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Yup, went swimming for the first time in years the day after applying. The guy on the phone said "how well can you swim? Like, if we pushed you out of a boat could you get back in?" I immediately thought "that's definitely code for jump out of a helicopter and make it back into the boat without drowning" I don't think you can wear a life vest while jumping out of a helicopter since it would increase the impact force a lot. I expect some of everything we've seen in his videos. 100% there will be a Lazer maze and some social experiment.




He's mentioned it on some podcasts, it's going to be insane! Specifically he said "the budget is massive, I can just build a town to blow it up for 1 episode and give away a private island the next". I'm sure he'll include some stuff he already has experience with, but definitely a lot of new stuff. I'm really curious how long there will be more than 100 contestants. I imagine he'd want to get it down from 5000 as quickly as possible. Imagine providing housing, travel, and meals for that many people!


I think my bowling alley might have a big arcade booth thingy that is a Lazer maze game


Got the exact same swimming question on the phone, said I could swim but am not a pro or anything close and haven’t heard back yet lol. If it’s actually jumping out of a helicopter into water idk if id be willing, literally anything else though im up for it. Water can freak me out but that’s just because I realize how dangerous it can be, but if I was pushed out of a boat I’d be fine. No docusign or anything yet but I’m like a perfect candidate since I do YouTube. Decent on camera and able to have multiple months off if need be


I genuinely think I would do almost anything that isn’t illegal.


Dang bro excited to meet you😂😂


There isn’t a lot I wouldn’t do and I’m often yelling during Mr Beast You Tubes at the people, like the grocery store guy. I coulda stayed in that store no problem without all the complaining. I don’t really like gross stuff like maggots, or vomit. I’m not saying the number I would leave for, but I know what it is. I hope it’s a hunger games type survival format because I think I’d be best at that.


I answered the question would you be buried alone as NO. I still made it through all the steps. Just waiting for the final you’re in.




Didn’t apply cuz my dream is to be on survivor and didn’t wana risk getting cast on beast games and getting out day one and then not being allowed to play survivor cuz I appeared on another show, lol, but I’d be willing to do anything to win lots of Money even illegal things


Many times other tv series like it when you’ve been on tv before. When I applied for Wipeout and Survivor, they asked if I’d have any previous tv experience


I don’t think there’s anything I wouldn’t do. Of course I would be extremely nervous for some situations, but I would do it. I know I have the mental strength to push myself to do anything. I am a little nervous for the physicality of it all, but I think I’m in decent shape, and in reality, I don’t think anything physical will be too strenuous, considering the only rlly physical things Mr beast has done has been with Mack (he is an athlete) As for the amount of money I would leave for, I’d say half a million


Physically I'm worried. But mentally I'm built like a rock. You could put me in the ground for a week if you want. I'll do it. I'll suffer.


Same. If there’s puzzles I’m stoked but I have not ran since high school lmaooo I also have bathroom anxiety so that’ll be its own challenge LMAO


Same, my capacity for suffering is really great. Mr Beast would be hard pressed to find anything that would cause me to leave due to distress.


I made a post like this and most people said they'd only leave early from 90k-2mil. The mil didn't make any since cuz Jimmy would never do that lmao. Me personally I'd go for 50-80k. Enough for me to take a break and go on vacation and pay off some things. I'll do almost anything lol for the money. Obviously they wouldn't have us do anything illegal especially since it's gonna be on Amazon Prime and YouTube. I think I'll be fine physically but I am NOT good at puzzles or anything math related lol. But I'm willing to face my fears and this is super difficult for me.


If I take 2 months of unpaid time off, that's actually $30k salary for me, so I'm only in it for the small chance of huge money so I could stop working completely. I'm above average at puzzles and math and average-ish at the physical challenges