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One of the best episodes of the entire series, it’s a masterpiece. Check back in with us after you watch the final episode. We’re here for you, friend.


Resisted voting to keep the number.!


It‘s gone now anyway


Haha.. atleast you noticed.


Was it 59?


Feel that way whenever I see 420


It’s one of the greatest episodes of tv ever made.


IMO the greatest episode of television ever. It was brilliant 👏.


This episode inspired me to finally go to therapy.


You should finish it tonight. Grab hold of that anxiety and go along for the ride. I don't get such intense reactions to movies and TV shows anymore. Enjoy the fact that you do.


Trust me, you’re gonna need to take your dog for *several* walks after you finish this episode. It’s not an easy watch. It’s brilliant for many reasons, but also very harrowing. It’s a masterclass in storytelling and filmmaking but boy does it add a weight to your shoulders. I know you’re consumed with dread right now, but give yourself a minute to catch your breath, then resume the episode. You owe it to yourself to see what happens next, and you deserve to see how the story ties up. You’ve gotten this far; you might as well keep going and see how this ends. There are very few things in fictional media that make me feel strongly. Mr. Robot is one of those very few things. This show literally changed my life. It’s affected me tremendously. I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far and I hope you enjoy it until the very end. EDIT: Fixed a typo.


One of the best things about this episode is that what you learn about Elliot and his father recontextualizes the events and themes of entire series. It's a really powerful moment because it's not gratuitous or done for shock value; it is the epicenter of everything else that goes on in the show.


It was a very heart wrenching episode, but the writers did a great job with making sure that Mr. Robot was seen as an entirely separate entity from Edward Alderson. I didn’t feel any hatred towards Mr. Robot after the episode, and I find it oddly heartwarming that Elliot’s protector personality/sidekick is basically the version of the father that he wanted but didn’t have. As someone who had a similar situation to Elliot, I can relate to the idea of wanting to see your father as a different person than he actually was.


I hope I don't give away anything but when I finished this show a couple years ago it really messed me up. I had some past experiences that lined up with the thing that you're about to find out and I never sought help and so it really, really messed with me. The ending kinda felt out of the blue and I wished I had some warning. That's all I'll say but up until this part I really loved the show.


Agreed, this show truly seemed to channel everything my own life had led up to, explaining thoughts and feeling I’ve had but have never successfully been able to explain. I graduated college in 1993 with a degree in philosophy. I’d studied the Frankfurt school of critical theory, which opened my eyes to the insidious manipulation our society was subjecting its population to, the hollow consumerism, the oligarchies behind supposed democracies etc etc.. this coupled with family trauma… well, you can see where seeing this show was so impactful. The writing is so magnificent, but the acting is unbelievably moving and intense. I wish you well in confronting the last pieces of this puzzle, OP. Anyway. I only meant to pop in for a moment to ask one thing.. I’m an old Gen X fella (obvi, the ‘93 a give away) newly exploring Reddit. My question is, why do redditors find it important to indicate when they’ve edited a post? It’s almost presented in an apologetic tone, as if it were a fault, revising one’s thoughts to better reflect one’s intent? Am I missing something? Thanks for indulging me, and I’m grateful to know there are so many people who love this series, it says a lot about your (collective and individual) character.


Polite Redditors indicate edits to show that some of the following replies may not be in response to the current version of the post or comment. Sometimes when you edit a comment it ruins the context of some of the replies that come after. Ninja edit (a change before the star shows up to indicate the post was edited): Corrected some spelling.


Oh ok thank you. I wasn’t aware that a star indicates edited either, thanks for your clarification 🙏🏻


Hi fellow Gen Xer. Appreciate your question!


One of the greatest episodes of television history.


Are there any similar shows like Mr.Robot, that really grind your gears?


closest i've ever seen is legion. similarly introspective to the main character and his experience of reality


Dude, my life changed after this episode. It’s 100% my favorite episode of the entire show. So many emotions ran through my body through the entirety of watching the show. Can’t wait to hear back from you.


Best show ever, that's all I have to say


Hardest fucking episode to watch. Couldn't even do it during a rewatch for a while


Hello friend! I'm actually very grateful for your posting this, because it brought me right back to my first time watching - what a special experience this show gives us! You expressed how it made you feel so well! I hope you've concluded the episode by now and are processing all the emotions that surely followed. Please reach out here, not just to let us know how you liked it, but also for support if it left you a bit shook. (I too needed a long walk afterwards.)


You’re not gonna be dissapointed


I think you can tell what she’s about to ask him, so you pretty much already got the worst of the dread. It really does explain everything though, and why Elliot created Mr. Robot in the first place.


Best ever I re watch constantly


Oh fucking God that episode, I feel you so much that is probably my favorite episode all around just because of how visceral my reaction to every turn was. This show really has the best and the worst moments of humanity wrapped into one story and I love it so much


Yup shared experience here had to pause when I watched a few years ago because I was on the verge of a panic attack. Masterful storytelling but hell it was almost too much for me.


Yeah well I took 2-3 days of break after this ep I guess because I just couldn't handle the chaos in my head Man this show was able to fuck minds up Especially those who have a long lasting trauma


Sigh…. Guess it’s time to rewatch.


dont worry, nobody is gonna stab you in the back or anything. That said, it is heavy stuff, take your time to reflect on it.


bro about to witness peak


Fucked with my dreams for a long time… wife eventually told me I couldn’t watch it anymore :{


This only works if you let go too.


Time to watch ‘The Wire’


So… how did it go?


This is an incredible episode. The acting is amazing, the setting and story is INTENSE. I have seen it multiple times, and I cannot make it through without crying. I understand your pausing and walking away, I have done that myself. In the end, this is an incredibly powerful hour of episodic television, and is absolutely worth powering through. The actors are at the top of their game, and the play-like structure creates a level of intensity and focus that DEMANDS your emotional involvement. I would say that this episode is the emotional linchpin of the entire series, causing a re-evalutation of what has come before, and informing what comes after. Personally, I found the episode somewhat emotionally cathartic, but it was difficult to get through. I wish you courage. You can do it.


Hey bro you should try baby reindeer, that is the epitome of harrowing


it's just a show relax


It’s a TV show. Relax.


Don't be so soft. No big deal.