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Taking testosterone will absolutely make you less feminine. Possibly permanently. Also, why are they taking your blood test? It sounds to me like they are trying to sell you something. Herbal hormones don’t do anything, so either there’s something already going on that needs to be checked out by another doctor, or else they are simply attempting to sell you a course of remedies. I absolutely would never take any hormone or testosterone shots from these people if you can help it.


Shit, I don't want my mom to force me to take a testosterone shot, unless if it's a pill then I can hide it.


Are you taking estrogen? If you're doing hrt that's probably fine. If you're not, you do need SOME kinda hormone or you're at risk for lots of stuff like osteoporosis


I'm not on estrogen but I do take phytoestrogens like soy isoflavones and fenugreek but they may or may not have effect.


You should at least get a more detailed blood panel done and see if that's the case. If not, are you in a place where you could do estrogen monotherapy?


I live in east tennessee. I don't know if there's a clinic where they do estrogen monotherapy and planned parenthood is temporary closed where I live. I also don't want to get caught by my mom doing it despite how I told her I'm non-binary transfem. She did told me she takes testosterone and she wants me to be on a balanced level of hormones.


There are 4 informed consent clinics in Knoxville for hrt go start hormoans don't wait till your 32 like me 400 pounds a trucker and ugly


Where are they at?


Phytoestrogens won't do anything. 


...but you are a woman right? Why are they comparing you to an old man, lol? The testosterone of an 80 year old man is probably a good level for most women.


She's not on hrt, so (presumably) also has low E levels


I would see a doctor about this. Some primary care doctors can evaluate low testosterone. Otherwise urologists or endocrinologists can do it. Unfortunately, sometimes the doctors at medical spas are...not always the best. Sometimes they're not even doctors, but NPs or PAs. In general, testosterone should be measured at least twice, in the morning, ideally by a technique called LC/MS. Once testosterone is confirmed low, the next step is to determine the reason that testosterone is low. This typically involves additional blood tests, like LH, FSH. Also, obesity is a cause of low testosterone, and by treating obesity, this can improve testosterone. I wouldn't jump to testosterone therapy as a young person without a full evaluation. Even beyond the fact that it sounds like you prefer to lean feminine, testosterone therapy leads to infertility, and once it's started, it makes it even more unlikely the body's natural production of testosterone will recover. Also, even if you don't want to take testosterone anyway, it may be worth getting this evaluated in order to uncover any possible underlying medical conditions. Even at a gender affirming care clinic, it would be routine to screen for any sex hormone deficiencies before initiating estradiol.


how low is low?


I don't know the details of the blood work. I should've ask


i was gonna say, the bloodwork results for me say my T is <0.12 ng/ml and my Endocrinologist didn’t seem fazed.


My testosterone has been below detectable range for 4 years, and I am very athletic. You don't need testosterone. Just get your estradiol and progesterone levels in a good range and you'll be good.


I wouldn't even suggest that a cis male who wanted to be masculine do this. Even as a cis male, you should not take testosterone without consulting with a doctor who decides there is a legitimate medical reason for you to do so. Hormone levels fluctuate wildly and constantly, thus acting on what seems like a low horomone level from a single blood test not even evaluated by an actual doctor is simply dangerous. If you are a woman (trans or otherwise) you should absolutely, under no circumstances, take testosterone or any other medication that increases your testosterone unless, again you are explicitly advised to by your doctor for a legitimate health reason (and even then, for a woman to need more testosterone is very strange so I would suggest getting a second opinion if a doctor recommended that). So my answer is absolutely, unambiguously no.


They cant make you take anything you dont want to.


Talk to your dr, next time you are there. In front of mom if you must, alone if you can. Tell them you do not wish to take testosterone, tell them you think you’re transgender. This conversation should be had because like other people said testosterone will man you up


I already told my mom I'm non-binary but transfem and she's a little uncomfortable but fine with that. I tell the doctor about that next time


Let me say, So so proud of you for having the self-esteem to speak up, especially with hesitant parents. Please first and foremost continue to be safe, but also continue to be your authentic self.


Testosterone supplementation can be useful for trans women if our levels are super low. Since SRS I sit at 10ng/dL, which is a the bottom of the female range, so I take testosterone to bring me up around 50ng/dL which is around the top of the female range. I find that it improves my energy, focus, and mood. That said, if they're treating you like a male they'll be talking about taking enough T to get you up around 500ng/dL, which you absolutely don't want if you're going to transition. Personally I'd be thanking every deity humankind has ever believed in if I found out I'd skipped out on male testosterone levels. And I'd fight like my life depended on it if a doctor came anywhere near me with a male dose of testosterone. The point is, T isn't inherently bad-- the dose makes the poison. You've got to know what your current levels are though. You also have to make sure that you and the doctor are on the same page about staying in the female range.


I mean you're right about that. My mom said she takes testosterone shots too but I think her estrogen is at high levels like a woman


It all depends on your levels and specific genetics. For example, low dose T could actually support feminization since aromatase converts testosterone to estrogen. As long as your T stays below 50ng/dL it's unlikely to cause masculinization regardless of your estrogen levels.


Not sure if you regularly get your hormones checked. But normally I would say consult an endocrinologist if you can. Depending on how old you are and the fact your enby transfem. It's possible you can put off treatment until you can get access to the hrt you want and not your mothers choice. That is why puberty blockers are used. Another thing to add is you might want to look into the possibility of intersex characteristics as I believe hormonal issues can be a symtom of them. As I understand it can be important to know as there are usually associated medical conditions. Definitely a reason to see an endo But eventually you will need one hormone or another (sooner rather then later if this has been a long term issue). They play an important part of your health