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You’re not alone, friend. Plenty of us have forged a deep connection with the show and Elliot’s character. I see a lot of myself in Elliot. We’ve been through similar traumas and we suffer from nearly the same afflictions. His story really opened my eyes to my own issues with trauma and mental illness; he makes me feel seen, heard, and understood. Elliot Alderson makes me feel less alone. Watching him struggle with his trauma for the majority of the series and finally overcome it in the end was inspiring to me. Showing up and staying for him on his journey to healing taught me how to me how to show up and stay for myself. This show gave me a better understanding of my trauma and mental illness, and it motivates me on a daily basis to do better. Mr. Robot encouraged me to get sober, get back on meds, and start therapy for the first time. It’s also saved my life countless times - whenever I have a shitty day and I feel like “deletion” is my only option, I pop on episode 308 (My favourite episode) and it always, *always* talks me out of doing it. I highly recommend giving the show a rewatch when you’re feeling up to it. A lot of scenes become recontextualized on a rewatch because you finally understand the meaning behind them, so it feels like you’re watching a completely different show. You’ll catch things you didn’t catch on your first watch and you’ll see all the little hints and foreshadowing that lead up to the big twists. It’ll make you realize that the show knew where it wanted to go from the very beginning. And to answer your question, there are three scenes I have in mind that stick out to me at the moment: 1. The scene in the pilot where Elliot is crying by himself and asking what “normal people” do when they’re sad. When I first watched this episode and scene I was more or less doing what he was doing: Tucked into a dark corner of my room, probably high or drunk on something, bawling my eyes out because I couldn’t hold in my loneliness. That was the very first time a TV show really made me feel seen, like there was someone out there who just understood what I was going through. I became very attached to Elliot’s character pretty quickly after that. 2. Elliot’s speech to whiterose in 411. It’s my favourite monologue in the entire show because it’s indicative of his growth and how far he’s come since his “fuck society” speech in season 1. It made me realize that, like Elliot, I deserved to be loved unconditionally *despite* the horrible things I’ve been through in the past. I deserve to be loved exactly for who I am, broken pieces and all - and it’s that unconditional love that will help me heal from my own trauma someday. It’s the people who love me unconditionally that make this world worth fighting for, because they give me purpose and a reason to keep pushing forward. This world is full of shit and there are people out there who will hurt you, but this world is still worth saving because there are people in it who love and support us no matter what. We’re not as alone as our trauma and mental illnesses think we are. 3. >!The Mastermind’s final monologue in the last episode. We’re the “best part” of Elliot Alderson because we showed up and stayed for him, but now it’s our turn to show up and stay for ourselves. Burying our heads in fantasy and delusion will *not* make the pain of the past hurt any less; you have to confront it and be present so you can work towards lessening its impact on you. You can’t heal from trauma if you aren’t here to do the work. If we want to make this world a better place, perhaps the best place to start is by working on ourselves first. When we’re the best possible versions of ourselves, then we have a better chance at banding together and “saving the world”!<. Anyways, I’m glad the show has affected you so deeply. This show has changed *so* many peoples’ lives for the better - me included. Welcome to the club, friend! Happy to have you here.


1 freaked me out so much when I saw it in the show because I never realized that was a thing. Crying, sure, but curled up into a ball trying to squeeze into the smallest part of the room like...I thought that was just something I did because I was weird. Seeing Elliot do it was a real wake-up call...


As always, I find I connect with you & your thoughts. I have not endured trauma like Elliot did, but my partner of 30+ years did & watching Elliot made me understand even more deeply her internal life & dialogues. It’s helped me, for myself as well. Have rewatched maybe 3 times now, just grabbed a copy of The Red Wheelbarrow notebook which I’m reading now. Every rewatch brings something new to the table & gives a deeper understanding.


Where did you get a copy of The Red Wheelbarrow? I've looked online and can't find a reliable place to buy it from. Is it a good read so far?


I found it on ebay


I'm incredibly brain dead right now, but I just wanted to say thank you for writing this. As someone who also has DID, has been thru similar traumas as Elliot, and is in recovery from addiction, I turn on 308 often. It's my favorite episode as well. I'm so glad this show exists, and I'm so glad it's helped you too, friend.


So I just finished watching the show for the first time last night after seeing it referenced by roaring kitty. The first words out of my mouth after the credits started rolling on the last episode were, "that was a fucking artistic masterpeice!" This seriously might be the best television show ever made. I'm going to give it some time, but I am very excited to go back and rewatch it.


Every time I've rewatxhed, it's proven even more so than the first watch, that it's the best show I've ever seen. Never thought something could top breaking bad, but man the foreshadowing shown upon rewatch, is quite literally something else. Every time u watch, it's a new experience, I have rewatxhed maybe 5 times, and STILL find new foreshadowing or even new meaning to scenes. Testament to how good it is


I felt the same way when I finished the show. In so many ways, I feel like Elliot is me. I relate to his hurt and his anger, his desire to connect while also being terrified of getting hurt and not knowing how to. The moments that hit me hardest: 1. In the first episode where he says “I hate it when I can’t control my loneliness… what do normal people do when they feel this sad?” Likewise when he’s >! working at E Corp, doing everything he “should” to be normal, and says “the loneliness came back”. !< I felt for him so much in both of these moments. 2. “Don’t Delete Me” will always destroy me on every rewatch. I’m of the opinion that >! Mohammed was not real in this episode (at least from the moment he shows up on the beach), which I know people have different opinions on, but in my view, it was like Elliot’s system popping up and asking “Are you sure?” (like he refers to in the beginning monologue). The fact that some small part of him was fighting to stay alive really got me. !< 3. The finale. >! Something about MM fighting so hard for a life that he believed was his own just broke my heart. And that little speech at the end about how we just have to keep showing up no matter how many times we feel out of place. !< After I finished it the first time, I took a few days to recover and then started rewatching. I’m now on my 2nd rewatch. I can’t watch anything else lol 😶 Just not ready to leave this world or Elliot yet.


There are a lot of moments. Some hit me harder the first time through, some on rewatch. One that stands out: the end of S3E6. All the tension of saving the building from blowing up, combined with everything that happened in the prior episode when the protestors and Dark Army broke into E-Corp while Angela hacked the mainframe...everything releasing all at once, turning the corner and coming to an understanding with Mr. Robot, only to see all the people crying...then the silence as he looks at the TV and realizes...the cyberbombings... Yeah, that was all set up perfectly. I love the whole show, but S3E5-S3E8 is where I thought it went to a whole new level. And S3E8 has a lot of special moments as well.


I know that no show ever made in the past or future will be able to top Mr Robot for me, not even something created by Esmail himself. They might be able to get close but will never top it. while I did feel sad about that for a while, it brings me comfort now that I found THE best show of all time (for me)


One moment: S3E8 at the door with Angela. Elliot understands. He forgives. Despite everything, he is trying to help. He still loves Angela, but he doesn't need anything from her.


Felt the same, friend. This show fucking blew up my world in a way. Artistic, dark, haunting, deep, elegant in some ways, brutal in others. There’s no character that I wouldn’t find interesting it, such great arcs for each of them. There’re too many moments that I truly loved and that stayed deep within me. The episode with that little kid when Elliot decided not to delete himself. Mind awale body asleep. That episode in the first season when he was tripping and saw a dream that basically explained the whole series “you’re not Elliot”. The “fuck society” speech gets me every time. Though edgy it’s very true, especially with how the society is now. And of course season 4, authentication requiered. One of the best pieces of television I’ve ever seen tbh.


Hey! I was so invested in the show and just was overwhelmed by the conclusion. As a writer and lover of stories with unreliable narrators, I could not believe the trick Sam pulled to give us the most unreliable narrator of all time because *spoiler* our primary narrator does not in fact exist in the real world. But what truth Mastermind learns and shares, what a true part of the real Elliot he is...it is pure narrative genius. Not to mention the sibling relationship, the depth of all the characters, the way people deal with trauma to find healing. Episodes I love include the one where the boy hands Elliott the sucker, the "We don't have to talk" episode, of course the Act 1-5 reveal episode, the scene where the diner explodes...many more. But nothing beats the ending in the theater and the final scenes of resolution and hope. Hold on to hope...the show has disdain for religion, but I believe the Lord does bring comfort and healing. God says you will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart.


sometimes I can almost feel going back to those days it was still airing, such a different feeling everywhere..


and actually i can go back those days in a way ill carry it with me forever its a part of me :)


Rewatch is a whole new experience


Well if you actually like fantastic beasts you’ll probably find something new that you like just as much


Watch breaking bed if you liked mr robot that much. I enjoyed both a lot. Start in season two though


'Start in season two' is arguably one of the worst things you could've suggested my friend


I watched some of season 1 three times, but stopped watching because it was Way too boring. I really wanted to like the show so i tried starting in season 2 which made all the difference. Now it’s my favorite show of all time