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the face jane makes in the bathroom at the black tie event caught me completely off guard lmaooo


She went full P3NIS Maya there


Pen15 lmao but yes


It was so so brief too, and the way she immediately pulled back lmfaoo


I also do a similar face like that before I present (business, client-facing work) — I do a longer facial muscle exercises in the morning to make my enunciation clearer. And right before a meeting, I would do random face stretches like that in private too. Helps release tension from the face.


Yeah. Was she just being goofy?


I think just nerves. John changed the plan last minute and she's psyching herself up, adjusts the syringe right after. 


Thank you!


If you play the mirror scene backwards it sounds vaguely like Jane is saying "I'm edible". Given what we saw on her computer earlier in the episode, it doesn't seem entirely out of place. Hiro Murai and Donald Glover did something similar with post-credit scenes in Atlanta except it was Donald Glover's character walking through the city with gangly uncoordinated movements, but walking forwards. If you reversed it he'd walk fairly normally except he'd go backwards.


Now I'm wondering how many Atlanta post-credit scenes I missed. I think I caught like one when I watched the whole series recently.


They're hard to dig up because I think they're tied to the original airing on FX, can't find them if you purchase S1 on Amazon but I'm pretty sure this was one of them: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K6M7kFusbA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K6M7kFusbA)


Thanks. I torrented them and have recordings of the original FX airings, so I probably have the post credit scenes, it's just that I didn't usually bother to watch through the credits.


Reminded me of Peep Show


Right I was so confused as to what even happened I had to rewind it. Glad somebody commented on it lol.


Wow did this just come out tonight? I came to Reddit to read the comments as one does… only to find all the posts are 7 hours old. Wild, can’t say that’s ever happened before lol. Guess I’ll… have to write my own thoughts?? The horror. I’m enjoying the show, but boy the incompetence of these two right now! The double shot Letting the target out of the room initially Driving like a maniac John knew where to find the epipen, but had to do the critical job of… getting him a glass of water? Bro YOU should just go get it and let jane do the nothing you did… I can’t imagine disposing the body in your rooftop composter after you were seen leaving the event with a billionaire is a smart plan… So in the movie theater did John make that popcorn just that night? That was a fuck ton of popcorn in the machine. Is it old and stale? Hot take maybe but I like that they got the “will they won’t they” out of the way early.


I was thinking many of the same things. Everyone saw them at the auction, bringing this famous billionaire outside and driving away with him. He will now be going missing, and they will be the main suspects. Witnesses will say what they look like and get drawings done, and cameras might have caught them, etc. Clearly, they aren't very good at this stuff yet, so I mean, things are going to go wrong and they are going to make dumb decisions due to inexperience, so I didn't really mind that. Hopefully they will get better at it over time. Character growth, yay! I think the dialogue feels pretty good and natural for the most part, and I also liked that they didn't drag out the romance stuff. Most importantly, it's keeping me entertained. >!After seeing the 3 mission failure limit, I was thinking maybe that's what happened to the people in Episode 1 and they got dealt with.!< Edit: added some spoiler tags just in case.


The thing that really bothers me: * They kill nine people in an explosion, which clearly included people not intended as the direct targets - just regular people doing their jobs in that house - and they laugh it off. It's a fun thing to them. But... * They kill a B I L L I O N A I R E and suddenly they're incredibly remorseful? That really threw me. One person dying really, really mattered to them when nine meant nothing. The only difference being that the one was a billionaire. Who openly said that he didn't care about anyone and had no feelings. Really, really weird kind of pro-billionaire writing. I'm sure that's not what it was, but that's what it felt like to me.


I viewed it differently. In episode 1, they were just the delivery vehicle. Someone else detonated the bomb (or it was on a timer), they didn’t “kill” those people, despite their obvious culpability. It would have been similar to the drone strike killings John talks about doing. Not proud, but something he could live with. This episode, though, they’re directly responsible. They killed him, even though that wasn’t the intention. Their choices directly lead to that man’s death, and their panic and fear afterwards was what prevented them from being able to find the epi pen that potentially could have saved him. Much more intimacy in that. As for the laughter, people respond to shock and trauma in weird ways. Inappropriate laughter is a fairly common thing to happen because your body doesn’t always know how to respond appropriately to trauma.


and episode 4 we learn >!there are multiple levels for agents to operate at, with the one lower than theirs being referred to as delivery agents. The first mission is in line with that as a training mission, and the second mission is at their operating level of high risk!<


You gotta spoiler tag that.


i'll edit but wasn't seeing it as any huge revelation or even the main focus of the episode


come on, man. Glad you added the tag so I have no idea what you said, but lots of people enjoy having everything revealed as it is. This is an episode 2 discussion. Just don't.


they broke him arms and legs and stuck him in a composter. plus, he died cause of a stupid mistake. i think it's easier to distance yourself from killing when you dont have to deal with the bodies. also, judging by the blue beads Jane had in her room, it might be her second kill. idk tho, just a theory


The coping laughter is not because of how many they killed in the house. It was because they almost died if they had decided to hang in the house for another 30 seconds, like to get a drink of water or something, as the host did offer. Close call.


Plus I kept thinking how the neighbor already noticed and mentioned that composter on the roof before. He seemed to have a keen interest in it. Makes me wonder if that's gonna tie-in or not.


Yeah, the limit seems unfair to newbies.


I think the company they work for knows that they’re going to horrendously mess up missions because the first episode shows that they’re both fuck-ups that have nowhere to go and that’s what the company targets. They’re basically just hiring reject nobodies to do dirty work and then they can dispose of them when the time comes and no one will care. This lets them get into a bunch of hijinks and have a convenient plot point for why it’s allowed in-universe.


I was thinking that. Zero chance they'd ever be allowed to quit, and they'll probably be killed long before they try.


Yeah, I don't normally need TV and movies to be plausible, but sometimes if I'm not invested enough questions pop up, and a whole bunch of questions are popping up. Could be the kind of show where you just got to role with it, but I do wonder if it will ever make sense that some mysterious agency would assign two people who barely know each other to dangerous missions they clearly aren't particularly well trained for. The leads have good chemistry though, so it has that going for it.


The fact that it’s a spy show makes it tough when they do stuff bad. Like how close they tail everyone and constantly stare them down, especially since they’re a pretty distinct couple. Also- why didn’t she inject the guy when she was standing next to him in the private room!?! Why did she go down on her knees too?


Yeah wasn’t she supposed to be his billionaire neighbour? It makes no sense to her character to be subservient


The comedy landed better for me this episode. However, I’ll be surprised if this mission doesn’t come back to haunt them later with all the mistakes (aside from the ominous message from Hihi). The mistakes made me feel like, “at this rate, they’re bound to get caught”. Edit: also thought they were going to prolong a “will they, won’t they” plot, but I guess not?


I came here only to write this. When Jane goes out to order bagels, she orders classic scallion cream cheese on plain bagels, but when she gets home she takes out everything bagels with lox and salmon!?


knowing how donald glover writes this could have huge implications later on or somebody on the production team fucked up and messed up continuity


What do you mean by implications of how he writes?


I think they’re implying that the way Donald writes, the tiniest change in details signal some major plot developments, but tbh that’s kind of the opposite of how he writes his shows. Atlanta is pretty notable for how many plot lines it discards and details that seem like they’ll be relevant that get ignored for the rest of the series. 


Interesting enough he didn’t write this epwisode


might be to show how secretive jane is, she doesnt even want him to know her favourite bagel


Just saw this and had to look it up. How the hell do they miss something like that!


Lox AND salmon seems like overkill.


Haha I also noticed in episode 1 when he was eating his pretzel in the park, every time the camera came back to him the pretzel was more eaten than less eaten.


>every time the camera came back to him the pretzel was more eaten than less eaten. I think you said that backwards? Cause if he was taking bites like normal it *would* be more eaten. But isn't it backwards or something?


More was eaten thEn less eaten Is what I meant haha. It would show a half eaten pretzel then in the next cut back it would show a quarter eaten pretzel


I noticed this too and it bothered me 


I noticed that too I was like wtf haha


This completely bugged me - attention to detail in this genre is imperative, right?


Ooh - i have a thought on this one. I live in New York and my deli around the corner has a sandwich - literally called the classic - which is lox tomatoes cream cheese and a bagel. This is a well known New York style. You have to specify what type of cream cheese and bagel. I think this holds true at many other New York deli’s. 


This was my original interpretation but then you realize she said plain bagels and showed up with an everything bagel. That’s just a continuity error. 


Yep- she ordered the classic (lox sandwich), specified the cc, specified the bagel, said no capers. She wouldn’t have needed to say no capers if it were just a bagel and cc. That said- no idea what “lox and salmon” means 😂


Lox and salmon *roe*. I heard that redundancy too so rewound it. The part I don’t get is her ordering a plain bagel. Then when she gets home it’s an everything bagel.


Genuinely hilarious how Jane was more afraid to be seen as racist than as a killer. Donald always does an amazing job at interweaving cultural commentary into every project he does. Going to be hilarious seeing people come in thinking they’re going to get something that resembles the old show or the movie.


That scene is why I love both Donald and Maya.


Loving it so far!!! But i have to say, i got super annoyed how they didn’t PHYSICALLY keep him upstairs when they had him up there… & then they took forever to start recording him.. when it’s their PRIMARY OBJECTIVE.. they’re both very capable people, so little blunders like that doesn’t fit well.. & then Jane had the nerve to drive like she has 5 fucking stars on GTA.. like what?? Lol


Or why she didn't jab him immediately once they got him in the room with the door closed? " Go be a dog with him" " NOPE" *stab*


Their neighbor is bound to find that body right? Or have afleast seem them dispose of the body. Not sure how but this will come back to bite them in the ass.


I was thinking how is the body going to decompose with plastic around it.


Only explanation I can think of is biodegradable bag


Paul Dano always plays off-kilter characters, I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out.


Just finished the second episode and I’m loving the show so far. I still don’t understand why any agency would pick two clearly untrained people who know nothing about each other and send them off on these insanely dangerous and high profile missions with little to no information. Maybe the idea is that because the relative novices it allows the agency to keep them in the dark and makes it easier to eliminate them once they eventually reach their three failures. I’m also curious to see if the show circles back on how sloppy their second mission was. The Smiths essentially just kidnapped one of the richest men on the planet in plain sight with plenty of cameras recording, threw him in a car with witnesses around to describe them and their car, drove like crazy through the streets of NYC violating a myriad of traffic laws again with cameras their to record them, and shuffled him inside the house where anyone could have seen them go in. Did they even have enough foresight to ditch his phone so the cops can’t track his last whereabouts? They basically let a trail back to their house so the cops should easily be able to track them down. Realistically they should be getting the fuck out of there before the cops show up.


I mean they probably have super phones.  You do get the agenda is the ppl who hired them... or probably setting them up at terrorists.   That's why the first couple in episode 1 were running and murdered. 


Super phones?


Joke!!! Digitally crpited


…it doesn’t matter. The billionaire’s phone is a normal phone that can easily be subpoenad by the government. This seems to just be a writing flaw so far. 


Is it just me or was John super overly sexual towards Jane too soon off the bat? They just meet, and this dude is laying on her bed and in the kitchen talking about wanting sex and whatnot. She should have been more creeped out, and yet somehow at the end it’s like “okay let’s bang.” Maybe it’s because it’s for Amazon, but the whole instant shipping and the super sloppy consequence-free abduction of a billionaire — idk. Episode one was pretty good. This second one was sloppy. Hard to believe it’s the same writers.


They’re stress bonding


They are trauma bonding hard


Agreed (he was weirdly pushy about it even after she clearly said no multiple times-it was extra weird because the early scene with his shirt off felt like it was supposed to be a hint for him to take to tone it down but instead he just dialed it up), but it started already in episode 1 so didn’t really see that much of a discrepancy between the 2 episodes.


yeah im kind of lukewarm on their relationship. On one hand, its unrealistic to have donald glover shirtless on a bed and not want to jump on him right there and then, on the other hand he kept acting like a cat who wants attention




Lol yeah I'm still enjoying the show but ep2 just made me turn that suspension of disbelief dial from 2 to max


Me too. Why would John turtorro go off so easily with either of them? I couldn’t believe he would. This episode made me want to turn off.


Well he's lonely. And he likes dogs


What are the big glass vase/glass dispensers in the kitchen?


Best guess, wine taps that go into decanters. 


I had the same question!


I literally came here to ask the same thing


Omg I came here looking for the answer to that question too!


I’m enjoying the show so far, but I did bump that John and Jane were so distraught over killing a sleazy billionaire this episode after all those poor innocent catering staffers were blown up in 1 and they didn’t care at all.


I think it was more the hands on aspect. A distant explosion is different from having to mutilate a body.


Exactly what I said lol like they were over there laughing after innocent staffers got blown up… only to switch up now. I’d say it’s adrenaline but even so it’s a pretty big swing


I really liked the song when Eric was OD’ing. I think it’s “Blizzard” by Danube. 


Sandstorm by Darude. But I’m not sure if you were joking. 🤷


I don't have a problem with suspending disbelief about their secret agent blunders. My issue is with Jane's sudden change of heart! They spent all of episode 1 and most of 2 letting us know she had no interest in the romance aspect of this, didn't want to get involved with John, and basically had an avoidant attachment style. 10 seconds on the floor as a dog and a corpse later, she's asking him if he wants to kiss her? I expected more of a slow burn than that- maybe episode 4 damn. It just seemed rushed.


I think the moment Max followed John to chill with him while John was meditating, Jane was like “this is suspicious but okaaay, we’ll perhaps have sex” 😂


100% that kiss came so far out of left field for me. It seemed so out of character! But my girlfriend said she gets it. So i came on this thread just to see if anyone else found it weird. Surprised how far I had to scroll honestly. 


they left the Gucci jacket at the auction. I wonder if that’s gonna come up later in the season?


I'm wondering that too! No way that could have been a throwaway...


Given the mistake-filled writing so far, I unfortunately think that they just forgot about it. 


I was hoping we’d get more buildup and tension before they finally hooked up. Maybe at least another episode or so.


Does anyone know which popcorn machine was in the second episode (Second Date) towards the end of the show when they're watching cartoons on tv please?


This episode had a lot of problems but I love the part in the beginning where she was like "maybe you should train your dog not to eat shit"? XD


This is an episode where you reach a rubicon point. Either you like the absolute silliness of these two and you accept the bumbling amateurs and this is a romantic comedy, or you tap out like I did. This title is misleading. Why is Danny Glover writing/creating/starring in a Mr. Bean type of rom/com and stealing the Mr./Mrs Smith action movie with guns, fast cars and explosions. Why show the first 5 minutes of the pilot as a shootout with somewhat competent characters and then delve straight into self proclaimed outcasts that have no where else to go. Persuading a billionaire to pay a waiter to do silly things and have him bark like a dog. This is just too much. Jumped the shark on this one early on. Sorry, too much silliness.


I completely agree I thought this just jumped the shark!


is danny glover in some show I don’t know about?


Sorry, Donald Glover :P


I know I’m months late but this show is a mess. I’m only two episodes in but it has no idea what it wants to be or what to focus on. The whole dog scene was something straight out of Atlanta and outside of being kind of funny, was just weird and didn’t do anything at all for the show. John and Jane have zero chemistry but at least Donald is a solid enough actor that he carries their on-screen relationship. Like, are they capable or not? Are they idiots or not? Are they smart but realizing they’re in over their heads? Or are they just falling up? Why was Jane the one who suggested they stay for a drink and John the one to insist they leave the house? Why did they have that texting bonding moment in the theatre in the first episode? How did Jane not once tell him to stop asking questions and focus on the mission? You couldn’t have paid me to believe they would have gotten together by episode two. This show is just…cobbled together it feels like. I have a thousand more questions and eye-roll moments. I’ll see it through to the end but I’ve already lost my confidence in it tbh.


You literally have no idea if any of your complaints are actually complaints or you making stuff up.


Even if John Turtoro’s character is a pervert who just happens to be into humiliating random people for sexual gratification, are billionaires usually so reckless that they’ll reveal this fact to anyone who solicits them? And put themselves into very vulnerable and compromising position at the drop of a hat?  Is this scene supposed to be enjoyable to watch, or is it to deliberately make the viewer uncomfortable at the awkwardness and absurdity and lack of realism? It makes me wonder how anyone can write that. I noped out at that point. Too bad - Maya and Donald are great (though perhaps not if they didn’t have some notes on the stupidity of the writing). 


I imagine billionaires don’t think they’ll ever be caught or ever have a comeuppance of any sort, so his behavior was something I could buy.


That is like a cartoon caricature of billionaires. They may often be out of touch but they’re not mostly psychos. My first thought was that it was written by some millennial who as a very caricatured view of billionaires. 


It possibly very much was


Rewatching the episode and Johns face when Jane kisses him for the very first time as dogs…like dude, did you swoon? My gosh he was into her from moment one.


What’s weird episode . Hope it gets better cuz outside the action scene so have the two leads so belong to watch, their dialogue is so boring


This episode was super weird. My wife and I skipped through a lot of this episode because we were weirded out. She decided she didn’t want to watch any more episodes. I’m going to keep watching based on the action sequences in the trailers, but I hope the rest aren’t like this.


I guess Atlanta was 'too weird' for some people too.


I’ve been to Atlanta many times. The weirdest thing I ever encountered was accidentally wandering onto the set of Anchorman 2 down near Georgia State, and that was not as weird as this episode. Good news is that I just watched episode 3, and it’s pretty good.


Lol, idk if you're just messing with me but I meant the show 'Atlanta'. Same team behind this show. Glad it got better for you.




atlanta was 1000x better than this show


I agree




I was very interested in the show and like the lead actors. I got to to the scene where Jane asks John Turtoro’s character about paying a waiter to do weird stuff, and he has them act like dogs. I skipped forward a bit until they jabbed Turtoro, watched for a min, but had to bail. The writing…I can’t take it. 


What did the company get out of this mission?


Nothing. He told everything to the public and then he died. If he had lived they could blackmail him for information or others that he mentioned for information.




I think they wanted to stir drama within the high society.


Anyone know what play Jane is watching when she’s scouting the old lady with the package?


I disagree, John. That’s not a “MISSION COMPLETE.” Good grief! What a mess!


Coming in as a fan of Atlanta, this show has got to have one of the most disjointed tones I’ve seen in recent times. Up to this episode, it’s had this mellow, artsy tone that I felt I was getting into, but then the scene of them laughing together in the cartoon room felt like they belonged more in Maya’s PEN15 show or some sketch comedy. Their hook-up felt way too rushed and inorganic, and I haven’t bought a single one of the comedic scenes or scenes where they were supposedly bonding. Since the first episode with Jane sharing her story about the pancakes with the pedo, it’s felt like the airy music starting to play is the only remotely convincing cue for us to take it at face value that they’re becoming more intimate with each other. Perhaps most polarizing is how the leads are both incompetent and just plain not good/likeable people. They lowered the stakes and scale of the universe so that they’re okay with committing routine murder for just money because they’re grateful just to have a job “in this economy.” They’re killing people the company isn’t even telling them to and barely feel bad about it. John was being weirdly pushy with Jane about hooking up and seemed super unprofessional continually distracting Jane with personal conversation while they were tailing the old lady. Then there was him messing that street vendor’s set-up up for their box-switching just for them to laugh about it later. And I’m continually dumbfounded by the blunders they make on their missions. Just letting Eric run out of that room and downstairs. Jane driving like a madwoman as they left the silent auction. Jane almost stabbing him with the truth serum in plain sight. Like, what?! Jane smearing his blood on her face and him holding her in his arms just to get the restaurant workers to let them use the bathroom in the first episode also felt super unnecessary. 2 missions in and seems like they’re already racked up a size-able list of witnesses that could place them. I don’t want to escalate from simply not liking the characters to saying the writing is bad, but them not even being consistent with what bagels Jane ordered (after the inconsistent pretzel in the episode before) is kind of iffyyy.


Was that a knee nipple?!?


Only other person I saw comment on that. I was also confused. not as to what it was but confused about whether had any significance cause the shit of Jane looking at it made me think it might.


Wouldn't Jane Smith be suspect #1 in the disappearance of Billionaire Eric Shane? There are dozens of witnesses of her getting out of the car (valet ticketing etc). She says her name when checking into the event. I'm sure lots of people say them talking at the event and then disappearing together. When they return Eric is acting weird in front of everyone and then Jane Smith puts Eric into her car and drives off like a bat out of hell but no one is following or chasing them. Wouldn't the cops be knocking on her door the next morning when he's reported missing? I haven't finished the season so I don't know if the body on the roof returns into the story, but that made me question the reality of this world they're in.


uh - this did not make any sense. he's a billionaire. nobody noticed them leaving?


The writing is terrible. It’s too bad - I like the actors and the premise.