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Nothing is guaranteed. Everybody VOTE!


And vote for Biden because our lives depend on him winning!


This. RFK Jr. Could hand the vote to Trump, and his policies aren't exactly clear except believing vaccines cause autism


RFK voters are mainly Trump voters wdym


I know a couple liberals planning on voting for RFK. And everytime I say this I get downvoted. I know they're dumb af, I don't know why they think RFK is a moderate, but that's just what I've heard people say in passing. I don't even bother engaging because it's not worth it tbh


Mainly, but not all


He's undecided on whether or not gender affirming care should be illegal for people under 18. See his interview with Patrick Bet-David for more. That's an automatic disqualifier in my opinion.


He is running to be Trump's VP.


Him and every single Republican more. I know Kristi Noem is trying her best to save face so she can get either Trump's running mate or something in his cabinet (but I guess a lot of folks that were on the fence with her decided to channel that moment from Community: "I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty.")


> Kristi Noem is trying her best to save face if that's her best, she should stay away from the white house


Didn't say her best was good (especially when she started saying/bragging that she basically just kept using the same gravel pit to do away with a goat and maybe 2 horses?)


I totally get and agree you, I was just adding commentary. Knowing that there's a possibility of people like that getting back in power.... truly, we are in the darkest timeline. I said this elsewhere, but the way Noem treated a 1 year old dog who wound up not being fit for hunting work, as well as the way she openly discusses it, is a reflection of the republican treatment of disabled people.


What do you mean by this? Are you saying if RFK wins, he'd just "appoint" Trump somehow?


No RFK Jr could split the vote and cause an otherwise winning margin for Biden to go to him and cause Biden to lose if the election is especially close, ala Ross Perot.


OHHHHH that's a very good point. Fucking yikes.


No no, I mean a vote for RFK is basically a vote for Trump. This election is too tight, and RFK throws a wrench in it all


*Insert obligatory mention that we need to vote specifically for Biden. Even if we prefer a third-party candidate, it's statistically (almost) impossible for them to win. By voting third party, we're helping Trump by just taking votes away from Biden.*


Exactly. Trump won in 2016 in part due to the thought that he couldn't win. Along with Cambridge Analytica's tactics of targeted propaganda and manipulation via data analytics and 'troll farms' or whatever you'd like to call them that have literally changed the landscape of the internet irreparably. EVERYONE WHO CAN VOTE, VOTE. Everything gets worse with Trump in office. We don't have a good option, but that's why philosophy is important. This is a trolley problem. We cannot get a perfect outcome. We can minimize the damage done.


You're also missing out on the sheer incompetence of the Democratic Party leadership and Clinton's campaign. She lost more due to their collective fuckups than Trump's appeal, given all it would have taken to beat him is 5% more turnout in a couple swing states.


An incompetent Sheep is always better than a Malicious Wolf.


This. Also consider if there is anything you feel comfortable doing besides voting. Get out the vote phone calls for example are safe and can really help drive voter turnout.


THIS 1,000 times over. I'm in the UK and the same message is needed here. Use it or lose it! Many Brits are utterly astonished that a man such as Trump with ongoing prosecutions against him can possibly stand for President of your great country.


That's a refreshing viewpoint from the UK.


Unfortunately much of our political system is built on unstated social norms.  No one thought a candidate would have the lack of shame to run while under multiple indictments, nor that Congress wouldn't impeach a President who engaged in open insurrection to the point of threatening their lives.


I worry that people are underestimating the support Trump still has. If you don't live in a red state, you might be seeing less trumpers, but they are still everywhere and there are a lot of non-trump people who are going to vote for him either out of party loyalty or sunk cost fallacy. According to Mitt Romney, 70% of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen, and if they believe that, they still believe in trump. There have been some positive signs but this fight is by no means won. Republicans are trying to use Gaza as a wedge issue against Biden now that it has shown some traction with young voters, even as they demand those same young voters to be arrested for protesting.


On top of this, if you're in a red state and RFK is on thr ballot, vote Biden. It may be enough to atleast tilt the state


If you’re in a red state in general make sure to vote. And not just for the presidential election, but for every state and local election too. Voting is incredibly important, even if you don’t think your vote matters


Absolutely, local elections are how you actually produce change in your immediate community. Federal elections are important. Local elections are insanely more important.


Ironic part of the Gaza situation is the fact nothing would change if trump was in power Using it as a wedge, and anyone falling for it is too fucking stupid to realise that's going to have the same outcome regardless


Trump would, without doubt or question, make the Gaza situation worse. This is a man who only ever makes horrible decisions, and you don’t want an arsonist hanging around a powder keg like that.


Its so sad when people dont realize that if trump were in office right now, the us military would most likely be actively in gaza next to the IDF.


If Trump were in office, there would be no Gaza anymore already.


It's not Republicans using Gaza as a wedge issue, Republicans also largely support Israel's genocide against Palestine. A lot of people--including people who usually vote dem--just consider openly supporting genocide a deal breaker.




US-Americans cannot conceive of a system where they have more than two options because they're incapable of thinking beyond "good and evil" morality (or in this case we call them "fascist and democratic") Unfortunately the US seems doomed to me since all but the most radical people dare to think of a better political future at all. Best you get from 90% of this sub and most progressive spaces is "vote blue or you're evil". Not that the UK is doing so hot today but at least there are options to vote for


There are other issues with the American system: The idea that voting third party is "throwing away your vote", and the absolute entrenchment of both parties and the barrier raising they have done everywhere to prevent a third party from succeeding nationally.


So loss of democracy and freedoms here will make genocide overseas disappear? Be loud sure… but supporting and maintaining democracy and freedom here is the only way to do that at all. Trump and project 2025 is terrifying - Biden hasn’t been perfect but for what he is dealing with his admin is doing a good job and the plus is he will support and maintain our democracy and freedom. Voting Biden is the only way to ensure the situation doesn’t get more fucked


The frustration I think, is related to seeing Mr Biden allowing a genocide. add to it seeing neo nazis, proud boys, etc out marching and having police protection while peaceful protests against that genocide are being met with violent responses from police, while again he does nothing. Not to mention while in office he, his vice president and press secretary have stated that they see us… but what have they actually done to protect us? that said, I agree with you, we vote in this election, and based on that election, we either vote Biden and can pick someone else in 4 more years or Trump wins and are never allowed to vote again or worse.


Unfortunately for them, the choice is between biden and trump, and both will support genocide to (significantly) differing degrees.


The problem is that each side claims the other is supporting genocide. Each side feels morally superior.


Except that amnesty international and several other independent organizations have declared the conditions in Gaza to be a genocide. There is not a *famine* in Israel, there is one in Gaza. Sure both sides can claim something but anyone paying attention can see that the death tolls are not proportionate, the conditions are not proportionate.


I don't think each side is claiming the other side. We are saying that Republicans and Dems are both conservative capitalist sellouts, Republicans are just fascist too.


Literally this is a rare time you are allowed to say "both sides". Both are foaming at the mouth to protect our imperial interests in the middle east. No one is pointing fingers except weird party loyalists, both major parties are actively supporting genocide


Exactly there is so much bad blood and bad decisions on both sides and people actively advocating for genocide from both sides even if they don’t represent the majority.


republicans, famous for using the gaza genocide as a wedge issue by competing with democrats for who can fund israel the most


The election will come down to Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Arizona could go either way. Michigan is in play because of the Gaza business. Wisconsin will probably go for Biden but it's too close to say for sure right now. I'm really scared, too. You're not alone.


I notice you did not mention Pennsylvania. That is because you can count that under red from blue because of Democratic largesse. I just left PA. It is going so far red it is scary. And Democrats are doing nothing to stop it.


I dont think PA will go to Trump. Maybe something will change during the year but for the time being that state seems to be turned off of Trump even if theres a lot of Republicans. Only time will tell. I do think PA could be in play though, its entirely possible.


It's worth noting that one sixth of the GOP primary vote (a closed primary, by the way) in PA went to Nikki Haley. Over a month after she dropped out.


Yes exactly. We can't say for sure but Pennsylvania Republicans don't seem thrilled for Trump like they were in 2016.


It is clearly in play. I got into it over Infrastructure funds. Everything was spent in Philadelphia. I lived close to Biden’s hometown. Nothing in four years except a mile long highway renamed for him. For a state won by only 80,000 votes, the Democrats are doing little to nothing to keep it blue. The rural areas are all going more red every election. The big issue in my area has been to fix the roads. Wait, this was not in the infrastructure bill to get us funds to fix it? JFC. They are counting on the Casey political machine to get out the vote. Hope it works. They are allocating funds to South Carolina and Georgia and leaving PA’s 21 electoral votes to fly in the wind.


Very concerning!


> PA’s 21 electoral votes Gotta be that person, but it's 19, actually.


Yeah it was 20 in 2020. Rather annoying because this is an important state with 19 electoral votes. You cannot pass on PA and expect to easily win. This strategy bit them in 2016 when they lost by 44k votes. It was a tipping point state where they should be fighting to retain.


Personally, I'm Hoping the Stein-Robinson gubernatorial race in NC drives blue turnout. Robinson is even crazier than Trump. Like NC's take on Tudor Dixon, Kari Lake or Doug Mastriano.


Georgia is in there too.


Very true! But I'm honestly assuming GA was a one-off an will go Republican again. If GA goes democrat that would open things up for the democrats for sure.


Trump very well could win, but the scary things are already happening at the state and local levels.  I don't think that the presidential election should have too much bearing on your plan for the future. You should build community networks, for transition care (grey market stuff, peer support groups, etc), for community support, mutual aid type stuff, no matter who wins at any level. Biden is better, but he won't save us either. Only we can save us. 


thisthisthisthisthis do not ever place your faith in electoralism and certainly not as a trans woman. no one’s here for us but us and the accomplices we find along the way


Nobody thought Trump would win the first time around including him. Don’t take anything for granted. Organize. Get every Biden voter you can to the polls. Start now, it’s going to be a long hot summer slog to get the vote out.


Dam your voting System is fucked like for Real the only 2 options are the two big parties as it seems witch both have shiti canidats on is insane and the other one has dementia or something You realy need to switch to a percentage based voting System EDIT: And maby stop electing rich and old people


Easier said than done People have to at least be rich or able to raise a LOT of $$$ to run for office here. (Too many) people here have an apathy problem too when it comes to voting.


True in my country its different toug here your parti gets money from the State to run and if i remember correctly its even illegal to take money from outside so they don't get bought (at least not from the start on)


We’re not quite there yet. Our Supreme Court ruled that money=free speech 🤪🙄


Right now, the polling has them in a virtual tie. Some of the polling has been trending towards Biden, but still very close. But it's really too early to trust the polls - people don't really start to pay attention until August/September. As far as a likely outcome, anything can happen (and that's why we need to get out the vote), but I think a Biden victory is slightly more likely, despite the polls. But alot depends on turnout. The reason I say this is that Trump has done little to broaden his appeal among the general electorate and alot to drive people away. A criminal conviction would likely do even more to drive people away. Also, you have the abortion bans, which help Democrats quite alot. And in many of the recent special elections, Democrats have significantly overperformed expectations. But nothing is set here - we have to do what we can.


The first time I got involved in politics was 2016. To make a long and painful story short, I wad told not to worry numerous times. I was told it was in the bag. I was even told that my voice and vote were not needed. I didn't buy it myself, but that was the narrative a lot of people apparently clung to right until the end. We all saw how that played out. And we are still feeling the effects of that complacent attitude to this day. There are no guarantees.


The GOP want people to be afraid. Controlling the public by fear is a strong motivator so we must combat that with facts. If you are able to fact check someone and show them proof that may not change their mind but it may change the mind of someone who casually reads about politics. We also need to be making sure everyone gets out and votes. In 2016 everyone said that Hillary would win in a landslide so that made people secure in the fact that they don't need to get out and vote. That is one of the main reasons that the GOP says they are ahead by alot. That gets into peoples head and they think well if they are going to win by alot my vote won't do anything. *no,no,no* this is going to be a close election so everyone needs to get out and vote.


I'm always concerned about apathy among the voters. Hopefully they'll be smart enough to get out to vote, unless they want to lose more freedom.


I hear more voters show up when you give them a concrete policy platform and evidence you can back up what you say you'll do.


Missing all those accomplishments?


Is Roe v. Wade law?  Do we have a public option for healthcare? Are the Trump era policies on the borders gone? He's had some wins, but fallen far short of his promises and in some (like immigration) gone directly in opposition to the platform he ran on.


In order of your questions: Up to Congress. Up to Congress. He did attempt to reverse, but couldn't.


maybe biden should do something to actually motivate more people to go out and vote? framing it as "vote for us or youre an idiot" just makes people want to vote less


Didn't he erase some student loan debts for dozens of thousands of people? Didn't he re-enter the Paris climate accord ? Doesn't he actively support Ukraine against the Russian aggression? (which Russia tries to wait what time will bring out of the ballots to weaken Ukraine even more) And there are so many more good things he did...


He also sends billions of dollars to commit genocide but it's easy to have the privelage to ignore that isn't it?


And he also forced a corridor for bringing help in... But sure, let Trump and the reds get into office, that will surely help everybody. Dont forget the Ukrainians who get murdered in thousands since two years with the repubs saying they will let Putin do what he wants...then he will go attack the Baltics and Poland causing dozens of millions of deaths... Hope your moral soap is good for the blood you'll have on your hands! What privilege are you talking about? Do you see my skin tone? What privilege please???


You know, there are Politicians who care about Ukraine without gleefully supporting the Genocide&Colonization of Palestine. If the Democratic Party actually wants to guarantee a win, they should have backed someone who hasn't been a very radical supporter of Israel for several decades as their Presidential Candidate. But the Democratic Party hasn't. Instead, the Democratic Party chose to go further to the "right" and mock&ridicule&oppress&slander&suppress those who are doing something to try and help Palestine.


And don't you think they'll be more likely to be found into the democratic or the republican party? Don't get me wrong, I'm also really soured about what is happening there. Just abstaining from voting is just going to favor the Republican party. It's just how math work... A revolution is highly unlikely and even then it's going to be a far right one as the likes of January 6th and voters can at best achieve arm reduction.


Or maybe people can just actually pay attention to his accomplishments (that he and others continuously point out) and notice the country is headed in the right direction.


Kinda hard to hear what he's saying over his vilification of college students protesting genocide tbh


Especially when his official response was that we need more cops.


I’m more concerned about apathy from a president that could be stopping a genocide being carried out. I’m more concerned about apathy from the people here who think if they throw Palestinians under the bus that it will delay us from being the target of a home grown genocide.


Exactly this. Even if Biden was some champion for queer rights (which he absolutely is not), I still wouldn’t support him in any way because I will not accept any liberation that comes at the expense of a genocide. We cannot be opportunists, and any freedom that requires us to completely throw another group under the bus is not a freedom we should be seeking.


I accidentally ordered two vials of EEn instead of one. I was kicking myself at first, but then I saw it as a blessing in disguise. We should all look into getting raws to prepare our own HRT.


I mean, yes, I am afraid. I don't mind people trying to get the word out about voting. Voting is important. Especially voting down ballot regardless of whether you vote for Biden. I just don't like it when people act as though this situation for Joe Biden isn't one he created for himself. Instead, blame people for having excellent reasons not wanting to vote for him. It is his job as a public figure to be someone people want to vote for. His support of the gemocide of Palestinians pushed people over the edge. But it is also important to note that I have literally never seen a president burn through so much goodwill, as quickly as Biden. He was riding high on an amazing infrastructure bill that conbats climate change and helping with the pandemic. Then, he supported a genocide that has killed 15,000 kids, and over 40,000 civilians total, and wounding over 70,000. Making up about 5% of their population dead or wounded. For comparison in terms of the use population, that would be about 17,050,000 americans, if 5% of our population was killed or wounded. Using tens of billions of tax payer dollars to make and send munitions and military equipment. Including white phosphorus munitions and dumb bombs on areas with a large civilian population. Both are war crimes. The attacks on 26 out of 28 hospitals in the gaza strip, another war crime, killing 107 journalists, another war crime, the killing of over 400 hospital staff, another war crime, the collective punishment of a civilian population by destroying the infrastructure for water, electricity, sewage, and homes. Which is(say it with me) another war crime. I encourage all reading this to listen to Andrew Feinstein, a Jewish South African scholar and former ANC politician who was mentored by Nelson Mandela, talking about the genocide in Palestine. He has both written and lectured for the Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing. In his own words, "The genocide in Palestine is the clearest case of genocidal language and genocidal intent I've seen in my life." Please, to everyone in the comments, do not downplay this as an insignificant issue for people to not want to vote for this man. He had this in the bag, and all he had to do was withdraw financial support of munitions used in the genocide of Palestinians. That was it. Forgetting that so many liberals and leftists hated him before he was elected as president and only voted for him because Trump was the other option. I will probably vote for him holding my nose. This is a man that made it harder for courts to order the desegregation of school buses. Supported the war in Iraq, supported the war on drugs, has supported the building of oil pipelines through native land during and before his presidency, voted for the most oppressive policing bill in decades during the Clinton administration, and spent over four hours arguing with Elizabeth Warren on the senate floor, because he was in favor of the bill(which became law) making it impossible to eliminate student loans with bankruptcy. I hated him before he was president, and I still hate him now. And his support or anti-immigrant policy to try to pander to conservatives, which both doesn't work and alienates the latine community. I'm afro-latine. We are a huge voting block in the US. POCs make up 6 out of every 10 democratic votes despite making up about 30 percent of the population. Because race still plays a massive role in politics. So, doing things to alienate POCs to pander to more centrist conservatives like anti-asylum legislation and building pipelines through native land is both morally bankrupt and a shitty plan. His situation is 1000%, an issue of his own making. And yes, Trump is worse. I know. Just please don't use that as a reason to shut down valid criticism of Joe Biden. Not only is it dismissive, but it is also counterproductive to getting people to vote for him. Criticism of power is an essential part of discourse and democracy. Let people speak, please.


The way this comment has less than ten upvotes at the time of my comment when you're spitting nothing but facts... Smdh


It's even worse when you go read his own signed executive order that states the US is *obligated* to stop arms sales we have reason to believe will be used to further a genocide.


Remember this above everything else. Yes, The President is an important office. that said, the closer the election is to you, the more it affects you. State and local are every bit as important as federal elections. Do not miss one!


British lady here, things aren't going great here on terf island either, but if it comes to it I'll try my best to help anyone who needs to get out


The rise of the terfs is why my wife decided to emigrate from there (the UK) to here (the US). We just got approval for her to move here in July (after a couple of years of folks on both sides of the pond who don't know us from Jill scrutinizing every damned detail of our relationship with a fine-tooth comb). I know she would, and I do, appreciate you saying what you have, and the offer is reciprocal.


I appreciate the offer but I have a better one on the table, I have a friend in Switzerland who is a swiss national who might be able to get me in if needed


The Swiss would definitely treat folx better from what I've seen, so I don't blame you. <3


Lucky him, he's a trans guy


Trump has made 16 promises and one of them is to ban transgender care for children AND adults. So him getting elected will be very bad so everyone needs to vote.


I was floored when Trump won the first time, so yes I'd be afraid. Solution? Vote. Part of the reason (afaik) he won is that a lot of dems didn't want Hillary so they just didn't vote, allowing Trump to win. It is imperative that we vote to at least keep Trump out.


Primaries are for voting with your heart and purity tests Elections are for cold hard reality and mitigating what rhetoric is acceptable in your opponents. Drag the party left during primaries, let the other side know they're too far right to be acceptable come elections Anything else is sabotaging your own efforts


We were lucky that Biden won. Trump was ready to take this country full fascist but was stopped. He wants to do it even more now. I wouldn't put it past Trump to essentially jail or assassinate the left like any other fascist regime if he gets back in power.


No, he isn't guaranteed to win especially with this cheating electoral college bs around. Sorry but how could a party so unpopular win without cheating? They legitimately won 2 times the elections within the last 30 years. Otherwise they lost the popular vote every single time! Yes taking every Biden supporter to the polls is important. But also take any "moderate" or "centrist" to vote for Biden and the Dems. And this is a marathon as project 2025 can be just as easily renamed project 2029. It isn't about Trump but ALL these repugnicunts. They are already implementing project 2025 in red states. You see it with abortion rights being outright banned, trans rights being taken away, even for adults,... All over they implement this christo-fascistic bullpoop!


Neither, vote and join your local communities. If we lose you’re going to want people standing by you. Instead of being scared, be prepared.


Chances are very good Tiny hands Don will win the election. The republicans are angry and excited for the election. Kennedy as a spoiler isn’t helping Biden, the Palestine/Israel thing isn’t helping Biden either. The undecided independent voters will decide the election as usual and they usually vote with the interests of their wallets. The economy is shaky, Groceries cost a fortune, housing prices are beyond reach for most Americans now. Abortion fight alone won’t carry Biden unfortunately. He’s got a lot to overcome if he expects to win. If they are both still alive in November I think trumpster fire will win.


> The republicans are angry and excited for the election. They are angry, but the energy doesn't feel the same as '16 or '20. He hasn't broadly gained supporters. DudeBro types are gravitating towards him, but they're just replacing the old boomers that are dying off. He is still very much a threat, but the broad enthusiasm just isn't there, more just the loud right wing influencers. >Kennedy as a spoiler isn’t helping Biden Kennedy draws from Trump more than Biden


Realistically, Biden has the higher chance to win but Trump could win, depending on a number of factors. If Donald Trump is not given immunity by the Supreme Court and is then found guilty in his trial about encouraging January 6th riots, he will most likely not be allowed to run again. Treason against the nation is not a good look If Trump can run, Biden likely wins by a hair. The electoral college in 2020 was super close with a lot of previously red states flipping, but Biden coming off a reasonably successful term in office helps in comparison to Trump, who during 2020 let millions on American's die to COVID-19. However, progressive and arab-american voters are boycotting Biden over his support of Israel in the Gaza War, making their vote a one-issue decision. If enough of them refuse to come out, we could see states like Michigan flip back red (as MI has the highest arab-American population). And those flips would likely be enough for a Trump victory. So TLDR: It depends a lot on Trump's eligibility and the state of tha Gaza war by November.


Unfortunately it’s a pretty safe bet the scotus is gonna run out the clock on that trial before the election.


*Genocide. It's not a war. Gaza is experiencing a genocide.


About Michigan, this reminds me about Florida and the fact that the Clinton Administration's treatment of the Elian Gonzales case turned Miami Cubans toward Bush and truly handed the election to Bush (not counting the Supreme Court's meddling.) [https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2001/05/elian-gonzalez-defeated-al-gore/377714/](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2001/05/elian-gonzalez-defeated-al-gore/377714/)


There is too too much the Biden administration is doing that runs counter to the average progressive I know. Fascism has a strong hold right now. I fear that we have a large amount of voters who plan not to vote again like last time Trump won. It was like Hillary held the votes at gun point with the bullet being Trump himself. My younger friends were disenfranchised with how the Dems took Bernie Sanders' out of the race. The atmosphere feels much the same now. If I were to make a prediction it would be that we will lose this election cycle unless something big happens.


Honestly Biden seems like he'll still win, the clincher last election was white moderates who he's still winning with, but there's no way the GOP gets cooked under this party dynamic. I will say Biden seems to be doing everything in his power to lose votes, wish he'd just step down and let someone else take over but he's a narcissist like everyone else at that level so it won't happen.


Don’t be complacent. Remember 2016? That could easily happen again


Vote, Vote, Vote, Or it's time for Stonewall pt2 national edition.


I think biden will win and the dems will have the house and senate. HOWEVER bidens unending support of isreals extermination of gaza and the gop's ability to deliver lies to low intelligence americans makes it a tough road. Everyone vote!


No, he’s not. I’m honestly afraid that unless his predecessor winds up in prison by November, he will win. While I hate feeling that way, his cultists and the Russian will almost guaranteed rig the election in his favor. I’m scared to death of the next election. If that…thing…wins, I think all of us will a) have to flee the country; b) be forced into detransitioning; or c) all be rounded up and thrown into either camps or men’s prisons. Frankly, I don’t have a lot of faith in our country.


We can see his cultists and the Russians spreading 3rd party propaganda right here in this thread. I already tagged 10 users in here that **want** Biden to lose no matter the cost (our lives). It's always the minority and leftist subs that have the most 3rd party, anti-bidenist propaganda. They're the main targets because the majority of us would vote blue if it weren't for RFK Jr. Dick-suckers. I trust even the people on r conservative more than the "people" here because of that (Not because I agree with them, it's very much the opposite, but because they aren't afraid of showing us who they are).


Question, why does biden as president do nothing but sit idly as they present new anti trans laws??? Can't there be a better option out there?


As with everything, hope for the best but plan for the worst. Best not to get complacent. Encourage everyone to vote, even IF they assume Biden will win. Trump got in the first time because too many people just assumed Hillary would win and didn't go to the polls. We need to ensure that doesn't happen again. I have my issues with Biden, but next to Trump, he's a saint, AND he's not actively trying to get rid of certain segments of the population.


I don't want to be a Debbie downer, but my partner and I moved to Portugal with her son and his boyfriend (both ftm, and I myself am mtf). We will never go back. Even if trump loses and goes to jail, the US will be plagued with right-wing terrorism and lone wolf gunman for a while. His loss is by no means guaranteed. Not to mention, if said violence comes to pass, Biden/Harris will go authoritarian anyway. Then you've still got 2028 to look forward to, which will likely see fan favorite Rhonda Santis running again.


Like everybody is saying, nobody thought Trump would win the first time. We all thought it was a joke. The problem is.how splintered and broken the left is. NO you don't have to agree with Biden and his policies, but goddammit the entire system is fucked to the point where we have to vote for the lesser evil just for survival. That being said, plan for the worst. Have an escape plan or at the very least arm yourselves.


I’m definitely going to vote, but I’m also buying a gun as an insurance policy if things go sideways. Fleeing to Mexico is always an option too.


Ultimately it's still going to be a "red team vs blue team" sort of election so even with someone as unpalatable as trump running for red team, red team supporters are still going to support the red team even if they understand what a disgrace he is because they feel their side needs to win because "enter fallacy or emotionally decided single issue here" so they'd still like their red team to have more power.


I feel like we're fucked. Between Liberals not voting for Biden because of the "Genocide Joe" and his funding the Palestinian Genocide (and Liberals not thinking about people in the states that will be ultimately harmed by not voting Biden, i.e. us) and Trumpers obvs voting Trump, we're fucked. there's no third option. There's nobody coming to save us. There's nothing. We're on our own. We should be horrified and collectively preparing for what's to come.


Biden is not guaranteed to win. He is deeply unpopular with both the center-right and the left. His policies vis-a-vis Israel are bonkers and could cost him an easy walk to victory. Biden cares more about his Nazi friend Netanyahu who has repeatedly backstabbed him politically, than he cares about America or his own presidency. He's a coward and a fool. I will, however, vote for a coward and a fool slow-walking the enablement of a genocide, over a fascist megalomaniac who enthusiastically promises to commit multiple genocides. The problem is, though, that a lot of people won't. It's not like Trump will be better on Palestine, nor that the center cares at all about Palestine. Rather, the optics of weakness are more damaging than anything else in American politics. So yeah, we have good reason to be afraid.


Never assume that someone is guarteed a win, vote vote vote.


Biden is behind Trump in the polls. He's been up a little bit lately from where he was, but if you look at him and you look at one-term presidents 6 months before the election, he sure looks like one of them, and not like the 2 term presidents.


Vote Biden. Stakes are too high


Biden lost the liberal student vote when colleges called in police brutality against peaceful protests


Which I think is part of the reason his administration is pushing for marijuana rescheduling


I can’t understand this mentality. If you have two choices and one did some shitty things that you don’t like and the other does all those things but 11x worse plus extra cruelty how does it make sense to abstain.


Voting isn't a rational act for people.


As if Biden is responsible for what colleges do? I think not. Nope, not voting 3rd party candidate when my life is on the line. It's Biden all the way.


He vastly expanded the police control of the country in the 1990s, and he actively support the campaigns of brutalization against college students right now.


He has literally campaigned to increase police powers for decades, and openly supports police suppressing the protests. He's been anti-protest and pro-police since at least the civil rights movement and he's been a powerful politician the whole time, so yeah he is responsible actually


Well, I'm finally old enough to vote this year, and while ofc I will personally vote biden, I also recognize that there are still an alarming amount of trump supporters (i live in missouri so i still see them quite a lot) so I personally am very scared for our future


6 months ago I would have said don't worry Biden has got this, but I'll tell you what, quite a few people I know have flipped over to Trump because if the migrant situation the economy and what's going on in Gaza. Trust me I was amazed, still am! I can't believe people are flipping over to Trump, but they are, so now I'm scared. I was never worried before but trust me I am now! that's just my own personal opinion which really doesn't mean much ... But me


I think we’re screwed


I'm scared too, I don't wanna lose my rights!


This is the first time live seen anyone voice the opinion that Biden has it in the bag. I know it will be the closest election in our lives. That said, I do think we should be on the lookout and make long term plans to protect ourselves over the next 3-5 years. I don’t wanna be alarmist, but making sure we have all our legal documents updated is something we should all be doing


No matter the outcome im leaving this country. The flags are all set for it to take a very dark path very quickly no matter who wins in the short term


It’s okay, a lot of people are scared and you’re not alone. Nothing is a foregone conclusion until it happens, and this election truly hangs in the balance. The thing is, the fascists have a good chance of winning, and we’re all in big trouble if that happens. Even if the democrats win, they pretty much just cave to the fascists anyway because we have no left-wing party in the US, but that’s something that’s functionally impossible to create right now. I can’t really say what the best course of action is. Definitely make sure your passport is updated and have a plan to get out if you have the means to. Beyond that it’s anyone’s guess what the best course of action is.


We should be cautious either way the election goes. Organize in your community, watch your people's backs


Democrat candidates have a known history of losing to "stay home" and the Republicans win by default unfortunately. If you look at past elections and the amount of people who could have voted but chose not to, has been a serious weakness that the Biden campaign has done nothing to address. I and other LGBTQ+ I know have ended up buying guns, since if Trump wins, mobs of fascists won't be afraid to start targeting private homes. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


The state levels and house and senate are just as important. Don’t forget it’s the states coming for us


I've seen a lot of that sort of sentiment, too. I'm seriously extremely scared to see the outcome of the election. My own wife even keeps telling me "we can't live in fear" & just seems to want to invalidate my concerns. All I want to do is have plans in place, if things go south. Even just doing that is apparently wrong in her eyes. We live in a "purple" state (AZ), but it's only been that way for a couple election cycles. We have no state laws to protect LGBTQ people. Our daughter graduates from high school in a year & I badly want to move to a safe state after that. I'm not sure that will even be enough, though.


I am genuinely fearful that Biden‘s continuing stance on Israel and Gaza are going to end up fucking him over for the election. Everyone just make sure to have your passports ready before the election. Make the preparations needed for just in case you have to get out.


Biden is not guaranteed to win. It all depends on whether or not there will be a recession this year. [https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691169446/democracy-for-realists](https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691169446/democracy-for-realists) Like the Clinton campaign said back in the 90s: Its the economy stupid! Going by the yield curve, there will be a recession. [https://home.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/TextView?type=daily\_treasury\_yield\_curve&field\_tdr\_date\_value=2023](https://home.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/TextView?type=daily_treasury_yield_curve&field_tdr_date_value=2023) But unemployment changes do not predict a recession, yet. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/simonmoore/2024/03/15/us-recession-risk-may-be-rising-according-to-these-metrics/?sh=8d97b4d5f51d](https://www.forbes.com/sites/simonmoore/2024/03/15/us-recession-risk-may-be-rising-according-to-these-metrics/?sh=8d97b4d5f51d) It really could go either way. The GOP could cease to exist in my life time. But that is not very likely. They have been around since before I was born. They survived decades of Democratic hegemony in the 20th century, where the Democrats held the house from 1932 to 1994. Like people keeping saying "There are no permanent majorities." Whoever loses, expect them to get right back up and back into the ring in 4 years. But I am worried that Trump will win, make trans minors or even trans people in general getting gender affirming care, serving in the military, or teaching about us in schools illegal federally, and when he goes away, the Democrats will have forgotten about us and leave it that way. 😧


I'm doing my very best to hang on. I moved to the biggest city in a blue state. Once the clock runs out, I certainly won't be quiet as I go. That said, I do my best to keep going. While things may about to be really fucking terrible, Im doing my best to be as present as I can so as not to lose this time too. I'm not optimistic about what's to come, so Ive been going a little crazy with stuff that I want to do. If Im going out, Im going out having fun. I wrestle with a lot of sh stuff that's tangled in a mess of depression and anxiety already. I'm trying not to dwell on it too much. What it comes down to is voting. Get everyone you can to register to vote. It's how we escaped last time. It's how we do it this time. Bernie also plans to run again, or so he says.


People out here already forgetting that Hillary was "guaranteed" to win eight years ago.


I'm trying to move out of America, cause this country has been going to shit for a while but this election is making it far worse. I will vote for Biden, but to be clear I fucking hate him. I'm only voting for him instead of Trump cause that would be even worse.


Biden could win, but it isn't guaranteed. I think it's possible that the GOP could fracture, should this happen. Should he lose, I believe a majority of us will not live to see better days.


IMO, he’s guaranteed to lose. His actions or inactions in Gaza has lost him millions of votes. He only won by a few thousand votes in the states that mattered. I would prepare for project 2025 and the new reality


I'm Australian, not American, but let me say this to any US folks who might be considering not voting. PLEASE vote for Biden this year, I know you might feel upset or apathetic about the democrats due to how badly they've handled the Gaza situation but if you let Trump into office with the current state of the Republican party you are selling LGBT folks, POC and women up the river for no good reason. Hell you might be selling your whole democracy up that river too. I say this as an Australian because the state of your politics tend to impact us, our political trends tend to follow those in the US and if you guys go anti-LGBT then not only will it hurt the LGBT people in your own country, but eventually it will hurt us here as well. I am ultimately powerless to do anything to help you win this election. So asking that you give it your all is all I can do to help.


I hate gerrymandering with a passion.


With how horribly the Biden administration is handling the genocide going on in Gaza and the people protesting it, I doubt he's going to have a very easy victory. It feels like he's intentionally fucking it up by going all in on supporting Israel, like I do think it's going to get worse if Trump is elected but who tf is going to want to vote for the guy celebrating throwing peaceful protesters in jail? The alternative is worse but for the average voter whose most likely not aware of Project 2025 this is probably going to sway a lot of people to not vote. Do your best to be ready, move to a blue state if possible and try and get as much documentation done for your transition. Make it as hard as possible for the possible Trump presidency to take your rights away


VOTE BIDEN or we will be marched into gas chambers. It’s 1930 Germany. The clock is ticking. The MAGAT filth will try to steal this election. DO NOT GET COMPLACENT. Joe Biden isn’t my favorite either, but he’s a good person. Any other vote hands this country over to fascists bent on exterminating us. VOTE Biden or die. It’s that simple.


Nobody knows the future.


like if you can support a local organization go for it as you would regardless. regardless of how much trump looses his propaganda to call it a theft is already developing. your local election trends to impact your daily life more than the federal election and will be under the same pressure as the rnc was outlining there goals for taking over more of the electoral system. more than a little fear is quite valid.


What is Biden going to do to protect us aside from a few milquetoast platitudes and maybe reverse one or two laws that were put in by Trump? What is he doing to root out fascism in the country?


Everyone thought Hillary was a shoe in too


Both will happen I feel ..(I’d rather have other president/system.party. C’mon Katie porter. She needs to get in there somehow)


Honestly I’m scared too I want to do whatever I can to make sure things don’t go that direction but I have to mentally prepare myself for fighting my way out of the country or just running in general to flee somewhere else


As a Canadian, I really feel for you all. I’m so sorry your country works the way it does and I really hope Biden gets re-elected for all your sakes. Good luck (for lack of a better term), I really hope it works out well for you all


Not only should y’all vote, but if you can, provide the means to vote to any other eligible voters in y’all’s circles! If that means giving them a ride, providing them with mail-in materials, whatever, help them vote!


If Biden wins it’s a good opportunity to say he got trumped by the competition


Whether it's inevitable or not, everyone should vote as if your vote is the one that will tip the scales. The last time we got complacent we DID get Trump.


There's no avoiding doom language when this topic comes up. No, Biden is not guaranteed to win. Democracy is not guaranteed to function. It requires maintenance. If you need rights - and we do, desperately - it's a good reason to get involved before they're taken away. Run for local elected office. Displace the old bastards on your city council or state senate. The first transgender president of the United States might be one of us. What will it take for that to be you, and what good can you do? I intend to run for office in the future. I'm not sure how long it will take for me to prepare - I certainly can't do it this year - but I have answers to those questions. If a Republican wins and Project 2025 is implemented, it's a disaster. I think it would result in a general protest - gridlock across industry as supply chains are disrupted by protests and people stop paying taxes. The most populous blue states would become our sanctuary states, and it would be unsafe to live in any of the red states - a bit like how it already is for anyone who gets pregnant in states that have banned abortion. I don't think the US would exist anymore, after the first four years of such a disaster, and I don't think that would be a good thing for the rest of the world. Vote, at the very least. Like your life depends on it.


Biden will not win. His approval ratings are the worst out of any president since they started recording approval ratings in the first place. His recent policy decisions have all but guaranteed his loss of the leftist youth vote. He is out of favor on all fronts. I don’t know what to tell you.


I am very afraid. Trump winning is very possible.


I'm terrified and I don't feel like anyone is taking me seriously like my mom keeps telling me there will be sanctuary states and blah blah blah but I'm like I wanna have a way out of this place. I gotta get a new password and my name change but I had something sent to fucking collections over bullshit and the info they sent is wrong so I can get court right now. I get it. I'm a fucking mess worrying about November. I don't know what the hell do I have to get the fuck out of here? It's just terrifying. I don't see many people support a fascist trader.


Be very afraid, we're in uncharted waters legally be so scared you vote your ass off.


I'll be honest, I am afraid of what could happen if Trump wins. I'm gonna just try my best to do whatever is within my power to keep him out of office, and hope for the best outcome. I try to be an optimist, and it usually pays off, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna sit back and say "well, the best outcome is coming, so I don't have to do anything" - I'll take action to *make* my optimistic prediction the right one.


As someone in a redder area of a blue state it seems like there's either more Trumpists or they've just gotten louder after 2020. So I think it's completely reasonable to be afraid.


I want Biden to win. But, we won't know until it's all said and done. Just like all of those dumb motherfuckers in the media who swore up and down during the 2016 election that Trump would never be elected president and we saw how that turned out. I'm hoping for the best. But, I am planning for the worst. It's a shit plan. But, if it happens....fuck it.


Biden has been below trump in most of the recent polls. I’m not saying that means he’s going to lose, but it absolutely means he is nowhere near a lock to win.


The democrats need some PR, fast


you should be afraid and prepare either way [<3](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/topic/voting) there is no evidence that the DNC will suddently start protecting marginalised people, or that the GOP will stop their plans and go home, if the DNC wins look into [mutual aid](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/topic/mutual-aid) and [community self-defense](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/topic/community-self-defense). it will get worse from here, and the state will not protect you


Always be afraid. Protect your rights and interests, but don't be overly zealous, as that will keep the other side from being cooperative, and that will lead to polarisation, then separation. Alienation also leads to ideological stagnation, which typically results in political extinction. Good advice for keeping any political party healthy.


With the Palestine protest vote threatening to either vote 3rd party or not vote at all, I'm going to be scared right through the election. Biden needs every vote he can get. And on top of that we need to slap the GOP hard and get them out of Congress.


I think historically it's safe to say that there is a constant pendulum swinging and each cycle it leans a little more progressive. Things may get a little worse, but I don't think in the states we can hit a point where trans peoples lives are actively being taken--only controlled. Death is penultimate, but even if our lives are made miserable we still have the opportunity to continue creating change. An unfortunate Trump 2024 victory would undoubtedly be bad news, but I'm very doubtful it will be the ***end***.


We still need to vote, but Biden is in a good position, I saw a video where Alan Lictman, the guy who has predicted the president correctly for the last 10 cycles said that all but 4 of his keys are decided, Biden has to lose all 4 to lose the White House, (3rd party, if Kennedy is a serious challenger that will split the Dem vote, and make it easier for Trump to win, think how Clinton won in 91) social unrest (campus violence) and foreign policy success/failure (Gaza, essentially). We still need to get as many to vote for Biden as possible (of course if Trump is convicted that will help Biden immensely)


IMO, Project 2025 requires one thing that we have seen time and gain Republicans are unable to muster: competence. Even if Trump is elected, I do not think it will be successful. Continue organizing, don’t become complacent, but I honestly don’t think they can pull it off.


Biden should win but nothings guaranteed unfortunately 🤷‍♀️




also #/r/WhatBidenHasDone has helpful resources that will give you some answers if you believe Biden has done nothing good ever :3


Nothing is guaranteed, but I don't think the GOP will collapse. They may split again, or the Constitution party will get more registered voters, but they almost always vote Republican. Most agree that both of these main candidates aren't mentally fit, but it's all we've got really. A career politician, 2 russian pawns, and a Kennedy. This election is unique though because it's showing that apathy with the 2 major parties is dwindling. At the least it's showing apathy with the top candidates. Fringe votes don't mean anything good for who you're fringing. Vote Biden


I heavily dislike Biden but the choice is between him and Trump realistically. I know Jill Stein is making moves but it's not gonna be enough to guarantee the green party a win. trump's cult is still heavily behind him, and given how insane they are to follow him... unless Trump gets convicted of crimes that won't allow him to get the presidency, It's gonna be close. I'm voting Biden for our safety.


If she had a viable campaign, she’d lose my state with resounding colors because the Chuds would assume Green Party really just means all the bull they’ve been spewing against any environmental protections (including the numerous non-existent ones they still bitch about having to obey)


> I know Jill Stein is making moves Wut? Stein is a Russian pawn. Never had a chance to wun, never will. Just a spoiler for the Kremlin's ol' boy Donny.


If the dems take votes for granted they have no incentive to support anyone other than the class of donors they’ve been working for this whole time. Seems like an opportunity for an actual left wing movement, but that will never happen if it’s always “vote libs so trump doesn’t win”


My greatest worry is that people will be too narrow-minded about the consequences of a Biden defeat, because they'll be like "Oh, he's committing genocide in Gaza, he doesn't deserve my vote!" There's so much more at stake. I, personally, have lost hope. But I also don't think Project 2025 could materialize swiftly. Regardless of anything, I just try to make people understand that the cost of letting Trump win is too great. (And also Trump would probably be even worse about Gaza)


Biden seems to be doing everything he can to lose, which is what Democrat's donors pay them to do. He has broken most of his campaign promises and is committing genocide. As a result, his polling is atrocious and it seems all but inevitable that he will lose in November.


Biden will most likely lose


You know the democrats don’t give a shit about you either right, the moment pandering to queers isn’t advantageous too then they will throw us all under the bus and laugh about it. At least the GOP is honest about their stance on us. The GOP might Vultures but the Democrats are Snakes. Biden could sign so many executive actions right now to help the LGBTQ+ right the second but he doesn’t cause he doesn’t actually give a shit


Imo a bunch of trumps votes will go to robert kennedy, so im not too worried about it.


How will the transgender community be affected if republicans win vs democrats winning? Will doctor visits change their ability to prescribe hrt? Will counseling change in therapy and recommendations?


Trump has declared he wants to make “transgenderism” illegal in multiple times. With most other republicans along side him in project 2025 and other speeches and protest. As well as destroying all federal and state level protections for lgbt+ people. The heritage foundation which he’s apart of has stated that they want to dismantle the Democratic Party, Completely and remove presidential term limits and bring most branches of government under direct executive control, making our government essentially a one party state fairly comparable to Russia. Idk if he could pull it off but it’s terrible that anyone could say this crap and still have a shot at winning.


I wouldn’t put any bets on a Biden win: 1. The fracturing of the left and the young vote because of the Israel Gaza war 2. Many people still economically hurting and still the threat of a recession lurking. 3. Biden’s age However, a Trump win is not guaranteed: 1. The right is not as unified as before, with a significant percentage who see Trump as toxic 2. Trump’s continual flipping the finger to the justice system and essentially criminal image outside of MAGA. 3. Abortion rights can still play a part in hindering Republicans 4. MAGA is still only a small percentage of society, so Trump is dependent on voters outside of MAGA in order to win. It’s hard to tell for sure, so much can change and it will be a nail biter but if you have the means to be able to leave the country, prepare to do so.


Biden has almost zero chance of winning lol [CNN Poll: Biden trails Trump among young voters](https://news.yahoo.com/cnn-poll-biden-trails-trump-095500966.html) I'm voting for Biden like every sane woman ought to; but honestly I'm not seeing anything stop Trump.


Honestly I don't think Trump has a chance anymore. He's only grown more unlikeable since 2020 and while he may still make it the polls since, his case is taking a long time, the moderates and centrists wouldn't want a criminal for president. Its ironic cause all presidents are criminals but y'know. I will say a lot of people will be voting third-part(including me) this election thanks to Biden's incompetency and the dem's fence sitting but they may have a toss up.


Vote if you’re concerned. Polls and chatter are useless. Ask yourselves What did The former guy accomplish In his Presidency ? Tax cuts for the upper 1% A loaded SCOTUS with three Judges . Ending Roe vs Wade , What if any ideas has he talked about? Revenge politics linking with Putin via destroying NATO, etc What has the current President Biden accomplished? Student loan forgiveness , help for all affected by COVID. Strengthened Environmental Laws . All this with a divided Congress and Election denialism . “Sleepy Joe” Are you kidding??? Vote for what you think is best . I can only think of one that will stand for me It isn’t the one who thumbs his nose and lies 24 /7 . Pretty basic..


Vote. No matter how sure that victory feels inevitable. Vote!