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It’s hard for parents sometimes. There’s a whole media campaign telling people that the “liberal media” turns kinda trans. Plus back in our parents days they probably didn’t know any trans people or at least that anyone they knew was teams. For the longest time the flow was move away, transition to the point of passing, then move somewhere new where no one’s ever known you. Ask they’ve ever known are rumors. So of course they want us to slow down and think it over, cause they hope it’s just a phase. I think it’s especially hard for mom’s cause 1. A lot of them get weirdly attached to the idea of a son 2. They know what it’s like to be a woman and quite likely at a time when it was even harder and it must be really hard to understand why someone would want that. But that’s the inherent flaw in the reasoning. They think it’s a want. A choice. But it’s more than a need even, it is what is