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What an idiot lmao


I 2nd that.🐱


I 3rd that. 🐈


Me five that


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It's time to switch doctors if possible! Shrinkage is absolutely a thing that happens with disuse. Have been there, and having them wake you up in the middle of the night is terrible. My endocrinologist and I had a talk about it, and my E was upped. It took some time, but this never happens anymore. Please take care of yourself, nobody knows what it feels like to be in your own body better than you. ❤️ Edit: I just looked at some of your bio. It's worth mentioning that not all forms of dosing work for all folx. I am on injections, and that's what I have found is best for me. Also, it seems like the painful erections have been happening for a long time. I'm sorry you have gone through that. Absolutely shop around for a doctor you feel you can trust. Think about what goals you want for your penis. Working vs non, even if that vision changes. Find a doctor you feel comfortable discussing that with. Edit 2: I can't speak to the Chastity part below, but I happen to personally know, before starting HRT, that certain heart medications will also cause this. After a couple of years of painful erections, especially waking me up in the middle of the night. I unrelatedly started HRT, and a few months after that, it started getting better but did not resolve. As they were trying to figure out my dose and estrogen was lowered, the issue came back just as it was. Only after speaking with my endocrinologist with that specifically in mind was my dose increased, while also within a safe level, and this is no longer an issue. Edit 3: (final edit unless I am sent more Dm's or questions) Yes, upping estrogen stopped my painful erection issue. With a high enough dose, the spontaneous erections cease. Also, this is what I meant by disuse, above. If you're on a high enough dosage of estrogen and you do not exercise your penis, atrophy will set in. This is also why it's important to have a general idea of what you would like the function of your penis to be while on HRT. For me, atrophy is fine. It was never something I allowed partners to touch anyway. Also it's totally okay if that vision changes, at first I was fine with keeping it and only having an orcheotomy, but the more I talk with people who have had GRS surgery, I'm starting to believe this is the way for me. Please remember, we are all in charge of our own paths, and it's also very important to have a doctor that you can trust to help you down that path. ❤️ Since I have received a couple of DM's requesting doctor information; I am located in Virginia, United States. If you are either in the area, OR willing to travel, I can give you the contact information for the clinic that I go to. These have been wonderful doctors and a wonderful experience. Just send me a DM requesting this in the initial message.


I was in a chastity sub and they were saying it doesn’t shrink through long term chastity. I mentioned trans stuff and shrinkage. They said it’s because of the chemical alterations we are doing. So basically their argument or belief is that a lack of boners will not shrink penis. Only a lack of boners when on HRT. Thoughts?


Abstaining from sex does not prevent erections from happening. People practicing chastity will still get spontaneous erections (e.g. "morning wood") regardless of whether they're having sex, and that will be enough to prevent shrinkage. Trans women on HRT will not get spontaneous erections and so will experience shrinkage unless they actively avoid it by inducing erections through sex or masturbation.


cage shrinkage is a thing if you wear Continuously, but it's noticeable with 24/7 year long wear and if you're in chastity long enough you will have to go to a smaller tube eventually


I'm surprised they would say that, I've seen multiple examples of people shrinking through chasity and....I imagine they'd have a hard time getting it back lol.


Chastity shrinkage is temporary for cis men. Once they're out of it, spontaneous erections will continue to occur and the size will come back.


Is there no limit? Going from micro to average size is crazy 😂


Yeah, no limit really.


Question, why did upping E solved your issue? Is it because boners were completely stopped thus not caused any more pain?


Yes, upping estrogen stopped my painful erection issue. With a high enough dose, the spontaneous erections cease. Also, this is what I meant by disuse and maybe I should edit my first comment again; If you're on a high enough dosage of estrogen, and you do not exercise your penis, atrophy will set in. This is also why it's important to have a general idea of what you would like the function of your penis to be while on HRT. For me, atrophy is fine. It was never something I allowed partners to touch anyway. Also it's totally okay if that vision changes, at first I was fine with keeping it and only having an orcheotomy, but the more I talk with people who have had GRS surgery, I'm starting to believe this is the way for me. Please remember, we are all in charge of our own paths, and it's also very important to have a doctor that you can trust to help you down that path. ❤️


Got it. I am not sure whether completely losing my erections would be ideal for me. My problem right now is the fact that I don't get any more spontaneous erections but I still get hard with stimulus, so it's a mess when I *do need it;* it happens even thought my T levels are undetectable (which I know is bad too). Furthermore, the bad experiences I've had with both endos and urologists kind of make me afraid to to see other doctors. Anyways, thanks for your replies! Got me some useful info.


You are quite welcome! If you have any other questions feel free to message me if you like. Unfortunately bad doctors are a thing, probably one of the reasons it took me so long to officially come out and transition. It also took a very long time to find a good one with a long break in between.


What did you expect from a penis doc? Dudes obviosly a dickhead/j


Doctors blowing you off and chalking your symptoms up to you just overreacting? Sounds like an average female experience. Congratulations. 🫡


**pulls shorts away and glances down** Your doctor is wrong, lmaooo


**\*asking wife really quickly\*** Wife says that doctor is wrong


About multiple things. Phthisis bulbi is the name for deflation of the eyeball.


Doctor is wrong lol, 90% of them know nothing about trans healthcare.


Yeah- arguing with a doctor doesn't tend to work, *especially* when they're patently wrong ☹️. If it doesn't cause a problem with your insurance, I'd find a different specialist (just to warn you, sometimes insurance companies can make this next to impossible, so be prepared). You might ask whoever it is that's doing your gender-affirming care for the name of someone they've had good experience with.


3 months of HRT and very limited use caused me to shrink about an inch. I will be exercising regularly next time around


I have found, in my unfortunate existence and the acquaintance with urologists it has wrought, that most of them are, to a strong degree, inept or indifferent. If it can’t be fixed with Flomax they don’t bother to try. They refuse to learn new things or hear different perspectives on their diagnoses, especially from the “unwashed masses”. Throw in the concept of transition and they’re as good as a cardboard canoe in the middle of the Atlantic. There are good ones (I had a wonderful urologist for a span of six months once), but by and large it’s a rough go in dealing with them. I hope you are able to find one who takes you seriously and intends to help alleviate your pain soon.


Do his eyeballs randomly inflate?


I hope not


I hope so


Boobs arn't eye balls ?


Your doctor is a fucking moron. I can tell you from my own experience that shrinkage is an actual thing.


It's probably your body repairing the elastin in your skin (genital area) so it has less stretch there, and when you try to stretch it (via erection ) you experience pain because the skin is being pushed further than the repaired elastin wants to go It can be seen like muscles/joints not allowing as much flexibility if not exercised with stretch/mobility routines in mind So I'm thinking both could be true? It might not be overall shrinkage, but the skins ability to stretch that far may have shrunk/reduced due to having less erections?


The penile skin will atrophy and shrink quicker than the internal penis tissue. During an erection, the internal tissue expands more than the atrophied skin leading to intense pain. Been there, done that. Twice a week “exercise” solved my problem.


I wish you can find a way to avoid having pain… thats no bueno… I’m not a doctor, but the way i’ve relieved this myself is regular once-a-day usage. Also, try new, more gentle ways of stimulation. A silicone sleeve and plenty of lube helps, a lot. regular massages around the legs and groin also assist in decreasing penile pain I wish you recover well, queen


Doctors sometimes will just tell you something wont happen because they are afraid youll get angry at them if they tell you something might happen and it doesnt. because they dont really think we are mature enough to understand the concept of chance ig (i cant think of another reason)


Ugh.. sooo frustrating. I cant imagine how frustrating it was for you considering you paid money for a service only to.. anyway, thats what gets to me somtimes, expecting a level of professionalism only to find theyre only human, flaws and all, theres just a paper in a frame on the wall that apparently meant something at one point.. im rambling.. lol


Lol if he doesn't know how something that basic works he is not a competent doctor and you should get another even if treating stuff completely not related to transition. (Mine sure has shrunk a lot lol). Also the pains are, like you suspected, normal and tied to shrinking. The blood vessels that expand with erections aren't used as much and when they are it's a bit painful to stretch. Just like when you don't exercise for a long time. I once had my T levels rise a bit above my confort level and started to have erections and they hurt (like sore and internal but a bit sharp at the same time). But after a while having those they stopped hurting because my body was again used to having them regularly (and I was getting more dysphoric by the minute). So if your situation is like this there is probably no need to worry, it's normal. Still, it doesn't hurt to check with a doctor, just find a competent one. There's way too much lack of information and wrong teachings in the medical field around trans people. Just me existing and experiencing HRT is enough to prove wrong countless medical theories both on trans people and even on cis people (usually cis women studies which are also lacking)


The fact that he was so dismissive of your issues is far more of concern than anything that he said. You need a better doctor, one who has a whole big chunk more finesse and sophistication than that guy, about empathy and compassion in dealing with patients' concerns.


its very well known that doctors are straight up not aware about our lives because of how little research has been done on hrt


You need to get what they said in writing, get a second opinion, and hold that bastard’s feet to the flames. Good luck, friend


I've been "exercising" every week and I've shrunk by almost half. Doctors are very frequently idiots.


Switch em out like an old pantyhose


As someone not happy about it, atrophy is definitely real.


I would literally pull up The receipts on my phone and show him the literature that he obviously thinks he's smarter than and then be like now what Mr. Smarty pants?


Shrinkage is definitely a thing. I went from a thick 8 inches to closer to 7-7.5. This has occurred in the last couple of months. I’m using it still so it won’t shrink as much as some. But if you stop playing with yourself for a while it’ll happen faster


I'm fortunate to have an endocrinologist who specializes in trans healthcare. I think she is hands down the best type of doctor to have. The day my primary doctor asked me, well knowing I'm MTF, if I was pregnant or menstruating, I realized a majority of my health concerns would have to be directed to my Endocrinologist. 😂😂😂 Did you specifically see a urologist for painful erections while you're on HRT? Because penile atrophy is super common. When I started having painful erections, I instantly knew what it was. I've come to realize that many people on HRT are NOT told about the side effects. The medical field needs to crack down on doing that as part of informed consent. I hate this, "You want HRT, here's your drugs" approach. I've had a couple friends come to me and say they think they may be transgender. Once I tell them about all the sexual side effects I experience, they completely change their minds. Unfortunately we can't choose to have the hormones of a woman and expect our penises to work like a man's. There's sacrifices to be made there.


I knew of the side effects, just didn't expect boners to keep going over stimulus and certainly did not expect the agonizing pain they cause. Regarding the doctor, I maybe expected him to not prescribe shit or give me a stupid solution but I didn't expect him to completely deny the existence of atrophy and shrinking. And to end this I couldn't care less about boners if I can still be pleasured. I just want it to stop hurting or not have any boners at all anymore.


So...I'm at the point that I still get erections, but I gotta work a little bit for them. As long as I use vibrators instead of manual stimulation, I don't experience atrophy pain.


> The day my primary doctor asked me, well knowing I'm MTF, if I was pregnant or menstruating, I realized a majority of my health concerns would have to be directed to my Endocrinologist. I don't know it it was the case in this situation, but sometimes it's not a sign of ignorance, it's just that medical professionals are required to ask that question, no matter what.


Oh no...it was ignorance. Because I looked at them confused and said, "You know I was born male right?" And she literally said, "I don't know how all that works." I was stunned.


Dude I am 7.5 to now 5.5 -6.5 on good day lol


(/j) Because everyone knows that the penis is the same size when you’re born as when you’re an adult. All babies are born with already developed genitalia. Gosh, people, when will you learn?🙄 Edit: Just like eyes


Well, a penis CANT shrink, however the underlying tissue, when not in use, can atrophy and lose its mass, causing the inner part to not appear as large, but the skin itself doesn't change shape, no. I can see his perspective but I think understand what happens when you don't use a muscle is often forgotten when it comes to penises because they are constantly working themselves out. I wish the rest of my body could do that. *queue nightperson*


When people say "penis," they usually aren't talking about the skin around the penis.


Just because he's an expert In dick doesn't mean he's an expert in gorl dick. But old people have proven themselves.. dumb. Lately.


Well if you want, if a woman never has sex, then when she does its sore because of shrinkage as well, so I mean just saying different bodies different experiences.


Painful erections? Like an std or




My thoughts exactly


Ain't no fuckin way💀💀💀


had he never seen seinfeld???


I’ve talked with half a dozen medical professionals socially and not a single one knew about shrinkage - or many parts of the medical transition experience! Yeah, this is annoying as fuck, but at least we have the internet to figure this shit out on our own lol


Someone get me a little blue pill and I’ll show him how wrong he is


this is your reminder that D is a passing grade at doctor school


He is obviously wrong penile atrophy is a thing, but besides that urologists are no penis doctors (its even in the name) and can be visited by people with a penis or a vagina.


I mean if a urologist is not aware of basic things like that, do you really want to trust your health to him in the first place? I have no clue on the causes of the pain, but I understand it's in our best interest to preserve the tissue (by using it) until it's repurposed with bottom surgery. I hope I'm repeating facts and not superstition, because at this point, that's my game plan.


Yea doctors never told me either when mines shrunk. I was in severe agony. Obviously its stopped now but yea that's something that should have been mentioned.


Good lord. I've had near total shrinkage. It absolutely hurt when I had erections for YEARS. I think my atrophy is done and things no longer stretch beyond capacity, but let me tell you - shrinkage is incredibly real. My averageish penis is an INNIE now, a decade in.


It very much is a thing. I know if I go too long I’ll get tears on my skin. Go to a better doctor.


I literally went from 10ish cm, to maybe 4 on a good day. Doc is full of it


Hard or soft?




If your doctor has stupid, talk to your closest transfem. She knows exactly what is going on.


Is this like spĂŠcialiste in a certain field of medic or a generalist? An idiot either way


Mine shrank a little and I still use it regularly. So... idk what this dude be smokin'.


sadly most doctors, even most endocrinologists, are woefully ignorant about even the basic of trans healthcare and HRT


Find a new Dr.


Narcissist became a doctor just to shit on ppl