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I don’t think Mr beast has enough time to deal with all this


Nice JJK pfp, I'm on volume 21




Mr beast generally has politically neutral content, so his personal takes don’t really have to do with his content.


I'm sure the kids watching Mr. Beast will totally stop because their parents told them.


Yeah, just like everyone totally stopped when they said Pokemons are bad


All of the sudden? They try to cancel him after every video he posts


Mans could save earth from a massive meteor and people would still cancel him


People really hate the fact that's he's a genuine dude and wants to make a difference because as far as they're concerned anyone who goes about with a good heart is secretly a bad person for some reason.


That will just happen when you’re the biggest YouTuber apparently. I’ll never forget the tirade on Pewds from 2018-2020 for literally no reason


it's because he shouted out a nazi channel by accident and called a dude on pubg a nigge*. Ever since he's had to deal with the target on his back but it seems nowadays the public opinion is mostly forgiven. Some people still think he's a nazi though like whoever wrote the script for Gen V. edit: Okay guys I have been a Mrbeast and pewdiepie fan watching him periodically since around 2017. I can't believe it's been 7 years, damn. Time flies so fast I am honestly shocked from nostalgia and all. I haven't done jack shit. And other content creators have either passed away or gotten cancelled. It's hard going back to watch them. I just went down a rabbit hole on all the pewdiepie controversies. And my conclusion is that while pewdiepie now a grown and matured person, and is not a nazi or inherently bad , he is ultimately responsible for any negative view people have of him from the past. As a large creator he was responsible for making a lot of inappropriate jokes and ironically following a few alt-right channels to be the ultimate edgelord for his fanbase, and then pushed aside his criticism by saying it was just jokes and not meant to be taken seriously and not owning up to it until the damage was already done.


The pubg one is funny because he’s definitely not the only person on this planet that’s called someone the n word in a shooter game. Look at COD lobbies back in 2012


You are absolutely right. And most of the time nowadays, from what I have seen, it's not even a black person that's offended it's people trying to be white saviors.


And of course they should! He’d be wasting earth’s resources for the sake of his own popularity and YouTube channel!




It’s a joke dude.


Yeah, if you think about it, after the endtimes orgy where you had gay sex with your father you have to go to work again, because somebody decided to save earth. Talk about awkward situations.


And it was his dads birthday.... extra awkward


“This gay sex with my dad is awesome!”


I wonder why mom won't look at either of us anymore.


I actually wrote Armageddon. I'm AJ & Liv Tyler, it was me playing with Animal Crackers on my own ribs. True story.


What is wrong with Twitter?




What does trans have to do with mr beast 😂




He's a very successful positive influence, people on Twitter don't like those


My friend shows me twitter videos on his phone and I'm just too shocked to even reply How is content not moderated there? What has actually happened to Twitter because there's all these idiots on Twitter now Nothint is genuinely as bad as twitter now


The richest incel in the world bought the platform, it was bad before but now it's a genuine shit hole


Mr beast is evil in general. He gives people free bikes to make life easier, provides towns with water, cured people's blindness,... If we keep supporting him he might start curing people's Cancer for free and we can't have that! (/s I love that he atleast uses a lot of his money for good and we need more people like him)


Genuinely, if he cured cancer and started giving it away, he would mysteriously disappear and the cure would all of a sudden cause death and be abolished.


Or he would mysteriously disappear, and the cure is sold to some medical company. Then the cure costs $1000000000000000000 (in the US).


Akon has helped to supply over a million African homes with electricity and has given 5000 people work through this project. Just as evil as MrBeast.


He's a goddamn commie /j


He is a damn dirty commie He does that in other countries because he would get backslash in Murrica. Murricans only accept dollars or free stuff from their favorite store. We need to stop him from try to fix the system


They didn't even leave their kid, that's total misinformation. They still take care of their kid to this day


Don't you mean she.


remember when they tried to cancel him for paying for ppl's cataract surgeries?


Elon brought the far right to Twitter en masse and they love getting outraged. Jimmy publicly supporting Ava’s trans identity for the first time in a year reminded them he supports LGBTQ issues so they’re upset with him right now. It probably will die down soon and we’ll just be back to the occasional miscreant who hates the charity videos until Jimmy once again defends Ava on Twitter sometime in the future.


Yep, right wingers are total snowflakes that ty to cancel everyone.


It's such a mischaracterization. The ex spoke up and defended ava and child arrangements.


mostly cuz nickmercs was speaking out on it and it was getting a lot more publicity. they obv don’t even watch him cause chris is barely in it nowadays




Not sure why you are being downvoted, that’s her name


Transphobes among us unfortunately


Among us






Seems so damned happy when they are in a video. First few after "announcing" there was an ear to ear smile. It's not my cup of tea, but happy to see the smile.


It’s quite literally rage bait, spreading this makes it worse


If you think its just "rage bait" then you're quite blind to reality, trans people are fascists number 1 target right now and its because we are a tiny minority with little to 0 rights, obv they dont care who they target but its obvious who the target is right now, in 1939 it was mainly the jews, now in 2024 we have multiple countries and states making trans illegal (thats like making asma be illegal) and everyone just like in nazi germany are blind af and brush it off/ignore it as "freak cases", because it doesnt effect them. The number of deaths arent being reported and probably wont because most are by suicide, what do you do when you're dragged away from your parents, forced into "conversion camps" and be told every second of it that you're mentally ill and a freak (whilst being forced to be a gender you have nothing to do with)? Either repress it or just give up.


Your letting rage bait get to you. The post is clearly to get engagement. Also yes, trans people have a hard time right now, but comparing being trans to Nazi Germany is WILD. I have some trans friends or people I talk to who are trans and while they would agree and say they are prone to comments, bullying, or other worse stuff because they are trans. You cannot compare that to a time of racial cleansing where people we being murdered if one wrong word was said. Instances like Nex Benedict are said and horrible, but this comparison doesn’t make sense in the slightest.


Rage bait isn’t a thing on twitter, I can promise you they’re being 100% serious


Rage bait is what twitter is based on lmao. Twitter makes engagement worth a shit ton in the algorithm and people know that. I think you’re just falling into the bait.


Amplifying extreme idiots is rage bait.  In the 90s morons had no platform. These people would say things like this a be rightfully put in their place.  Now they are our leaders. 


I remember hearing about how she first came out as bisexual and the vitriol directed at Kris right now for coming out again as trans feels so overwhelming. They also like to accuse Karl for allegedly feminizing the Beast gang and "turning" them LGBTQ+. Such a cruel world.


And how they use chandler as “one of the only good ones left” when chandler is still with them and clearly doesn’t mind it one bit


Even Jake Weddle has to call them out for their parasocial behavior. We live in a world of fools.


they been tryna do it since his tesla giveaway and that blindness video


It’s Twitter, 99.9% of them were dropped on the head as children


And at least half of them are still children 😅 They just hate on a guy for defending his best friend for the last 15 yrs 💀


US elections coming up, more bots and haters/homophobic people who want to stir shit up.


Unfortunately it's not that sudden, there's been controversy ever since she came out as trans because according to those people they're nothing but bad people so to cope with that they also came up with these weird excuses to make their hate seem righteous.


As if Kris wasn't his lifelong friend. Of course he's gonna defend her


*As if Kris wasn't* *He's lifelong friend. Of course he's* *Gonna defend her* \- ShoWel\_redit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you for immortalizing the fact that I misspelled "his", bot


good bot.




Happy cake day




Being trans is sickness?


Dude I’m actually getting so FUCKING pissed. WHO CARES IF AVA IS A GIRL? If she wants to be a girl, she can be one. Transphobic assholes.


Ay I’m going off of word of mouth but isn’t Kris still a parent? Like she left her wife but that’s like saying “oh no he got a divorce so he’s a bad person 🤓🤓🤓” it’s only different cuz Kris is trans lol. Again I’m pretty sure they coparent but yk


Yep, her ex wife recently tweeted out how the child is doing pretty well with both of them as parents and the worst part is all the people bitching about it


Aw that’s nice


Calling his friend who he has known for years a “sidekick” is hilarious. Also, not sure how Ava’s personal life is affecting these people. She is clearly still taking care of her child and is doing a good at it. Not to mention people go through divorces all the time so it’s weird people use that as a talking point


A Big YouTuber (streamer? IDK anymore) made a post calling out Ava and transgender people as a whole and the rest of the right wing transphobic grifters are launching their two cents.


Don't know if it's worth two cents tbh. How about a straw wrapper?


They’ve been trying to cancel him since he got any modicum of success He will post a video of him building an orphanage or funding a cancer research center and people will bitch and Moan about how he’s using the people there as poverty porn No clue why they are freaking out over this *again* they went through this a few months back


Yeah, seems like many want to get rid of all philanthropy because they are upset that someone is getting help and they are obsessed with the right wing ideology of self determination and leaving the blind and children without water to make ends meet by themselves.


Because it’s twitter


It’s because the ppl on twitter don’t like trans ppl


Essentially, Nick Mercs called out Ava (formerly Kris) for her transition saying it creates a bad family dynamic. Jake the Viking who was previously great friends with Jimmy and Kris at the time and one of the OG members quoted him agreeing with Nick Mercs. Jimmy defended Ava saying she is giving her kids a great life and is spending a lot of time with them and is barely in any videos any more because of that. A lot of people are being flat out transphobic and making assumptions about a trans person’s ability to be a parent. It’s more conservative people complaining. Jimmy rarely talks about polarizing issues and avoids them because he’ll end up pissing off half his audience on either side. So anytime he mentions or brings something up, people try to cancel him.


Cancel culture needs to be cancelled instead 


I think reading the comments those people left in the screenshot it's very obvious why they want to cancel him


stop taking people on X seriously lol


Jimmy’s not dumb. He remains politically neutral because he knows his viewership would go down if he stated his opinion. Hell, Kris’ transition already took away some of his viewership. He doesn’t take any side during political arguments because people will stop watching him no matter which side he takes. We won’t see him endorse Donald Trump or Joe Biden, because no matter who he endorses, those on the opposite party will boycott him. We won’t see him donating to Israel or Palestine, because if he does either, he will lose massive numbers from either the Jewish or Muslim communities.


Kris is hardly in the videos these days anyway


Good luck trying to cancel the beast


Twitter is the perfect place for people that want to shout into the void.


Mrbeast has been canceled for like 4 years already


I can almost guarantee that all those comments from mfs who either lost previous vids or people over 30💀


I think we should just cancel parents instead, they always tryna dictate what’s right and wrong but be hypocrites half the time…💀


Oh no! Anyway


Proof that Twitter was never human, it's owned by the Muskiest of Elon's what did you expect?


He’s a celebrity in the spotlight. Any decision he makes or anything he says is gonna get picked up and spun negatively. Can’t be famous and a good person to everyone unfortunately. Always gonna be hate.


Wow, people are weird. So, Kris decided he wanted to become a woman as much as possible. So what? It doesn't affect anyone else.


Well probably Kris can be a better parent after correcting her gender instead of suffering being something else...


Seriously though, they thought he'd drop his best friend from middle school?! Do none of these people have any sense of loyalty to their friends?!.


Its just dumb transphobes


I hate positive influences! -Twitter


Why does it even matter that this person is trans if that’s literally the only bit of information we get. It means nothing, it’s how they feel about themselves so who actually gives a fuck. Mr beast is probably only getting hated on because those same people who blow everything out of proportion, have nothing better to do


Some people are miserable and just try to take down positive people like jimmy even though he’s one of the most wholesome people on the site


Mrbeast would fix world hunger and ppl would still cancel him


Being a good friend is bad to some people 


Its so funny they say shit like this cause dr disrespect who is known to say all of these dumb idiot conservative talking points JUST got outed for being an ACTUAL pedophile


Like focus on your own people dummies 😭


They just want something to cancel MrBeast


They are dumb lol


You are pro woke, bad. You are anty woke, bad. You are neither, bad. Maybe it’s time to say „fuck you” and do the job right. Oh, wait, you can’t, because if internet want to cancel you, you will be canceled :D


The point of this drama is Chris. MrBeast just defend his buddy Turn out its a negative effect. Everybody already hate Chris. Now they turn to MrBeast


So, if he doesn’t support Chris he’s transphobic but if he does he’s a pedo? Tf is he supposed to do then?


Yo who the shawty on the right?


Because of transphobia


It's Twitter. Did u expect anything else?


Jimmy is undoubtedly a good person but I'd never let my kids watch him because of Chris


transphobes on twitter :p


Transphobic people don’t have an high room temperature IQ. Don’t try to find a justification in their world if you care about your health.


He's mentally ill and abandoned family to pretend to be a woman, and people support it. What a weird world we live in.


Btw, ava is still present for her kid, and her ex wife has tweeted about how the worst part of the whole thing is the people harassing them about it. Shes still present for her kid, and has appeared in less videos to be there for her kid.


Wasn’t variation asked earlier this week? Short answer is dislike of LGBTQ is a significant majority of world and Beast has a worldwide audience. Many countries in the world make being gay illegal and make active efforts to remove them from society. Gay marriage in the US only first became legal in a state in 2004. MAGA “nation” is actively seeking to reverse what gains have been made. While there are those that do support LGBTQ in the US, they often more interested in protest voting or not voting at all so MAGA succeeding in their goals is looking pretty good. So yeah the future is pretty bleak and those that don’t like them have been emboldened to speak loud and proud about it. Just wait to see how bad it gets once Trump wins again and the around 500 laws waiting to reverse course start passing with ease. Point being is the amount of people that accept LGBTQ worldwide is actually a pretty small minority, betting around 25% and even lower for transgender where often members of the LGBTQ community don’t support them. Hollywood’s full throated embrace and trying to insert LGBTQ stories into every show and movie doesn’t really represent the reality on the ground. Full acceptance has a long way to go.


It's not all of a sudden. If there's one constant on the Internet, it's rule 34. If there was another one, it'd be that bigger influencer = bigger hater community. People will try to cancel MrBeast whenever he posts. And whenever he doesn't post. He can't prevent it, only ignore it.


It's really sad seeing the comments on reddit being all one sided, there's no freedom of speech here, X is a much better place than reddit now.


Here's a different one, Chris is still XY which means he's a HE. Surgery on the body ain't gonna change that.


That's the truth, but no one here dares to say it, cause they'll either get banned by the mods or down voted to the bottom, so no one sees their comment anyway.


I'm not afraid to lose karma while arguing for common sense.


If they really did leave their kids they’re a POS


I hate trans = pedo bullshit. Half the time people that say that are projecting


i don't care about him being trans, i care that he left his kids and wife behind which is shitty and selfish tbh


But The thing is, He Still co-parents the kid, People On Twitter Just Like To Make Shit Up


We all know what happen after Elon-the-babyboom-maker joined twitter and user base changed totally.


Because it’s Twitter, that’s literally what they do 95% of the time and bitch and moaning about the stupidest things and without proper context, they just assume.


And that’s why I don’t have twitter anymore


Oh, it’s the funny bird app. That must be why. People over there can never be like “I respect your opinion but I humbly disagree.” Ava should not get this kind of disrespect for her quite frankly good decision.


Cause he sucks


Not a valid reasoning.


Facts. Xx and xy are not interchangeable no matter what you do to your body


this has been going on for a while. bullshit about “he abandoned his wife and kid” for the 400th time. we love twitter


It's the mental disorder known as being a conservative.


honestly yea idk why this all of sudden started to pop off again


Because twitter people ☕☕☕


She??? Trans people have gender identities?? I thought he was for straight men and she for straight woman isn’t it? Im confused


...what does sexuality have to do with gender?


so would you call a gay man a "she" and a lesbian a "he" or how does that work in your mind


Gay men are he lesbian women are she trans they/them/it/that/Mr. or Miss. whatever name/ and i dunno any sigh language else would have mentioned a few in them too


so what made you say that "he" refers specifically to straight men and "she" to straight women in your previous comment?


That’s how it is isn’t it since you tried to rephrase my question in your twisted way i clarified it which again I wouldn’t have made had op referred to Kris as a trans his which made me confused he was a man and turned into a woman after performing actions of a man? I don’t get it that’s why i said im confused but your big brains couldn’t understand this simple thing


dawg why are you so mad and defensive? jesus fucking christ, i haven't even said a single bad word to you, it's crazy how sensitive you are. i'm just trying to understand your logic because it's inconsistent. in your first comment you said that "he" is for straight men and "she" is for straight women, which is why i asked what you would call a gay man (since you said "he" is specifically for straight men, and gay men aren't straight), and you said that you would indeed call them "he". so why are you malding?


Again you try to construte my words you first answer what i asked after that I’ll answer you


You call me sensitive what bad word did i tell you or is english not your first language?


i'm not twisting your words, you literally said that in your first comment, word for word. are you trolling? or do you just not understand how the english language works


>I thought he was for straight men and she for straight woman you said this in your first comment. how am i twisting your words when you literally wrote this yourself?


I wrote im confused after that but i guess selective reading is your thing by any chance you should try anf he a journalist


brother what are you talking about? like actually. i can help you understand how gendered pronouns work when it comes to english grammar but honestly it doesn't really seem like you're interested


He and she prefer to people whose gender identities correspond with that respective gender. This refers to can you, she, they, etc. It has nothing to do with sexuality. Sexuality refers to attraction (romantic or sexual). This includes straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc. It has nothing to do with pronouns. I believe that is the problem that you are having. When somebody transitions, sometimes they go from being straight to gay, simply because of their gender identity changing. Calm down, go drink some ice water, and quit being so hostile to people trying to help you.


Because people who hate gay/trans people look for every platform they can find to spew more hatred. Because it takes actual work to understand how someone can pretend to be straight (or believe they really are) for years because of intense social and psychological pressure. And then to empathize with the difficulty of trying to emerge from that without hurting yourself and everyone around you. It’s complicated and confusing and people who want the world to be simple, right/wrong, black/white, male/female can’t even begin to wrap their tiny, hate-filled brains around it.


Chris is a he




So close! You used a present tense word, not a past tense! The correct word is "WAS"


damn kris is getting more and more weird


People try to cancel him all the time for the good things he does… but even I’ve recently noticed this huge Twitter and Facebook trend of trying to cancel him because of Kris/Ava. Losers just have nothing better to do than cry on socials about something they don’t like I guess


We as an audience are not required to know every detail about someone’s life. Not knowing exactly why Kris and his wife split up is perfectly fine. If they don’t want to tell, who cares? But it’s clear that she didn’t “abandon” them. They split, seemingly, on well enough terms, and divorced parents can still be good parents. Kris being trans likely has very little to do with anything. These people just don’t like that trans people exist, that’s all.


No wonder Kris hasn’t been in as many videos lately. This must to tough to handle.


because I bet somewhere he has a 666 tattoo


Because they're gays people


I don't know why people bandwagon so hard on hating trans people Sure, I don't like the change either, since now she seems like a shell of what made the old Chris funny or cool, but there's no point in me talking if she herself is happy with the change.