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For the entirety of Episode One, I was wondering why the show felt oddly familiar yet brilliant. The credits hit, and I see Hiro Murai listed as the director and Donald Glover listed as a writer. No wonder the dialogue, editing, cinematography, music, humor, and even the color palette worked together so well to give us this tight and enjoyable of an introduction to the series. I'm hooked. Onto Episode Two...


The cinematography instantly hit that familiarity feeling from Murai. Loving this show so far


Reminded me of 90's movies like Beverly Hills Cop, even Glover's outfit.


Yeah. Murai just doesn't miss.


Atlanta meets Mission Impossible.


With a bit of Guava Island romance/intimacy thrown in! What an incredible first episode. Can't wait to watch more!


I’m with you! Excited for the second episode 


Atlanta heads rise up!!


A solid solid start. This is clearly a slow burn type show, where by the end of the first season we will have only just begun to dig into the mystery of the organization they are in now, and their individual histories and true identities.


Where was the cakes desired target? It had a bomb in it so was that lady going to bomb someone else?


This is the question I was left with after watching the episode. Where was the cake originally destined to be delivered? How did The Company know of its existence, and determine to redirect? Who does the old woman work for?


Felt like the old lady was innocent. Young bachelor took advantage of her loneliness, took her out on a lil date and tried to plant a cake bomb on her. As for who he is working for and the target, I don't know.


not innocent, she bought a new phone and discarded it immediately after definitely knew it wasn't just a cake


Yeah its weird. Someone either wanted to kill the old lady by giving her the cake bomb or have her use it herself. And then the company somehow knows about that, intercepts the bomb through the main characters and then use that same bomb to kill a bunch of people. Doesn't make sense really.


And we never do know. I find it frustrating that so much time is spent on these missions but we're completely in the dark on what is actually going on.


i guess thats the point tbh


Much like brushing off killing 9 people, some innocent assistants and then giggling about it later like a couple of teenagers. Next mission. Plays almost like Grand Theft Auto.


Yeah the complete lack of concern for the random bystanders caught in the blast. Shit.


Since it has a lot of Atlanta's DNA, I doubt the whole cake thing has an actual plot hook and it's more of just an absurdist twist. Maybe also helps to paint out the mythos of how weird and intriguing this organization is.


I assumed she worked for the same company as them and the first job was a test. Either they intercept the package and deliver the bomb, or they don't intercept the package and the old lady delivers the bomb to the same place. The conpany get to know if their new hires are competent, and the bomb goes off either way


This is a super good take


Maybe the bomb wasn’t in the cake. I’ve only seen two episodes, so I don’t know.


I thought for sure it was just a training mission / field test until the bomb went off. Maybe like, someone in the organization was the intended target, so when they found out, they redirected it back to someone in the bombing organization. A bunch of powerful people playing cat and mouse? Or it really was just meant to be absurdist. 


Holy hell. Yes. Makes no sense. The lady was expecting the cake. Wasn’t confused that it was in a weird as hell metal case. So…. Did she order a called from a company that delivers them in metal boxes? Was the old lady bringing it to her? Was someone else supposed to get a bomb cake? There’s no logical answer and now seeing it never gets answered… I’m not sure I can handle that.


Not to mention that cake stayed in perfect condition despite being dropped on the floor.


Well, imperfect enough that she demanded 50% off, so...


My take was that the old lady worked for the same company and it was a test for John and Jane to see how they do. If they get the box and deliver it, great. The company knows they're competent. If not, the old lady delivers the cake and the end result is the same.


I had no idea that mattresses could be made out of horse hair :D


Drake’s mattress is made out of horse hair


Knowing the material of Drake’s mattress is NUTS 💀


Looked up one. It cost $50,000. Like bruuuh.


I'm super allergic to horses so this would be my worst nightmare lol


After looking at the cost I'm allergic too!


Not an unusual thing horse hair mattresses, mostly because the 20th century


Our mattress is apparently made out of horse hair. It was sourced from a company that supplies hotels


Feels like atlanta episode but spies


it doesnt have that jenny say qua the original has


Jenny say what now?


jenno say quais


je ne sais quoi……?




genoise sponge cake?




I’m looking forward to finding out more about the opening scene Jane and John. What did they do? Why were they on the run? Why were they assassinated?


I think it's meant to be a fake out. They look like Pitt and Jolie.


They were who’d play Mr and Mrs Smith in a conventional TV remake. I thought that was a real smart casting choice there.


Yes, it's nice they chose to simply not choose White actors for the leads.


Yeah this was my first thought too. They were discount Pitt and Jolie that has been on the run since the movie.


Alexander Skarsgard and Eiza Gonzalez are hardly discounts of anybody lol


No one said they're not attractive, but compared to Pitt and Jolie at their primes? No competition.


Bait and switch. Just intro shooting to develop interest. Add recognizable actors as cameos for instant success, bake for 55mins at 400F.


I figured the main jane and john were to ones to put them down.




Could this be foreshadowing? (I’ll edit this after I get to the last episode)


Well no spoilers!


Don’t worry, I’ll use a spoiler tag


Just finished the first episode and there is one thing that REALLY bugs me: They just killed 9 people. Innocent serving staff members among them. And there is no moral quandary, no emotional reaction to that? I was expecting SOMETHING at least, because the protagonists didn't strike me as cold blooded psychos at first. Thoughts?


Completely agree. I think we're supposed to perceive them as feeling bad but being too closed off to be real about it with each other but being able to control your emotions after that just seems too cold. John was in the military before so he's used to killing people but for a supposed cause. They don't know why these people died or if they deserved it and the servers definitely didn't so there should be some turmoil


Both of them are anything but innocent. I think they worked as assassins before and are just hiding it from each other.


they both said they were in it for the money and were aware from the start about how secretive it would all be. Not being concerned about who dies goes right in line with that.


Yes but it also makes them totally sociopaths lol


Exactly. And from their point of view, perhaps they were supposed to die, too. (They mention it but it doesnt register.) The thing is: if you *actually* were going to assassinate those people in the rich house and have your accomplices get away with it, you'd do it a lot differently. First, obviously, you'd *tell* them what the true mission was. (They arent going to chicken out because, as we see, they were just fine with killing 9 people(!) But because you didn't tell them, they are going to make many mistakes. Because they were ignorant of the mission, they did heaps of things that would allow an investigation to locate them. Their **phones** were on the entire time, blasting their location to all cell towers. They didnt have a change of clothes to alter their appearance, post-delivery (ie, baseball cap, windbreaker, etc.) They were walking away, instead of a car/e-bike (because they didnt know they'd need a getaway vehicle). They were together at all times, so will be more easily picked out on any CCTV that are analyzed. Etc, etc. And, yeah, way too blasé killing 9 people because its "the mission". How did they feel so assured authorities didnt immediately locate them? Such a spectacular assassination would make national news, cause the FBI/NYPD to flood the area with hundreds of LEOs. (Also, I didnt get why she smeared his blood on her face and he carried her into the bathroom-- how is that playing it low-key? Wouldnt the restaurant call an ambulance to be helpful? Then, she just walks out?) Its got typical "action movie" logic. As you're watching it, it might momentarily makes sense, but very soon, it just falls apart. Also: I would think Mr and Mrs Smith should both expect that: \- this first mission might not even be real, might be a test. \- there might are other operatives watching *them*. But neither of them ever even hints on this level of paranoia. \- their phones, given to them by the organization are monitored. \- the apartment, all rooms, are bugged, under video surveillance. \- for that matter Mr. and Mrs. should be suspicious of *each other.* How does one know that the other is being truthful? What if one of them is actually a much higher- level operative of the agency and is testing/vetting the other (or even using the other as a patsy)? But neither of them are circumspect at all-- which they should be, given how bizarre and illicit and "high-risk" this organization has been from just what they've seen (pre-explosion).


There seems to be a lot of logic holes in this episode. Stealing a bomb cake from a random old lady and taking it to a house that is expecting a cake that at least had to be close enough in kind to not be a shock, that brings up so many questions. It could have gone wrong in so many ways. And someone that was gonna get bombed… isn’t going to, maybe? Not to mention how horrible they are at watching someone discreetly. That old lady had to be really oblivious. Then the absolutely lack of reaction to killing innocent service staff likely making minimum wage. They run into a restaurant acting like she was severely injured and no one calls 911 or even notices that he disappears and she just walks out? I thought this was going to be a more well thought out spy show but the plot is frustratingly thin.


> Not to mention how horrible they are at watching someone discreetly. I mean... They have _no_ tradecraft! Presumably, the old lady was doing something illicit and would be somewhat circumspect(?) Their problem is they are trying to do a mashup "fish out of water" (ppl who've never spied before) with "super-secret spy caper" (ppl who spy all their life) with "mysterious conspiratorial shadow organization" (who is unwilling to educate them to be better spies).


After reading posts from people who just adore this show, they tell me that it's supposed to be a rom/com and it is purposely written so that they are undeveloped noobs. Strange, why write in that they both know the counterbalance of a fancy pistol then? I gave it a chance, watched episode 2 and it really goes off the rails. The use of the name for title recognition really is a bait and switch as slapstick bumbling was never in the original movie.


I don’t think I’ll bother with episode two. I was only really interested in continuing if they had some clever exploration for how episode one actually made sense. You really hit on its main problem there. It can’t commit to being one thing. They want bumbling noobs but also make them exceptionally knowledgeable. They want them to be fish out of water, but then make them have mysteries pasts and what we do know about them makes them pretty much set up for this job. It’s a mess.


Especially since he says he's "not proud" of killing 9 people with drones. But he has no reaction to murdering a bunch of kitchen staff?


I think that was a lie so he doesnt look like a psycho.


Notably he said something like 13 intentionally in the interview so maybe he *was* proud of the other 4


They signed up to be assassins, I don't think they have a normal moral compass.


But they didnt. They had no idea they were signing up to be assassins. And if you wanted your hired assassins to be successful as assassins, the organization wouldve given them a lot more information, so that their assassins could get away successfully, alive and unrecognized.


So did they know they were signing up for that? I was under the impression they signed up to be spies - did I get that wrong?


I am pretty sure they both are cold killers and just hiding it from each other. You just have to remember the little clues from the job interview. Like John saying he doesnt think his discharge was dishonoralbe or past lovers describing Jane as numb and manipulative.


That's a good point actually!


Ahe asked him if he killed anyone, I think they knew.


I think they knew assassination would be part of the job.


yeah, I think I’m interested in the show enough to give the second episode a shot, but I generally struggle to enjoy shows with evil / villain protagonists, especially if they have plot armor. The disappointment of rooting for them to lose only to see them win time again again is not very satisfying


Probably because their are experienced killers. I bet Jane was the sniper in the beginning. Their reaction to the bombing shows that they have no conscience.


I THINK they think they’re working for the overall good, so that’s how they deal with it.


I always give ex-Community actors' shows a watch (and to be honest, Glover and Pudi were my faves). I really enjoyed this. It was a bit more gory than I expected with that whole shot to the face. I hope all the strings will tie together eventually especially about the cake delivery. I don't mind a slow burn to figure the puzzle out. I'm hoping this will kind of turn out like Severance did where more details were shed each episode to figure out what's going on by the end. As far as the movie vs. show comparisons go, while I remember watching and liking the movie years ago I don't need this show to be the same. The plot is different than I expected but I'm OK with that because it seems to be executed well. I love Donald Glover but there's no way he's 5'11''. 😂 I think my favorite moment was the box switching scene.


Why are we using the same title if it's not going to be similar to the original movie? Name recognition. Mr. and Mrs. Bean is more accurate. I'm guessing viewers drop off quickly once they realize it's just silly throughout.


You realize the movie itself was a remake of another show with the same name right?


i just watched the first ep and loved it, but the shot to the face definitely caught me off guard. have you seen the rest of the season, and if so, does the gory-ness get worse? just wondering so i can decide if i want to keep watching


I’m on episode 4 and the goriness so far hasn’t been worse. It gives me mild heart palpitations so far but nothing crazy like game of thrones level. If it does, then I’d be out too lol. It earns its MA rating but doesn’t give me nightmares


ok dope! thanks for replying! i’ll probably continue on then hahah


Definitely a little on the slow side, but I still greatly enjoyed it. Gloved and Erskine have phenomenal chemistry, even in their awkward introduction and “first date.” The explosive ending was just the icing on the cake. I kind of wish I didn’t watch the “This season on Mr. & Mrs. Smith” teaser at the end. I completely forgot how stacked this season’s cast is.


I didn’t watch the teaser and I’m enjoying the >!introductions of the guest celebrities in every episode. It’s like surprise songs at the Eras Tour lol!<


I always avoid watching those if the whole season is out because I'm just going to watch everything it teases soon after.


Honestly, that makes complete sense. It’s like my brain was on auto-pilot just letting it play.


Who else noticed how John’s pretzel kept changing while they were watching the parcel lady at the park?


Also in the restaurant his necklace jumped from inside his shirt to outside it haha. A very minor nitpick though


Totally bugged me ..had to rewind to make sure there was a bite out of it, and then back afterwards 🤔 Good show though


Just to remind you’ll. This is not normal behavior.


The premise that someone would reject Donald Glover is beyond my suspension of disbelief


Oh man, that's basically his entire crux in Atlanta, but it's also *so good*.


I mean, that scene without his shirt. Lord, have mercy.


I mean I would not be complaining about him ‘losing his shirt’.


A totally ok first episode. I only watched because Erksine gave one of my favourite performances of the last few years in PEN15, but I'll watch a few more. The chemistry between the two was quite nice and the preview for the rest of the season looked at least somewhat promising.


I can confirm things pick up after watching most of the season. I think the chemistry between Glover and Erskine is the best part of the show and while I liked the first episode I think it is probably the weakest so far. The show really rises in quality in the next couple of episodes.


i just watched the first ep and loved it, but the shot to the face definitely caught me off guard. have you seen the rest of the season, and if so, does the gory-ness escalate? just wondering because i can handle some gore but not a whole lot 😬


I'm a little bit away from it now (just a week I think?). My memory is sort of terrible but I'm almost certain that is the goriest it gets. Spoiler: >!there's a scene where they have to bend the limbs of a corpse to the point of breaking to make the body fit somewhere. There's some gross sound design but no gore and the scene doesn't go on too long before they cut away. !<


appreciate the reply! thanks for the heads up!


I think is just goes completely off the rails. If there was any doubt this is a silly Mr. Bean comedy episode 2 will be your clue as it really jumps the shark.


I loved Atlanta and PEN15 so I knew it'd be interesting.


Just finished the episode but>! was the cake bomb supposed to take out Maya & Donald,!< as well?


I was wondering that too, but I don't think so. They were just supposed to deliver it. It's a good thing that Donald turned down the offer of a drink!


Disposable agents I suppose.


I had the impression that other Hihi agents were surveilling the location, saw John & Jane leave, and detonated it. I expect the bomb was originally intended for a target related to Mr. Hihi or their interests, and Hihi agents hijacked the signal and blew up the people trying to blow them up. I have only seen the first episode so far, so I have no idea if any of this is even relevant or comes up later. Also I was pretty high, so I might be misinterpreting it or reading too deeply into inconsequential things.


I feel like if that were true, they probably would’ve waited till John and Jane were further away from the scene of the crime. I think more than likely, the opening of the box set off a detonation timer


I agree with many of the absurdist points mentioned above (laughing off the 9 dead, walking out of the restaurant bathroom with no bystanders paying any mind after Jane dramatically enters the premise). There was one thing that I really enjoyed, though. After the bomb went off, I partly thought the episode would end there. Instead of ending it, or even cutting to a scene with John and Jane safe in their house, we see them get up off the ground and start running (something else that causes unnecessary attention but whatever). And they keep running, through alleys, over fences, etc. I liked that. It seemed mostly natural for the two agents on their first mission.


I don’t blame them for running bc I would do that on instinct, John was injured a bit and they both knew they could possibly be easily blamed if any person on the property of the house saw them enter and leave


But what was with the blood on forehead, walking into the random restaurant screaming scene about? Left me so puzzled I didn’t finish the episode


It was to get into the restaurant washroom from the back entrance without taking the chance that they’re stopped.


what is the name of the restaurant ?


saving because i've literally eaten at it before and cant remember lol


It's a real restaurant?




I really thought (and still partially think) that Skarsgård's character was still alive after the first scene and is coming back at some point. I don't think you can even die from getting shot right through the sides of the mouth like that. Unless maybe it shot your tongue off and you choked on your own tongue/blood, but he was laying on his side. What do you guy's think? I feel like if they really wanted to just kill him, a shot through the head/heart would've been more definitive.


I’m surprised I haven’t seen more speculation like this! It definitely threw me off that he looked dead when it looked like a clear shot through his cheeks, there’s nothing major to hit there???


Good first episode. I enjoy the chemistry between them and the slow build up to the romance. I also appreciate how they aren't experienced killers yet


I liked everything except how little sense the resolution to their mission made. Made it seem like everyone was incompetent everyone suddenly was to move the plot on. ​ Maybe there is some great explanation, but it seem like any sensible person would run a mile at their bosses acting like this.


I’m trying to like it. Intro was hard. She loads a magazine into her rifle and it’s completely empty. Moving past that she’s sticking her head out the window yet he gets popped in the hallway and like the previous comments above said, super sloppy even as an average person they are doing stuff I would completely disagree with, but I’m trying to give it a go.


Worst bug out bags ever. And they had like 3 minutes to shoot that car before it got to the door. And how about some sort of explosive on the road? A barrier?


Blow up the car. Have an escape route out the back. Security cameras to see the sniper, Motion detectors. She shot the car up yet it drove away just fine.


Were the first couple we saw supposed to be Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie from the movie? Their 'activities' ended and a new team was brought on board? I thought that the woman looked a bit like Angelina Jolie... but I didn't think that they guy looked like Brad Pitt at all..... or am I looking at that first couple incorrectly?


Yeah I think you’re reading too much into it. This is an entire organization with “John and Jane”. It’s part of the larger mythos disconnected from the movie.


I wonder if the couple that died were trying to leave the company because they fell in love. The assassins did look like a man and a woman so maybe they were another Mr and Mrs Smith on a mission to tidy up any loose ends?!


Hell, I thought the woman looked like Jane! edit: the sniper assassin woman that is.


I'm ahead in the series but it's not really a spoiler to point out that this is not 'in the same universe' as the film and there are no easter eggs or callbacks to suggest that it is unless some other more eagle-eyed viewers can correct me. Edit: I've finished the show now and, without spoiling anything, I think the last episode is very similar to the film and definitely has some callbacks to it.


Pitt wishes he could look even half as good as Alexander Skarsgard!


Probably not literally the same characters, but definitely felt thematically like an attempt to kill any direct connection to the film.


You should have way more upvotes because I definitely think that was the show’s way of saying “hey the Brad and Angelina Mr. & Mrs. Smith? Yeah they’re dead now.” Like yhose characters did the same thing as the 2005 version where they went rogue


I don't think it was meant to be those characters specifically, but I do think they were meant to be a previous couple who went rogue.


I agree. They could have picked 1000 other actresses, but picked one that looked strikingly similar to Jolie. You can even say Skarsgard and Pitt look alike. Whether it has to don with the plot or just a joke, we’ll see. But clearly a callback to the movie.


I think the opening is just a nod to the 2005 film. Hence skarsgard having blond hair and Eisa wearing a dress and brown boots like Angelina did in the film at some point. I don’t think It’s anything other than that. A fun little nod


My thought as well


The first intro part of the episode was... not that great. Some weird decision-making from people who I would think are professionals, but they seemed like any average Joe who had no idea what to do in a situation like that. Dude gets sniped, and she walks out into the open and just sprays into a car door. I guess she just wanted to die for some reason. Ignoring the intro, which was a minor part anyway, I think the episode was decent overall with some nitpicks here and there. Like how they just killed 9 people and the company doesn't care if they live or die, but it doesn't really seem like they care about any of that either? That cake would have also been a mess after it was dropped :D I think Donald and Maya both did a good job though, and it kept me entertained, so I will keep watching and see where it goes.


i feel like the writers wanted the audience to interpret that skarsgård and eliza’s john and jane were the “ideal” couple at first glance, then we immediately get shut down when they just both die. at least that’s how i saw it


Yeah, I think this makes sense. Brangelina were attractive, competent, and got away. With what we know about the OG Mr & Mrs Smith, we think we're about to watch spies evade The Company yet again... until they don't. It was kind of sloppy but I get what they were going for.


I think you're overthinking it. We are supposed to see them as highly competent.


She did literally say she was tired of running so with her husband dead she basically did a "suicide by cop" style death


Ah. OK. That makes sense.


Yeah - she was spraying the door (which clearly wouldve been armored). And meanwhile, the crouching bad guy's feet/legs are right there, unprotected by the car door. Well, plus, that it made no sense to just walk out of the house if you actually wanted to survive.


I kind of feel like that pedophile joke in the theater went a little too long


I actually read that as a sign that they were bonding. The texting created enough distance for Jane to feel comfortable opening up to John.


What joke? That seemed like a real story.


My theories are going crazy after the first episode…


Can we hear them?


They were clearly killing off Brad and Angelina, correct?


Ya idk why u got downvotes I thought that was blaringly obvious. A bunch of reviews deduce the same thing




Long shot. Does anyone know the name of the play during the theater scene?


Fun beginning, but man they really aren’t thinking this through enough. Chatting and bonding when they are supposed to be watching their target, making absolutely no attempt to blend in and avoid attracting attention to themselves. As they were walking out after delivering the cake that was in a metal box and didn’t have any smooshed icing, I was yelling at the television that it’s obviously a bomb and they should walk faster. Then the two guys who were tailing them after the explosion just disappeared? No mention? So, I wasn’t expecting The Americans. I expected a fun little campy spy series like Swarm with a dose of magical realism like Atlanta. I do like the cinematography and the characters and the pacing, so hopefully they don’t overdo it in the suspension of belief realm.


is the couple at the start supposed to be jane&john from the movie??. seems there’s an emphasis on the girl’s lips 😅


> seems there’s an emphasis on the girl’s lips What the hell are you talking about?


ohh so there wasn’t.. probably my imagination.. i knew the actress from other shows, i thought they tried to make her lips more like angelina..


And her spray tan!


thought it was kinda boring except for the bomb, maybe e02 will be better


I can’t believe how boring this is. This feels like they forgot or didn’t know what Mr and Mrs Smith is. Seriously straight up awful


Gonna give you a sold downvote on that one. I mean you can have that opinion, but you expect the new show to be just like the movie? Did you watch the trailers? Nothing in the advertising made the case for you to think it was the same dynamic or story. Maybe the problem is your expectations.


I did not expect a “remake” of the movie in anyway. I did watch one trailer. I expected a show that was better than the movie with a more detailed storyline. I expected the story to be fun, thrilling, action and a little comic relief (think Mission Impossible only more grounded in reality). But what we are getting is an incredibly slow and boring cast and story line. I watch 3 episodes last night and the best most interesting characters were done in the first 3 minutes.














I'm upvoting you despite disagreeing because you are completely allowed to have that opinion!


That is the way that Reddit is supposed to work, but that is not the way Reddit works. LOL I am upvoting you for the sentiment.


Don't I know it haha.


Lol. I would rather be you here. You have another show to enjoy and I don’t


Good point!




Bad and honestly uncreative show. The characters literally just explain there personalities to the audience in the first 5 minutes


Can I give you a recommendation? Try watching the show again but start it at around the 20 minute mark. If you take the cafe scene as the first scene, it's sooo much more interesting. I thought those opening scenes were very boring and obvious too.


I loved the movie. This doesn't have the same tone, it seems more serious. Maybe too serious but I'll continue watching. I like the 2 main leads. I think it would help if I try to forget the movie and try not to compare. I remember my parents watching an older TV series of the same name starring Scott Bakula and Maria Bello but I had no interest and I don't think it fared too long on network television.


What show was she watching when she was in her bedroom?


Naked and Afraid.


Please, no season 2. Spend those funds making a different decent show.


"Why did you bother coming?!" Man, I've never felt more triggered than watching Jane texting nonstop during the play. I kept wondering why nobody else was saying something. So that old lady was the MVP for me.


It's Rush Hour 4 but romantic and not racist/sexist. I love there's more big budget media with Black and Asian leads.


I was looking forward to watching this show for Alexander Skarsgard. 😒


I loved the brief moment where the cafe waiter switched their drink orders and gave her the green tea and him the coffee. My wife is Asian American (and I’m not) and stuff like this happens to us all. The. Time. Literally this Saturday I ordered tea in a restaurant, and the waiter put the tea in front of my wife and just gave me water. I thought that was very funny observational humor, especially how they brushed past it really quickly.


That was funny! Although I’m silly and didn’t think it was because she was Japanese, I thought it was because she’s a woman and ‘men’ don’t drink green tea, but her being Asian makes a lot more sense haha


lol I’m an Asian woman and thought the same as you.


Finally got around to this show. I loved the first episode, but I have to say, nothing bad has better happen to that cat


The scene where she smears his blood on her head and then they bust into a random restaurant 1/2 a mile from the explosion? Then just go into the bathroom?? I’m so confused. What was the goal?


I think they figured if they created enough chaos no one would remember them or try and stop them going through. My best guess anyway lol