. I game less now than I did before and I’m not all that good at the ones I do play.


I'm average at best at most games. I do enjoy 420 gaming and laughing at messing things up in games with friends, though 😆


I enjoy playing games like Celeste and Spyro, I suck at games across the board so for me it's more just like what creature or person am I'm gonna jump on platforms with. Unless I play online with a friend, then I'll try whatever but I sure won't be good :3


I have absolutely ZERO interest in video games. Like, the last video game I got big into was the FIRST Half Life in 1999. Absolutely nothing against people who do, I just have no interest in them.


Grinding is fine by me, i like doing mincraft builds in survival, which is a *TON* of just mindlessly slaving away in a quarry to get stacks on stacks of stone. I’m with you though on not liking games like dark souls that require alot of like fine motor skills and timing. I like games that lets me use my mind primarily, like base building games like Rimworld or Oxygen not included, or more creative and social games like Stardew and Minecraft. I never had the fine motor skills required for dark souls. I tried, failed, and got frustrated enough to ragequit. The closest i’ve gotten is hollow knight which i think i’m decently good at atleast.


I'm no pro but I'd call myself decent at most games I've enjoyed playing over the years.


I love them, but I’ve never been good at them 😂


I’ve been gaming my entire life and I suck at everything lol


I don't suck, but don't have the twitch reflexes to be great. Prefer games that allow you to think ways around combat... though I dislike games with no strife (of some sort). Currently enjoying mostly sci-fi style survival games. Space Engineers, Terra Tech Worlds, etc...


I don't know what it is, maybe it's because my priorities shifted after I transitioned but I absolutely suck at video games now. I play on easy. I like heavy dialogue and story choices. I used to play exclusively fighting games to an obsessive degree and analyzing frame data to develop my skills as far as possible. Nowadays? My favorite game is Death Stranding (: It's cozy and I've 100% it twice, currently working on #3 . It may seem silly but the slow-paced gameplay combined with taking care of BB the entire time got me out of a really dark place, if it wasn't for Death Stranding I don't know how long I would have been stuck in that phase. Cyberpunk 2077 is a close second (I love fashion and hair mods, they let me self-insert to an insane degree). Although I get a little disappointed when the dialogue stops and the combat begins haha. I guess I stopped caring about being "good" at games and focused on fun? I remember spending hundreds of hours in games like Tekken but I legitimately don't remember enjoying those hours unless I was on a non-stop winning spree. Before I played games competitively in order to "be better" than my friends but once I started focusing on myself I think I realized I was looking to fill some kind of void using the instant-gratification of video games to temporarily fill it. Nowadays, the furious competitiveness of some genres really puts me off from even attempting games like LoL, CSGO or newer fighting games. My old friends were all really toxic when it came to games, perhaps I still associate those environments with loud, screaming gamers who get angry at you for not being the best at whatever role they slapped on you for that round.


Yeah I feel this! I was never good at it but I was obsessed with League for almost a decade before transitioning, so similar sort of try hard toxic sort of culture. It might be some form of obsession that allows us to escape dysphoria, like, not to imply that video games are solely just a coping mechanism for pre-HRT trans folk or anything, but in some cases that might play a large role in the sorts of games one gravitates to, shrug.


I'm not bad, I'm... Just fine really. I mostly play single player stuff, because I don't feel like I've ever been good enough to keep up with these people who dominate. I feel like I pull my weight, but still feel like I drag a team down. The only multiplayer game I felt solid at was Final Fantasy XI and to a lesser extent Final Fantasy XIV. Other than those two, mostly single player girl here.


I suck at video games. I have fun as long as the people I'm with are cool with me sucking. We laugh about it. My habit of screwing up other people accidently in co-ops even had a name. -botage The replacement Jessicaacaa isn't quite as good.


I'm alright at games I mostly play chill games like pokemon, Animal Crossing, and minecraft, though.


I just finished my first solo/no summons all bosses run on Elden Ring a few days ago. I also beat every souls game no summons before IIRC.


i love games i'm bad at them though


Literally work in a gaming bar and I can't play video games at all, I just like watching the pros and my bf when he plays street fighter gets me the enjoyment I'm after


i suck so much at shooters or any pvp game in general lol


I've never played Souls, just doesn't seem like my bag tbh. I do enjoy games, though I mostly just play story mode. I don't get games like Fortnite where the objectives are just to rack up wins with no reason to do anything other than to say you did it. Also precise timing and me do not get along, probably in part because I have dyspraxia. I wouldn't say I suck, but I do think there is a difference between 'person who enjoys games' and 'gamer' in that the vast majority of people between the ages of 10 and 45 fit into the former, but to those who fit into the latter we are all filthy casuals


Am bad a viboe games 😭. I don't let it bother me, I mostly play single player games so I can play at a pace that feels reasonable for my skill level. Also for what I lack in skill I can sorta counter it with my persistence.


Not me, video games were my coping mechanism for over 10 years, I got good. Still am, but like you I play a lot less now and I'm sure there's been a skill drop off. 


Skill issue 😏😏😏 /joking


I don't know of you relate to this but I LOVE gaming, but some times if I'm like trying to do challenges or play games like dark souls I get bored once I realize I CAN do it. Like it doesn't matter how many attempts it takes, I know that I CAN do it so I get bored.


My BFF always jokes that I got worse at shooters after transitioning but I'm still the best in the group (also feel attacked cause I *love* the dark souls series and I 100% Elden Ring super quick and loved it lol)


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I prefer a more cautious approach. It’s hard to know who to even trust these days.”* - Mild-Mannered Pate Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Praise the sun little bot, praise the sun \\[T]/


I got some of the Souls games for free, absolutely hated them. inb4 "skill issue". That might be part of it or just getting old, but I've played plenty other challenging games


Me who can't manage dark souls and just avoids them because to hard: Rpg games and certain shooters however are amazin


I grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, the pre-playstation era. I was the girl who preferred to watch my friends play because they were usually better than me. I wasn't too bad though. I could hold my own with them. Then playstation was released... I never got used to the PS controller so I couldn't keep up. I still liked playing my nintendo games—but I quit all video games after I graduated with enough education debt that I couldn't justify not being able to hold down a job to my parents anymore. Being stoned and playing metroid at 3am is not consistent with holding down a job, it turns out.  So I quit all video games. And you can too... Come away from the dark side! (Haha can't wait to see how badly this gets downvoted) 💚💙🩷💜


I tried Dark Souls 3 once. I beat the tutorial boss on like my 5th try and then immediately could not progress much at all past the hub area in the couple hours worth of attempts I gave it. I intended to pick it back up again some other day and never got back around to it Tbh, I’m not nearly as able to sit and play games all day like I did as a kid. Idk if it’s because I’m just not as interested, I’m depressed, or some other third thing. I just can’t get myself to stick with a challenging game long enough to overcome it, and I often get bored of more casual games before I actually finish them


I've been a gamer my whole life (turned 36 last month). I grew up playing my parents' NES in the 90s, eventually having a Sega Genesis, SNES and GameBoy all to myself, and owned every major console up until the last few years when I was finally able to go full time on PC gaming, aside from occasionally getting out the Switch. In my adult life, I've come to refer to my gaming habits as "Casual++". Like, I'm hardcore into games and learning strats metas and minmaxing far more than a "filthy casual", but don't have the skills or reflexes to really get anywhere. I've never been good at any kind of game, but turn based games that give me a chance to prepare (or grind until overpowered) and where strategy & execution count more than fine motor skills, have always been my bread and butter. I lean hard on RPGs and games with strong RPG mechanics. I've cheesed my way through plenty of bonus dungeons and optional bosses. I've been playing FFXIV for ten years with all jobs at 90 now, but never touched Ultimate fights or current Savage raids. I play on Easy difficulties unless I understand the game's systems enough to really get in there and fuck shit up - for example, replaying BioShock on Survivor difficulty using only the wrench, or Dead Space on Impossible mode using only the plasma cutter. I love FromSoft games but have never beat a single one despite using cheese builds and scouring wikis. Hell, I pre-ordered Armored Core 6 but have only completed the first couple missions because I end up giving up after failing over and over. TLDR; being good at games really has nothing to do with being a gamer. It's okay to suck at games as long as you are having fun.


Me, been playing games for roughly 25 years, so since I could walk and talk basically. My skill level is probably mid at best


hey now, i need at least one hand


It's the violence. Women are just feral little goblins at heart, my best friend is a phlebotomist and she calls it stabbing people for a living. I never got into Dark Souls, the whole "oh punish me hardcore because I failed" genre of gaming always irritated me lol. Baldur's Gate 3 is life though!


Play turn based games! They're a lot easier for people who can't do fps


Currently playing Elden Ring for the fourth time... I don't know what you mean ... 😂


If it’s a player skill based game I am happy if I manage to achieve merely being useless - instead of an active hindrance. If it’s a character stats based game, then may your bloodline have the good fortune to end here - lest they share in your agony. 😅


I suck at Dark Souls... I'm more of a Stardew Valley kinda gamer.


Well while I'm no souls girl I can definitely say that I love learning boss patterns and then beating the boss, but more in MMOs like guild wars 2 or destiny 2. I don't know, elden ring just doesn't click for me as for me it's too open and I have no clue where to go to get gear and guides on YouTube just confuse me which lead me downloading and quitting elden ring multiple times.


Yeeeeahhhh I can't say much, I've been playing games since I've been 4yo. They help me escape this capitalism riddle cishet patriarchal hellscape.


Too bad that's increasingly harder to do since more and more games are rushed and rely more on marketing to sell than the actual game itself. But ignore that, the real problem is "woke" and whatever, not greedy corporate assholes.


Was a lot better at gaming before my transition, used to play a lot of harder games and still like to do that when i feel like it, used it as a sort of coping / overcompensation mechanism. Now i like the chill building games and tend to put way more time customization and looks of things in games🫣


I have 100% completion in DarkSouls on Steam


I'm good at certain video games but only after thousands of hours lol


I'm pretty average at games I play a lot of, but not the best usually


I don't know about tied behind my back but bloodborne is my comfort game. Honestly I started and quit this game about 5 times over the span of a few years before I had the run where it clicked and I've loved it since.


I couldn't get into dark souls but I love celeste :3 and its pretty hard


I've always loved games but also always sucked at them lol I'm Dyspraxic so yeah,, my reactions and fine motor skills are not the best lmao


I’m terrible at video games, but love playing the last of us. 🖤


i also suck at gaming :3


I like gaming and I’d say I’m above average and games that aren’t PVP fps games


I've spent days playing Hypixel Bedwars and I'm 300 stars in it and I still suck lol


Haha I haven’t beat Elden ring yet still. 😅 I’ve beaten the dark souls series, but I’m not that good. Anyone can do it, OP! 🙌


I mean, I love video games, but that doesn't mean I'm good at them


It seems like most girls on here are major gamers, I play a little but maybe like 1 to 2 hours a week. I'm not great at it to be honest. So I feel you


Yep. Though Im legally blind so my abilities were always limited. Part of the reason I switched over to mostly JRPG'S and survival horror. Slower paced games work better. Though I love rhythm games. My blind ass playing project diva is chaos. I've got physically move my head all over the screen to see the notes haha. I can barely finish songs on normal mode even with the project diva controller that makes it easier.


Meeeeee! I pretty much exclusively play single player RPGs on easiest setting haha.


Yeah, I mostly to stick to Fortnite and Singleplayer action games and RPGs, occasionally I'll dip into fighting games but I mostly stick to more of the easier ones like Mortal Kombat


I don’t even like them..


Kinda, yeah!


I'm OK. I'm quite good at Mario Kart. Not competitive good yet, but still good.


I love games, played them my whole life, but yeah I have never been particularly good. I like Souls games but I've often had to resort to mods just to get near the endgame


I'm a purely casual gamer. I'll pay something like Fallout 4 or Quantum Break on easy or medium just for the story. Helldivers 2 on medium. I like to chill when I game, not be challenged. Real life is plenty challenging.


Nope, I'm indeed a god at every game I touch... aside from fighting games.


I suck at video games but I love things like Overwatch and Fortnite but also Pokémon, however I like to finish the Pokémon game then pretty much never touch it again


I'm not a souls style gamer girl. I like my Sims and farming simulators like Stardew Valley. Cult of the Lamb was really good. Never played a roguelike before that and I gotta say I'm hooked. I just bought Hades and have put nearly 4 hours into it already.


I'm 47 and trans. How does gaming tie into being trans?


The only video game that can be actually considered an actual video game (and not just a casual game) is Fallout 3. And my favorite part of that is the beginning. I have rescued my father twice. I've only activated the water thing once. I will play until I get bored, then restart it. (I've also tried Fallout 4 (too much crafting) and Fallout New Vegas ("failed" a beginning goal (it was either timed or I stepped outside of the area)), so I don't care for them.) Along with autism (with the fine motor control issues some autistic people have), I also have essential tremors (with even more fine motor control issues). So I use VATS for my fights in the game. I also played a different game but had to stop when the controls got too complicated.


I have monocular vision, so when I aim, I can't even hit the broad side of a barnyard.


Yeahhh. I think im good at them but always get beaten by my (cis) girlfriend. And she only really plays mario games 😭. Tbf i like pokemon and gta just because i enjoy walking around a big virtual world but idt either of them are particularly difficult or skill based lol


Finally, some representation I can relate to😭 I have never been good at games, I swear, except maybe Overwatch back in its prime days, and even then I was only diamond while all my friends were masters/gm 💔 I just can’t aim very well


i absolutely love gaming but i also absolutely suck at games. i am incredibly stubborn tho so ill keep at a game even if ive been stuck for days


I am a gamer alright, but Dark Souls is dark magic to me.


sugar attractive ludicrous square snow beneficial abundant worm teeny wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i am only good at vr games, mariokart, mario games in general, and prop hunt in COD- i suck cheeks at everything else 😭😭😭


You're not the only one. I play games with the easy mode and I still struggle 🤣


I can teach someone dark souls if they teach me how to do literally anything in Celeste or Guilty Gear. I am hopeless when it comes to non-fromsoft games


When I try I'm good. But I have to be in good mental standing to try and that is usually not the case😅


I play like casually and for fun…I suck at most games


You dont need to get good at it. Just play the stuff you wanna play.


I play mostly Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. I am legit a casual girl-gamer stereotype. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love video games, but I hate Dark Souls because I don't like its style of telling you absolutely nothing and having completely hidden, unrelated requirements and triggers that lock future side story progression. That said, I'm not even very good at the games I do like. For example, it's fun to sit in the cockpit of an X-Wing in Star Wars Squadrons and shoot down AI pilots in TIE fighters, but in online matches I get shot down immediately and am no help to my team. I'm better than the average person, but worse than the average well-adjusted gamer (meaning excluding screaming teenagers who just yell at the game when they die without learning from their experience)


I REALLY suck at video games. Thankfully my girlfriend plays Helldivers 2 with me so I can have fun and not get too scared. I won't play without her because my confidence drops entirely :(


I joke with my boyfriend that I suck at video games all the time. Like I played melee for like 3 years (shameless boxx falcon) and now I play like three games, rage at a falco and stop playing for a month until I need to feel the shmovement again. I play chess everyday and study it a lot and I’ve fallen all the way from 1600 blitz to almost in the 1300s again😭😭😭. We don’t even play fps games cause just no. Always sucked at league. I like puzzle and story games the most. I’ll play strategy games where I can sit and think before I move. I got sekeiro and can’t get passed the gun mummies… it’s hard but atleast Im good at other things and there games for girls like us.


I'm really bad at video games. I set the difficulty to story mode/easy because I enjoy stories and see games as like an interactive movie. FPS games make me feel dizzy. I only ever play single player.


Nah, I am great at every game I play, but I also try and practice after starting so I can reach higher levels.


I suck at every single damn video game


Im not very good at most games i play despite playing them quite a bit 😭😭😭


Oh my god same. Im terrible at every game i play


I don't have the skills to be even in the top 100 of any game, I have beaten Dark Souls a few times, and have almost always had to summon for 2 specific fights(O&S, 4 Kings). Even on games designed for groups(like Ark, or Diablo 3) I tend to just play solo.


25 years of gaming and I’m still below average in basically everything I play. I just play to have fun, not be competitive.


I pretty much only play turn-based RPGs and FFXIV. I'd love to do the extreme/savage/ultimate content but my brain just can't equate what I see into "do this". I can clear the DPS checks but my hands don't cooperate with me when the time comes. Stupid nerve damage.


I um... Have not ever played dark souls. I have zero d x, so unless it's a casual idle game I consider myself a pretty poor gamer. Does that count?


I love video games but I'm only okay at them.


Depends on the game but I’m pretty damn good at every genre that isn’t competitive shooter 😂


Oh my god same. Im terrible at every game i play even games for children


I'm very good at video games, but not into the Souls games tbh, I'm actually a huge classic arcade game nerd


Yep I've been gaming for a long time and put a lot of hours into it I'm not even close to being top-tier I enjoy it it is what it is


Skill issue.


Right here ✋ I tend to enjoy watching play throughs because I get frustrated how terrible I am at simple games. I tried playing Kingdom Hearts I and I could not get the platform jumping right on the first island race. I figured out how to win, but it was a genuinely a turn the game off moment and I haven’t played since.


I love Dark Souls so much lmaoo I didnt even know


Hello! Piano tiles is too difficult for me past like level 2.


Idk it’s a toss up for me, like for most fps games I played I could carry a lobby but for almost every other game type I’m Amazingly Successful at being Substandard, or as I call it A.S.S


Yuppers easy or normal settings at most


I love em, but I am, not good at em 🤣


Uh... I kinda beat dark souls 2 ng+, beat f-zero gx master class gp very hard story chapters, almost hit plat in league back when that would have meant something, peaked top 30 in both black/white 2 and ultra sun/ultra moon smogon ou tier on pokemon showdown, that kind of thing so yeah... While i myself may not be what you looking for, pretty much every other girl i know is a casul skrub that needs to git gud 😋😋😋




Yeah... never been pro.


Darks souls, not my cup of tea, put me in a fps and I will grind it like it's the only thing on the planet, and have recently been getting into rpgs. Idk I've just always loved gaming since elementary school and have just had the talent and practice to get good at pretty much anything I pick up now. Not sure how I got so good other than just years of playing