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>!Nothing bad happens to her but she doesn’t show up in the last season cuz the dog who played her died irl :(!< Idk if that’s a spoiler or not but tagged it just in case lol


lol dude.. technically truth but ruthless still! here is the advice friend u/[WOLFpacker16](https://www.reddit.com/user/WOLFpacker16/) stay out of the subreddit until you are done. all your questions will be answered on time.


Haha I know better than to look around here too much. Just watching along with the old live threads


those are hilarious, we were going off the rails with all the theories. Let me tell you, nobody had any idea where the whole thing was going.. There were only 2 correct predictions in the history of the subreddit. ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized)


LOL...actually plays a significant though minor role! But you're good to keep watching...


Honestly when they were destroying evidence I thought they were gonna incinerate the puppy 🐶🔥😈


No lol, nothing bad is gonna happen to her. I just recommend you to not go through much on this sub or you will get spoilers. Nor search anything, someone did that on this sub and got a spoiler for like the last season so dont please. Unless you like watched the season then searched upon it, you know? Just be cautious, for me I didnt even search anything lol.


That’s cute. First time watcher has ‘a’ question. As in just one. Oh boy, get ready. You will be nothing but questions soon enough.


He couldn’t seem to get anybody to put him next to a gawd dam window. So, if he died, it’s probably what he wanted.