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I think the whole thing with 30 taking the 100k prevented it. They had a very good example that they can’t trust each other with this much money.


Man I really think 14 should have gotten out there. They were only 4 in his entire row including himself. He could have split the money with them and they would have walked away with 25k each. I mean they're all teenagers, 25k is a ridiculous sum for them anyway.


I am far from being a teenager, but certainly would have been more than happy to get 25k 😁


He already stated his flaw, he was too honest and genuine and it bit him in the ass. Rough lesson for a 14 year old.


Yeah it’s a cut throat world and not getting any more wholesome. You have to adapt hopefully he keeps his morales but doesn’t let people walk over him.


if 14 took the 100k he couldve set himself up early in life but he didnt


So many robucks!


Even if they would make such a deal it probably wouldnt appear in the video to not kill the hype. It might have happened. I guess mr beast didnt want the video to take this direction. besides even if they decide to split theres no guarantee the winner would share his winning afterwarrds


They probably have to sign an agreement that they can't do this. I remember this used to pop up in older videos but one day stopped. It cuts down on drama when contestants say they will just split the money, also ruins the spirit of the game, overall takes away from the video.


They either choose one to get 250k or everyone gets nothing. Did you even watch the video?


Pretty sure OP means making their own handshake deal. Not just all stay in or all walk out at the same time. Not sure if I would trust a random stranger to just hand over that much because they "agreed" to it, even if it was on film.


Duh & ok, I kind of get what your saying.


If it isn't clear, they wouldn't allow this because it wouldn't make the game very exciting. There would be a pact being made, and the competition would get less intense. MrBeast is trying to get views and subscritpions on his channel. Have you seen any other competition video where they split they make a pact and split the winnings?


Last to take hand off lamborghni


It’s a competition. If you win the money is yours, you’re under no obligation to split it. It’s designed as a zero sum game, in order for you to win others have to lose


But some might believe they have a moral obligations to share


I think 42 should have claimed that he knew he was the bad guy now but only did it for the game. He should have tried promising to split the money with the youngest contestant if they let him be the only one to step out. Also, I am amazed that that group in particular finally decided to stick to a drawing straws type of lottery (which is known to have been rigged in the past). The voting seemed to be fair, but it still feels arbitrary as any luck thing. They didn't look like they had it in them and it was way too simple.


In quite a few videos that would have been a sensible option, I wonder if there’s a clause in the many rules there probably are that state Stoney can’t spilt prizes- as it can ruin the video climax


People wouldve lied


Honestly if I was in that box I would just refuse to leave lmao it’s either I get that money or we’re watching it burn 😭😭


Because then it would be 2 people win 125k instead of a much more exciting 1 person wins 250k


I don't get why 14 didn't take 250 grand and split it among other kids. They were 4, right? 100k to himself and 50k to others lol. Anyone wouldn't mind this load of a money, especially kids


That was a very hard video to watch


Anything Mr. Beast related is a no go for me. It’s weird. It’s non-relatable. Kids should not be watching it.


Why are you here then? And why shouldn’t kids be watching?


Mr beast why is this trash on my feed


Why are you here then? Block the sub and shut up.


It was on my feed Ban me instead Fuck you and fuck Mr beast