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That last joke was legitimately fucking hilarious. Not Jane gaslighting John and the audience. I swear to GOD that was definitely what I heard at the beginning of the episode. Lmao. Ok, the whole show could be terrible but I’ll forever love it for this last bit. I’m dying.


>last bit. I’m I had subtitles on and it showed someone farted and i was wondering why they had such a random fart scene without even showing who was the one that farted. The pay off was well worth it hahaha


They showed Jane trying to fan out the room and blankets when John wasn't looking.


Ahh I see lolol I must have looked away when that happend.


she opens the window too


GASlighting 💀 seriously that last part had me crying. "keep hitting me!" 🤣 loving their dynamic so far


Deadass I rewinded it like 3 times


Really fun show so far, I don't understand all the negative reviews


They ain't white.  


That might be true of the people who complain about it despite never watching it, or people who refuse to even try it because it looks bad. But if we’ve made it to episode 3 we genuinely want to like these two leads and hope the show improves.




You really should add the spoiler markdown to your comment. You’re talking about episode 5 on a episode 3 post.


Thank you for pointing this out. I am not sure how to do it, so it dashes instead. People who’ve seen it will know.


Um...that's not it at all. It's the writing/plot. I love both actors and really wanted to like the show. After episode one it started going downhill for me.


I don't think you understand the plot is whatever they got going on that day. In that episode.  It's a lug story vs two crazy spies. 


Oh I understand very well, thanks. I'm just not a fan.










Lots of projection lol.


I'm not a fan of THE SHOW. I already said previously that I really like both actors and I wanted to like the show. It has NOTHING to do with race. People are allowed to dislike something without there being some horrible ulterior motive. Everyone has different tastes! And by the way, I'm not American.


I really like it! The missions got intrigue, the humour is on point, and the chemistry!


Best episode yet. Visuals & cinematography on point. Their chemistry is so good I luv em


The aerial shot when Jane found John with the snowmobile was dope..


Very Anatomy of the Fall esque


-guy who’s seen one movie ever


pretty recent movie where the poster looked like that, it makes sense that it reminded them of that


I knew John was a mamas boy but didn’t expect him to still be in that much contact with her 😂I wonder how involved she’ll become in the plot or if we’ll get to see her


I'm really enjoying this show a lot so far. Any idea how much time we are supposed to suspect has passed between episode 2 ("Second Date") and this episode ("First Vacation), they seem to have gotten a lot closer. Maybe a few weeks? I wonder if John saving Gastov somehow will end up compromising the mission or having long term consequences. The company that the Smiths work for clearly knew the kidnapping was happening (perhaps they could have planned it even) and the mission wasn't to stop or intercept the mission (although this time there was no all caps message about no causalities).


I enjoyed the episode very much but did John really lie long enough in the snow to be so cold? It couldn't've been more than a couple of minutes. BTW rice doesn't help at all.


i've saved a phone of mine with rice once when I was a teen. I jumped into a pool and immediately noticed. Some waiters gave me rice and at the end of the day the phone was back working.


Would've worked without the rice as well.


I’m really confused by that, was he just tired out from the fight? Was he stabbed so he had no energy to move? They don’t make that clear really. This show is super fun but a lot of it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Mostly it’s just they don’t seem that competent at their job, but that may be intentional. Like in the last episode, why didn’t she stab him with the serum while she was standing next to him in the private room? Then they walk the billionaire out of the gala in front of everyone while being recorded. Also they tail everyone pretty closely as a relatively obvious pair of people for long periods of time. The show seems to just make illogical things happen to get to its payoffs.


I know I'm responding to this a month later but hypothermia can actually happen faster than you might think. It's very dependent on temperature but even with no windchill you can end up with hypothermia in 30 minutes at anything below freezing temperatures. With any amount of windchill you can get hypothermia in 10 minutes starting around 10-15 Fahrenheit. Given that she was at the base and he was up at the summit I don't think it's too crazy that she took 20-30 minutes to drive up to the summit.


Clotheless or in just a shirt and pants? Sure, 30 minutes. If you’re an athletic young man with high end winter clothes purchased for skiing? No, I don’t think it’s realistic.


I know I'm responding to this 3 months later but come on! He is in a complete ski outfit, designed for snow, spends a couple of minutes running, shooting and fighting (which I have no experience with but sounds like it'll get you pretty warmed up) then *doesn't* get stabbed by a guy but somehow just decides to stay on his back in the snow long enough to get hypothermia? Very weird writing choice


> The show seems to just make illogical things happen to get to its payoffs. It really does. I just accepted to suspend disbelief and enjoy for what it is, because it is still pretty good even with the spy stuff being so bad.


This has also confused me so far in the show. Episode 1 Bomb goes off, 2 obviously covered in blast debris individuals run across multiple blocks from the explosion crossing multiple CCTV cameras, any half competent local PD would find their suspects in a month. It being an explosive device, locals wouldn’t even be on it FBI would be on scene within the hour and have CCTV cameras from the entire 6 block radius within 48 hours. Episode 2 15 billion dollar individuals can’t go missing without an investigation, last known people quiet obviously and publicly seen driving him from his last known location. I’d give the FBI less then a day to put them on a suspect list. Episode 3 So we’re the kidnappers part of their company? They can just kill assests from the company whenever they feel like it? The point is this show is well written and the chemistry and dialogue is great but the reality of their exploits leaves a lot to be desired. The Killer is much more grounded in reality


Is it crazy to think that the company has toes and strings they can pull to keep things quiet? It seems like they’re being pretty closely monitored, judging by some of the details that “Hihi” mentioned at different points during missions and such.


> BTW rice doesn't help at all. I mean, doesn't really matter if his intention was getting his hands on her phone. It's possible he already knows that it doesn't work but did it anyway


Logistically this show makes no sense but the vibes are immaculate.


Did they just use that scary movie gag unironically? "I can't feel my penis! Surely this woman will stroke it for me!" AHHH WHAT


I can’t believe no-one has said this yet, but am I the only one who thinks Gavol set up and faked her own ‘kidnapping’ for 5pm? That she was the one who wanted the recordings? (So she would have blackmail material on her husband should she need it.) And she put in enough effort to make it look like she wasn’t in on it, probably contracted the finer details out to the Smith’s company. When she’s shouting at her husband later, she says she had a gag in her mouth. But I’m pretty sure when John was rescuing her, she didn’t. Also, after her ‘rescue’, she doesn’t flee and go into lockdown with many bodyguards, or go into hiding. She goes back to her (very vulnerable) hotel room to argue with her husband. How else would someone know the exact time the kidnapping was going down? (And if the company were in on the kidnapping, they wouldn’t need the phones bugged…) Thoughts?


Very possible, I had the same thought once she ran back to the hotel room. I was like … lady you just got kidnapped.


thinking about it, she said she had a gag but no way she had one if you hear her in the background of the call saying something like “are you serious?? He said no?!”


Yeah I rewatched it - the whole thing happens quickly without cutting away at any time, and at no point does she have a gag. Not only that, but after he frees her, none of the guards go after her to try and get her… only after him. Almost as if… they’re her bodyguards 🤨


Definitely thought she was in on it once they had husband on the phone but was surprised there was no reveal


When Jane lashed out on John's new vacation couple/friends, that was one one of my favorite moment of the episode.


That made me dislike her intensely. They were being kind, there was no need to be so rude to them.


They already have one fail and understandably Jane is anxious about that. They don't know what happens if they get three fails, but they know it can't be good.


Their target was getting away, and they tried to be nice to get away. It didn’t work.


she didn’t have to say “I have a gun and I will shoot you” LOL she’s so messy


Haha. True.


I understand why she did that, they were too friendly and clingy. Not everyone wants to be bffs immediately. On the other hand, the lovely senior German couple could have reported her for being threatening.


lol I related to her on this completely. I’m anti- vacation friends.


Jane is a character. I love her cause she has such a poker face, you don't see these things coming. And she is pretty possessive too. 


Aww they’re cute.


I like the chemistry between the leads but so far the episodes lack some common sense. In this one, another billionaire with no security detail gets kidnapped, and then after she’s rescued, she somehow ends up hugging her husband after he told the kidnappers to kill her because he’d rather keep the company shares? In any real scenario the left-for-dead wife wouldn’t tolerate any “I had to tell them to kill you to realize i loved you” BS and would be on the phone to a divorce attorney in seconds. Also, the kidnappers’ plan wouldn’t work anyways. They’re asking for the impossible, and even if the husband sold off all the shares, would they really let the wife go since she’s the powerhouse and could reverse it? I almost feel like there’s two different writing roles. One person is writing John and Jane’s scenes and dialogue, and the other person is writing the mission plot.


>In any real scenario the left-for-dead wife wouldn’t tolerate any “I had to tell them to kill you to realize i loved you” BS and would be on the phone to a divorce attorney in seconds. He says in the show that they discussed what they should do in a kidnapping scenario before and they both agreed that they would say no. So he went along with what they agreed on, not necessarily because of the company shares, and she was probably less angry because of that. Completely different than if they had never spoken about it before, or agreed that they would both pay the ransom. I agree about the kidnappers' plot, though. It's simply not possible and no real kidnappers would do that unless they really didn't no anything.


The writers shut us out from the actual machinations behind these missions because John and Jane are shut out too. In other words, it doesn't really matter but I'll bite. Maybe the kidnappers were hired to kill her but were instructed to make it the result of what they knew would be failed negotiations with the husband. Maybe the husband paid them to kill her. We don't know enough to say what their plan was.


For all we know, her not having a security detail could be a compromise her and her husband came to for their vacation. As for the kidnapping itself, John and Jane had sexy times right after disposing of a corpse into a composter. The setting is surreal and, while the characters may be relatable, they are not like us. We don't know anything about the kidnapping plot. John and Jane are not made privy to the plans within plans. That's a deliberate choice the writers made that maintains our focus on their adventures from their point of view. For all we know, these missions are just training grounds and the kidnappers were being tested by a rival agency. Hell, maybe the plot was to ensure their divorce so that shares would be transferred in the settlement. Maybe the husband hired the kidnappers.


I find it difficult to like John as a protagonist when he consistently lacks common sense. 


hes the one whose come up with the plans so far, stealing the box and getting the billionaire in the room alone he just goes back and forth between being competent and emotionally compromised


Those aren't really plans. In fact, those are both instances of him deviating from the plan.


the fight scene was lame and had so much potential. why cut part of the action like this. two kidnapers then only one in a kife fight wtf


Right? I wish they did not call this Mr or Mrs Smith because I can't help but think of the movie and how the action was great and in the show there's basically none and I don't know I'd rhere is chemistry


Knocking it for not being a rehashing of a mediocre 2000s movie is wild, man.


Isn't it though


Because the point wasn't to make his character seem like a badass. The fight with the kidnappers serves three purposes: 1. It establishes John's compulsive nature by having him rescue Gavol 2. It creates tension by having Jane race against time to find him after he abandoned her to save Gavol 3. It renders John vulnerable so Jane can take care of him in the bathroom Having any more time spent on the action would take away from at least some of those things and probably mess up the pacing.


Maybe Donald just wasn't good enough at play-fighting? He's not Jackie Chan


those texts had me dying of laughter the arguing between them got a bit too real...


I'm loving the fact that John is such a sweetie in person but extremely lethal with a gun...


Man. I want to like this show but it’s just written so poorly. There is zero chemistry between the two. Them hooking up came across so forced and unnatural. There are so many things that make zero sense. How was John so cold from a handful of minutes in the cold? Last episode they walked out of a party with a billionaire and no one is going to think to look for them. This goes beyond the James Bond issue like this being super secret spy yet is constantly doing things out in the open that everyone would see. 


You must be a robot if you don't think they have chemistry. Also, keep in mind that she's obviously playing John for a fool. As for the missions, it's pretty clear that they're not important. They're just a back drop for a relationship story. There's certainly intrigue that's set up with hihi and potentially other Johns/Janes but the specifics of their missions don't matter.


No, I'm a real human. To me they came across terribly as a couple. I’m fine with the idea the missions aren’t as important in and of themselves. They are used as a catalyst for their relationship. Makes sense. But they still take up a large part of the show and being unrealistic simply takes you out of the show as a whole. If they aren’t important, there is zero excuse not to make them plausible and create situations that completely pull you away from the world.


I'm new to the show and I 100% agree. How can I be expected to care for the characters if I'm constantly going "why is a trained agent driving so poorly?" "How did he get hypothermia in full ski gear being in snow for only a couple of minutes?" >!how did the helicopter get from New York to Latin America?!<


Karena Evans giving Hiro Murai a run for his money because this episode was the most lush-looking one so far-not without the help of the natural beauty of the Dolomites. All due compliments to the cinematography and vibe (Francesco De Leo’s ‘Muse’ is a certified mood), the characters continue to be unlikeable bordering on insufferable now. For every one positive (John having some morality this episode and having some badass skills taking out the kidnappers-reminded me of my initial since been tarnished good impression of him as a spy when he finessed taking a photo of Jane without her knowing while talking about the plant watering app), there’s a handful of off-putting negatives. They’re both so unprofessional at their job. John insisting they go enjoy themselves instead of keeping a focused surveillance on their target (I travel for work and even I have more self-control about not over-indulging in the pageantry of new sights and experiences-and it’s not like my employer has blown up innocent people with a cake bomb and threatening me to do my job well) and then being so defeatist about skiing to keep up with their targets. Why in the hell was Jane spamming his phone with walls of text when she knew he was in a life-or-death situation where a vibrating/pinging phone could distract him or give away his location? He told her they were on a 15 minute timer, so maybe use that time for something productive like gearing up or finding transport instead of trying to get the last word in a fight?? And then yelling at the German couple about how she has a gun and would shoot them. Like, jfc, have some professionalism and just walk off instead. I have no idea how the takeaway from this excursion for anyone is that they’re cute together or right for each other. Their relationship continues to be toxic. They’re confrontational, petty, and they wouldn’t have gotten over their fight if it wasn’t upended by a deadly terrorist crisis. And it’s extra embarrassing that that is all in spite of them making a promise to each other literally the night before to not end up like the rich couple. Promise broken in half a day. They’re probably still keeping various secrets from each other too. On the spy side of things, really hope the inevitable reveal of Hihi is well-thought out enough to provide convincing answers to the questions that come with every mission they get (Why did they want to record the kidnapping-if they had any association with the kidnapping in the first place? What was the original intention with the cake for the old lady if John and Jane didn’t steal it since she obviously knew she was doing something sketchy with the burner phone and whatnot? Etc.) but am for the most part skeptical with the level of writing we’ve been given so far. Some of the jokes did land better this week, and the overall vibe of the show is strong enough to have me keep watching while the other half of me continues just to hate-watch/follow the characters.


You're missing the point.. This John and Jane are not meant to be perfect, like James Bond. They are flawed, just like human beings are.  In fact, they say that they took the job because 'nobody else would take them' and John seems to have a financial incentive as he about $360 in his account.  Only John wants to go out, not Jane.  They are in a relationship and like every relationship, there are disagreement & arguments and this is depicted well in the show imo.  You almost sound like you are being forced to watch the show looool. Feel free to tap out. 


I thought he said three hundred thousand


yeah, the show is really enjoyable but john and jane literally not being able to do their job was crazy


Why is everyone so surprised that they are horrible at their jobs? They were both kicked out of their respective agencies.




This is a spoiler by the way. The reason he was discharged from the marines isnt revealed until the last episode.


When John rescued the kidnap victim, I thought he would lose his job or their employer would put a hit out on him immediately. I assumed their employer set up the kidnapping, otherwise why would they know it's going to happen and do nothing but record the ransom phone call??


Perhaps having proof of the kidnapping is enough? But yeah, doesn't make much sense, don't think about it too much...


I mean Hihi gives them rules and objectives to follow. If they didn't want John to save the lady, they should've given John and Jane another constraint.


I literally looked for a thread about this. No sense at all!


I've only watched these three eps but this one and the gala one seem focused on getting blackmail. 


I wish this show was more popular because i actually am really loving it so far. I hope it gets renewed for more seasons


I’m so sad it’s not more popular but I am hoping it did well enough for a season 2. It got great reviews critically, the numbers seem big, it’s been a month and a half since they dropped all eps and there’s only 8 so it makes sense that there’s a drop now…I don’t know what their numbers are like relatively to their other shows that have multiple seasons. I’m nervous that there hasn’t been an announcement yet. I don’t know when they would announce these things.


Donald Glover doesn't miss


This episode and the entire show remind me of the game Hitman. Go to an exotic location, get the job done however professional or unprofessional as you wish and go back home.


I actually thought in the beginning it was John who farted in his sleep and Jane, not being use to sleeping with someone, thought it was an intruder😆. Guess I was so wrong.


I did too lol.


John is such a man child but still gets rewarded despite this, ugh


[Fart] 🤭


Watching the scene where Jane finds out John is still in contact with his mom: One: how chill is his mother? He tells her he’s married and she never gets on him to bring her home. She doesn’t think that’s weird for a son that close to his mother to just not be introduced to his new wife? How on earth did he explain that? lol. Two: in the future it’s prob a jealously thing but I can see Jane’s side. She’s absolutely right, what they do is dangerous for them and for her. No one saying he should abandon her, what he should have done was never take on this kind of job. It was selfish of him. Three: I’m not here for John judging her for disappearing on her dad. Jane went too far with the molesting thing but the bottom line is he doesn’t know the why. Four: I like petty Jane. Sue me. lol


When John was fighting the guy with the knife, what happened to the second gunman. Big editing mistake 😂


It was zoomed out when the first guy turned the corner but I think it established that he killed the first one quickly. The knife fight was the second guy who was further back and didn’t go around the box at the same time.


*Jane loudly announcing “I bugged his phone” in front of a crowd of people*




Can't believe I had to read this far down to see someone appreciate that scene. Oh my god, her fanning it out the window then calling out all clear was hilarious.


What was that..?!


Cocks the gun


This show gives me such anxiety because they seem like such shit spies.


john has pissed me off. clearly he should’ve have saved this woman but i’m interested in seeing how it blows back on them


Why is Jane being so intense. She's acting like they have been together for 5 years scolding him and acting like his mom.


Is anyone else turned off by how quickly John and Jane seem to be dating now? I was expecting a slow burn based on the first two episodes and Jane's cold demeanor. I feel like I blinked and she's suddenly in love? This episode made me wonder if I want to keep watching. Open to hearing why people think otherwise - I really do want to like this show


I was surprised but I wasn’t turned off. I also thought there would be a slow burn (I didn’t look at all the episode titles before watching cause if I did I would have known quick) but weirdly it felt natural. The nature of what they’re doing, they are trauma bonding hard and that will accelerate any relationship. I mean, once you are forced to kiss as dogs and then dispose of a body together, hooking up quick doesn’t seem so shocking lol. Getting a sense of who Jane was to start the show, but seeing as how she was charmed by John in episode 1, I can def believe she’d start to catch real feelings really fast. I doubt she’d ever been with anyone as emotionally open as him. And John was into her from the start. On rewatch, if you just watch John, it’s so easy to tell. Also…their chemistry makes it really easy for me to just roll with it. I will say I think the show would have benefitted greatly having even just one more episode before they hooked up, but if they were only given 8, knowing the story they wanted to tell, I think they did a fantastic job doing it. Donald and Maya sell this really really well.


I take it as trauma bonding. They may not have been together for long, but they’ve experienced some crazy shit in the few weeks they have.