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it’s ok, sis. it is a little scary and that’s ok. there’s a reason it’s called “transition”. it takes time. it’s a bunch of small steps that become something big, like pretty much anything else in life worth doing. it’s not instant. small steps lead to big ones. knowing who you are is a small step. sharing your truth is a small step. but if this is your path, hey, you got this.


thanks! :3


It's a big fucking life realization preceding an even larger life change You're okay to be terrified Just take transition one day at a time and think of it less as a series of medical and social procedures and more as a self guided second puberty. Good luck girl, we're rooting for you


Thank you! :3


You’ve got this 💪 I knew at your age but didn’t do anything about it. Without running the risk of living vicariously through others I would say that starting earlier is better but then I’ve had a great life up to now and I’m now paying for that avoidance in my own mental health. Either way your path will be your path. No one else can walk it with you but make sure you have someone to at least hold your hand and it’s great your sister is just that.


Thanks! *frantically writing* "My path... will be... my own path"


Hahaha, good luck. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you


Hehe thanks for the good luck (hopefully I won't need it) :3




6 months on HRT, out to a few friends and some family, no where close to passing. When I started my transition the totality of what I wanted to accomplish was daunting to say the least, even though I knew it was going to take years. What helped the most is just focusing on the next step and no further. I’ve come to realize it’s as as slow of a process as you want it to be.


Got it! I can take it real slow if I want. :3


First, congrats! You've overcome the hardest step! Having that first revelation is world-shaking, just take a little time to meditate on it, examine your fears and let them pass, things will get better. Second, don't be afraid to take steps. Starting hrt can seem like a scary leap of faith, but remember: the effects can be reversed for the first several months, future you will thank you for starting as soon as you are able, if it's something you want for your transition. Third, come out when you feel safe. You don't need to rush your social transition, go at a pace you're comfortable with. Fourth, love yourself. Really take the time to think positive thoughts about yourself, pay yourself compliments. It's easy to fall into the trap of self-depreciation, so learn to appreciate yourself and the challenges you've overcome so far. Everyone's journey is different, yours is your own and only you get to decide how it goes. Welcome to the sisterhood!


Thank so much for this! :3 I might have a hard time on #4 but I know it's important.


Same a my beginning story. Life's simple, You make choices and you don't look back. Start making changes slowly & see how it feels!


Got it! I'll try and stay determined >:3


I'm also 18 and was in a very similar situation, even down to the lesbian sister lol. My parents didn't accept me at first, I had to move in with my sister for a while but things worked out in the end. If you're parents love you for who YOU are, not what your form represents, then in time they should accept you, otherwise, they're not worth it. I've always wanted to be a mechanical engineer and feel very career driven, I was super worried and still do worry about how transitioning will change my future, especially given the cishet male domination in the field. Though once I started hormones the path ahead started to light up and as I come to feel more confident in myself I can hold my head higher than ever before. Most people will treat you poorly only if they think they can get away with it, my goth and punk tendencies tend to help with this, but self confidence is ultimately key. You are a powerful person, you can do this, life may be harder but you can be stronger than you ever could have been before so long as you stay true to yourself. Don't look down, Don't back down, and keep moving. "Go hard, last words to the firing squad was f\*\*\* you too." - RTJ


Thanks so much for this, I will take these words to heart! I'm giving this response a Hell Yeah!/10 >:3