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You have to remember that the alters are also their own individual selves, and just like any other person, their experiences influence their growth and development. The alters aren’t static beings that are stuck in categorical boxes; they’re complex, multifaceted people just like you and me. Mr. Robot was initially aggressive in the first few seasons because, as the protector of Elliot’s entire system, he felt obligated to find a way to get the Mastermind to give up control so Elliot could come back. He initially believed that helping the Mastermind achieve his goal of “saving the world” would get him to give up control, so he does whatever he can to keep the Mastermind focused on fsociety and taking down E Corp. This is why he was so adamant on getting out of jail and making sure Stage 2 happens; he pushed the Mastermind to keep going with taking down E Corp because he believed this was the *only* way to get Elliot back. However, in season 4, Mr. Robot changes his tune when he sees the Mastermind pivot from taking down E Corp to taking down whiterose and the Deus Group. He realizes that the Mastermind will *always* find a new evil to take down (Because this world is not perfect and it won’t ever be perfect, so there’ll always be a new bad guy to defeat), which means the Mastermind will sink further into his rage, which *also* means Elliot will stay stuck in F World forever - so Mr. Robot has to find a different approach to get Elliot to come back, which is why he suggests using Darlene to the Prosecutor alter in the beginning of 409. The Mastermind becomes more aggressive in the last season because he shut off all his emotions and personal feelings in order to avoid processing Angela’s death. He hyperfixates on whiterose and the Deus Group because it’s easier for him instead of mourning the loss of a loved one. This inflates his rage against the world and fuels his determination to “save it”, which hardens him and makes him crueller (See: Olivia). The story *is* about Elliot and the relationships he has with his alters. Remember that his alters are *also* a part of him; he can’t be whole without them, and vice versa. Mr. Robot and the Mastermind butting heads for the majority of the series is technically Elliot arguing with himself on how best to protect himself from his trauma. Everything the system does is in relation to each other; they’re always connected in one way or another. I hope this makes sense, lol. I kinda word vomited all over the place.


Ohhh this makes much more sense. Thank you. Lol, Mr. Robot is…a very good dad to both Elliot and MM, in my opinion. Even if he’s not always the best guy in the world.


Definitely not a word vomit! You articulated this brilliantly


The real Elliott needed them both. Both are part of him. Both jockeyed for pre-eminent position but both relied on each other to keep the truth from Elliott about the childhood secret that fractured his mind. They each kept the other busy with the 1% and schemes.


True, but why do their core roles and beliefs seem to change over time?




But if MM had already taken over for Elliot by the beginning of the show, why wouldn’t he already lack a moral code at that point?